John Chapter 9
Preface: Yahushua had just escaped being stoned to death by those in the treasury area of the temple after having made an uncompromising comparison very clear to those who perceived themselves to be the elite teachers of the ruling religious order of the Jews, by showing them plainly the differences between the heritage that He had originated and been sent to them from, and that of their forefathers; and by declaring that they, themselves, did not know Him or His Father because of their own heritage. The origin of which was that of the original liar and mankiller who had left the perfection of Yahweh's Order. For they had the natural, inherent tendencies within themselves to be and do as the devil, their father, does. As they were picking up stones to throw at Him, He and His disciples escaped their anger and violence by passing through the midst of them and departed unseen by them.
1) As Yahushua departed the temple area, He saw a man who had been blind since birth.
2) And His disciples asked Him, saying: Master, who sinned... who violated Yahweh's Law... Yahweh's Order for His chosen People, Israel, to live according to... and caused this man to be born blind?... Who is responsible for his condition...? Was it Himself? Or are his parents to blame for his blindness?
3) Yahshua answered: Neither this man, nor his parents have violated Yahweh's Law and are responsible for his blindness, but this has happened so that the business of Yahweh can be made known through him.
4) I must labor to do the business of the One who sent me while it is still daytime. For the night... 3571 nux {noox} - the night - metaphorically refers to the time when all work... all business... all fruits of any labor that are produced by the accomplishments of the hand or the mind... ceases because of physical death... is coming. This is a time when no man... 3762 oudeis {oo-dice'} - no one... is gong to be able to work and produce anything.
5) As long as I am in the world ... as long as I am in the order of things which makes up mankind..., I am the light of... I am the illumination... I am the life force that perpetuates the Truth of my Father and His Order; and I cause true life to be experienced within the order that is... the world... mankind...
*** NOTE*** "Left Behind???"
Since the resurrection of Yahushua, the arrival of the Comforter... the Spirit of Yahushua, which is the Spirit of Prophecy..., is the continuation of Light... the Life Force of Yahweh... existing in the world... in mankind...; and because this is true, the argument for the rapture theory cannot hold any weight whatsoever. For the arrival of the return of Yahushua as King and High Priest of Israel ushers in the millennial reign, proving Yahushua's own words that He will never leave His People; and since Yahushua has never left, and will never leave, the idea that the Spirit of Yahweh is to be taken altogether from the world prior to the time of the end bears no weight whatsoever... There will never be a time when accountability will not be required for all. The Pre, Mid, and Post arguments are vain and useless for there will be NO RAPTURE!...
6) When He had spoken in this manner, He spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle, and He spread the clay on the eyes of the blind man,
7) And said to him: Go and wash in the pool of Siloam..., the blind man went to the pool of the fountain of Siloam, for this reason, and washed, and came away able to see.
*** "pool of Siloam"
4611 Siloam {sil-o-am} - this fountain of water and the pool that was made by it is also called Shiloh - which means sent- in Isaiah 8:6. The indication of the meaning of the hebrew word Siloam, or, the interpretation of sent - the greek equivalent is apostello - is that of someone who has been ordered to go to an appointed place, or, someone who has been allowed to leave a place so that he may be at liberty to progress along his way...
8) The neighbors of this man, because of this, and those who had seen the man when he had been blind, said amongst themselves: Isn't this the man who sat and begged?
9) Some said: This is the man. Others said: He looks like him. He said: I am the man.
10) For this reason they said to him: How were your eyes opened?
11) He answered and said: A man who is called by the name of Yahushua made clay and spread it on my eyes and said to me: Go to the pool of Siloam and wash; and I went and washed; and I received sight.
12) Then they said to him: Where is He? He said: I don't know... I have no idea because I don't know what He looks like for I never saw Him; and I didn't see where He may have gone...
13) They brought the man who had been blind to the Pharisees;
14) And it was the Sabbath day when Yahushua made the clay and opened his eyes.
15) Then the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said to them: He... the man called Yahushua... put clay on my eyes; and I washed the clay from my eyes; and now I can see.
16) For this reason some of the Pharisees said: This man... this man called Yahushua... is not of G_d... is not of Ha Shem... we dare not say His name... is not of/from Yahweh... because he does not observe the Sabbath day... because He worked on the sabbath day in order to make the clay that this man said he had to wash out of his eyes... Others said: How can a man do these miracles if he is a violator of the commandments of G_d... of Ha Shem... we dare not say His name... of Yahweh...? And there was a division among them.
*** I do not know at what point in the history of Israel that the name of Yahweh became too holy to utter for His chosen People; but since this practice is prevalent today among those who are Judaistic I point out for clarity the possible depth of blindness that may have been at that time. Certainly the scriptures of the N. T. do not clarify the tetragrammaton, or, any attempt at pronunciation of it, as being associated with the all encompassing term of God...
17) They turned there attention back to the man who had been blind and asked him: What do you say of Him... What is your opinion of this man named Yahushua... since it is He whom you say that has caused your eyes to be opened? He said: In my opinion, He is a prophet... 4396 prophetace {prof-ay'-tace} - I think He is someone who hears from Yahweh, or is moved to action by the inspiration of the Spirit of Yahweh; and then speaks of what he hears, or does according to what he has received by inspiration, in obedience to Yahweh...
18) Because of his statement, those who were of the ruling religious order of the Jews, who thought themselves to be well educated, did not believe... they were not fully persuaded or convinced; and did not place their confidence and trust in... what the man who had been blind said until they had summoned his parents and had spoken with them;
19) And they asked them, saying: Can you verify that this man is your son, whom you say was born blind? If it is true, then can you explain to us how it is possible that he can now see?
20) His parents answered them and said: We know that this is our son, and we know that he was born blind;
21) But the answer to the question of how it is possible that he can now see, or who is responsible for the opening of his eyes, we do not know. He is of age... he is mature...; ask him these questions; and he will speak for himself.
22) His parents spoke in this manner because of their fear... their dread... their terror... of those who were in authority within the order of the Jews. They were in fear because they knew that those in power within the order of the Jews had already agreed together that if any man declared openly that He... that Yahushua... was the Anointed One; then that man would be thrown out and excluded from being able to participate in any of the sacred assemblies of Israel... he would be excommunicated...
23) For this reason his parents said: He is of age... he is mature enough to answer for himself...; ask him.
24) Then, the religious leaders addressed the man who had been blind, and said to him: Give G_d... give Ha Shem... we dare not say His name... give Yahweh... the praise for what has happened to this man; and do not give any credibility to Yahushua for any reason. We are telling you to do this because we know that this man... we know that this man named Yahushua... is a sinner... We know that this man, Yahushua, is a violator of the commandments of Yahweh; and because of this, he cannot possibly have caused any kind of miracle to take place. For G_d... For Ha Shem... we dare not say His name... would not allow such a thing to happen through a sinner...
25) The man who had been blind answered and said: Whether He... Yahushua... is a sinner or not; I do not know: One thing I do know is this. I was blind before he came along; and I can now see.
26) Then they again said to him: What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?
27) He answered them: I've already told you what happened; and you did not understand me. Why would you listen to me explain it to you again? Do you also want to be disciples... pupils... students that are taught... by Him?
28) Then they reviled him... then they sought to abuse him with their words... and said: YOU are HIS disciple;... YOU are the one who is taught by this sinner who does not obey the commandments of G_d... ha Shem... we dare not say His name... YOU are his pupil...; but WE are the disciples... WE are the pupils... WE are the students who are taught by... Moses.
29) We know that G-d... Ha Shem... we dare not say His name... spoke to Moses, but we do not know who or what the source of inspiration is that He... that Yahushua... speaks and teaches from.
30) The man answered and said to them: What a marvelous... what an extraordinary ... thing this stuation is. You... You who are supposed to be the leaders of the chosen, set apart people of Yahweh..., do not know the source that He... that Yahushua... gets His inspiration and knowledge from; and yet, it is He who has opened my eyes.
31) More than this, we know... we comprehend... we understand... it is commonly understood... that Yahweh does not hear... does not listen to the requests... the prayers... of sinners...; of those who violate His commandments... of those who denounce His Torah by their thoughts and actions... and we understand instead that if any man worships Yahweh and does His will, He... Yahweh... hears... listens intently to... him.
32) Since the world... since all that makes up the order of mankind... began has it ever been heard that any man had opened the eyes of anyone who had been born blind?
33) If this man was not from Yahweh, then, He could do nothing.
34) They answered and said to him: You were altogether... completely... born... fathered... in sins... in errors... in a condition of unrighteousness... you were born blind, imperfect since your conception..., evidently because of the disobedience of your parents in some way... and you dare to attempt to teach us? And they threw him out... They threw him out of wherever he had gone in answer to their summons for the purpose of their invesigations into his claim that a miraculous healing had been done by Yahushua... Possibly a large meeting area within the temple away from the crowds on the streets...
35) Yahushua heard that they had thrown him out; and when He... Yahushua... found him... when Yahushua met him again... Yahushua asked him: Do you believe... are you fully persuaded... fully convinced within your mind of the truth, the nature, and the power of... the Son of Yahweh?
36) He answered and said: Tell me who he is, Master, so that I can place my confidence and trust in Him;
37) And Yahushua said to him: You have both seen Him... 3708 horao {hor-ah'-o} - you have experienced Him...; and you have seen Him with your minds' eye...; and He is talking with you now.
38) And he said: Master... 2962 kurios {koo'-ree-os} - You to Whom I belong..., I believe; and he bowed himself before Yahushua in worship.
39) And Yahushua said: For the purpose of judgment... for the purpose of the condemnation of a wrong state or condition of existence... I am making my appearance... I am becoming known for Who and What I am... to this world... to this order of things... so that they who do not see... so that those who do not mentally grasp and do not have the power of understanding Yahweh's Truth, Reality and Order... can see... can perceive... can comprehend... can understand... with the eyes of their mind...; and, I have also come so that they who believe that they understand all things... because of their experiences in a life that is based on an earthy, sensual comprehension... can be made blind... 5185 tuphlos {tuof-los'} - can be made mentally blind.
40) And those who were of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words and said to Him: What are you saying? Are we also mentally blind because you say that we do not know you, your origin, or your father?
41) Yahushua said to them: If you were mentally blind... if you understood that you are unable to mentally grasp and comprehend Yahweh's True Order for all things, then..., you would not be in a condition of sin against Yahweh's order for all things; but since you now say: We see... Since you, at this time, consider yourselves to able to collectively say: We comprehend and understand what is right and wrong within the order of things that we profess to be a part of... for this reason your sin... your condition of error... your state of existence that is not "as it ought to be" remains... Since you think you already know everything about Yahweh and His Order, you are blind, and you remain rebellious against Yahweh because you cannot be taught by Yahweh about His Order...
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