Friday, October 8, 2010

Luke Chapter 2 (Expounded)

Luke Chapter 2 (Expounded)

1) An event began to happen during the time that Yochanan was born and began to grow. A decree went out from Caesar... 2541 Kaisar {kah'-ee-sar} - Latin for "severed" - the surname of Julius Caesar that was adopted by Octavious Augustus and his successors; and afterwards became a title which was appropriated by the Roman emperors as part of their title... Augustus... 828 Augoustos {ow'-goos-tos} - latin for "venerable" - a title which was conferred on Roman emperors... which said that all the world... 3625 oikoumene {oy-kou-men'-ay} - all the Roman empire... was to be taxed... 583 apographo {ap-og-raf'-o} - was to be written down... enrolled... registered in the written records of a census...

2) This taxing... this registration... was first made when Cyrenius... Kureinos {koo-ray'-nee-os} - "warrior" - the Greek form of the Roman name Quirinus... was governor of Syria... whose full name is Publius Sulpicus Quirinus - He was purported to have been governor of Syria twice. His first governorship was from 4 B.C. to 1 B.C. During which he was sent to accomplish the census enrollment that caused Yoseph and Mariam to be in Bethlehem; and his second began in 6 A.D. During which a second census took place. As is seen in Acts 5:37...

3) All went to be taxed... all within the domain of Rome went to be enrolled in the census... everyone went to his own city... 4172 polis {pol'-is} - to his own native city...

4) Yoseph also went up from the region of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth and into the region of Iudea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem... 965 Bethleem {bayth-leh-em'} - Hebrew term for "house of bread" - a village about six miles (10 Kilometers) south of Yerushalem... because he was from the house and lineage of David.

5) To be registered in the census along with his espoused wife who was huge with an unborn child.

6) So it was, while they were there in Bethlehem, that the time was fulfilled in which she was to give birth;

7) And she brought out her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling cloths... 4683 sparganoo {spar-gan-o'-o} - a swathing or swaddling band... strips of cloth wrapped in such a way as to limit movement... and laid him in a manger... 536 phatne {fat'-nay} - a manger or crib... a box that is made, or a hollowed out place, where food for livestock is place for them to eat... because there was no room for them to be able to stay at any lodging place for travelers.

8) There were, in the same region of towns and villages that surrounded Yerushalem, shepherds who were living under the open sky out in the fields; and guarding their flocks during the nighttime hours.

9) It was during this night that a messenger sent by Yahweh came to them and stood over them while they sat watching over their flocks; and the glory... the splendor... the brightness... of Yahweh shone all around them... the brightness of Yahweh lit up the area around the messenger and the shepherds he came to deliver his message to... and the shepherds were terrified.

10) The messenger from Yahweh said to them: Have no fear. Look! I bring to you good news of great importance and the cause for much rejoicing. Which will be so for all people.

11) I say this to you because on this day, in the city of David... in Bethlehem... there has been born a savior... 4990 sotare {so-tare'} - a deliverer... a preserver... who is the Anointed One of Yahweh.

12) This sign... 4592 semeion {say-mi'-on} - a sign... a mark... a token... an unusual occurrence... by which a thing or individual is known and recognized as different from all others... is for you. You will, after searching, find the baby. He will be wrapped in swaddling cloths and will be lying in a manger... 5336 phatne - a place from where animals eat their food...

13) Suddenly there was, together with the messenger from Yahweh who was standing there, a multitude of the host of... the great number of those existing within... heaven... the place where Yahweh resides and where His True Order exists... praising Yahweh; and saying:

14) All Praises to Yahweh Most High! And: The peace of Yahweh is now on earth showing His good will toward mankind!...

15) It happened, as the messengers who had been sent by Yahweh left the presence of the shepherds to go back to the heavenly place where Yahweh dwells, that the shepherds who had been visited by them said to one another: Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has begun to happen which Yahweh has made us aware of.

16) They then came to Bethlehem with haste; and while they were looking, they discovered Mariam, and Yoseph, and the baby lying in a manger.

17) When they had seen for themselves what the messenger from Yahweh had revealed to them, they made known all around... 1232 diagnorizo {dee-ag-no-rid'-zo} - they told everyone they met and made a public declaration of... they openly spoke of what had been told to them by the messengers from Yahweh about the child they had looked for; and found... Who was the anointed savior sent by Yahweh that was to show Yahweh's Shalom and goodwill toward mankind...

18) All those, who heard these things, wondered... 2296 thaumazo {thou-mad'-zo} - wondered at... were possessed by mixed feelings of of curiosity, doubt, amazement and admiration... at what the shepherds told them.

19) Mariam, however, kept all these things... 4933 suntereo {soon-tay-reh'-o} - kept all the things that had taken place in her life within the last nine months... within her mind; and pondered... 4820 sumballo {soom-bal'-lo} - and brought all of those things together... in her heart... in the place where her thoughts, feelings, and decision makings were generated from...

20) The shepherds returned to their flocks. Magnifying Yahweh with their praises because of all the things they had heard and seen... Which were just as had been told to them by the messenger sent from Yahweh and the host from heaven that had spoken of the Shalom and goodwill shown by Yahweh toward mankind...

21) When eights days had passed since the birth of the child, he was circumcised; and he was named Yahushua... H3091 Yehowshuwa` {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} - a hebrew language term which means "Yahweh is salvation"... He was named this because of the instructions given by the messenger from Yahweh who appeared to his mother, Mariam, before he was conceived in his mother's womb.

Note: Luke, a man completely of Greek upbringing and education, was educated furthur by Yahweh having opened up his understanding and awareness; and he completely understood the Way of Yahushua... He, a heathen by the standards of the order of the Jews existing in his time, understood circumcision in its correct context: A sign of the covenant made between Yahweh and Abraham and all descendants of Abraham who knew, or discovered and then comprehended who they were as descendants of Abraham...

Genesis 17:1-15 And when Abram...0087 `Abram [ag-rawm'} - "exalted father"... was ninety years old and nine, Yahweh appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty... 7706 Shadday {shad-dah'-ee} - I am the almighty... I am the most powerful... God... 0410 `el {ale} - god... mighty one... I am El Shaddai... I am the most powerful Mighty One.... Walk... 1980 halak {haw-lak`} - proceed on with your manner of living life... before me; and be perfect... 8549 tamiym {taw-meem} - and be complete... and be without blemish... and be what is completely and entirely in accord... echad... with My Truth and Order... 2 And I will make my covenant between Me and you; and I will multiply you... 7235 rabah {raw-baw} - and I will make much of you... exceedingly... 3966 me`od {meh-ode'} - greatly... to a great degree... 3 And Abram fell on his face; and Elohim talked with him, by saying this: 4 As for Me... Concerning what is to be My part of this covenant..., Look, see and understand, that My covenant is with you; and that you will be a father... 0001 `ab {awb} - you will be the head, or, the principal beginner... of many nations...1471 gowy {go'-ee} - many people... many nations of people... 5 Neither will your name any more be called Abram... "exalted, or respected father"...; but instead, your name will be Abraham... 0085 `Abraham {ab-raw-hawm'} - "father of a multitude", or, "chief of a multitude"... ; for a father... 0001 `ab {awb} - a head, or, a principal beginner... of many nations... of many people... of many nations of people... have I made you... have I designated you to be... 6 I will make you to be exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations... I will make nations of people... of... from... you; and kings will come out from you. 7 I will establish my covenant between Me and you; and with your seed... and with your descendants... after you, in their generations. For an everlasting covenant. To be an Elohim... To be a final and ultimate authority fro all things... to you; and to your descendants that will exist after you. 8 And I will give to you and to your seed... your descendants who will exist after you..., the land in which you are now a stranger. All of the land of Canaan... 3667 Kena`an {ken-ah'-an} - "lowland"... For an everlasting possession; and I will be their Elohim... and I will be the final and ultimate authority in all things for your descendants... 9 Further, Yahweh said to Abraham: You will keep... 8104 shamar {shaw-mar'} - You will have charge... the task, or duty of... my covenant therefore... You will have the task, or duty of all that is a part my covenant because I have made this covenant with you... ,and with your descendants who will live after you have died, in their generations. 10 This is My covenant. Which you will keep... 8104 sahamr {shaw-mar'} - Which you will have the charge of paying diligent, careful attention to... , between Me, and you, and your descendants who will come into existence after you. Every man child among you will be circumcised... 4135 muwl {mool}... 11 And you... all of you... will circumcise... 5243 namal {naw-mal'} - will cut off... the flesh of your foreskin... 6190 `orlah {or-law'}...; and it... and this cutting off of the foreskin... will be a token... 0226 `owth {oth} - a sign... a distinguishing mark... of the covenant between Me and you. 12 And he that is eight days old will be circumcised among you. Every man child in your generations. He who has been born in the house... He who is a member of the household by birth..., or, he who is not of your lineage and is bought by anyone of your house from any stranger... 1121 ben {bane} 5236 nekar {nay-kawr'} - from any son of a foreigner to your lineage..., with money. 13 He that is born into your house, and he who is bought with your money, must needs be circumcised... 4135 muwl {mool} - must be, or must let himself be circumcised...; and My covenant will be in your flesh... and My covenant will be a mark... and My covenant will be a sign... for... of... an everlasting covenant. 14 Furthermore, the uncircumcised man child. Any male child, whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul will be cut off... 3772 karath {kaw-rath'} - removed... eliminated... from his people... 5971 `am {am} - from membership among those of his kindred and from his nation of people... He will not be viewed, by Me, as one of your descendants with whom I have made this everlasting covenant... For he has broken my covenant...

*** The future of the man child of Israel is in the hands, and the hearts, of those who know to do this thing; and are the decision makers for this child at a time when the child has no understanding. Further, if the child grows up uncircumcised and decides for himself to be obedient to this covenant when he is able to do so, then the burden of accomplishing the obedience to Yahweh becomes his own burden. A later in life circumcision such as that of Ishmael at age thirteen and not rebellious to his father, or, even that of Titus in obedience to the apostle Shaul, is an example of this. Luke had a complete understanding regarding this...

22) When the days of her purification were fulfilled according to the instructions of Moses, they then brought Yahushua to Yerushalem to present... 3936 paristemi {par-is-tay'-mee} - to place him at the disposal of... Yahweh.

23) Just as it is written of in the torah... in the instructions given by Yahweh for His chosen, set apart people... : Every male that opens the matrix will be called... will carry the title or name... of Holy... 40 Hagios {hag'-ee-os} - a Most Holy thing... to Yahweh.

24) And to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the torah of Yahweh: a pair of turtledoves, or, two young pigeons.

A reference to Leviticus 12:1-8

And Yahweh spoke unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean. 3 And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. 4 And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled. 5 But if she bear a girl child, then she shall be unclean for two weeks, just as she does in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days. 6 And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest: 7 Who shall offer it before Yahweh, and make an atonement for her; and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood. This is the law for her that hath born a male or a female. 8 And if she be not able to bring a lamb, then she shall bring two turtle doves, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for her, and she shall be clean.

25) And see with your mind and understand that there was a man in Yerushalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was just, and devout, and waiting for the consolation of Israel to appear according to the prophecies; and the Hagios Pneuma... the Most Holy, Rational Spirit of Yahweh's Order and Nature... was on Him.

26) It was revealed to him, by the Most Holy Rational Spirit of Yahweh, that he would not see... that he would not experience... death before he had seen... before he had physically seen, comprehended, and experienced... Yahweh's promised Anointed One.

27) He came, because of the inspiration of the Spirit of Yahweh, into the temple; and when the parents of the child, Yahushua, brought him in to do for him according to the customs of the instructions given by Yahweh to Moses for Israel... the torah...,

28) He picked the child up in his arms and spoke praises to Yahweh, and said:

29) Lord... 1203 despotes {des-pot'-ace} - Master... You who possess supreme authority over me... Hebrew equivalent of the hebrew term Elohim... Now detain your servant no longer from departing in peace. According to your word to me.

30) For my eyes have seen Your salvation.

31) Which You have prepared before the face... in the presence of... in front of the faces of... all people.

32) A light to enlighten the Gentiles... 1484 ethnos {eth'-nos} - the nations of people foriegn to Israel and not aware of or comprehending the nature of Yahweh...

33) Yoseph, the father of the baby, and Mariam his mother, wondered at the words that were spoken about their baby boy by this man.

34) Then Simeon spoke a blessing on them. Then he said to Mariam, Yahushua's mother: See with your mind and understand that this one is set ... 2749 keimai {ki'-mahee} - is destined for... has been appointed for... has been set in place by Yahweh for... the fall... 4431 ptosis {pto'-sis} - the falling... the downfall... and rising up again... 386 anastasis { an-as'-tas-is} - the rising up... the resurrection... of many in Israel... NOTE: In the Israel that is made up of the twelve tribes or nations that had been and would continue to be scattered amongst all other nations on the earth...; and he has also been set in place for... he is also to be a... sign... a mark... a distinguishing characteristic found in someone... that will be spoken against.

35) Yes, Mariam, a sword will pierce through your own soul also... Yes, Mariam, you also will fall... All that you think, feel, and decide will be found to be inadequate because of this son of yours; and it will be this way... so that the thoughts of many hearts can be revealed.

*** The innermost thoughts of anyone are revealed through their decisions made and actions taken as a result...

36) There was also someone who was named Anna. A prophetess who was the daughter of Phanuel 5323 {fan-oo-ale'} - "the face of El" - from H6439 Penuw'el {pen-oo-ale'} or Peniy'el {pen-ee-ale'} - "facing El"... from the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age... she was very old...; and she had lived with a husband for seven years since her virginity.

37) She was a widow of four score and four years... She was a widow for eighty four years... who did not leave the temple; but worshiped with prayers and fastings night and day.

38) She, appearing at that instant, gave thanks likewise, as Simeon had done, to Yahweh; and spoke of him... spoke of the baby, Yahushua, whom she had seen and known for Who and What He was and would be... to all of those who looked for redemption in Yerushalem.

39) And when they... Yahushua's parents... had accomplished all things according to the torah of Yahweh regarding the birth of their son, they returned to the region of Galilee; and to their own city of Nazareth.

40) And the child grew up; and grew strong in spirit... the child grew mature, decisive, and steadfast in the way that he thought and felt about things, and in the decisions that he made in his life... He was filled with wisdom; and the grace of Yahweh was on Him.

41) Now, his parents went to Yerushalem every year at the time of the feast of the Passover... at the time of the memorial observance of the Passover of the homes of those obedient to Yahweh's instructions by Yahweh's messenger of death when Yahweh used Moses and Aaron to take enslaved Israel out from under the rule of the Pharoah and people of Egypt; and the immediately following seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread...

42) When he was twelve years of age they went up to Yerushalem according to the custom of the feast.

43) When they had completed the number of days required for the feasts; and as they were returning to Nazareth, the child Yahushua remained in Yerushalem. Yahushua's mother and Yoseph were not aware of this.

44) They traveled a days journey away from Yerushalem before looking for him because they thought Yahushua was in the company of travelers they were with; and they looked for him amongst their kinfolk and acquaintances that were on the same journey.

45) When they could not locate him, they turned back toward Yerushalem while continuing to look for him.

46) After three days of searching they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the master teachers who spoke and taught the things of Yahweh to Israel, both listening to them as they spoke and asking them questions;

47) And all who heard him were astonished... 1839 existemi {ex-is'-tay-mee} - they were removed from their calm state of mind and were beside themselves... because of his understanding... 4907 suneisis {soon'-es-is} - because of the way that his knowledge and understanding flowed together... and answers... and because of his replies to their questions as they tested him...

48) When Yoseph and Mariam saw Yahushua, they were amazed... 1605 ekplesso {ek-place'-so} - they were struck, with panic and shock, out of their normal demeanor at having found him in such a place and engaged in such an activity...

*** They did not know what to think or how to react. No one simply engaged in common conversation with those who were so wise and learned. Especially not a twelve year old boy. For he was not expected to be mature enough to handle, within his mind, the complexities of the deep things hidden within the scriptures that the masters themselves were able to teach and form opinions on... Surely thoughts of accountability for this young boy must have formed in the minds of Yoseph and Mariam. For, according to normal thoughts of parents, they knew that they must give an answer for his actions of impertinence to the master teachers of all Israel that he was sitting in the midst of; and apparently. according to their perceptions, casually chatting with... They must have felt somewhat out of place in such an honored gathering. As they must have apologized and asked for the indulgence of the masters who were there while they collected their son from amongst them...

His mother said to him: Son! Why have you behaved in this manner and caused all of this anxiety and distress to happen? Do you understand that your father and I have been searching for you with sorrow in our hearts?

49) Yahushua replied to their questions and reprimands, by saying: How is it that you searched for me? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?... Don't you understand that it is necessary for me to be with my Father in what He began?...

50) They did not understand the meaning of what He said to them.

51) He went with down from Yerushalem with them and returned to Nazareth; and he was subject to them. ... he willingly submitted to their control as parents over him... But his mother kept all these sayings... 4933 suntereo {soon-tay-reh'-o} - His mother remembered and kept all the things that had taken place, and that had been said since before Yahushua's birth, in her heart... 2588 kardia {kar-dee'-ah} - in the place where her thoughts, feelings, and decision makings were generated from...

52) And Yahushua increased in wisdom and stature; and in the loving kindness and good will that he received from Yahweh and mankind.

The following relates to verses 41- 43; and explains, in context, the reason, order, and manner of their behavior regarding the memorial feasts of The Passover and Unleavened Bread...

The reason, order, and manner for the Passover:

Exodus 12:1-14 And Yahweh spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, by saying: 2 This month... this new moon and the days that follow until the next new moon... is to you the beginning of months... the beginning lunar cycle... it... this new moon together with the cycle of days that follows is the first month... the first new moon... the first lunar month... of the year to you. 3 Speak to all of the congregation of Israel, by saying this to them: During the tenth day of this moon cycle they are to take to them... they are to obtain... they are to acquire..., every man of the congregation of Israel, a lamb. According to the number of the households of all of the fathers living, a lamb for each household. 4 If the household is too small for the size of the lamb that has been acquired, then that father of that household and his neighbor who lives next to his house will take that lamb for themselves. This reckoning will be according to the number of the souls within the household. Every man... every father... according to his eating... according to the number of mouths that eat food in his household... shall make up the number of your count... will make up your estimate... for the lamb. 5 Your lamb will be without blemish; and a male of the first year. You will select it from the sheep, or from the goats. 6 You will keep it... You will watch over and care for it... up until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel will kill those lambs in the evening... in the evening hours of that day... 7 They... each father of a household of the congregation of Israel... will take some of the blood from that lamb and put it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the doorways of the houses in which they will eat it. 8 They shall eat the flesh of that lamb in that night, roasted with fire. With unleavened bread and with things that taste bitter they shall eat it. 9 Do not eat any of it if it is raw, nor if it is cooked at all with water. Roast it instead with fire. Its head together with its legs, and with the inward parts of it. 10 You will let nothing of it remain until the morning... No leftovers... Whatever is left behind of it until the morning you are to burn with fire. 11 In this manner are you to eat this lamb: Your loins are to be girded... You will have a belt, or, band around your hips..., your shoes... your sandals... are to be on your feet; and your staff, that you use for support and balance when traveling from place to place, will be in your hand. You will eat this meal in haste. It is Yahweh's passover. 12 You will do this, in this manner, because I will pass through the land of Egypt this night. I will kill all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the elohim of Egypt I will execute judgment. I am Yahweh. 13 The blood of the lambs that will be killed for your households will be to you for a distinguishing mark upon the dwellings you are in. When I see the blood on the doorposts of the doorway, I will pass over you; and the plague of destruction will not be upon you and your household when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 This day will be to you for a memorial; and you will celebrate this memorial as a feast to Yahweh throughout your generations. You will celebrate it as a feast.... The memorial Feast of the Passover... Because it has been prescribed, by Me, to be a continually existing ordinance.

Thought Note: This was done during the hours prior to sundown... in the late afternoon hours... The blood was applied to the doorways and the lamb was roasted during those hours... How long does it take for the animal to bleed out and die after the knife is applied? How large is a lamb or kid of one year of size? How long does it take to skin a lamb or kid of this size? How long did it take to roast this entire lamb or kid over an open fire? How many hours?... Was it then eaten before sundown? No! If the instructions are followed according to Exodus 12:8 it was eaten after sundown during the beginning hours of the 15th day... Does the importance of killing the lamb on the 14th day and applying the blood to the doorposts overshadow the importance of when it was consumed? It is clear that the application of the blood to the doorway was to be done prior to consumption of the animal. Which was to be done during the night hours of the 15th day...

The reason, order, and manner of the Feast of Unleavened Bread:

Exodus 12:15-27 Seven days will you eat unleavened bread. Surely it will be that on the first day... beginning at sundown of the 15th day of the first lunar cycle of the year... you will put away leaven from out of your houses. For whoever eats leavened bread from the first day... the fifteenth day of the first lunar cycle of the year... until the seventh day of the feast... until the 21st day of the first lunar cycle of the year... that soul will be cut off... removed... separated... from Israel... from the nation of people who are the descendants of Yacob who was renamed Yisrael by Yahweh... 16 In the hours of the first day there will be an holy convocation... a set apart assembling together of all of you...; and in the seventh day there will also be an holy convocation... a set apart assembling together of all of you...; no manner of work shall be done in those two days except for the work which must be done for every one who must eat. That is the only work which may be done by any of you. 17 And you will all observe... give heed to ... celebrate the eating of... unleavened bread. For in this selfsame day... in this span of time... in this number of days... have I brought your host... I have brought all of you... out of the land of Egypt. For this reason you will celebrate this day... For this reason you will celebrate the eating of unleavened bread for this number of days at this time within each year... in all of your generations by My prescribing that it be an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month... during the first lunar cycle of the year..., on the fourteenth day of the month at evening...

*** Note: Beginning at the evening hour of the 14th day. The hour which begins the 15th day of the month because of the setting of the sun...,

you will eat unleavened bread, until the twenty first day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days will there be no leaven found in your houses. Because whoever eats that which is leavened during that time of year, even that soul shall be cut off... removed... separated... no longer recognized as being... from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a stranger... a foreigner who has been bought by a native born Israelite with money and then brought in... or an Israelite descendant who had been born outside of the promised land that had not yet been reached..., or born in the land...

A Note about the concept of foriegner as it may have been applied at this time:

At the time of this ordinance being given, the land promised to the people of Israel had not yet been entered into; and would not have been reached for at least forty more years...

20 You will eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations will you eat unleavened bread.

Application, by Moses, of the commandments regarding these two feasts. Given to him by Yahweh for all of the congregation of Israel

Exodus 12:21-27

21 Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them: Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. 22 You will take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason that has caught the blood of the lamb you have killed: and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason. None of you will go out through the door of his house until the morning. 23 For Yahweh will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he sees the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts of the doorways, Yahweh will pass over the door, and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to strike you. 24 Ye will celebrate this thing as an ordinance, given by Yahweh, to you and to your sons for ever. 25 It shall happen that when you have come into the land which Yahweh will give to you, in accordance with what He has promised, that you will remember and do this service to Yahweh; 26 And it will happen in the future, when your children will say to you: What do you mean by this service to Yahweh? 27 That you will say to them: This memorial is because of the sacrifice of Yahweh's passover. For Yahweh passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when He smote the Egyptians, and He delivered our households from the deaths that the destroyer caused in Egypt. Then, all of the people of the congregation of Israel who had heard the instructions of Yahweh given to them by Moses, bowed their heads and worshiped. 28 And the children of Israel went away, and did as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they.

The result of obedience to Yahweh... Salvation from Yahweh's destroyer. How many dead, old and young, there must have been in Egypt that night... Pharaoh himself was, obviously, not the firstborn of his father's children.

Exodus 12:29-30 29 And, it came to pass, that at midnight Yahweh killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt. From the firstborn of the Pharaoh that sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive that was held prisoner in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle. 30 Because of this, Pharaoh rose up in the night. He, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians in the land; and there was a great cry of distress in Egypt. For there was not a household or dwelling where there was not at least one killed.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Luke Chapter 1 (Expounded)

Luke Chapter 1

1) Seeing that many have made the attempt to to put together, in order, a full narrative of... a complete history of events, experiences, and words spoken which have led up to... those things which we are inclined to believe. Because we are convinced of what has been fully established as truth.

2) Just like those who had been eyewitnesses of these things, and who are united together in their service to the concepts and ideas set forth by the spoken word of Yahweh since the beginning, have declared and taught them to us,

3) I determined that it would also be good for me to write to you of these things in turn, most excellent Theophilus. For I possess an accurate and diligent understanding of all of the things that have transpired since the beginning.

4) I make this written account so that you can know the undoubted truth of the oral instruction which you have received from those who have taught you.

5) In the days of the reign of Herod, the king of the region of Iudea, there was a Levite priest named Zacharias. Who was of the course of Abiyah. His wife was a descendant... one of the daughters... of Aaron; and her name was Elisabeth... 1665 Elisabet {el-ee-sab'-et} - "oath of El"... from the Hebrew 0472 Eliysheba {el-ee-she'-ba} - "my El has sworn"... interesting note: this was also the name of Aaron's wife...

***Note: "Course of Abiyah"

See 1 Chronicles, chapters 23 & 24 for the way that the orders, which King David made when he was old and full of days, were carried out when he set up the manner in which the Levites were to carry out their duties in service to Yahweh. "Courses" 4256 machaloqeth {makh-al-o'-keth} - were divisions, or classes within the rank and file of the men of the tribe of Levi who had reached the age of 30 years. In the beginning of this arrangement they were numbered at thirty eight thousand.

Twenty four thousand of these men were to set forward the work of the house of Yahweh; and six thousand were officials... overseers or rulers... and judges... governors who acted as lawgivers, decided any matters of controversy that arose between Israelites, and determined condemnation and punishment for those who had defiled themselves and Israel by breaking the Torah... the instructions given by Yahweh for how the Israelite Way of life was to be conducted.

Of the twenty four thousand dedicated to service for the work of the house of Yahweh, King David divided them into their various courses by lot. Each of these courses, twenty four in all, took their turn in the rotation to come into the temple and carry out the various duties that the house of Yahweh... the Temple... required for the work that Yahweh had established the temple for. See 1 Chronicles 24:1 thru 19 for the names under which each of these divisions were established...

6) They both... Zacharias and Elisabet... were righteous... Both of them were "as they ought to be"... before Yahweh, walking... walking the path of life... ordering their life conduct... according to all of the commandments and ordinances of Yahweh in a manner that was without fault.

7) They had no children because Elisabet was barren... 4723 steiros {sti'-ros} - firm, solid... sterile... deprived of the ability to bear children...; and they were both advanced in years;

8) And during the time when Zacharias performed the duties of the priest's office before Yahweh, in the order of his course,

9) It happened, according to the custom of the office of the priest, that his portion of duties to carry out at that time was to burn incense when he went into the temple of Yahweh.

10) During the time that he was carrying out these duties, the whole multitude of those who had gathered at the temple to worship Yahweh were praying outside in the courtyard of the temple at the time for the burning of the incense.

11) It was during this time, when all these things were taking place outside in the courtyard while he was inside placing the incense in it's proper place and lighting it, that he saw a messenger sent by Yahweh appear and stand on the right hand side of the altar of incense.

12) When Zacharias saw this messenger, he was agitated inside of himself... his calmness was taken away... and fear fell on him... took him over...

13) Yet, the messenger of Yahweh said to him; Do not fear, Zacharias, because your prayer has been heard; and your wife, Elisabet, will give birth to a son; and you will give him the name of John... Ioannes {ee-o-an'-nace} - "Yahweh is a gracious giver"... - from the Hebrew origin 3110 Yowchanan {yo-khaw-nawn} - "Yahweh has graced" ...

14) You will have joy and gladness; and many will rejoice because of his birth.

15) For he... Yochanan... will be great in the sight of Yahweh; and he will not drink wine, nor strong drink of any kind; and he will be filled with the Most Holy, Rational Spirit while he is still within his mother's womb.

16) He will be instrumental in causing many of the children of Israel to return to the one to their Elohim to whom they belong.

17) He will go before their Elohim in the spirit and power of EliYah in order to return the hearts of the fathers back toward their children; and to return the disobedient back to the wisdom of the just... the wisdom of the righteous... the wisdom of those who are "as they ought to be" before Yahweh...; and he will do this in order to make ready a people... 2992 laos {lah-os'} - a people group... who are prepared for the appearance..., in the history of the unfolding of the time of man..., of the One to whom they belong.

18) Zacharias then said to the messenger sent from Yahweh: According to what proof will I know that what you have spoken to me? For I am an old man; and my wife is far along in her years.

19) The messenger from Yahweh, in answer, said to him: I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of Yahweh; and I have been sent to speak to you and show these glad tiding to you.

20) Now understand this! You will be dumb... silent... and unable to speak, until the day that these things will take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their due measure of time.

21) All this took place while the people were outside, in the courtyard of the temple, waiting on Zacharias; and they wondered at the fact that he stayed so long inside the temple.

22) When he did come out, he could not speak to them; and they perceived that he had seen a vision while he was in the temple. For he made gestures to them in order to indicate what he was trying to say to them; and he remained unable to speak.

23) It came to pass, that as soon as the days of his time of service in the temple were completed, he departed to go to his own house.

24) And, after those days, his wife Elisabeth became pregnant; and she hid herself for five months, while saying:

25) In this manner has Yahweh dealt with me in the days in which he watched, in order to take away my reproach among men... the reproach of being unable to become pregnant and bear children to the house of her husband and to Israel...

26) Then, in the sixth month of her pregnancy, Gabriel, the messenger from Yahweh, was sent from Yahweh to a city in the region of Galilee named Nazareth,

27) To a virgin... 3933 parthenos {par-then'-os} - a virgin... a young woman of marriageable age who had yet been physically intimate with a man... who was espoused to a man named Yoseph, who was of the lineage of the house of David; and the name of this young woman was Mary... 3137 Maria {mar-ee'-ah} or Mariam {mar-ee-am'} - "their rebellion"... this transliterated word originated from the Hebrew 4813 Miryam {meer-yawm} - a proper noun which means "rebellion"... from H4805 meriy {mer-ee'} - "rebellion"... "obstinancy"... "stubborness"... which stems from the Hebrew primitive root word H4784 marah {maw-raw'} - which means "to be contentious"... "to be disobedient towards"... "to be rebellious against"...

*** "Knowing the history" that has taken place in which Miryam is instrumental, it appears that her name is appropriate. For she, whether intentionally, contentiously, or not, truly went against the grain of what was considered normal for all the world regarding Yahweh and His Order. She rebelled against the societal norm of thinking in her actions of obedience and in her truly humble, not contrived, attitude and posture before Yahweh. She was disobedient toward the world order that she had been born into and grew up in... Just like our forefather Avraham... Our Father, Yahweh, obviously knows what He is doing... and He truly has foreseen what is in our hearts before our time of physical living...

28) The messenger that had been sent from Yahweh, Gabriel, came in to where she was at the time, and said: Hail... 5463 chairo {kha'-ee-ro} - Rejoice! Be glad! Be well!... Thrive!... Highly favored one! Yahweh, the One to Whom you belong, is with you! You are blessed amongst all women!

29) When she saw... 1492 oida {oy'-da} -When she discerned the force and meaning of his words..., she was troubled... she was agitated in her mind... at what he had said; and she cast in her mind... 1260 dialogizomai {dee-al-og-id'-zom-ahee} - she deliberated the reasons, within her mind, for what Gabriel had said to her... and she struggled to understand the implications of the manner of greeting that this might be.

30) The messenger, Gabriel, said to her: Do not fear, Mariam, for you have found... 2147 heurisko {hyoo-ris'-ko} - you have gained... you have obtained... favor... 5485 charis {khar'-ece} - the gift of an inclination toward goodwill... the gift of an attitude of benevolence... from Yahweh.

*** Note: We must never forget the majestic power and authority of our Creator and Owner to Whom we ultimately belong. Who is the One that has the ultimate say-so regarding what is done with any of us... We must overcome the effortless way in which we have made Father Yahweh common in the eyes of our mind. We must be ever mindful of the Spirit we, who have been rescued, now profess to be abiding within us. For if that Spirit truly exists within us, then, we should have no trouble recognizing our proper stance and place before Him. We must develop the mastery of taking our every thought captive and forcing it to bow down to the concept of the supremacy of Yahweh, to Whom we belong, in any matter under consideration. For that place is truthfully and rightfully His...

31) Also, understand what I say to you now: You will conceive... 4815 sullambano {sool-lam-ban'-o} - You will receive... within your womb... 1064 gaster {gas-tare'} - and you will be with child... You will bring forth... 5088 tikto {tik'-to} - You will give birth to... a son; and you will call his name Yehoshua... 2424 Iesous {ee-ay-sooce'} - Yahweh is salvation... a contrived word, with no true meaning, seen as transliterated, however wrongly, from the Hebrew original word 3091 Yehowsuwa` {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} - Yoshua, or Yehoshua - which means "Yahweh is salvation"... this word stems from a combination of the letters of the tetragrammaton "YHWH" that has been used to depict the name of Yahweh, and the primitive root 3467 yasha` {yaw-shah'} - which means "to save"... "to be saved"... "to be liberated"... "to be rescued"...

32) He will be great... 3173 megas {meg'-as} - He will be of an important status and rank...; and will be called "the Son of the Most High". Yahweh, Whom He belongs to, will give to Him the throne of His forefather, David;

33) And He will reign over the house of Yacob forever. There will never be an end of His kingdom.

***NOTE: Even though we can clearly see from history that the people and rulership of Israel did not obey Yahweh above all as they were taught, Yahweh still kept and fulfilled His spoken word to David.... it took the birth of Yahushua and the restoration of Yahweh's Order to make it happen... Even since the days of Jeroboam and Rehoboam has Yahweh kept His word to David. He caused the carrying away of the Northern tribes of Israel by using Assyria to overthrow them... No king of the lineage of David on the throne for them... Eventually, the Babylonian captivity of the remaining tribes of Israel would ensure that no king would be on the throne of Israel from the lineage of David; and no king from that lineage has ruled over the twelve tribes since... Until Yahweh established Yahushua in His place... For we, who have been rescued and know Yahushua as the Master to Whom we belong, serve Him and His kingdom even though He has not yet physically returned. We are Israel; and the Way of Yahushua is our path of life, for it is the Way of Yahweh's Order. When Yahushua does return as King and High Priest of the earthly kingdom of Israel, to rule the earth with an iron hand so that all the earth will know the Sovereignty of Yahweh, what a joyous day that will be. It will not be much farther in the future of this planet...

1 Kings 2:1-4 Now the days of David drew near in which he was to die; and he charged Solomon his son, by saying: 2 I go the way of all the earth: be strong therefore, and shew yourself to be a man; 3 And keep the charge of Yahweh, your Elohim, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, and His commandments, and His judgments, and His testimonies, just as it is written of in the law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all that you do, and in whatever direction you turn yourself: 4 So that Yahweh may continue His word which He spoke concerning me, by saying: If your children take heed to their way, in order to walk before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, there shall not fail you (said He) a man from your lineage to be on the throne of Israel.

1 Kings 8:11-26 12 Then spoke Solomon:Yahweh said that He would dwell in the thick darkness. 13 I have surely built You a house to dwell in, a settled place for You to abide in for ever. 14 And the king turned his face about, and blessed all the congregation of Israel: (and all the congregation of Israel stood;) 15 And he said, Blessed is Yahweh, Elohim of Israel, Who spoke with His mouth to David my father, and has with his Hand fulfilled what was spoken by saying: 16 Since the day that I brought forth my people Israel out of Egypt, I chose no city out of all the tribes of Israel to build an house, so that my name might be within that city; but I chose David to be over my people Israel. 17 And it was in the heart of David, my father, to build an house for the name of Yahweh, Elohim of Israel. 18 And Yahweh said to David, my father: Whereas it was in your heart to build an house to my name, you did well that it was in your heart. 19 Nevertheless, you will not build the house; but your son, who will come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house unto my name. 20 And Yahweh has performed His word that He spoke; and I am risen up in the room of David my father; and I sit on the throne of Israel just as Yahweh promised; and I have built a house for the name of Yahweh, Elohim of Israel. 21 I have set there a place for the ark, in which is the covenant of Yahweh, which He made with our forefathers, when He brought them out of the land of Egypt. 22 Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands toward heaven: 23 And he said: Yahweh, Elohim of Israel, there is no El like You in heaven above or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with Your servants who walk before You with all their heart: 24 There is no other who has kept with Your servant David, my father, what You promised him. You spoke also with Your mouth, and You have fulfilled what You have spoken with Your hand, just as this day shows. 25 Therefore now, Yahweh, Elohim of Israel, keep with thy servant David, my father, what You promised him by saying: There will not fail you a man from your lineage in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel; so that your children take heed to their way, that they walk before me as you have walked before me. 26 And now, O Elohim of Israel, let Your word, I ask of You, be verified, which thou spoke to Your servant, David, my father.

1 Kings 9:1-9 And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished the building of the house of Yahweh, and the king's house, and all Solomon's desire which he was pleased to do, 2 That Yahweh appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared unto him at Gibeon. 3 And Yahweh said unto him, I have heard your prayer and your supplication, which you have made before me. I have hallowed this house, which you have built, in order to put my name there for ever; and mine eyes and mine heart will be there perpetually. 4 If you will walk before me, just as David your father walked, in the integrity of your heart, and in uprightness to do according to all that I have commanded thee. If you will keep my statutes and my judgments: 5 Then I will establish the throne of your kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David, your father, by saying: There will not fail you a man of your lineage to be upon the throne of Israel. 6 If ye will at all turn from following me. You or your children. If you will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them. 7 Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I throw out of my sight; and Israel will be a proverb and a byword among all people: 8 And at this house, which is high, every one that passes by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say: Why has Yahweh done things in this manner to this land and to this house? 9 And they shall answer: Because they forsook Yahweh, their Elohim, who brought forth their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and they have taken hold upon other gods, and have worshiped them, and served them. It is for this reason that Yahweh brought upon them all this evil.

2 Chronicles 6:10 10 Yahweh, therefore, has performed His word that he has spoken. For I am risen up in the room of David my father, and I am set on the throne of Israel, just as Yahweh promised, and I have built the house for the name of Yahweh, Elohim of Israel.

2 Chronicles 6:16-17 Now therefore, Yahweh, Elohim of Israel, keep with Your servant David, my father, that which You have promised him, by saying: There shall not fail thee a man of your lineage, in my sight, to sit upon the throne of Israel. So that it may be that your children take heed to their way, so that they would be able to walk in my law, as you hast walked before me. 17 Now then, Yahweh, Elohim of Israel, let Your word be verified, which You have spoken to Your servant, David.

34) Then, after Mariam had listened to the message from Yahweh that Gabriel spoke to her, she asked him: How will this happen, since I have never known a man?... 1097 ginosko {ghin-oce'-ko} - Since I have never had the experience of intimate, physical intercourse with a man?...

35) The messenger that had been sent by Yahweh gave her this answer: The Holy Ghost... the Holy... 40 Hagios {hag'-ee-os} - most holy thing... Ghost... 4151 Pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} - the rational spirit, with nothing physical attached to it, which has the power of knowing, desiring, deciding, and acting... the Most Holy, Rational, Spirit... the Spirit of the Order and Power of Yahweh... will come upon you... 1904 eperchomai {ep-er'-khom-ahee} - will overtake you... will rest on and operate within you... and the power... 1411 dunamis {doo'-nam-is} - the inherent power, strength, and ability... of the Most High will overshadow you... 1982 episkiazo {ep-ee-skee-ad'-zo} - will envelop and influence you... It is also for this reason that the holy thing... 40 hagios - the Most Holy thing... that will be born... 1080 gennao {ghen-nah'-o} - that will be brought forth... that will be given birth to... from you will be called... 2564 kaleo {kal-eh'-o} - will bear the name, or title of... the Son of Yahweh

36) And, pay particular attention to your cousin, Elisabeth, for she has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month... sixth moon... with her in this condition. A woman who used to be called barren... 4723 steiros {sti'-ros} - stiff... hard... lacking... unfruitful... infertile... unable to conceive children...

37) Because, with Yahweh, nothing is ever impossible.

38) Mariam spoke, in reply to what Gabriel had prophecied to her: Look at the handmaid... 1399 doule {doo'-lay} - See this female servant, obedient and devoted to Yahweh, to Whom she belongs... Be it to me... 1096 ginomai - {ghin'-om-ahee} - Let it happen to me... Let what you have said come to pass... according to the message that you have spoken to me. The messenger that had been sent by Yahweh to her then departed from her.

39) Mary arose... 450 anistemi {an-is'-tay-me} - Mariam left where she was... in those days... at that time... and went, with haste, into the hill country. Into a city of Juda... 2448 Iouda {ee-oo-dah'} - Yahudah "He will be praised" - a city within the region occupied by the tribe of Yahudah...

40) She entered into the house of Zecharias and saluted... 782 aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee} - greeted... Elisabeth.

41) When Elisabeth heard the greeting of Mariam, the babe... 1025 brephos {bref'-os} - the unborn child... the fetus... leaped within her womb; and Elisabeth was filled... 4130 pletho {play'-tho} - made full... with the Holy... 40 Hagios {hag'-ee-os} - most holy thing... Ghost... 4151 Pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} - the rational spirit, with nothing physical attached to it, which has the power of knowing, desiring, deciding, and acting... the Most Holy, Rational, Spirit... the Spirit of the Order and Power of Yahweh...

42) She spoke out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed... 2127 eulogeo {yoo-log-eh'-o} - You are spoken well of... among women; and the fruit of your womb is blessed... 2127 eulogeo - distinguished with the favor of Yahweh...

43) And whence... 4159 pothen {poth'-en} - And where is this that is happening to me originating from?... How is it that the mother of my Lord... 2962 kurios {koo'-ree-os} - My Master... the One to Whom I belong and Who has the power of deciding what to do with me... should come to me... has come here to appear before me?...

44) For look... I know that this is true. Because of what just happened!... as soon as the sound of your greeting sounded... 1096 ginomai {ghin'-om-ahee} - came into existence within my ears..., the baby I am carrying within my womb leaped... 4640 skirtao {skeer-tah'-o} - leaped... for joy... 20 agallisasis { ag-al-lee'-as-is} - in exultation... in extreme joy... because of gladness...

45) Also, she who believed... 4100 pistueo {pist-yoo-o} - who placed confidence in what was told to her... is blessed... 3107 makarios {mak-ar'-ee-os} - happy, blessed... because there will be a performance... 5050 teleiosis {tel-i'-os-sis} - a completing... a perfecting... a fulfilment... an accomplishment... of those things that were told to her from Yahweh.

46) Mariam said, in reply: My soul... 5590 psuche {psoo-khay} - the non physical part of me, that causes my thoughts and feelings, and affections, and aversions to be clearly seen and understood... magnifies... 3170 magaluno {meg-al-oo'-no} - enlarges the praises of ... Yahweh.

47) And my spirit... 4151 pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} - the non physical part of me that is a force which animates my body and causes it to breathe and which is also from where my thoughts, feelings and affections are generated from... has rejoiced... 21 agalliao {ag-al-lee-ah'-o} - has become exceedingly glad... in... 1909 epi {ep-ee'} - before... Yahweh, my Savior... 4990 soter {so-tare'] - my deliverer... my rescuer... my preserver... the One Who saves me from danger or destruction and brings about a state or condition of prosperity and happiness within me... the One Who causes me to be "as I ought to be" in accordance with His Order...

48) For He has regarded... He has looked upon and paid attention to... the low estate... the humble status and stance... of His handmaiden... 1399 doule {doo'-lay} - His female servant, who is obedient and devoted to Yahweh, to Whom she belongs... I say this because you can see that from this time onward all generations will call me blessed... 3106 makarizo {mak-ar-id'-zo} - will count me as having received the favor and approval of Yahweh...

49) For He Who is mighty... 1415 dunatos {doo-nat-os'} - For He Who has the power to do so... has done great things to me; and His name... the name which belongs to Him alone... 3686 onoma {on'-om-ah} - name... the word, or combination of words, by which someone or something is referred to, that reflects all of who and what someone or something is... a memorial... an equivalent to the Hebrew word 8034 shem {shame} ... is Holy... 40 Hagios... is a Most Holy thing...

50) And His mercy... 1656 eleos {el'-eh-os} - His kindness or good will toward those who are miserable and afflicted, which is joined together with a desire to help them... is on those who fear... 5399 phobeo {fob-eh'-o} - those who take a humble mental stance of yielding their will to Him and clearly manifest deep respect and overwhelming feelings of fearful respect toward... Him from generation to generation.

51) He has shown strength... 2904 kratos {krat'-os} - dominion... with His arm... 1023 brachion {brakh-ee'-own} - arm... also a reference to a Hebrew idiom for the might and power of Yahweh... He has scattered... diaskorpizo {dee-as-kor-pid'-zo} - dispersed... thrown high to be blown away like the wind is used to winnow chaff away from grain... those who are proud in the imagination of their hearts.

52) He has put down... 2507 kathaireo {kath-ahee-reh'-o} - thrown down... destroyed... demolished... the mighty from their thrones of power; and has exalted instead those of low degree... 5011 tapeinos {tap-i-nos'} - He has exalted, by His approval, those who are humble before Him... those who have sought to have no prideful and arrogant reputation among men; but who instead seek His Truth and Order out so that they can live according to His Way...

53) He has filled the hungry... 3983 peinao {pi-nah'-o} - those who have truly searched Him out with eager desire... with good things... 18 agathos {ag-ath-os'} - with things that have come from a good nature... His nature...; and He has sent the rich... He has sent those who have the appearance of being richly supplied with things from Yahweh... those who think that they have no more need to be taught of anything regarding Him... away empty... 2756 kenos {ken-os'} - devoid of truth... empty handed... destitute of any spiritual wealth... without the ability to produce the fruits of being fully persuaded of the True Truth of Yahweh's Nature and Order...


Note: An example of this is found when Yahushua spoke to the man who had been blind since his birth. Whom he had healed; and who had been thrown out of the presence of those who questioned him regarding his healing...

in John (Yochanan) 9:35-41

35) Yahushua heard that they had thrown him out; and when He... Yahushua... found him... when Yahushua met him again... Yahushua asked him: Do you believe... are you fully persuaded... fully convinced within your mind of the truth, the nature, and the power of... the Son of Yahweh?

36) He answered and said: Tell me who he is, Master, so that I can place my confidence and trust in Him;

37) And Yahushua said to him: You have both seen Him... 3708 horao {hor-ah'-o} - you have experienced Him...; and you have seen Him with your minds' eye...; and He is talking with you now.

38) And he said: Master... 2962 kurios {koo'-ree-os} - You to Whom I belong..., I believe; and he bowed himself before Yahushua in worship.

39) And Yahushua said: For the purpose of judgment... for the purpose of the condemnation of a wrong state or condition of existence... I am making my appearance... I am becoming known... to this world... to this order of things... so that they who do not see... so that those who do not mentally grasp and do not have the power of understanding Yahweh's Truth, Reality and Order... can see... perceive... comprehend... understand... with the eyes of their mind...; and, I have also come so that they who believe that they understand all things... because of their experiences in a life that is based on an earthy, sensual comprehension... can be made blind... 5185 tuphlos {tuof-los'} - mentally blind.

40) And those who were of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words and said to Him: Are we also mentally blind?

41) Yahushua said to them: If you were mentally blind you would not be in a condition of sin against Yahweh's order for all things; but since you now say: We see... Since you, at this time, consider yourselves to able to collectively say: We comprehend and understand what is right and wrong within the order of things that we profess to be a part of... for this reason your sin... your condition of error... your state of existence that is not "as it ought to be" according to Yahweh... remains... 3306 meo {men'-o} - continues to be present within you...

Since you think you already know everything about Yahweh and His Order, you are mentally and spiritually blind, and you remain rebellious against Yahweh because you cannot be taught by Yahweh about His Order...


Back to Luke Chapter 1...

54) He has helped His servant, Israel, in remembrance of mercy...; 1656 eleos {el'-eh-os} - in remembrance of His kindness or good will toward those who are miserable and afflicted, which is joined together with a desire to help them...;

55) Doing... performing... accomplishing all things just like the promises and prophecies that He spoke to our forefathers, and to Abraham, and to his seed... his descendants... forever.

56) And Mariam stayed with her... with Elisabeth... for about three months; and then returned to her own house.

57) The time for Elisabeth's pregnancy was fulfilled to the point that she would produce; and she gave birth to a son.

58) Her neighbors and her cousins heard how Yahweh had shown great mercy on her;... for she had been known to be barren and unable to produce children... and they rejoiced with her.

59) Then it happened, that on the eighth day they all came the priest in order to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father.

60) But his mother spoke out and said: No! He will, instead, be called Yochanan... 2491 Ioannes {ee-o-an'-nace} - Yahweh is a gracious giver... from Hebrew origin 03110 Yowchanan {yo-khaw-nawn} - Yahweh has graced...

61) They answered her by saying: There is no one of your family history that is called by this name.

62) They then made signs to his father. Asking him how he would have him called.

63) Zacharias motioned and asked for a writing tablet; and wrote his answer: His name is Yochanan. They all were astonished and wondered about the how and why of his answer... For it was not according to their tradition...

64) Immediately, Zacharias was able to open his mouth and move his tongue; and he spoke and gave honor to Yahweh with his praises.

65) Fear... 5401 phobos {fob'-os} - a terror... an astonishment and an amazement that brought a sense of fear... possibly because of an inability to explain or identify what had just taken place... came on all who dwelt round about... 4039 perioikeo {per-ee-oy-keh'-o} - all who were the neighbors of the family of Zacharias and Elisabeth...; and all that had taken place was spoken of throughout all of the hill country of Judea.

66) And all who heard of what had happened through those who related the story to them, established a place within their hearts for what had taken place by saying within themselves: What will this child become when he grows up because of these things that have taken place due to his conception and birth; and the hand of Yahweh was with him.

67) His father, Zacharias, was filled with the Holy Spirit... the Most Holy Rational Spirit of Yahweh's Nature and Order...; and he prophesied... spoke out because of the inspiration of the Spirit of Yahweh... by saying:

68) Worthy of praise is Yahweh, Elohim of Israel; because he has visited and redeemed His people;

69) And He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant, David.

70) He has done just as He spoke through the mouths of his holy... 40 hagios [hag-ee'-os} - Most Holy... prophets... 4396 prophetes {prof-ay'-tace} - those who are moved within themselves... inspired... compelled... by Yahweh to solemnly declares what he/she has received by His inspiration... Who have existed since the world began.

71) When they... the prophets... said that we... we who are of the people of Israel... would be saved from our enemies; and from the hands of all who hate us.

72) In order that He would accomplish the mercy promised to our forefathers; and so that He would remember His Most Holy covenant.

73) Which is the oath that He swore to our father, Abraham;

74) And so that He would grant to us, who have been rescued out of the hand of our enemies, would be able to serve Him, without fear,

75) In holiness... 3742 hosiotes {hos-ee-ot'-ace} - in the keeping of the ordinances... and in the righteousness... 1343 dikaiosune [dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay} - and in the state or condition of existence that is as it ought to be... While in the condition of existing which is in accordance with His Order... before Him all of the days of our lives.

76) And you, child, will be called... referred to as... the prophet... 4396 prophetes {prof-ay'-tace} - someone who is moved by Yahweh to solemnly declares what he/she has received by His inspiration... especially concerning future events... the prophet of the Highest... the prophet of the Most High... Because you will go before the face... 4383 prosopon {pros'-o-pon} - the outward appearance which indicates the inward thoughts and feelings... of Yahweh. To prepare... 2090 hetoimazo {het-oy-mad'-zo} - to get every thing and every one ready for... His ways... 3598 hodos {hod-os'} - His course of conduct... His manner of thinking, feeling, deciding, etc...

*** Note: Yahushua is the face... the outward manifestation of the nature... of Yahweh. Yahweh is invisible to mankind in His Reality...

Colossians 2:8 For in Him... in the Anointed One... dwells all, of the fulness of the nature of Yahweh, bodily...


John 1:17) For the law was given by... through... Moses. Grace... The favor and mercy of Yahweh... and truth... the True truth of Who and What Yahweh is... came through Yahushua... 2424 Iesous {ee-ay-sooce'} - transliterated and originated from H3091 Yehowshuwa {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} - Yahweh is Salvation..., the Anointed One of Yahweh.

18) No one has seen the the face of Yahweh at any time. The only begotten Son... the only son within mankind who has ever been fathered by Yahweh..., Who is in the bosom of the Father... Who is cherished by His Father as an object of His intimate care and dearest affection..., It is He Who has declared Him... It is the only fathered Son of Yahweh Who has unfolded the teaching of Who and What Yahweh truly is...


Yochanan declared and pointed toward the face of Yahweh... toward the one who exhibited all of the attributes of the nature of Yahweh, the invisible Creator of all that exists, so that they would be clearly seen and recognised as existing in... Yahushua...!

77) You... You who are now known as Yochanan ben Zacharias... will give knowledge of salvation to His... Yahweh's chosen... people through the remission of their sins.

78) Which takes place because of the tender mercy of our Elohim. From Whom the dayspring... 395 anatole {an-at-ol-ay'} - From Whom the rising of the light... the dawning of the light... from on high... 5311 hupsos {hoop'-sos} - from heaven... from the exalted place of Yahweh's Order... has visited us... 1980 episkeptomai {ep-ee-skep'-tom-ahee} - has come to see us in order to help or benefit us...

79) In order to give light to... for the purpose of giving enlightenment to... in order to open the eyes of the mind of... in order to open the understanding of... those who sit in darkness... those who can go no further toward being approved of by Yahweh in their condition of existence because of blindness to Yahweh's Way and Order... and the shadow of death... and their soon coming destruction as part of all that is not of Yahweh's Way and Order.... To guide our feet into the way... To cause us to understand and walk on the path... of peace... of Yahweh's Shalom... of True Shalom which the world order of mankind cannot give... which is Yahweh's Way...

*** For clarity - Zacharias prophecied to his son Yochanan, who was still an infant at the time...:

You who are now known as Yochanan ben Zacharias will be referred to as the prophet of the Most High. Because you will go before the face of Yahweh. To get every thing and every one ready for His manner of thinking, feeling, deciding, etc... You will give knowledge of salvation and rescue to Yahweh's chosen people through the through the cancellation of the debt to Yahweh that is caused by their sins. Which takes place because of the tender mercy of our Supreme Sovereign ruler and judge in any matter under consideration. From Whom the dawning of the light that comes from the Most exalted place of Yahweh's Order has come to see us in order to help and benefit us. For the purpose of opening the eyes of the minds of those who can go no further toward being approved of by Yahweh due to their blindness to the Reality of Who and What Yahweh is; and their condition of existence not being as it ought to according to Yahweh's Order; and who are destined for destruction because of not being a part of Yahweh's Order as they should be. Also for the purpose of causing us to understand and live our lives according to the manner of those possessing Yahweh's shalom. The only True Shalom that exists because of Yahweh's Way and Order...

80) The child then grew up; and grew strong in spirit... 4151 pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} - in the manner that he thought, felt, and decided things... He was in the deserts until the day of his revealing... 323 anadeixis {an-ad'-ike-sis} - until the day of his public declarations and announcements... to Israel.

Another, important Note: Yeshua vs Yehoshua...

Abiyah was a priest who was the chief father of the household of the eighth course, of which it is written, in Luke 1:5, that Zacharias was a descendant of; but it must be pointed out that the chief father of the household of the ninth course was Yeshua... see 1 Chronicles 24:1-18 for the order of the courses set in place by king David... the Hebrew for Yeshua is 3442 Yeshuwa` {yay-shoo'-ah} - the word means "he is saved"... This name, found 30 times total, in 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah... is not the same name that is often used in place of and confused with "Joshua" 3091 Yehowshuwa {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} - "Yahweh is Salvation" - which was the name given to the son of Nun, who was of the tribe of Ephraim, and who was successor to Moses as leader of the children of Israel... this same name is also found being used for others who lived and were recorded in the writings of scripture throughout the O.T... In 1Sam 6, 1Kings 16; 2Kings 23; Haggai 1, 2; Zechariah 3, 6... some 216 times in all...

The pronunciation, or the meaning of the name "Yahushua" also cannot be casually mistaken for the "Yeshu" found in the talmudic writings that are slanderously and hatefully attributed, by those of the more Rabbinical Judaistic traditional adherences, to the Anointed One Yahushua, as the hatred clearly manifested against Yahushua before His death is carried through after His resurrection via the story known as "Toledot Yeshu", or "the history of Yeshu"

Clearly the meanings of these names are different; and therefore, "Yeshua", or any variation thereof, cannot be used as a substitute for Yahushua, or, Yahoshua. Which is the name of the Anointed One of Yahweh. Who is also our Master and Salvation sent by Yahweh. For Yahweh truly is our salvation...

The arguments that may be raised by those of a more Judaistic, or, by even what may be considered, by the entire world, a more "scholarly" opinion, do not matter in the light of scripture itself. Whether of Rabbinical Judaism or of the roots of what is taught by the Catholic church to all who profess christianity and all of the denominational factions that have resulted throughout history since Yahushua's resurrection, there are changes, deviations and deceitful additions and omissions to the truths of what had originally been written by those moved by the Spirit of Yahweh to do so. These well rehearsed, ages old efforts are political ploys and misdirects away from the real issue of the fact that Yahweh has sent Salvation and caused Restoration to His Order for those whom He has called and chosen. Just as He had declared, through the prophets, would be done... through Yahushua... for Yahweh is salvation...

Within the wisdom of the nature of all mankind such views and traditions have been proven to have been stubbornly adhered to and taught as truth; and are not necessarily truth as proven by the writings of scripture, which are to be the acid test ... The truths are there in spite of the best of efforts, by the adversaries of Yahweh, to make them of no effect. Yahweh's Spirit causes Yahweh's Truth to be known to the many who have been called to receive it. Few are they, according to scripture, who are chosen out of the called ones...

Remember that it is Yahweh Himself Who calls... those of Israels heritage - Acts 2:39...; draws anyone toward Yahushua - John 6:44...; and ordains whomever He has chosen from those who are of Gentile heritage to eternal life - Acts 13:48...

It is Yahushua Who makes it possible for the Spirit of Truth to speak to and live within those who comprehend and call Him Savior and Master. For them, there is no excuse for disobedience once their understanding is changed, by Yahweh, from the wisdom of the nature of man and the manipulations of the adversary, to the majestic splendor of the life force of Yahweh and His Order... The learning curve is obvious, the changes that must be are compelled by who and what we are called to be as sons and daughters of Yahweh.

Those who do not truly recognize Him or His Father are also they who do not truly recognize salvation and rescue from the coming destruction of all that are not of Yahweh's Order.

This is the very reason we, who are believers of the Way of Yahushua, are compelled toward the merciful actions of declaring the gospel in every facet of our lives.

This is also the very reason why the truth we see in scripture has been, is now, and will always be twisted by those who cannot recognize True Truth.

For they apply wisdom to scripture that does not belong to Yahweh's Order.

We must apply due diligence to recognize and throw off the clinging residue that sticks to us from the old nature and wisdom that we were rescued away from, so that we do not return to the state or condition of being deceived and blinded by slowly reverting back to that counterfeit for wisdom; and so that Yahweh is truly honored, by us, above all else while we are here ...

Each of us, who have received the gift of this mercy, are to be exercising due diligence always as we seek to apply Yahweh's Order to our lives while in this world order of chaos. The Spirit of Truth... the Spirit of Yahushua... the Spirit of Prophecy... the Comforter that Yahushua asked His Father for on our behalf... will point us toward what is true, in any matter under consideration, as Yahweh's Order is manifested, "as it ought to be", to the world through us...