John Chapter 18
Preface: Yahushua, Son of man, has lifted up His face toward heaven and spoken aloud His requests to His Father and has given voice to the reasoning which has caused His requests to be made on behalf of those whom He has been given charge over; and for those who will follow after them. He has clarified once and for all time the will of the Father as it pertains to His own life and existence; as well as His Father's purpose for those whom He has been intrusted with as He now asks for the continued maintaining and preservation of their state and condition of being a part of Him as they remain in obedience to what He has taught them. So that they, and those who follow, can be perfectly and completely one with each other and with Him, and; being in that state or condition of existence enabling them to be one with the Father.
1) When Yahushua had spoken these things, He left from where He was and travelled to where He crossed over the brook... 5493 cheimarrhos {khi'-mar-hros - a rapidly rushing stream that flows in the wintertime in this area... called Cedron... 2748 {ked-rone'} - a word of Hebrew origin 6939 Kidron {kid-rone'} - dark... turbid... this flow is stirred up and murky because of sediment..., to where there was a certain garden; and He entered into that place along with His disciples.
2) And Iudeas... Judas... Judah... Yahuda - "he shall be praised"..., the man who betrayed Him, also knew of the garden to which He went; because Yahushua met there often with His disciples.
3) Then Judas, after having obtained a band...4686 speira {spi'-rah - a word of Latin origin meaning a cord, rope, or band - indicating a method of binding something together, in this case the word is indicating a band of men, the number of which is not clearly known, taken from among the guards of the temple in Yerushalem... all were Levites who filled the many minor offices of the temple; and kept watch at night... and officers 5257 huperetes {hoop-ay-ret'-ace} - servants... these were subordinate officials who served those of the more official status as members of the Sanhedrin... these were all sent by the command of the chief priests of the temple and those in Yerushalem who were Pharisees; and they all came to the garden as well, with torches and oil lamps and weapons.
4) For this reason, Yahushua, who was aware of everything that was to happen to Him, came out from among the disciples and addressed the band, saying: Who are you looking for?
5) They answered Him: Yahushua, of Nazareth. Yahushua replied to them: I am... 1510 eimi {i-mee'} - I exist... I am here...; and Judas, who had betrayed His whereabouts to the band who had been sent to capture Him, stood on the side of those who were gathered against Him also.
6) As soon as Yahushua said to them: I am...1510 eimi {i-mee'} - I exist... I am here... They began to back up, and fell to the ground.
7) Then, He asked them again: Well... Who are you looking for? And they said: Yahushua of Nazareth.
8) Yahushua answered: I have told you that I am here, so if you are seeking me, then let these others who are here with me go their way.
9) Yahushua said this so that what He had said earlier, as He prayed out loud to His Father in the presence of His disciples, would continue to be fulfilled, for He had said: I have lost none of them that you have intrusted to me.
***Quoted from John 17:12... While I was with them in the world, I kept them... I guarded them and preserved their state or condition of existence... in your name... in that state, or, status of existence that is in one accord with the Order that is a part of Who and What you are that Your name implies... Those whom you have intrusted to me I have kept... I have guarded and maintained their state, or condition...; and none of them is lost... none of them has perished... none of them has been rendered useless... none of them is under the sentence of Your condemnation... except for the son of perdition; and this is so that the scripture... so that the prophetic things which were written of by those who were moved by the Spirit of Yahweh to do so... can be fulfilled.
10) Then, Simon Peter, who was carrying a sword... 3162 machaira {makh'-ahee-rah} - this is either a large knife which is normally used for killing animals and cutting up meat, or, a small sword..., drew it and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut his right ear off. The servant's name was Malchus... 3124 Malchos {mal'-khos} - a word of hebrew origin 4429 Melek {meh'-lek} - which means "king", or, "kingdom"...
11) Then, Yahushua said to Peter: Put your sword... your blade... back in its sheath... 2336 theke {thay'-kay}... The cup... 4221 poterion {pot-ay'-ree-on} - metaphorically - the portion of life experience that has been allotted to me... that my Father has given to me. Will I not drink it?
12) Then, the band, and the leader, and the officials sent by the leaders of the religious of the order of the Jews, took Yahushua captive; and put chains on him;
13) And led Him away to Annas first...;
452 Annas {an'-nas} - "humble" a high priest of the Jews who was elevated to the priesthood by Quirinius, the governor of Syria circa 6 or 7 A.D., but was afterwards deposed by Valerius Gratus, the procurator of Judaea, who replaced him first with Ismael, who was the son of Phabi; and then, shortly afterward, he filled that office with Eleazar, who was the son of Annas. From there, the office passed to Simon; and from Simon, circa 18 A.D. the office was assigned to Caiaphas. However, Annas, even after he had been put out of office, continued to have great influence...
and, Yahushua was taken before Annas because he was father in law to Caiaphas, who was the high priest that same year.
14) Now, Caiaphas was the one who had given counsel to those who were of the ruling religious order of the Jews, when he said that it was expedient... 4851 sumphero {soom-fer'-o} - helpful... profitable... that one man should die for the sake of preserving the ethnic nationality of the people...
***Quote from John 11:49-50***************
49) And one of them, Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said to them: You know nothing at all,
50) Neither do you consider the concept of it being expedient... ... helpful... profitable... for us that one man should die for the sake of the people, so that the whole nation... 1484 ethnos {eth'-nos} - so that our ethnic individuality as a people... so that our nationality as Yahudim... does not become destroyed.
15) And Simon Peter followed Yahushua, and another disciple. That disciple was known to the high priest, and he went in, with Yahushua, into the palace... 833 aule {ow-lay'} - the open, exterior courtyard that is inside the exterior wall, or boundary that surrounds the mansion, or, palace that is used as a place of reception before admission into the buildings and inner courtyards that make up the whole of the palace or mansion grounds... that is lived in by the high priest and his family.
16) But, Peter stood outside, at the entranceway of the courtyard. Then, that other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came out and spoke to the servant girl who was in charge of allowing anyone through the entranceway; and he caused her to allow Peter through the doorway.
17) Then the servant girl who was in charge of the entranceway, said to Peter, as he passed through: Aren't you one of the disciples of this man also? He said: I am not.
18) Inside the courtyard, the servants and lower status officials had made a fire because it was cold; and they stood there and warmed themselves. Peter stood there with them and warmed himself.
19) The high priest then questioned Yahushua regarding His disciples; and asked Him about His teachings.
20) Yahushua answered him: I spoke openly to the world... to all of mankind who were able to physically hear me speak; and I always taught in the assemblies and in the temple where those of the order of the jews always met; and I have never declared my mind or disclosed my thoughts in a hidden manner.
21) Why do you question me concerning these things? Ask those who heard me speaking about what I said to them. They know what I said.
22) When He had spoken in this manner, one of the lower status officials who stood nearby, struck Yahushua with the palm of his hand... slapped Yahushua in the face..., and said: Do you dare to speak to the high priest in such a manner?
23) Yahushua answered him: If I have spoken improperly or wrongly... if I have spoken abusively to the high priest..., then bear witness of the evil... give testimony, as my accuser, of the wrong that I have done...; but, if I have spoken rightly, with no error to accuse me of in the content of what I said, then why did you hit me?
24) At this time, Yahushua was in chains, for Annas had sent Him to Caiaphas the high priest while He was still bound.
25) While this was happening, Simon Peter stood and warmed himself at the fire; and it was for this reason that they, who were around the fire with him, said to him: Aren't you one of His disciples also? He denied, and said: I am not.
26) One of the servants of the high priest was there, who was related to the one whose ear Peter had cut off; and he said: Didn't I see you in the garden with Him?
27) Peter then denied association with Yahushua again; and immediately, the cock... 220 alektor {al-ek'-tore} - a male of any species of bird... a rooster... crowed... 5455 phoneo {fo-neh'-o} - sounded off...
28) Then, they led Yahushua away from the presence of Caiaphas toward the hall of judgment...; 4232 praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on} Latin - toward the outer court of the palace in which the Roman governor or procurator of a province resided after it had been appropriated by the conquering armies of Rome... In Yerushalem, this was a magnificent palace which Herod the Great had built for himself; and it was this palace that the Roman governors occupied whenever they came from Caesarea to Yerushalem to transact public business... and it was early; and they themselves did not go into the hall... the courtyard of the palace of the Roman gevernor... so as to prevent themselves from becoming defiled by being in what they considered to be an unclean place, and by not associating in any way with the uncleanness of the Romans because of their gentile heritage; and so that, by remaining undefiled, they could eat the passover.
29) Then, Pilate went out to them, and he said: What is the charge... what is the accusation... that you bring against this man?
30) They answered and said to him: If He were not an evildoer, then obviously, we would not have delivered him into your custody.
31) Then Pilate said to them: If all you can say about Him is that he is an evildoer, then you take Him and judge Him according to your own law. The jews, for this reason, protested to him: We would do so; but according to your own rules, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death.
32) They spoke in this manner so that the saying of Yahushua would be fulfilled, when He spoke and signified what type of death He would die.
Quote From John 12:
32) And I, if I am lifted up on high... exalted... elevated... away from the earth... away from the world... away from the order that now exists which does not recognize Yahweh as it ought to... away from the ground..., I will draw all... I will lead all... I will cause a pulling and attracting force to move all, through the inherent power of the nature that is within me.... to... toward me... I will enable them to be elevated, in their status and standing, along with... me.
33) He said this, indicating what of sort, or nature of death He intended to die.
33) Then, Pilate entered the praetorion... the judgment hall... the courtyard outside of His palace... again. He then called Yahushua to come to where he was; and he asked Him this question while in private conversation with Him: Are you the King of the Jews?
34) Yahushua answered him by saying: Do you ask me this because of the reasoning of your own mind, or did others tell you this about me?
35) Pilate answered Him by saying: Am I a Jew? How would I come to such a conclusion in order to ask you to answer this question? Your own nation and the chief priests have put you in my custody. What have you done?
36) Yahushua gave this answer: My Kingdom is not a part of order of things that has dominion on this earth now. If my Kingdom was in dominion on the earth now, then my servants would fight in order to prevent me from being turned over into the custody of the order of the jews; but my dominion, at this time, is not the same as that from this place.
37) For this reason Pilate said to Him: Then is it true that you are a king? Yahushua answered: You say that I am a king. I was born so that I would be able to bear witness to the truth... to what is truly is real; and as it should be, and should have been all along... I came into this world... this order of things... because of this. Every one that is a part of the truth... all who are a part of what the Truth of Yahweh Really is... hears and comprehends the sense of my words... It is they who understand what I say in all of the depth and meaning that is implicated by what I teach...
38) Then, Pilate said to Him: What is Truth?... Just what really IS the Truth?... Then, after having said this, he went out again to those waiting outside who were of the order of the jews, and said to them: I find no fault in Him;
39) However, you Jews have a custom... a tradition... that I would release a prisoner from my custody to you at the time of your passover. Do you for this reason intend that I release to you the King of the Jews?
40) They all spoke out loudly then, saying: NO! Do not release this man to us! Give us Barabbas instead! Moreover... More than this... they all knew that Barabbas was a robber... 3027 lestes {laces-tace'} - a plunderer... someone who was clearly known to deprive others of their property with the use of violence...