John Chapter 01
In the beginning was the spoken Word...the embodiment of concept(s) or idea(s) in a spoken form..., and the Word... and this embodiment... was with... existed to the advantage of... existed with regard to... Yahweh; and the Word... and the embodiment of concepts or ideas in spoken form... was Yahweh.
2) This order of things was in the beginning... This was the order of things when all things originated that pertain to mankind, the host that exists where Yahweh dwells; and all else that exists within the confines of space and time... with regard to Yahweh.
3) All things were made through, and by reason of Him... by reason of the Creator...; and outside of Yahweh nothing was made... nothing was brought into existence... that was caused to exist.
4) In Him... In Yahweh, the Creator... was life... the state of being animate... of being alive... existed...; and the life...and the state of being alive, the life force that came from Yahweh only... was the illumination of men... was what caused men to have life...
5) And the light shines in darkness... the light... the illumination... the state or condition of being truly animate and aware, which exists only within Yahweh's order of things... has touched the order that is found within man, mankind, and the inherent nature of man... this is an order of darkness... of blindness... an order that is blind to the truth of the spiritual nature of life that is "as it ought to be"... this is an order of things that is unaware of the inherent inability within itself of not being able to exist "as it ought to be"... ; and the darkness... and the blindness to the spiritual nature and Order of Yahweh that is within the inherent nature of man and mankind... does not comprehend it... does not understand the truth of Yahweh or His Order; and neither can the inherent nature of man comprehend not existing "as it should be"...
6) There was a man sent from Yahweh, called John.
7) This same man came... existed at this time... appeared in history and was established and recognized... to be a witness; and to testify of the illumination of the Life Force of the Creator, Yahweh, so that all because of his testimony might believe.
8) He... John... Yochanan... was not that Life Force; but he instead, existed to bear witness of that Light.
9) Which is the True Light; and is the Light which illuminates... which causes to be alive... is the Life Force of... every man that comes into the world... the order of things that makes up mankind...
10) He... YHVH... Yah... Yahweh... was in the order of things, and the order of things was made by... because of, on account of... Him, and the order brought into existence by Him did not know... did not perceive, understand, or comprehend... Him.
11) He came... He appeared... to His own... to His own created beings... to man, to mankind... to those that existed within His own Order for all things that exist within His own Creation... and His own... His own created beings... man, mankind... did not receive Him... did not take Him to themselves as a part of themselves...
12) But as many... But however many that there may be of His own creations that exist within His created order... as have received Him... that have taken Him to themselves as a part of themselves... that have willingly joined together with Him... that have purposely become united together with Him and all He IS..., to them did He give power to become the sons of Yahweh. He gave this power to those... to those of mankind... who believe on... who are persuaded in the direction of, or, who place confidence for their lives and eternal existence on... His name... on His Name, and all the implications of the nature, the reputation, the power and authority associated with that name.
13) It is those within mankind who have been given this power by Yahweh who were born... who have come into existence... as a new creation...; not because of blood... sons of Yahweh are not automatically brought into existence because of a DNA strain, or because of having inherited the office or title due to natural genealogical lineage...; nor have they begun to exist as new creations because of the will of the flesh... sons of Yahweh are not caused to exist simply because they have been born through the natural process of fathering and birthing children...; nor have they begun to exist as new creations because of the will of man... sons of Yahweh do not come into existence because of the logic and rationale of the thought processes and willful pursuit of the plans of men...; (the will of the flesh and the will of man are separate concepts) but they exist because of Yahweh... instead of any of those reasons, the sons of Yahweh exist because Yahweh has caused them to be so in accordance with His purposes and Plans for His Creation...
14) And the Word... and the spoken embodiment of the concept(s) or idea(s) of True life according to the Reality that is Yahweh's Order... was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we saw His glory... and we saw His splendor..., we saw the majesty that could only have come from the seed... the genuine descendant... of Yahweh), the genuine majesty that is full of unmerited favor... grace... and truth.
15) John... Yochanan... bore witness of Him, and cried out aloud, saying: This was he of whom I spoke, when I said: He who follows behind me is preferred, by those who know Who and What He IS, in His rightful place or status in front of me: because He existed first in time or place before I did;
16) And we all have received of His abundance... or completeness..., and the reward of favor... and the Gift given to us... because of His loving kindness.
17) Because the law was given through Moses; but favor and truth came through Yahushua the Anointed One.
18) No man has seen Yahweh at any time; but the only Son born of the seed of Yahweh, who is in the bosom of... who exists within the most intimate place for warmth and comfort that comes from... the Father, He has unfolded the teaching... the teaching of Who and What Yahweh Truly IS!...
19) And this is the record of John: When those who were of the ruling religious order of the Jews sent priests and Levites from Yerushalem to ask him: Who are you?
20) And he confessed and did not deny; but confessed: I am not the Anointed One.
21) And they asked Him, Who are you then? Are you Eliyah? And he said, I am not. Are you that prophet? And he answered: No.
22 Then they said to him: Who are You? We ask so that we may give an answer to those that sent us. What do you say of yourself?
23) He said: I am speaking with a loud, strong voice: Make straight the manner in which thoughts, feelings, and decisions are communicated which regard Yahweh, just as the prophet Isaiah had said.
24) And they, which were sent, were of the Pharisees.
25) And they asked him, and said to him: Why do you immerse then, if you are not the Anointed One, nor Eliyah, neither that prophet?
26) John answered them, saying: I immerse and cleanse with water for repentance... so that all who do so in obedience to my words would return to the proper manner of thinking, feeling and taking action in life regarding Yahweh...; but there is one who stands among you whom you do not know... whom you do not recognize the truth of regarding Who and What he is...;
27) It is He, who follows behind me, Who has been... who was... established... firmly set in place... ahead of me... before I was..., whose shoe fastenings I am not worthy to loosen.
28) These things were done in Bethabara on the other side of Yardan, ...The Jordan River... where John... Yochanan... was immersing.
29) The next day, John the Immerser saw Yahushua coming to him, and said: Look upon the Lamb of Yahweh that takes away the sin of the world... the sacrificial Lamb of Yahweh that removes the error of the way of the order of things that does not comprehend Yahweh; and opposes Him...
30) This is He of whom I said: Behind me comes a man who came into existence in place before me.
31) And I did not know Him... I did not know who He would be..., except for the fact that He would be made known to Israel; and it is for this reason that I come Immersing and cleansing with water, so that all who do so would repent... so that they would return to right and proper thinking, feeling, and decision making in regard to Yahweh; and so that they can make progress down the pathway of life that is as it should be according to Yahweh's Order...
*** Note: Without doubt, Yochanan knew Yahushua as his cousin, but did not speak of Him in this familial manner when proclaiming Who and What He IS... For Yochanan recognised the Higher Order and purpose of Yahushua...
32) And John bore record, saying: I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it stayed on Him.
33) And I did not know Him... I did not know who He would be..., but He who sent me to immerse with water, the same one told me: On the one that you see the Spirit descending on, and remaining on, that same man is he who immerses and cleanses with the Ruach HaKodesh...The Most Holy Rational Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Yahweh...
34) And I saw, and I now speak as a witness, that this is the Son of Yahweh.
35) Again the next day, after John stood, and two of his disciples;
36) And looking at Yahshua as He walked, he said: Look at the Lamb of Yahweh!
37) And the two disciples heard him... heard John... speak, and they followed after Yahushua.
38) Then Yahushua turned, and saw them following, and said to them, What are you looking for? They said to Him Rabbi... 4461 rhabbi {hrab-bee'} - the word rabbi is not found in the Old Testament writings anywhere, and the usage is to indicate the meaning of :my master - a title of honor used toward the address of a doctor, teacher, or master to whom someone belongs when speaking directly to them, or, in reference to them in conversations... transliterated from the Hebrew word 7727 rab - which is used to signify someone who is greater, stronger, more abundant, more numerous... someone who is chief or captain and a leader to whom the addressee is paying homage to..., where is your dwelling place?
39) He said to them: Come and find out. They went with Yahushua to find out where He stayed; and remained with Him there for the remainder of the day, because it was about the tenth hour.... about 4 p.m...
40) One of the two men who had heard John say these things that day; and had accompanied Yahushua to where He stayed; and became His disciple, was Andrew, the brother of Simon.
41) One of the first things he did, after he had gone with Yahushua and became His disciple, is find his own brother, Simon; and he then says to him: We have found the Messiah... 3323 Messias {mes-see'-as} - Greek form of the Hebrew word 4899 mashiyach {maw-shee'-akh} - meaning anointed, or, the Anointed One...
42) And he brought Simon to Yahushua. And when Yahushua saw him, He said: You are Simon... 4613 {see'-mone} - "a rock", or, "a stone" in Hebrew..., the son of Yonah; and you will be called Cephas... 2786 Kephas {kay-fas'} - "a stone" in the Aramaic language...
*** Here, we have a record of Yahushua nicknaming someone in Aramaic... a proof that this language was used predominantly above the Hebrew tongue in Galilee; and that Yahushua spoke it fluently. ***
43) The day after these things had taken place, Yahushua travelled into Galilee; and after finding Philip and saying to him: Become my student... my disciple... and follow me... and walk in my footsteps...
44) Now, Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Simon.
45) Philip then finds Nathanael and says to him: We have found him! We have found the One whom Moses did write about in the law... Dt 18..., and whom the prophets wrote about. He is called Yahushua. He is from Nazareth; and He is the son of Yoseph.
46) And Nathanael said to him: Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Philip says to him: Come and find out.
47) Yahushua saw Nathanael coming to him, and said concerning him: Look, an Israelite indeed... 230 alethos {al-ay-thoce'} - truly, most certainly... in whom there is no guile... 1388 dolos {dol'-os} - no baiting so as to lead someone into a trap or place of stumbling - Look! A real, true Israelite, in whom there is no deceptive or devious thinking and decision making; and in whose actions there is no fraud...
48) Nathanael said to him: From where do you know me? Yahshua answered: Before Philip called out to you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.
49) Nathanael answered and said to him: Rabbi... 4461 rhabbi {hrab-bee'} - my Master..., you are the Son of Yahweh. You are the King of Israel... 935 baileus {bas-il-yooce'} - you are the leader, the prince, the lord of the land of Israel...
50) Yahushua answered him and said: You believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than these.
51) And He said to him: Truly, truly, I tell you, from now on you shall see heaven opened, and the angels... 32 aggelos {ang'-el-os} - the messengers of... the envoys who have been sent from... Yahweh rising up and coming down on the Son of man... on Yahushua, the son of mankind...
***A reference to the dream given to Yacob long before he had any sons born to him...
Genesis 28:10-19 10 And Yacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. 11 And he lighted upon... came to... a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took some of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. 12 And he dreamed, and saw a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and he saw the angels of Yahweh ascending and descending on it. 13 And, he saw that Yahweh stood above it, and He said, I am Yahweh the Elohim of Abraham your father, and the Elohim of Isaac: the land whereon you are laying, to you will I give it, and to your seed... descendants...; 14 And your seed... your descendants... shall be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south; and through you and your descendants will all the families of the earth be blessed. 15 And, understand this, I am with you, and I will keep you... and I will preserve, guard and protect you... in all places where you go; and I will bring you again into this land because I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you about. 16 And Jacob awakened out of his sleep, and he said: Truly, Yahweh is in this place; and I did not know. 17 And he was afraid, and said: How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of Elohim, and this is the gate of heaven. 18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had used as his pillow, and he set it up as a pillar; and poured oil upon the top of it. 19 And he called the name of that place Bethel... which means "the house of El"...; but the name of that city was called Luz ... which means "almond tree"... at the first... before Yacob renamed it Bethel...