Monday, October 26, 2009

John Chapter 5 (Expounded)

John Chapter 5

1) After these things had taken place... after Yahushua had left the region of Iudea... 2449 Ioudaia {ee-yoo-dah'-ah} - "he shall be praised"... and had gone to Cana, a village in the region of Galilee; and had caused the second recorded miracle of His physical life to take place..., there was a feast of the Jews; and Yahushua went up from Galilee to Yerushalem... 2414 Hierosoluma {hee-er-os-ol'-oo-mah} - "set ye double peace" - originating from the Hebrew word 3389 Yeruwshalaim {yer-oo-shaw-lah'-im} - "teaching of peace" which stems from two root words - 3384 yarah, or, as is found in 2 Chronicles 26:15, yara' {yaw-raw'} - to direct... to teach... to point out... to instruct; and 7999 shalam {shaw-lam'} - be in a covenant of peace... be at peace...

2) Now, there is at Yerushalem, near the place of sheep... the sheep gate..., a pool... 2861 kolumbethra {kol-oom-bay'-thrah} - a reservoir or pool for bathing... which is called... which is surnamed... which has a nickname of ..., in the Hebrew language, Bethesda... 964 Bethesda {bay-thes-dah} - a word of Aramaic origin meaning "House of Mercy" or "Flowing Water" ... which has five porches...4745 stoa {sto-ah'} - roof covered places, supported by columns, where people can stand and walk while being protected from the heat of the sun and bad weather...

3) In these protected areas a great multitude of people who were weak and feeble or sickly, or blind, or lame because of being deprived of feet or legs, or who had portions of their bodies in a withered, shrunken or atrophied condition were laying, and all of them were waiting for a moving, or, an agitation of the water in this pool.

4) They were all waiting because an angel... 32 aggelos - a messenger or envoy sent from Yahweh... would come down at a certain point in time and agitate the water, stirring it up, and whoever would be able to get into the water before all of the others who were waiting there, after the angel had done as he was sent to do, was healed of whatever infirmity or disease that he/she had.

5) And a certain man was there, who had been living with his body being in a weakened or feeble condition for thirty-eight years.

6) When Yahushua saw him laying there, and knew that he had been in this condition a long time, He said to him; Do you want to become healthy?

7) The sick, feeble man answered Him; Sir... 2962 kurios {koo'-ree-os} - a title of honor which expresses respect and reverence... stemming from the word kuros - which means supremacy... , I have no one to help me get into the water when it is stirred up; but instead, while I am trying to get in, someone else steps in front of me.

8) Yahushua said to him: Get up, pick up your bed, and walk.

9) Immediately, the man was made healthy, and he picked up his bed... his pallet... his cot... and walked away; and the day that this took place was the Sabbath... 4521 sabbaton {sab'-bat-on} - the seventh day of each week, on which all Israelites are required by Yahweh to abstain from all work, and rest... stems from the Hebrew word 7673 shabath {shaw-bath'} - a primitive root word meaning: to cease... to desist... to rest...

10) Consequently, the Jews said to the man who had been restored to health: Stop! What do you think you are doing? It is the Sabbath Day; it is not permitted for you to carry your bed.

11) He answered them: The man who healed me, He said to me; "Pick up your bed and walk."

12) They then asked him: Who is the man that told you to pick your bed up and carry it?

13) The man who had been healed did not know who it was that had made him healthy. For Yahushua had moved Himself away from that area without being seen because of the multitude being in that place.

14) Some time after this incident, Yahushua found the man in the temple; and said to him: Understand! You have been made healthy; sin no more... do not wander away and miss the pathway of life progress that is according to Yahweh's Order and violate the commandments of Yahweh any longer... so that a worse thing does not happen to you.

15) The man left and told the Jews that it had been Yahushua that had healed him.

16) Because He had done these things on the Sabbath Day, the Jews ran swiftly after Yahushua with hostility in order to capture and kill him.

17) But Yahushua gave answer to their accusations: My Father works... 2038 ergozamai {er-gad'-zom-ahee} - labors... does work... hitherto... 2193 heos {heh'-oce} - until... 737 arti {ar'-tee} - just now... this moment... now at this time... - My Father has been active and exerting His powers and abilities to produce His purposes at this very moment..., the words 'and I' are added by translators... work... 2038 ergozamai {er-gad'-zom-ahee} - by doing work... by working...

18) Therefore the Jews strove even harder to kill Him... Shouting... shaking fists... reaching toward Him to grab Him... etc.... Not only because He had, according to their perceptions, broken the Sabbath; but also because He said that Yahweh was His father; and indicated to them by this statement that He considered Himself equal with Yahweh.

19) Then, Yahushua answered them and said: Truly... 281 amen {am-ane'} - at the beginning of a discourse this indicates - surely... of a truth... Truly... I speak to all of you when I say that a son can do nothing that comes from His own will and purpose; but instead, he does what He sees with His physical eyes and with the eyes of his mind that the Father does. Because it is true, that whatever the things are that the Father does, the Son does those same things in the same way.

20) You all recognize this as true because you know that a Father loves a Son and shows Him all the things that He Himself does... 4160 poieo {poy-eh'-o} - everything that he makes... everything that he constructs, forms, fashions and produces...; and He... the Son... will show... 1166 deiknuo {dike-noo'-o} - and the Son will expose, to the physical eyes and to the eyes of the mind, the evidence or proof of a thing. In this case, the proof of what Yahushua's Father has taught and commanded Him to do by His own example to Yahushua... - and the Son will show, through the use of words or by His actions..., greater works than these... greater works than the miracles and healings... that you have already seen, so that you may wonder... 2296 thaumazo {thou-mad'-zo} - so that you will be struck with astonishment and be amazed...

21) For just as the Father wakes up the dead and causes them to rise up; and gives them life. In the same manner the Son gives life... In the same manner that His Father does, the Son gives the ability to get to know and comprehend what true life according to Yahweh's Order is... to those whom He purposes.

22) For the Father judges... 2919 krino {kree'-no} - picks out... chooses... prefers... no one, but has given all judgment... 2920 krisis {kree'-sis} - all separations... all selections... all opinions or decisions concerning  the 'right or wrong'... the approval or disapproval of anything... to the Son.

23) He... the Father... Yahweh... has done this so that all who form opinions of the Son should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He/she that does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who has sent Him.

24) Truly... 281 amen {am-ane'}... I say to you; He/she who hears my word and believes... 4100 pistueo {pist-yoo'-o} - is persuaded of the truth of and places confidence and trust for their life and eternal existence in... Him who sent me has everlasting life...; 2222 zoe {dzo'-ay} - has life that is real and genuine, without beginning or end, which always has been and always will be as part of Yahweh's True Order... and will not come into condemnation... 2920 krisis {kree'-sis} - and will not experience any  separation from Yahweh's Order, be judged to be "as one ought not be"; and will not receive a sentence of condemnation and destruction as punishment...; but will instead, pass over... 3327 metabaino {met-ab-ah'-ee-no} -  to pass over from one place to another, to remove, depart... - but will instead, be moved ... from... out of... away from... death to... towards... life... 2222 zoe {dzo'-ay} - life that is real and genuine, without beginning or end, which always has been and always will be as part of Yahweh's True Order...

25) Truly... 281 amen {am-ane'} - Truly... I speak truth when... I tell you: The time is coming and is even now, when the dead... 3498 nekros {nek-ros'}- when those who are destitute of life... when those who are inactive because of not "be as they ought to be"... when those who are inoperative within Yahweh's True Order and completely destitute of  power... will hear the voice of the Son of Yahweh; and they that hear... 191 akouo {ak-oo'-o} - and, those who perceive and understand the sound that I make and are able to comprehend what I have said... - and, those who are my sheep, whom the Father is causing to move toward me and follow me as I lead them, who recognize me for Who and What I am... will live.

26) For just as the Father has life... For just as it is true that the Father has true life that cannot be contained within the framework of time and a physical, sensual awareness... within Himself, so has He given to the Son the same ability and power to have life... true life... within Himself;

27) And He... the Father... Yahweh... has given Him... the Son... Yahushua... authority to carry out the rendering of decisions concerning right and wrong within mankind also, because He is the Son of Man.

28) Do not wonder at this: Because the time is coming during which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice;

29) And they will come out of those graves. Those who have done good according to Yahweh's Order will come out to partake of the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil according to Yahweh's Order will come out of their graves to partake of the resurrection of condemnation and punishment.

This is a reference to both resurrections - an understanding of the first resurrection was given to the apostle Saul, which he gave to the assemblies in Corinth and Thessalonika; and a vision of both resurrections was given to Yochanan while in exile on the Isle of Patmos.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52  
51 Look with your mind's eye; and understand. I show you a mystery. We... we who are united with the Master Yahushua the Anointed One... will not all sleep... we will not all die..., but we will all be changed... transformed...  52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the sounding of the last trump. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible... unable to die... , and we will be changed... transformed...

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 
15 For this we say unto you, by reason of the word that was given to us by the Master Yahushua, that we, who are united with the Master Yahushua, who are alive and remain... we who are left... we who have survived... until the coming... until the returning again... of the Master to Whom we belong, shall not prevent... will not precede... those who are asleep... those who have died...  16 For the Master Yahushua Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout. With the voice...  the sound... of the archangel, and with the trump of Yahweh; and the dead in the Anointed One shall rise first.  17 Then we who are alive and remain... we who are left... we who have survived... shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Master, to Whom we belong, in the air; and so shall we forever be with the Master.  18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Revelation 20:4-6  - First Resurrection
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of those that had been beheaded for the witness... for the testimony that they had given, by word and deed..., of Yahushua; and for speaking and teaching the word of Yahweh; and I saw the souls of those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image; and had neither received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands; and, they lived and reigned together with the Anointed One for a thousand years.  5 Yet the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.  6 Blessed and holy is he who has a part in the first resurrection. On these the second death hath no power, but they will be priests of Yahweh and of the Anointed One; and will reign... will exercise kingly power and control together... with Him a thousand years.

Revelation 20:11-15
  - Second Resurrection and Second Death
11 And I saw a great white throne, and I saw Him Who sat on it. From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.  12 And I saw the dead, small and great in stature, stand before Yawheh; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.  13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every man, according to their works.  14 And death and hell were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death;  15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. 

30) I can do nothing of my own purpose and power; but just as I hear... just as I perceive and understand; just as I comprehend..., I judge... I make decision concerning right and wrong..., and my judgment... my opinion and decision making... is just... is faultless... is as it ought to be according to Yahweh's Order..., because I do not seek my own will; but I instead, seek the will of the Father who sent me.

31) If I give testimony of myself that is generated from within myself, then my witness is not true... is not without fault... is not as it should be... is not righteous...

32) There is another who gives testimony of me, and I know that the record that He gives of me is true... is without fault or blemish...

33) You went to John... Yochanan the Immerser... and he bore witness to the truth.

34) However, I do not need to use the testimony from a man; but I say these things so that you might be saved... so that you can be rescued from danger and destruction... I say this for your benefit...

35) He... Yochanan the Immerser... was a burning and shining light; and you were all willing to be exceedingly glad of his light for a time.

36) But I have a greater witness than that which was given of me by John; because the works that the Father has given to me to finish, the same works that I am now doing, these works bear witness of me; and of the fact that the Father has sent me.

37) And the Father Himself, who has sent me, has borne witness of me. None of you... None of you whom I am addressing in answer to your accusations of my breaking my Father, Yahweh's, commandments... have either heard His voice at any time, or seen His shape;

38) And you do not have His word remaining in... working, operating within... you... word=life=illumination=life force... see John Chapter 1 (Expounded)... because the one whom He has sent, you do not believe... you do not place confidence and trust for your lives and eternal existences in Him...

39) Search the scriptures... Do a diligent search through the things that have been written...; for it is in your knowledge of them that you think you have eternal life; and yet, it is the scriptures... it is the writings... that testify of me;

40 And you will not come to me so that you could have life... so that you could have the illumination.. the life force from Yahweh's True Order... within you...

41) I do not receive... I do not take upon myself, for my own use, any... honor from men.

42) But I instead, know you... but instead of using any honor or praise that has been given from the earthy, sensual understanding of things that is inherent in man, or, mankind so that I might be able to gain more, I am aware that all of you, collectively... do not have the love of Yahweh in you.

43) I am here in... in the agency of... my Fathers name... my Father's name, nature, and reputation..., and you do not receive me... and you do not accept me as a part of yourselves...; but, if another should come in his own name... but, if someone else would become known to you in a manner that would elevate his own name and reputation..., you would accept him as one of your own.

44) How can you believe what I am saying to you who do not seek the esteem and honor that comes from Yahweh alone; and who accept honor and esteem from one another instead?

45) Do not think that I will make any accusation of your false claims and lies to the Father. Because there is someone who accuses you already. It is Moses. It is the one in whom you all claim that you place your confidence and trust. It is he who accuses you of falseness.

46) This accusation is obvious. Because if you had placed your confidence in Moses, you would have place your confidence in me; because he wrote of me.

*** A direct reference to Deuteronomy 18:15-19
15 Yahweh your Elohim will raise up a prophet from out of the midst of you. From your brethren. Like me. You shall listen to and obey him.  
16 You begged Yahweh your Elohim in Horeb, in the day of the assembly, by saying: Let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my Elohim. Neither let me see this great fire any more, so that I die not.  
17 And Yahweh said unto me, They have done well with what they have spoken. 
18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like you; and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him to say.  
19 More than this will happen. For whoever it may be that will not listen to and obey my words, which my prophet shall speak in my name, I will demand accountability for those actions from him.

47) But, if you do not believe his writings, then how can you believe what I say?