Wednesday, January 6, 2010

John Chapter 12 (Expounded)

John Chapter 12

Preface: Yahushua had caused another miracle to occur by raising Lazarus, who had died and lain in a grave for four days before the Master called him back to physical life; and away from the condition of physical decomposition and the slumber of his soul. Yahushua caused his own life force to overcome the boundaries of the physical death of another man. The Chief priests and Pharisees of the ruling religious order of the Jews now considered themselves justified in their rationale to hunt Yahushua down and capture Him for the purpose of killing Him so that the Romans who governed them would not take away all of their authority within their own society because of the uproar that Yahushua's teachings and demonstrations of power were causing amongst the common people. For those people were becoming more and more convinced of His claims to be the Son of the Most High; and less persuaded to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Pharisees and Sadducees. This was an order of thinking and behavior toward Yahweh that they, the religious elite, had no concept of; and it was, in the perception of the chief priests and Pharisees, an ongoing situation that would cause them to be rendered powerless in their established place of favorable recognition, as rulers in their own right, from their conquerors. They perceived that, if this process continued, It would also cause the nationality of their identity as an ethnic people to become completely faceless to the Roman empire. It was for this reason that the command had been given, by the High Priest and the rulers of their religious order, for Yahushua's capture, so that their plan of offering Him to the Romans as a sacrifice for the "preservation of the nationality of the Hebrew People" could be brought to completion. A feast time was coming up; and they were sure that Yahushua would make an appearance in Yerushalem in order to keep the feast.

1) Then Yahushua came to Bethany six days before the Passover. He came to the place where Lazarus, who had died; and whom He had raised from the dead, now lived.

2) It was there that they... that Lazarus and his sisters; Mary and Martha..., made Him an evening meal; and Martha waited on those who were sitting at the table; and her brother, Lazarus, was one of those who sat at the table with Yahushua.

3) Then Mary took a pound... 3046 litra {lee'-trah} - Greek word for the Roman pound, or libra, which is about 10 1/3 oz... of the ointment... 3464 muron - greek word for "myrrh." This would indicate that myrrh, which is an aromatic gum resin, was the substance commonly added to the oil... made of spikenard... 3487 nardos {nar'-dos} - pure nard oil... Spikenard is made of the extracted oil from the head, or, spike of the plant Nardostachys Jatamansi, which is a fragrant plant belonging to the class of plants known as Valerianna, which grows in the Himalayas..., which was very costly; and she anointed the feet of Yahushua with it. Then she wiped His feet with her hair. The house was filled with the smell of the ointment.

4) Then one of His disciples spoke out. He was named Judas... ee-oo-das... Iscariotes... is-kar-ee-o-tace... and his father was named Simon... see'-mone....; and he was the disciple that would betray Him; and he said:

5) Why wasn't this ointment sold for three hundred denarion... three hundred days worth of wages... and given to the poor?

***1220 denarion {day-nar'-ee-on} -
Greek word for the Roman denarius, which is Latin for "containing ten" - This was the principal silver coin of the Roman empire in NT time. 25 denarius, or denarion was the equivalent of the aureus, which was the standard gold coin of the Roman empire in the time of Augustus. The value of the denarius would be about 20 cents today; and, this was the ordinary wage of a soldier and a day laborer of that era. (This same word is indicated in Mt. 20:2-13)...

6) He did not say this because he had any compassion for the poor within him, but instead, he spoke in this manner because he was a thief... 2812 kleptes {klep'-tace} - he was an embezzler...; and he held the bag... 1101 glossokomon {gloce-sok'-om-on} - the purse or box that held money ..., and he carried whatever was put in it... He took, while pretending to be responsible for others, money for his own use out of the bag that he was entrusted to carry, which held the money that was used to supply the needs of the whole group...

7) Then Yahushua said: Leave her alone; she has kept this ointment put away towards the day of my burial.

8) For you will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.

9) Many Jewish people who were from nearby Iudea, because of the miracle that Yahushua had recently done, knew that He was there; and they came not for the sake of seeing and hearing Yahushua only, but also so that they could see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead, as well.

10) Moreover, the chief priests consulted with each other in consideration that it might be necessary for them to also have Lazarus put to death.

11) They spoke of this possibility due to the fact that many of the Jewish People went away from the authority of the ruling religious leaders own established order of thought and action in regard to Yahweh; and believed on Yahushua instead because of Lazarus.

12) On the next day, when a multitude of people who had come to take part in the memorial of Passover; and of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, had heard that Yahushua was coming to Yerushalem.

13) They took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him; and they proclaimed in loud voices: Hosanna!!! Blessings on the King of Israel who comes in the name of Yahweh!!!...

***How sincere, or, how superficial these proclamations were, for the individuals who made them, is unknown by any except for Father Yahweh and His Son, for the full realization of just Who and What the declared King was had not yet been allowed by the Spirit of Yahweh; and these proclamations could have been made in the same manner as those who attempted to force Him to be their King after He had fed the 5000 with fish and bread.

14) And Yahushua, when He had found a young ass, sat on it and rode into Yerushalem. Just as it is written:

15) Fear not daughter of Zion; look, your King is coming; and He is sitting on a ass's colt.

A quote from:
***Zechariah 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Yerushalem: behold, your King comes toward you. He is just... 6662 tsaddiyq {tsad-deek'} - He is righteous... He is "as He ought to be" in His character and conduct... ; and, having salvation... 3467 yasha` {yaw-shah'} - and because He is coming to rescue... to save... to deliver you from danger and destruction..., He is lowly... He is humble...; and, He is riding on an ass... 2543 chamor {kham-ore'} - He is riding on an ass... a very commonplace and ordinary beast of burden used only for someone to ride on, or for carrying things, or for tilling the ground...; and it is a colt... 5895 `ayir {ah'-yeer} - and it is a male ass... which is the foal... 1121 ben {bane} - when in reference to animals - that is a young one born ... of an ass... 0860 `athown {aw-thone'} - of a she ass...

16) These things were not understood by His disciples at that time; but when the worth and dignity of Yahushua was caused to be made known, they then remembered that these things had been written concerning Him; and that they... all those who shouted and celebrated His arrival in Yerushalem that day... had done these things to Him.

17) The people who were with Him when He called Lazarus out of his grave and raised him from the dead gave testimony of what they saw and heard that day.

18) This was also the cause for so many of the people coming out to meet Him as He came into Yerushalem. Because they had heard that He had done this miracle.

19) The Pharisees, for this reason, said amongst themselves: Do you understand that we are no longer of any use as teachers and leaders? The world... the entire structured and accepted manner of thinking and taking action within this arrangement or order of things... has departed away from us to follow His leadership!

'The world'
***2889 kosmos {kos'-mos} - the naturally inclined and harmonious arrangement... order... government...

20) And there were some Greeks... 1672 Hellen {hel'-lane}... of the ethnic nationality of Greece... amongst all those who came to worship at the feast of Unleavened Bread.

21) Those Greeks came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida... 966 {bayth-sahee-dah'} - Aramaic for "house of fish" - a small fishing village on the west shore of Lake Genessaret... in the region of Galilee, and they made a request of him by saying: Sir, we desire to see... to understand... to get knowledge of... to experience... to get to know... Yahushua.

22) Philip comes to Andrew with this strange request from those who should know nothing of the expected arrival of the Anointed One Who is the Salvation sent by Yahweh; and, both Andrew and Philip tell this request to Yahushua.

23) Yahushua answered them by saying: The moment in time has arrived so that the elevated status and standing of the Son of man is able to be clearly recognized and acknowledged.

*** The term "Son of man" is clearly recognized by those who hear Yahushua speak of it. However, the meaning of the term seems to be not clearly understood by all who hear it used, and in the sense that Yahushua is using the term, a fulfilment of prophecy is indicated. (See Daniel 7:13-27, where "a son of man" is indicated, who will be elevated by Yahweh; and then, see Mt 24:30 as a prophecy further in the future than Yahushua's designation of Himself as "the Son of man", whose holy people will, in the unfolding of time, take away the dominion of the diverse king that will come from the diverse fourth beast kingdom upon the earth, in which He will return and complete the prophetic vision of Daniel 7.)

24) I speak truth when I tell you this: Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies... 599 apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko} - unless the seed, that has been planted, rots ...., it remains alone; but, if it does die... if it does undergo decay in this manner..., it will produce much fruit.

25) He/she who loves... 5368 phileo {fil-eh'-o} - approves of... is fond of doing... his/her life... He/she who is fond of his soul... He/she who loves the natural inclination of the nature of the source of his/her feelings, desires, affections, aversions; and is fond of living according to the wisdom and dictates of this earthy, sensual nature... will lose it... will lose the ability to enjoy that natural inclination of the wisdom of that earthly nature because of the death of the natural, earthly, physical body which the soul inhabits...; and he/she who hates... who detests... his/her life... he/she who hates this life that is rooted in the wisdom that emanates from the nature of... this world... this order of things... will preserve it... will preserve and protect the life force that animates him/her for eternity, even though the physical body will die....

*** Note: This is a prophetic statement....For since Yahushua's resurrection; and the event of the Spirit of Yahushua taking place in Acts Chapter 2, It is possible to live within the confines of this world... this order of things... and yet not be a part of this order due to the fact that a new order exists within those who believe that Yahweh has rescued them and that they have become a part of the collective body of the Master Yahushua, for they are now able, through an act of their will, which is empowered by His Spirit, to tell their soul to bow before Yahushua in obedience to Yahweh and His Order...

Ephesians 5:29 For no man has ever yet hated his own flesh; but he instead, nourishes and cherishes it, even as the the Master does with the Assembly:

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed, by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God is.

26) If any man is my servant, then let him follow me... 190 akoloutheo {ak-ol-oo-theh'-o} - join me as my attendant; and accompany me as I lead the way...; and where I am, my servant will be also; and if anyone is my servant, then, my Father will honor him/her... 5091 timao {tim-ah'-o} - will value him/her... My Father will give to them, as a gift, special marks that indicate the status of honor and favor that will then belong to them...

27) Now, my soul is troubled... 5015 tarasso {tar-as'-so} - the center of my physical being is agitated, upset, disquieted... the calmness of my mind is taken away because the time has arrived for the recognition of Who and What I am; and the experience of my physical death that I must undergo so that this recognition will take place...; and what will I say in response to this? Should I say: Father, rescue me from this appointed time? I could; but instead of saying such things, I say: This is the reason for my existence, as a son of mankind, at this appointed time.

28) Father, glorify... 1392 doxazo {dox-ad'-zo} - honor... magnify... cause the worth and the elevated status of... your name... to be known and recognized... Then, there came a voice... 5456 phone {fo-nay'} - a sound of spoken words... from heaven... 3772 ouranos {oo-ran-os'} - from the huge, high, curved expanse of the sky above...: I have glorified it; and, I will also glorify it... I will also magnify it... I will also cause the worth and majesty of my name to be clearly recognized and understood... again.

29) The people who were nearby and heard, said that it thundered; others said: An angel... a messenger sent by Yahweh... spoke to Him...; and we heard the sound of it...

30) Yahushua answered their speculations and said: This sound, that you heard from the heavens, did not happen for my benefit; but those words were spoken because of all of you; and for the personal benefit and well being of all of you.

31) I tell you this, because the time for the judgment... 2920 krisis {kree'-sis} - the separation... the condemnation ... of this world... this order of thingsin comparison with Yahweh's True Order... has now arrived; and now, the prince... the ruler... the commander... the chief... the leader... of this world... this order... will be thrown out.

32) And I, if I am lifted up on high... exalted... elevated... away from the earth... away from the world... away from the order that now exists which does not recognize Yahweh as it ought to... away from the ground..., I will draw all... I will lead all... I will cause a pulling and attracting force to move all, through the inherent power of the nature that is within me.... to... toward me... I will enable them to be elevated, in their status and standing, along with... me.

33) He said this, indicating what of sort, or nature of death He intended to die.

34) The people answered Him: We have heard, from those who teach to us the law, that the Anointed One remains forever. How is it then that you say that the Son of man must be lifted up on high? Who is this Son of man?

35) The Yahshua said to them: The light... see John 1:1- 14 - Word = light = the life force of men... of mankind... is with you for a little while longer. Walk... make due use of the opportunities as you progress through life... regulate your lives... while you have the light with you, so that darkness... so that the ignorance of the Order of the things of Yahweh... does not come upon you... does not sieze you... does not grab hold of you and take possession of you... Because it is true that he/she who walks in a condition of darkness... of blindness... of ignorance... does not know where he/she goes.

36) While you have light... while you have the availability of the illumination of the Life Force of Yahweh..., believe... place your confidence and trust... in the light... in the illumination that is provided by the nature of Yahweh... so that you can be children of light... so that you can be children who have been fathered by the illumination of the Life Force of Yahweh's Nature.... These teachings Yahushua spoke, and departed, hiding Himself from them.

37) But, though He had done so many miracles in front of them, still they did not believe in Him;

38) And this was, so that the saying of Isaiah the prophet could be fulfilled, which he spoke: Who has believed our report ?... Who has believed the tidings... the news... in the form of prophecies given through those of us who are prophets...; and to whom is the arm... the strength... of Yahweh revealed? ...and who perceives the strength of Yahweh from the news we prophets have been compelled to proclaim?...

A Quote From: Isaiah 53:1 Who has believed our report; and to whom is the arm of Yahweh revealed?...

39) For this reason they could not believe, because Isaiah had said again:

40) He... Yahweh... has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart; so that they would not be able to see with the eyes of their mind, nor understand with their heart... with the center of their ability to think, feel, and take action...; and be converted; and so that I should then heal... so that I would cure... so that I would have to save... them... so that I would be compelled to free them from their errors and sins because of the Nature that is within me...

(***Isaiah 6:9-10 And he said: Go; and tell this people: Have the power to hear, but understand not; and observe, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.)

41) Isaiah said these things; when he saw His Splendor and Majesty; and spoke of Him.

42) Yet, many also believed on Him who were among the chief rulers; but they would not confess... they would not profess their belief of... Him in public for fear of the Pharisees; and, so that they would not be excommunicated... so that they would not be excluded, by force, from being able to gather together in the sacred assemblies of the Israelites...

43) They took no action, even though they may have been convinced of the truth of Yahushua's words, because they loved the praise of men more than the praise of Yahweh.

***remember how Yahushua rebuked Peter for the same behavior?...

Matthew 16:21-25 21 >From that time forth began Yahushua to reveal to his disciples, how it was that he must go to Yerusalem; and that He would have to experience and endure many things from the actions of the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes; and that He would then be killed; and then be raised to life again on the third day after His death. 22 Then Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, by saying: may what you have told us be far away from ever happening to you, Master Teacher. This shall not ever happen to you. 23 But Yahushua turned around; and said unto Peter: Get yourself behind me, Satan; for you are an offense... a cause for stumbling that has been presented... to me. Because you do not prefer, or enjoy the things that are of Yahweh; but you, instead, enjoy those things that are of the nature and wisdom of men and all mankind. 24 Then said Yahushua unto his disciples: If any man will follow me as I lead him, then let him deny himself; and pick up his torture stake, and accompany me to where I am going. 25 For whoever will save his life shall lose it; and whoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it...

44) Yahushua spoke out strongly and said: He who believes on me does not place his trust and confidence for his life and eternal existence on me; but on the One Who has sent me;

45) And, he who sees... who understands... who perceives... who comprehends... me,... Who I am... What I am... My Purpose... sees... understands... perceives... has a grasp on the comprehension of... the One Who has sent me.

46) I have come as a light to the world... the created order of things that does not recognize the Creator... so that whoever believes on me would not remain in darkness;... the ignorance of the True Truth of Yahweh, which results in disobedience... in rebellion... in sin... in error against Him and His Order...;

47) And, if any man hears what I have said through my teachings; and does not believe what I have said, then, I do not condemn him because I did not come to condemn the world; but instead, I came to save... to rescue... the world.

48) He/she who rejects me; and, he/she who does not receive my words has a judge who will condemn him. That judge, who will make the distinctrion of separation, is the word... is the concepts and ideas... the instruction and teachings... that I have spoken; and it is the very same same word... it is these exact same instructions and declarations of Truth that I have spoken... that will condemn him in the last day.

49) I say this to you because I have not spoken from myself...; I have not declared anything that has been from my own will or inner purposes...; but, the Father, who has sent me, has given me commands; and instructions telling me what I should say, and what I should speak about;

50) And I know that His commandment to me is life everlasting. It is for this reason that whatever I speak of, just like the way of whatever the Father has spoken to me, I speak in the same manner... in the same tone... with the same intention...