John Chapter 13
Preface: Six days before Passover. Mary, the sister of Lazarus, has had the foresight to save money enough to buy ointment to use for the custom of burial when the death of Yahushua would take place, and though she uses it prematurely, Yahushua uses the opportunity to explain what she had done, for she had told no one prior to that time of the grief that was in her heart. The Pharisees are considering the killing of Lazarus as well because of the fame of Yahushua after having raised Lazarus from the dead; and because Lazarus is now living proof that supports the teachings of Yahushua. This is even though many of the ruling religious elite are persuaded in their minds that the concepts and ideas that Yahushua is teaching have significant merit; but are unable to bring themselves to publicaly profess their belief of Him for fear of the strong armed ruthlessness of the Pharisees and Sadducees who would force them away from the gatherings together of Israel. Yahushua travels, from Bethany and the house of Lazarus and his sisters, to Yerushalem; and He is met with a crowd of shouting and rejoicing people as He goes into Yerushalem. The raising up of Lazarus from the dead has caused the fame of Yahushua to reach even the Greeks. Some of whom request of His disciples the ability to experience knowing Him for themselves. Yahushua makes it plain to His disciples that His appointed time for death is upon Him, and the reasons why. Still, all who hear Him teach do not believe on Him, though He makes it plain that He is under instructions, from his Father, regarding what and how much He says in His teachings and actions...
1) Now, prior to the feast of Passover, when Yahushua knew that His appointed time had arrived when He would leave this world and go to the Father, after having continually demonstrated His love for His own who were in the world, He continued to love them to the end;
2) And now that the Passover memorial meal had ended, and now that the devil had now put the desire into the heart of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, to betray His whereabouts to the chief priests and Pharisees.
3) Yahushua, fully aware that the Father had given control of all things into His hands; and knowing that He had come from Yahweh and was going back to Yahweh.
4) He then stood up from the table; and took His outer garments off and laid them aside; and put a towel around Himself.
5) After doing that, He poured water into a basin, carried it around the room to where each of His disciples were sitting; and began to wash the feet of the disciples and dry them with the towel that he wore.
6) Then, when He came to Simon Peter, that disciple said to Him: Master, do you wash my feet?... Master Teacher, do you dare to lower yourself to take on such a humble position to perform this menial task for my benefit?...
7) Yahushua answered Him and said: What I am doing now you do not understand, but you will understand in the future.
8) Peter said to Him: You will never wash my feet.. I can't possibly allow you to deface yourself in such a manner. You are too holy and worthy of respect and reverence to put yourself in such a humiliating position of washing the feet of someone who is beneath you in stature... Yahshua answered him: If I do not wash... cleanse... you, then you have no destiny... then you will have nothing to do with whatever your assigned part is in the future together... with me.
9) Simon Peter said to Him: Master, not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.
10) Yahushua said to him: He who is washed... 3068 louo {loo'-o} - Anyone one who has bathed his/her whole body... has no need to wash... 3538 nipto {nip'-to} - to wash or cleanse... his feet either, but is completely clean... 2513 katharos {kath-ar-os'} - unsoiled... metaphorically - sincere... upright... void of any evil... pure... and you yourselves are clean... 2513 katharos {kath-ar-os'} - unsoiled... metaphorically - sincere... upright... void of any evil... pure... but, not all of you.
11) Yahushua said this because He knew who would betray Him; and it was for this reason that He said: Not all of you are clean... 2513 katharos {kath-ar-os'} - unsoiled... metaphorically - sincere... upright... void of any evil... pure...
12) So, after He had washed... 3538 nipto {nip'-to} - to wash or cleanse... their feet and had put His outer garments back on and sat down again at the table, He said to them: Do you know what I have done to you?
13) You each address me directly; and speak of me as you converse with others, as your Teacher... 1320 didaskalos {did-as'-kal-os} - as the one who is fit and able to speak to you and teach you of the things of Yahweh and the duties of man before Yahweh and mankind... and your Master... 2962 kurios {koo'-ree-os} - the one to whom you all belong... The one who has the power of deciding what, how and why to do anything with any or all of you...; and in doing so, you use words to describe me excellently, because that is what I am.
14) If I, Whom you have spoken of as being the one who is fit and able to speak to you and teach you of the things of Yahweh and the duties of man before Yahweh and mankind and the one who has the power of deciding what, how and why to do anything with any or all of you, have washed your feet, then, you should wash one another's feet as well.
15) You should do this because I have given you an example to follow so that you would do to each other as I have done to you.
16) I speak truth to you when I tell you that the servant of anyone is not greater in status than his Master. Neither is anyone who has been sent...652 apostolos {ap-os'-tol-os} - anyone who is a delegate, or, a messenger, or someone who has been sent out with orders... greater than the one who sent... 3992 pempo {pem'-po} - who delegated... who appointed the task to... him/her.
17) If you understand these things, then, you are happy if you do them.
18) I do not speak of all of you; for I know whom I have chosen; but I speak of you collectively, so that the scripture can be fulfilled which says: He who eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me.
*** A reference to Psalm 41:9 Yea, my own familiar friend in whom I trusted. The friend who did eat of my bread. He has lifted up his heel against me.
19) Now I tell you before it happens so that when it does happen, you will believe, because I exist now.
20) Truly I tell you, He who receives whoever I send... Anyone who welcomes; and, is fond of whomever I send to accomplish something... receives me; and he who receives me receives the one who has sent me.
21) When Yahushua had spoken in this manner, He was troubled within His spirit; and He spoke of it by saying: One of you will betray me.
22) Then the disciples looked at one another, not knowing who He had spoken about.
23) Now, one of Yahushua's disciples, whom He loved, was leaning on His chest.
24) Simon Peter, nodded to that disciple for this reason, indicating that he should ask Yahushua who it was that He spoke of.
25) Then, whoever it was that was leaning against Yahushua's chest, said to Him: Teacher, who is it?
26) Yahushua answered him: I will give a sop... a fragment, or morsel of food... to him after I have dipped it; and when He had dipped the sop, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, whose father was Simon...
27) After Judas had taken the sop from Yahushua, Satan... 4567 Satanas {sat-an-as'} - Aramaic for the adversary someone or something... in this case, the adversary who opposes Yahweh and His Order in his purposes and actions... entered into him; and then, Yahushua said to him: Whatever you are going to do, do it quickly.
28) Now no man at the table knew what was meant by what Yahushua said to Judas.
29) Some thought it was because Judas had the bag; and that Yahushua had given him instructions to buy what was needed for the feast, or that he was told to give something to the poor.
30) He, then, who had received the sop went out immediately; and it was night.
31) For this reason, when he had gone out, Yahushua said: Now the Son of man is honored... now the dignity and worth of the Son of man is made known and acknowledged..., and Yahweh's honor is caused to be seen in Him.
32) If Yahweh is honored in Him, then Yahweh will also honor Him... the Son of man... in Himself, and will cause His dignity and worth to be understood immediately.
33) Little children... 5040 teknion {tek-nee'-on} - little child, or, little children... used as a term of kindly address by teachers to their disciples..., for only a little while longer will I be with you. You will look for me; and as I said to those of the order of the Jews: Where I am going, you cannot follow; the same words I say to you now.
34) I give you a new commandment: That you are to love one another dearly. Just as dearly as I have loved you are you to love one another.
35) By this will all know that you are my disciples, if you have such affection for one another.
36) Simon Peter said to Him: Teacher, where are you going? Yahushua answered him: Where I go, you cannot follow just now; but you will follow me later.
37) Peter said to Him: Teacher... you who are able to teach me all things pertaining to Yahweh and mankind..., why can't I follow you now? I will lay my life down... 5087 tithemi {tith'-ay-mee} - set it aside... ordain it... leave it... for you.
38) Yahushua answered him: Will you set your life aside... will you leave your life?... will you set it aside in comparative importance because of Who and What I am?... Will you give up your right to yourself... for me? Truly, I tell you, the rooster will not crow until you have denied me three times.