Saturday, April 24, 2010

James Chapter 1 (Expounded)

James (Yaqob) Chapter 1

1) James... Yaqob... 2385 Iakobos {ee-ak'-o-bos} - a Graecised form of the word Iacob 2384 - which is transliterated from the Hebrew originated word Ya`acob 3290 "heel catcher", or, "supplanter"... a servant of Yahweh; and of the Master, Yahushua the Anointed One. To the twelve tribes that are scattered abroad... 1290 diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'} - a scattering... the dispersion... To the twelve tribes of Israelites that have been dispersed... scattered... Greeting... 5463 chairo {khah'-ee-ro} - a primary verb meaning "be joyful", "be well", or "be glad" - used in its absolute sense at the beginning of a letter, formal speech, or statement with the simple, or, basic form of the verb - chairein {khah'-ee-ray-in} - to give someone a greeting or to address someone with good will or respect...

*** This "James", whose actual name is Yacob, is almost universally thought to be one of the half brothers of Yahushua fathered by Joseph, the husband of Miriam, who is the mother of Yahushua...

The following references, aside from those in the four gospels, have to do with James:

Acts 1:13-14; 12:17; 21:18-25; 1 Corinthians 15:7; Galatians 1:18-19; 2:1-10

While the account in John 7:3-5 points out that Yahushua's brothers did not believe on Him at that time, these other references show us that Yacob came to the realization of Who and What Yahushua is; and that he fully acknowledged Him as the Son of Yahweh, and as the Salvation sent by Yahweh to redeem those called and chosen by Yahweh throughout the time of man. That he taught these things and lived them; and that he became an apostle... a delegate, sent by the Master Yahushua, to declare the Good News of Rescue and Preservation sent by Yahweh... and a leading elder, described by the apostle Shaul in his letter to the Galatians, as one those who seemed to be pillars of strength and support within the Assembly of believers of the Way of Yahushua that was in Yerushalem...

2) My brethren... 80 adelphos [ad-el-fos'} - my kinsmen... who have the same national ancestry...,

*** Note: This letter could., at this time, be viewed either as an address to all Hebrew brethren, regardless of their comprehension of the salvation sent by Yahweh, or, as an exhortation to those who have had the light switched on in the eyes of their mind by Father Yahweh having drawn them toward Yahushua... Certainly it is possible that both kinds were touched by the message, wherever it was sent, for it was read out loud, or repeated and discussed, where all ears could hear in the daily lives of those living at that time... That this letter is an exhortation to those Israelite brethren who have been touched by the Salvation sent from Yahweh; and who now serve the Master, Yahushua, the Anointed One of Yahweh, becomes apparent in ensuing chapters...

count it all... 2233 hegeomai {hayg-eh'-om-ahee} - consider it all to be... believe all of it to be... be of the opinion that all of it is... think of it all to be... joy... 5479 chara {khar-ah'} - the cause or occasion for being joyful... when you fall into... 4045 peripipto {per-ee-pip'-to} - when you fall into the midst of; and are completely surrounded with... diverse... 4164 poikilos {poy-kee'-los} - various types of... various methods of... temptations... 3986 peirasmos {pi-ras-mos'} - testing your integrity... proving your character to see whether or not it is morally excellent, or, "as it ought to be"...

3) Knowing... 1097 ginosko {ghin-oce'-ko} - learn to know from these various ways in which your character and integrity is put to the test... that the testing of your faith... the testing or proving out of the conviction of what you percieve as truth...

*** A Note of Contrast:

For the Israelite brother who does not know Yahweh's Salvation through Yahushua, now that death has been conquered, this perception of truth is a darkness... a blindness... of comprehension... a lack of an ability to understand the True Truth of Who and What Yahweh is, and Who and What His Salvation is... This perception; and all actions that are taken as a result of this conviction of truth, leads to a sad, inevitable realization of the impossibility of Yahweh's approval.

For those Israelite brothers who have light shining within the eyes of their mind, this is the truth of Yahweh and of Yahushua that you now have; and this testing...

works... 2716 katergazomai {kat-er-gad'-zom-ahee} - accomplishes... brings about... achieves the results of... patience... 5281 hupomone {hoop-om-on-ay'} - steadfastness... endurance... perseverance...

*** Note: Compare with Yahushua's own words... concerning the testing of someone's character and integrity as Yahweh's Beloved...

Matthew 5:10-17 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. 11 Blessed will you be when men will revile you, and persecute you, and will make false accusations against you about all types of wickedness, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad when this takes place. For your reward in heaven is great. For in the same manner did they persecute the prophets who lived in history before you. 13 You are the salt of the earth; but if that which is known to be salt has lost its salty properties, how will it ever become salt again? It is, from that time onward, good for nothing; and there is nothing that can be done with it, except that it is to be thrown out onto the ground to be walked upon and mixed into the earth under foot by men. 14 You are the light of the world. A city that is set up high on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel; but they put it on a candlestick instead; and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light shine in this manner before all men, so that they can see your good works; and give praise and honor to your Father, who is in heaven.

4) Moreover... more than learning to know this..., let patience have her perfect work... "let" - 2192 echo {ekh'-o} - have, in the sense of wearing, like a covering that can be displayed... hold to, as a possession of your mind..., willfully, consistently choose to always be in an internal, mental state or condition of... "patience" - 5281 hupomone {hoop-om-on-ay'} - steadfastness... endurance... perseverance... "have" - 2192 echo {ekh'-o} - possess... "perfect" - 5046 teleios {tel'-i-os} - a completion of... a full, complete end of... "work" - 2041 ergon {er'-gon} - its deed... its undertaking... its business... whatever it had set out to accomplish... so that you can be perfect... 5046 teleios {tel'-i-os} - so that you can be brought to maturity... and entire... 3648 holokleros {hol'ok'-lay-ros} - and so that you can become complete in all respects, and not lacking in anything whatsoever throughout the remainder of your physical life...

More than learning to know this, have, in the sense of wearing, like a covering that can be displayed... hold to, as a possession of your mind..., wilfully, consistently choose to always be in an internal, mental state or condition of... steadfastness... endurance... perseverance... Allow this to take place so that this consistent mental position can possess a full, complete end of whatever it had set out to accomplish, so that you can be brought to full maturity; and become complete in all respects. Not lacking in any regard whatsoever throughout the remainder of your physical life...

*** Note of comparison:

1 John 3:2-3 Beloved, we are now the sons of Yahweh, and it has not yet become clearly understood what we will become; but we know that, when he does become actually, visibly, and plainly recognized by all the world, then we will resemble Him. For then, we will physically look at Yahushua and perceive Him to be as He truly is; 3 And every man who has this expectation within himself, moves himself to take action to purify himself morally and ethically in proportion to the degree that he comprehends that Yahushua is pure...

*** If the Most Holy, Rational Spirit is the generating force within anyone to cause these actions to take place, then the perception of Yahushua is accurate; and the end result is "as it ought to be", and clearly manifested to the surrounding world... If that is not the spirit within someone attempting to affect change, then those fruits will also be clearly recognized by those able to discern rightly...

5) If any of you perceive that you are lacking in wisdom... 4678 sophia {sof-ee'-ah} - wisdom from Yahweh as opposed to wisdom from the inherent nature of men... in this case this word is used to infer the wisdom associated with regulating one's life and squaring it with Yahweh's Order..., then let him ask for it from Yahweh, who gives to all liberally... openly... sincerely, with no pretense or guile..., and who does not revile... does not belittle... does not speak abusively to... anyone for asking, and it will be given to him.

6) Moreover..., More than this... More than merely asking for wisdom in a casual, shallow context, it must be understood that... the man who asks for anything from Yahweh has to make sure that he asks in faith... that he is being convicted..., fully convinced..., of the True Truth of Yahweh concerning Who and What He IS... with nothing wavering... being certain of what he asks for... and why... Not being in a doubtful, hesitational state of indecision regarding his faith and reasoning... For anyone who hesitates while in doubt is like a wave of the sea that is agitated by the wind and tossed forward and back.

7) This is most important..., because anyone who is in that condition should not think that he will receive anything from Yahweh.

8) This is so because... a double minded man is unstable... inconsistent... in all of his manner of thinking, and feeling, and deciding things.

9) Let the brother who is humble in his heart rejoice because he is exalted;... let him rejoice because he is high in the esteem of Yahweh;

10) But the rich Man, let him rejoice because he is made to be humble; for, just like the flower of the grass, he will perish.

11) Because the sun will have just risen with a burning heat; and the grass begins to dry up and the flower of the grass falls off; and the beauty of the appearance of the flower is destroyed. In the same manner will the rich man fade away in his purpose and pursuits.

12) Happy is the man who endures temptation; for, when he has been made acceptable, then he will receive the crown ...Stephanos - the mark of royal or exalted rank and honor... of life...zoe {dzo-ay' - the absolute fullness of life that is without beginning or end... which Yahweh has promised to those that love Him.

13) Let no man say, when he is tempted: ...when he is tested - for the purpose of ascertaining the quality of what he thinks, or how he will behave himself:.. "I am being tempted or tested by Yahweh"; for Yahweh cannot be tempted with evil; and neither does He test or tempt any man with evil.

14) But instead, every man is tempted, ...tested... when he is drawn out and away ...when he is lured away from the safety of self restraint from sin or rebellion against Yahweh... because of his own desires and cravings, and is caught with that bait.

15) Then, when the desire or longing has seized ...captured... him, and taken him prisoner, it then produces sin; ...rebellion... and rebellion against Yahweh, when it has truly been accomplished, ...when it has become all that it can become... produces death. ...the absolute fullness of death... the absolute opposite of the promise of Yahweh for those who are "as they ought to be"...

16) Do not err not wander, do not be led into error... my beloved brethren.

17) Every good gift, ...anything given that is honorable... that is excellent... that is resulting because of a good constitution or nature, that is "as it ought to be"... and every gift that is not lacking in any way is from above, and comes down from the Father of the light, ...the Father of the illumination - the life force - of men... with whom there is no variation or change, neither turning of shadow. ...No gray area...

18) The Father brought us forth ...caused us to be birthed... us = we who are of the Way of Yahushua... with the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures. ...a kind of first within the scope of all creatures that have been made in His creation... Different from all others... Set Apart to Yahweh... Never been done before...

19) For this reason, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to listen, and slow to speak, and slow to anger;

20) For the anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of Yahweh. ...The anger that stems from the reprobate thinking of the reasoning and logic of man does not produce fruit like the reasoning and logic which comes from the nature of Yahweh... Which is "as it ought to be"

21) For this reason, put away from yourselves all filthiness; ...put away...shun... avoid... all that is defiled... all that is befouled... all that dishonors Yahweh... as well as the abundance of the desire to injure; ...wickedness... depravity with no shame... and receive with meekness the inborn word ...that word which is inborn because of the inherent nature of Yahweh... which is able to save your souls.

22) And be doers of the word, and do not be of those who only hear, deceiving yourselves by considering what you do to be righteous. ...speaks of steadfast faithfulness and the obedience of what is taught to us by the Word of Truth... and the actions in everyday life that are as a result...

23) For, if any man is a hearer of the word, and not a doer, then he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a glass; ...mirrored surface...

24) Because, he looks at himself and goes on his way, and then immediately forgets what manner of man he was.

25) But, whoever looks into one who inspects something so as to become familiar with it... the perfect law of liberty; and remains with it. If he is not a forgetful hearer; but instead he is a doer of the work, ...if he is undertaking the labor of obedience... the labor of the exercise of faith during the conduct of everyday life... then this man will be blessed in his doing. ...this speaks of the liberty ...the ability to make the deliberate choice to do what is pleasing to the Master we serve in spite of the test or temptation to do otherwise...

26) If any man among you seems to be one who fears Yahweh; and yet does not control his tongue; but deceives his own heart instead. Then the worship that this man offers to Yahweh is without truth; and is useless and without purpose.

27) The worship and fear of Yahweh, who is truly our Father, that is pure and clean is this: To visit go to see in order to help or benefit... the fatherless and widows in their affliction; and, to keep himself unspotted from the world....and to maintain a condition or state of existence that is unblemished by the profane perception of Yahweh that is of the "world" ... the apt and harmonious order of things that does not truly recognize Yahweh and His Order...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

John Chapter 21(Expounded)

John Chapter 21

Preface: It is the first day of the week. All who had followed the Master Yahushua are living with fear and confusion. Their Master and teacher, who they had professed openly to be the Son of Yahweh, and sent by Yahweh, had been killed before their eyes. They are as yet unaware of the necessity of Yahushua to rise from the condition of being dead according to scripture. The body has been discovered to be missing by Mary of Magdala, who came to her Master's tomb early along with several other women, just at sunrise, and discovered the disappearance. This was confirmed by John, who is described in this writing as 'that other disciple', and Peter. Peter and John went back to their home to tell the news. Mary stayed at the tomb, confused, agitated, and looking for some way of tracking down the whereabouts of the body of her beloved Master Teacher so she can take it back and honor Him by the proper methods of burial. She meets a man she does not recognize; and answers his questions regarding her tears and frustration. She does not know that it is Yahushua who is speaking to her until He addresses her by name. He gives her a message to deliver to the brethren concerning His being alive and going to His Father and Elohim. Who, He also states, is their Father and Elohim as well. Mary carries the news; but is not believed; and later that day, in the evening of the fourth day since He had died, they are all gathered together behind closed doors and windows because of their fear of what the rulers of the order of the Jews will do; and Yahushua appears in their midst to confirm His conquering of death itself. He does so again, eight days later, on the twelfth day. By appearing in their midst, even though the doors and windows of the house that they are in are shut; and He confirms to Thomas, who was not there when Yahushua had first appeared, that He indeed lives. He causes many incredible things to happen in the presence of His disciples which are not written of by John, who confirms this; but also assures those that read his words, that what is written is there so that they, also, can believe that Yahushua is the Anointed One, the Son of Yahweh; and that in so believing, they too can have the absolute fulness of life through their unity with Him, His name, and what that name brings forth from the heart of anyone who truly believes.

1) After these things had happened Yahushua showed Himself to the disciples again at the sea of Tiberias... 5085 Tiberias {tib-er-ee-as'} - "from the Tiber" - a city of the region of Galilee. Near the Lake of Gennesaret, which Herod Antipas, tetrarch of the region of Galilee, built circa 26 c.e. and named Tiberias in honour of the 2nd Roman emperor, whose official name was Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus; and whose full name was Tiberius Claudius Nero, who had befriended him ... Yahushua showed Himself to His disciples in this manner.

*** Question: What were the disciples doing in the region of Galilee, some Seventy miles or more from Yerushalem, so soon after Yahushua had appeared to them in Yerushalem?

Answer: They were there, partly, in obedience to Yahushua's instructions given through an angel of Yahweh to Mary of Magdala and other women. These instructions were finally given the proper attention and diligence by the disciples after Yahushua proved to all who would not listen to the women that He truly was as they had said. Ultimately, though, the disciples were there in Galilee because their obedience was a fulfillment of a prophecy by Yahushua spoke of in...

Matthew 26:
31 Then Yahushua said to them: All of you will be offended... all of you will have an enticement to sin.. all of you will be have an opportunity to stumble and distrust, and desert Yahweh, Whom you ought to trust and obey... because of me this night. For it is written: I will smite... I will strike... I will strike down... I will kill... the shepherd; and the sheep of the flock will be scattered abroad... will be scattered... will be dispersed...;
32 But, after I am risen again, I will go before you... I will lead you... into... toward... Galilee.

And in...
Mark 14:
27 And Yahushua said to them: All of you will be offended... all of you will have an enticement to sin.. all of you will be have an opportunity to stumble and distrust, and desert Yahweh, Whom you ought to trust and obey... because of me this night.

For it is written: I will smite... 3960 patasso {pat-as'-so} - I will strike... I will strike down... I will kill... the shepherd; and the sheep will be scattered... 1287 diaskorpizo {dee-as-kor-pid'zo} - will be scattered... will be dispersed... like the chaff that is scattered by the wind when grain is thrown high into the air...;

*** This is a reference to, and soon fulfilment of, the prophecy in...

Zechariah 13:7-9 7 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow... 5997 `amiyth {aw-meeth'} - my relation..., saith Yahweh of hosts. Smite... 5221 nakah [naw-kaw'} - kill... the shepherd; and the sheep shall be scattered... 6327 puwts {poots} - be dispersed... sent off in various directions...; and I will turn... return... put back... mine... my... hand upon the little ones... 6819 tsa`ar {tsaw-ar'} - the insignificant ones...

Back to Mark 14:
28 Nevertheless, after I am risen... 1453 egeiro {eg-i'-ro} - after I have been caused to rise up... , I will go before you... 4254 proago {pro-ag'-o} - I will lead you... into... toward... Galilee.
29 But Peter said unto him, Although all will be offended... though all the others will be caused to stumble, and fall, and deny faith and trust in Yahweh... , I will not.
30 And Yahushua said to him: Verily... Truly... I speak truth when... I say to you that this day, even in this night, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.
31 But... Instead of heeding the words of the Master Yahushua..., he... Cephas... spoke the more vehemently; and said: If I should die with you, I will not deny you in any way. They all said likewise.

*** Fulfilment of Yahushua's prophecy to HIs disciples...

Mark 16:2-7 And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. 3 And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? 4 And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great. 5 And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted. 6 And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Yahushua of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen. He is not here. Look at the place where they laid him. 7 Go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that He goes before you into Galilee. You will see Him there. Just as He told you.

Matthew 28:1-10 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake. For the angel of Yahweh descended from heaven; and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. 3 His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow; 4 And for fear of him, the keepers... the guards... placed there by the authority of the Sanhedrin and the High Priest to prevent Yahushua's body from being stolen away; and also to prevent the potential of any rumors of His resurrection, that a missing body would perpetrate, from being made credible... did shake, and became as dead. 5 The angel spoke; and said to the women: Do not fear. For I know that you seek Yahushua, who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for He is risen, just as He had said He would. Come, see the place where the Master had lain. 7 Go quickly, and tell his disciples that He is risen from the dead; and, understand this, He goes before you into Galilee; and it is there that you will see Him. I have now told you. 8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring His disciples word of the news; 9 And as they went to tell his disciples, Yahushua met them, saying: All hail... 5463 chairo {khah'-ee-ro} - Joy to You!... They came to Him; and held Him by the feet, and worshiped Him. 10 Then, Yahushua said to them: Do not be afraid. Go tell my brethren that they are to go into Galilee; and there they will see me.

Matthew 28:16-17 Then, the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Yahushua had appointed them. 17 And when they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

*** It is apparent that this trip to the region of Galilee happened some time after Yahushua appeared to them alive in Yerushalem...
Now they are here. As Yahushua had instructed them. They do not know what to do as they wait for Him. So.......

Back to John Chapter 21:

2) Simon Peter, Thomas, who was surnamed Didymus... 1324 Didumos {did'-oo-mos} -"two", or, " twofold"..., Nathaniel... 3482 {nath-an-ah-ale'} - "gift from Yahweh" - from the village of Cana - "the place of reeds" in the region of Galilee..., he is commonly thought to be the same person as Bartholemew..., the sons of Zebedee... Yacob and Yochanan... "James and John"..., and two other of Yahushua's disciples were all gathered together in one place... *** Seven of the eleven remaining disciples are gathered at this place...***

3) Peter said to them all: I am going fishing. They said to him: We will go with you. So they immediately went out and got into a ship; and throughout all that night they caught nothing.

4) When the daylight of early morning came, Yahushua stood on the shore... the beach... the shoreline..., but the disciples did not know that it was Yahushua.

5) The Yahushua said to them: Children... 3813 paidion {pahee-dee'-on} - term used for addressing more mature children..., or, young ones... little children... metaphorically this word is used to say - you who are like children in your intellect..., do you have any food? They answered Him: No.

6) And He said to them: Cast the net on the right side of the ship and you will find food. For this reason they threw their net where He had directed them to; and now, they were not able to bring the net in because of the multitude of fish that they had caught.

7) For this reason, that disciple whom Yahushua loved said: It is the Master! Now, when Simon... 4613 {see'-mone} - from the Hebrew originated word 8095 Shim`own {shim-one"} - "a rock, or, a stone"... surnamed Peter... 4074 Petros {pet'-ros} - a greek word, meaning "a rock", or, "a stone"...

*** NOTE: Who it was that nicknamed Simon with a greek equivalent of his original name in the Hebrew is not known, nor is that surname in the Greek language probable during the time that Simon was alive and living in the area of Galilee, where Aramaic was a primary language. Nowhere is it recorded that Simon or any of his fellow disciples spoke the language of the Greeks; but Yahushua is recorded in the account of John chapter 1:42 to have surnamed Simon with Cephas... 2786 Kephas {kay-fas'} - an Aramaic equivalent of "stone"...

heard that it was the Master, he girded himself with the fisher's coat... 1903 ependutes {ep-en-doo'-tace} - an outer garment that was worn over the normal clothing that he wore when working..., because he was naked... 1131 gumnos {goom-nos'} - he was either completely nude, or, he only had on undergarments at the time; and had laid his normal clothing aside for this type of work... it must have been warm for him to be comfortable doing this... and he threw himself into the sea.

8) The other disciples came to shore in a little boat dragging the net filled with fish... for they were not far from land. The distance being about 200 cubits, or 300 feet...

9) As soon as they got to the shore, they saw a place where a fire had been made, and a bed of hot coals was there with fish laid on them, and bread.

10) Yahushua said to them: Bring some of the fish that you just now caught.

11) Simon Peter went and drew the net to land, which was full of large fish, a hundred fifty-three of them; and there were enough for all because there were so many. Yet the net did not break in spite of the huge catch.

12) Yahushua said to them: Come... 1205 deute {dyoo'-teh} - Come here... Come now!... to dine... 709 aristao {ar-is-tah'-o} - to breakfast... or, to any meal taken before the primary meal of the day, which was supper - meaning the first food taken early in the morning before work ... when this word was used at a later time of day, it meant "dine", or, "dinner"... - stemming from the root word ariston 712 {ar'-is-ton} - which was an abbreviation of aoriston - which means "without boundaries"..., or, "indefinite"... because it was a meal taken at no particular set time... an uncertain meal...; and none of them dared ask Him: Who are you? For they all knew that it was the Master.

13) Yahushua then cames and picked up bread from where it had been laid near the fire; and He gave them each a portion, and does so with the fish in the same manner.

14) This is the third time, now, that Yahushua showed Himself to His disciples after He had risen again from the condition of being physically dead.

*** Note: The trip to the meeting on one of the hills in the region of Galilee, spoken of in the account of Mathew 28, apparently took place after this third time that Yahushua showed Himself, alive and in complete control, to His disciples. Still maintaining His discipline in their lives as their beloved Master Teacher; and instructing them, according to His Order, as their Master and Owner....

15) So, when they had eaten, Yahushua said to Simon... surnamed Cephas: Simon of Yonas... 2495 Ionas {ee-o-nas'} - "dove" - from the Hebrew word Yonah 3124 {yo-naw'} - "dove"..., do you love me... 25 agapao {ag-ap-ah'-o} - are you more fond of me; and do you love me more dearly... than these others who are here with you?... Yahushua was asking Cephas a deeper question here... Do you remember that you said?

Mark 14:29 But Peter said unto him, Although all will be offended... though all the others will be caused to stumble, and fall, and deny faith and trust in Yahweh... , I will not.
30 And Yahushua said to him: Verily... Truly... I speak truth when... I say to you that this day, even in this night, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.
31 But... Instead of heeding the words of the Master Yahushua..., he... Kephas... spoke the more vehemently; and said: If I should die with you, I will not deny you in any way. They all said likewise.
*** Yahushua was asking Peter: Do you remember when you declared, in front of all the others that were there, that you would never desert me or lose trust in me?... Even if all the others did?... Do you now realize that you did not know yourself when you made those statements? Do you realize that you truly did not know me at that time either? Do you remember how you denied me, in your perception of me as your Master Teacher, three times in order to save yourself from harm?...

He... Kephas... said to Him: Yes Master; You know... 1492 oida {oy'-da} - that I love you... 5368 phileo {fil-eh'-o} - You know that I have affection for you... You intuitively know that you are my friend...

***Kephas did not recognize the leading of Yahushua's question to him; and he answered the Master Teachers question according to his perception of what it meant to him... For Kephas still did not realize the full impact of the authority, as the only begotten Son of Yahweh who was pre-emininent in all things, that Yahushua was speaking from...

Yahushua said to Him: Feed... 1006 bosko {bos'-ko} - feed... tend to... figuratively -make sure that what I have provided, as the Son of Yahweh, is given to... my lambs... 3483 nai {nahee} - my little lambs... possibly a term of endearment by Yahushua for all who would believe because of Kephas and the other disciples, or, an indication that those who are young are to be cared for, by Kephas, in this manner... an assignment of responsibility in any case...

*** A Note: of the two words translated as "love" and used in this passage, there is a great contrast... 5368 phileo - to have affection for like the affection for a dear friend... is an expression of love from within the wisdom of the inherent carnal nature that is within man. By contrast with agapao, this type of love is superficial in its depth. Though it can be said that this type of love is certainly not shallow because the inherent nature of man permeates him... However, when this word is used in regard to the relationship that the disciples had with Yahushua before Acts chapter 2, it is most often used in showing the warm affection that the disciples had for their beloved Master Teacher as a man. While 25 agapao {ag-ap-ah'-o} - to regard with strong affection - is an indication of a direction of the will. There is a sense of contentment and rest indicated here. Agapao is an indication of a much deeper relationship... It is a familial type of relationship. From the perspective of a relationship with Yahweh, this perception of love is an indicator of a tremendously strong, unbreakable bond between Yahweh and a man... A bond that is reciprocal... of a parent to a child ... This word, in this context, is an expression of a man's strong love toward, and high esteem of, Yahweh as a son of Yahweh; and Yahweh's strong, unbreakable love for His beloved children... Just as the relationship between Yahushua and His Father...

16) He... Yahushua... said to him again the second time: Simon of Yonas... Yonas being the Father of Simon... Do you love me?... agapao... Do you have a strong affection for me?... Do you find the ability, within yourself, to exercise your will in order to trust me more than those that are in the world around you, who are governed by man's inherent nature?... Peter said to Him: Truly, Master, you know that I love you... phileo... phileis... You know, intuitively, because of our relationship together, that I am your friend... Yahushua said to him: Feed... 4165 pomaino {poy-mah'-ee-no} - feed... nourish... tend to... rule, or, govern... my sheep... 4263 probation {pro-ba'-tee-on} - my little sheep... a term of endearment... possibly a reference to those who are more mature, who believe and need direction and correction, in order to continue being "as they ought to be" in Yahushua; and, so that they can, consequently, continue to remain the beloved of Yahweh...

*** Kephas still does not know the pertinence of the two questions that Yahushua has asked of him...

17) Yahushua said to him a third time: Simon, of Yonas, do you love me?... 5368 phileo {fil-eh]-o} - Are you my friend?...

*** Note: Throughout scripture it is rare to find an account where a man called himself a friend of Yahweh... How hard it is to comprehend what that means, in all of its implications of perfection that must exist within anyone so that a man could be that intimate and have the same interests with the majestic perfection of the Creator of all things, let alone for someone to have the audacity to make such a declaration. Though such a relationship was recognized by others who viewed such relationships from a third party point of view... Kephas simply did not comprehend the depth of the question...: Are you... do you consider yourself, Kephas, to be ... a friend of Yahweh?...

Peter was grieved with sorrow because Yahushua had asked him the third time: Do you love me? ... Are you my friend?... And he said to Him Master, you know all things... you can discern, and perceive, and understand all things... You are my Master Teacher of all things that pertain to Yahweh and Israel... You know... You know intuitively... You can discern and understand... that I love you... 5368 phileo - that I am your friend... that we have the same interests... Yahushua said to him: Feed... 1006 bosko {bos'-ko} - tend to... make sure that what I have provided is given to... my sheep... 4263 probation {pro-ba'-tee-on} - my little sheep... a term of endearment... metaphorically - my little... small in stature..., simple in understanding, gentle and kind in behavior, inoffensive, patient, and obedient ones...

18) Truly... I speak truth when... I tell you: When you were young, you dressed yourself, and walked wherever you wanted to; but when you are old, you will reach out your hands, and someone else will dress you, and carry you where you would rather not go.

19) He spoke this, indicating the sort or nature of death that he... Kephas... would honor Yahweh by; and when He had said this, He said to Peter: Follow me. ...join me... accompany me... be united with me... be my disciple...

***This is the point of the Restoration of Kephas to the fold... For Yahushua is saying: I forgive you... join me... be separated from me no more... An invitation... a calling... and a prophecy at the same time. ***

20) Then Peter, turning around, sees the disciple whom Yahushua loved following behind them. The one who had also sat back against Yahushua's chest during the passover meal and had asked Him: Master, who is it that will betray you?

21) Peter, seeing him, said to Yahushua: Master, but what about him?... What will happen to him... What will he do?...

22) Yahushua said to Peter: If it is my will that he should remain until I publicly appear again... If it is my intention that he stays alive until I am recognized by the world, the order of things that is now, again..., of what advantage is that knowledge to you? YOU follow Me... I am speaking to YOU, Simon... YOU attend to Me as a servant... YOU accompany Me... YOU be My disciple... You exercise YOUR will and take action to join yourself to Me because it is Your Own decision, based upon what is truly inside your Own heart. Not because you have made a decision that is influenced by the actions and approval or disapproval of others!...

23) Then, this declaration went out among the brethren; and it was proclaimed publicly that this disciple would not die. Yet, Yahushua did not say to Peter that this disciple would not die; but said instead: What if it is my will that he remains until I appear again publicly for the world to see? Of what advantage is knowing that to you?

24) This is the disciple who testifies of these things; and who wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is truthful.

25) And there are many other things as well which Yahushua did. Which, if they each were written of, I think that the world itself... the earth itself... could not have enough space to hold the writings that would be written. Amein... So it is... So be it... may it always be so...

*** NOTE: It is apparent, because of his own words, that Kephas still did not grasp the force and meaning of Yahushua's questioning with the eyes of his mind... Kephas still did not realize that he truly was speaking to Yahweh's Son, who was exercising His authority and power in such a manner so as to prepare and build up one of those to whom He would "give the keys to His kingdom"... or, in more clearly understood words, one of those to whom He would bestow the right to rule within His kingly domain...; and, at the same time, restore an intimate relationship with the one who had denied association with Him in order to save his own life. Kephas would come to realize, soon, that Yahushua was much more than he... Kephas... currently attributed Him... Yahushua... to be... The perfection of Yahushua's majestic nobility is shown here for us to read of and comprehend only with the aid of His Spirit. For He knows what will happen in the days and years to come. His inexorable patience, and His unstoppable power are clearly apparent... ***

*** Consider these things... see the words spoken to Kephas in...
Matthew 16:19 And I will give to you the keys... 2807 kleis {klice} - a key of... I will give, to you, the power to open and shut the binding forces of... the kingdom... 932 basileia {bas-il-i'-ah} - the royal power ... The authority... The power to open and to shut... I will give to you the royal power... I will give you the right to rule and exercise authority... within the dominion... of heaven... 3772 ouranos {oo-ran-os'} - the seat of the Order of all things that are eternal and completely perfect. Where Yahweh dwells along with all of the other spiritual creatures within His host...: and whatsoever you will bind... 1210 deo {deh'-o} - forbid... declare to be not legally permitted... on earth, will be bound... will be a law... will a binding force... in heaven... in that realm of Yahwehs Order and Perfection...; and whatsoever you will loose... 3089 luo {loo'-o} - whatever has a binding force... a law... a bondage... that you deprive of authority... on earth, will be loosed... will be unbound... in heaven...

*** The phrase "The keys to the kingdom" as it has been translated/transliterated, now takes on quite a different perspective... Scripture shows how Kephas opened up what had been forbidden... what had been bound... until the time that he exercised what the Spirit had revealed to Him when he stood up and spoke of the prophecy of Joel in Acts chapter 2; and again, in Acts chapter 10, when Kephas was instructed by Yahweh to overcome the boundaries between Gentile and Jew so that salvation became apparently available for those who had previously been forbidden to associate with Israel...

Question: Was Yahushua speaking only to Kephas here? Or, was He speaking to one of the soon to be living stones that would make up the building... the house... of Yahweh that the gates of gehenna fire would not be able to prevail against....?

Compare what was said to Kephas with what was spoken, by Yahushua, to all of His central core of disciples that remained after Iudas Iscariotes had killed himself; and to whom he manifested Himself, alive and in complete control, the first time since His tomb was discovered empty...

John chapter 20...
21) Then Yahushua said to them again: Shalom to you.... Shalom Aleichem.... Peace be upon you... Just like Father has sent me, so I now send you.

22) And when He had said this, He blew his breath on them and said to them: Receive... take for yourself as a part of yourselves... the Holy Spirit... Hagios - Most Holy... Pneuma - Spirit... Breath... Rational Spirit... - The Most Holy, Rational spirit... The inherent spiritual nature of Yahweh... which generates the power of how someone thinks, feels, decides all things, and takes all actions when he/she is united together with Yahushua in His separation from all that is in rebellion to Yahweh and His Order of Things...

23) Whoever has sins... violations of the laws of Yahweh... offenses... mistakes... that you remit... that you disregard... that you forgive the debt of... , to them they are forgiven; whoever has sins... errors... mistakes... offenses... violations of the laws of Yahweh... that you retain, the power of the debt of those sins will continue to hold them as their master, rule them, and remain against them. ...

*** Time to pause and consider... Is this power of forgiveness and retention not the same as the binding and loosening of the bonds on earth that was spoken to Kephas in Matthew chapter 16? and... Is the authority and responsibility of those actions and decisions of binding or loosening, or, forgiveness or retention, equally reflected in the perfect realm of Yahweh's Order, where He and His host dwell?... Is this not the power of a ruler within the dominion of the kingdom of Yahweh? And further... Is this authority and responsibility only for those to whom Yahushua has spoken at this particular time? Or, does it pertain to all who were overshadowed by the Ruach HaQodesh in Acts chapter 2?... Still further... If this does pertain to all of those spoken of in the 2nd chapter of Acts, then, is this structure of things now given to all who are to receive the inherent nature of the Spirit of Yahweh as their constant companion and comforter throughout the remainder of the time of man upon the earth until the return of Yahushua? IF SO... Then just how far might we, as believers who are perhaps just now beginning to become aware of what it means to be followers of the Way of Yahushua; and one of those to whom the right to rule within the domain of Yahushua on this earth has been promised, be off of the narrow path of understanding and obedience that was originally put in place by Yahushua, our Master, Mentor, and Preserver, for those who belong to Him??? Do we comprehend the force and meaning of these things as, perhaps, our brother Stephen, who was stoned to death with forgiveness in his heart, understood them? SELAH!

*** A furthur NOTE: Until the Spirit of Yahushua overshadowed those gathered together in Acts chapter 2; and then took its place within those who believed at that time, none of this was possible for any of those individuals. Yahushua, at the time He uttered the words that are recorded in John Chapter 20:22-23, was then prophesying of power to come. This power, at that time, had yet to manifest itself in the manner that had been promised. This would take place when the Most Holy Rational Spirit, which is the Comforter asked for by Yahushua from His Father, and which is also the Spirit of Prophecy, arrives at the appointed time in order to remain within the beloved ones of Yahweh. This power would then begin truly manifesting the unity... and the collective separation from all things in opposition to Yahweh, His Order, and His Salvation... that all, who are called and chosen to walk in the Way of Yahushua, have in common.