Saturday, June 19, 2010

James (Yacob) Chapter 3 (Expounded)

James Chapter 3

1) My brethren,... my brethren of the Way of Yahushua, who are also of the heritage of Israel..., take care that all of you do not begin to be masters...1320 didaskos {did-as'-kal-os} - master teachers... of the Way of Yahushua; because you can perceive that we who are master teachers will receive greater condemnation... from the One who judges all things...

2) Because we,... we who are the master teachers of the Way of Yahushua..., are the ones who make mistakes in many ways; and we cause everyone to stumble and fall into error in many things pertaining to Yahweh's True Order. If any one of us does not cause someone to fall into error with the things that he speaks of, then that man is fully complete and lacks nothing; and that man is also able to fully control his whole body and it's inherent nature.

3) Understand this... that we put a bit in the mouth of a horse so that the animal obeys us; and we are able to steer the entire body of the animal.

4) Understand also... that ships on the waters, although they are so large and are driven by the force of stiff and violent winds, are caused to be turned with ease in any direction through the control of a very small rudder, going in whatever way the helmsman decides to force the steering mechanism.

5) In the same way, the tongue is a small part of the body; and able to boast of great things. Understand... how a large amount of fuel is consumed by the lighting of a small fire;

6) And... the tongue is a fire.... the tongue... the organ of the body that enables us to speak and declare the thoughts and intents of our mind and heart... together with the ability to speak a language that is understood by others... is a harmoniously arranged order of things which consumes unjustly... just like a flame... and it is an integral part of the heart and the life of a man and all mankind.... It is in this manner that the tongue exists among all of the other parts that make up the body of a man; so that it defiles the whole body, and it sets on fire the natural course of life which began at the source, or, origin of the man;... the manner in which words are spoken in order to communicate thoughts, concepts, ideas... consumes that original cycle of the life that man originally was to live, by operating in a destructive manner that is untrustworthy; causing quietly, sly, deceitful harm... and the tongue, or, communication of the man, as a part of the works of the life of that man, is set on fire in the future punishment of the fire of Gehenna... as the destruction of all that is rebellious against Yahweh's Order inevitably and prophetically takes place in the unfolding of things that must happen over the course of time...

*** If all men are patterned in the likeness of Yahweh when they begin to be, then, the original, natural course for their existence is "as it should be" according to Yahweh's Order or nature. That course, or path of life, reflects the harmony and unity that is "very good" as was declared by Yahweh when man was originally formed...

*** The natural course of life within man and mankind is, obviously, not "as it should be". For that harmony and unity does not now exist within mankind... and would not if Salvation and Restoration to Yahweh's Order had not been caused to exist...

*** The communication, or, language that is not “as it ought to be” is a part of that parallel order of things which is opposed to and rebellious to Yahweh's Order... and this is the language, or, tongue that communicates the counterfeit dignity, honor, worth, excellence, majesty, etc., that is not “as it ought to be”; and is not “very good” in the perception of the Creator of all things. As He once gave voice to in Genesis 1:3 when man... the race, and order of mankind... “Adam”... was first formed...

7) Because all creatures that are of the nature and order that is animal, and all creatures that are of the nature and order of things that has wings and flies in the air, and all creatures that are of the nature and order of reptiles, and all creatures that are of the nature and order of things that is in the sea, have been tamed...; curbed... restrained... and they all have been tamed or curbed or restrained by the nature of the order of things that is of man and mankind;

8) and yet, individual man has the power within himself to completely, masterfully, control or restrain the tongue. It is an unrestrained thing that is of a bad nature; and it is not as it ought to be. It is full of death bringing poison.

9) With the tongue we praise Yahweh, who is truly the Father and originator of all; and, with it we also call for curses and doom on other men, who come into existence patterned according to the likeness of Yahweh.

10) Praises and cursings come out of the same mouth. My brethren... these things are not as they ought to be!!!... This is not according to Yahweh's Order or nature. Obviously not... "very good"...

11) Does a fountain or spring gush out from the same opening fresh and bitter?

12) My brethren, can the fig tree produce olive berries? Or a vine... figs? In this manner no spring or fountain of water can produce both salt and fresh water at the same time.

13) Who is there that is a wise man among you? Who is intelligent and experienced with the knowledge of an expert... the knowledge of a master...? Let him give evidential proof of this through his words or teaching... Let him behave as a master teacher of the Way of Yahushua should...; and through the genuine... the sincere... the honest... excellence of his behavior let him accomplish things in the conduct of his life with the gentleness of spirit that comes... that begins to exist... with such wisdom...

14) BUT... If you have intensely bitter and spiteful, envious jealousy, and a desire to elevate yourself or your own interests in the eyes of others within the core of your thoughts, feelings, and in the decisions that you make, then do not boast of yourself as a master teacher of the Way of Yahushua to the injury of others; and, do not speak deliberate falsehoods against what is really the truth.

15) For this type of wisdom does not come down from a higher place, which existed since the beginning of all things; ...instead, this knowledge and expertise of very diverse matters is earthly, and it is a part of the inherent nature of the flesh that is subject to appetites and desires, and it resembles, or exists from the efforts of, a spirit that is not as it ought to be according to Yahweh's Order or nature.

16) For it is true, that where jealousy and elevation of self exists, there exists confusion; and every accomplishment which is produced from this type of wisdom is not as it ought to be according to Yahweh's Order of Things.

17) In contrast, the wisdom that does come from above is first of all truly pure from all faults; and it brings peace. It is merciful... it is full of kindness and goodwill toward all who are miserable and afflicted, and it exhibits a desire to help them.... It has an effect that is pleasant and honorable. It is without any uncertainty, and sincere;

18) And the results that come from this type of wisdom, which is as it ought to be, are scattered like seeds in a field, with peaceful intent, by those who cause such tranquility...

***Those who cause such tranquility are truly guided by the Spirit of Yahweh... the Spirit of what is Really Truth... the Most Holy, Rational, Spirit... The Spirit of Yahushua and of Prophecy... For it is they, who have this kind of tranquility within themselves, who can only have received it from exercising a confidence and trust... a fully persuaded faith and belief... that is only placed on Yahweh; and His Salvation and Deliverance...

*** This faith is what clearly reveals and declares the boundary line that exists between these two types of wisdom...