Saturday, February 13, 2010

John Chapter 19 (Expounded)

John Chapter 19

Preface: Yahushua has been betrayed into the hands of those of the order of the jews through Judas. A band of men led by lower status officials that had been given to Judas by the chief priests and Pharisees in Yerushalem has captured Yahushua, bound Him with chains, and taken Him first to Annas, a man who commanded much respect within the order of the jews because of being a former high priest who was appointed by the Roman government; and who was also the father-in-law to the current High Priest, Caiaphas, also appointed by Rome. Yahushua was taken next to Caiaphas for questioning regarding His teachings and doctrine. The purpose being to find fault with Yahushua in His doctrine or attitude toward the Law of Yahweh as perceived by those in leadership within the order of the jews. During the questioning the disciples of Yahushua are scattered. Peter finds himself within the exterior walls of the outer courtyard part of the palace of the high priest, warming himself by a fire along with members of the temple guard and lower status officials who served members of the Sanhedrin. denying association with Yahushua when directly questioned by those who thought they recognized him. The crowing of the cock, which was prophesied by Yahushua, was heard by Peter as he denied his Master, mentor and teacher for the third time.

Yahushua is then taken before the Roman governor of the area by those of the order of the jews, and questioned personally by Pontius Pilate, who can discern no fault for which Rome can punish Him. Pilate relies upon an annual tradition, which the jews had originally begun, to rid himself of the problem at hand; but the jews would rather that a known thief, robber, and murderer be released back into their society than to have Yahushua; and they make that statement loudly and publicly.

1) For this reason Pilate kept Yahushua in his custody and had Him scourged... Pilate has instructed his soldiers to inflict punishment on Yahushua with a whip... thinking that perhaps a punishment and a public ridicule would be enough to satisfy those who had thrust their problem on his shoulders for Rome to carry...

2) The soldiers, who were in charge of Yahushua, wove a vine of thorns into the likeness of a crown and put it on His head. They also put a robe made of purple cloth on Him.

3) They then mocked Him by saying: Hail... 5463 chairo {khah'-ee-ro} - Joy to you... King of the Jews; and they struck Him with their hands.

4) After they had roughed Yahushua up in this manner, Pilate came out again; and spoke to those gathered outside the judgment hall; and said to them: Look! I bring Him back out to you, so that you can know... so that you can understand... that I... that I, as the Roman Governor of this region... can find no fault in Him... In my opinion as governor and judge, Rome has no reason to keep this man in custody, or to punish him in any way...

5) Then, Yahushua was made to come out and stand in front of all who were there, wearing the purple robe and the crown of thorns; and Pilate said: Look at the man... Look at how he stands here, in ridicule. This is how Rome views this, or any man in any nation that has been conquered and taken over by Rome, who bears the burden of being hated by his own people. Especially if Rome cannot find any fault in him according to Roman law and custom...

6) For this reason, when the leading priests and the lower status officials who served those who were in the Sanhedrin, saw Him they spoke out loudly, saying: CRUCIFY... LIFT HIM UP!!!... PUT HIM ON A STAKE..., CRUCIFY... LIFT HIM UP!!!... PUT HIM TO DEATH ON THE STAKE... Pilate then said to them: You take Him... You take Him back to yourselves as the Jews that you are...; and you put Him on a stake... and you kill Him according to whatever you believe must be done in your customs..., because I find no fault in Him.

7) The Jews gave answer to him by speaking out loudly: We have a law, and according to our law He ought to die... He owes a debt of death..., because He made Himself... He designated himself... the Son of Yahweh.

8) When Pilate heard them say that, he was even more afraid.

9) He went back into the judgment hall... into the courtyard of the praetorium where the prisoner awaited his return... and he said to Yahushua: Where did you come from? How has this been caused to happen...4159 pothen {poth'-en} - What is the origin, or, the source of your predicament?... But; Yahushua gave him no answer.

10) Then, Pilate said to Him: What is THIS??? You don't speak to me??? You don't defend yourself by giving me an answer??? Don't you understand that I have the power to put you on a stake... that I can have you tortured to death like any other criminal enemy of Rome... or that I can order your release?... Don't you realize that I have the power of life and death over you?... Don't you GET IT???...

11) Yahushua answered: You could not have any power against me unless it was given to you from above; and because this is so, it is the one who has caused me to be delivered into your custody who has the greater offense to answer for.

12) From that time onward, Pilate diligently sought the means and method to gain His release; But, the Jews spoke out loudly, by saying: If you let this man go then you are not the friend of Caesar. Whoever makes himself... designates himself... to be a king... a supreme leader of the people... speaks against Caesar.

13) For this reason when Pilate heard that being said, he caused Yahushua to be brought in front of him, and he sat down in the judgment seat .... Which was a raised platform with steps leading up to it... in a place that is called "The Pavement" in the Greek language... this is an area so called because of the mosaic style of paving underfoot... which was near the praetorium; but in the Hebrew it is called Gabbatha, ...meaning elevated, or, a platform...ף

14) And it was the day of preparation for the passover... *** if the first High Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was considered, by the Jews, to begin the Passover, then this day of preparation was for the High Day Sabbath in which no work of any kind was to be done...***; and it was at about the sixth hour; and Pilate said to the Jews: See... Look at... your king!

15) But they cried out: LIFT HIM UP!!!... LIFT HIM UP!!!... PUT HIM ON A STAKE!!!... PUT HIM TO DEATH!!!... KILL HIM!!!... Pilate said to them: Do you want me to crucify your king? The chief priests answered: We have no king... we have no supreme leader for our people... except for Caesar.

16) Then, Pilate released Yahushua into the custody of the soldiers; and gave them orders that He was to be killed by being fastened onto a torture stake. They led Yahushua away.

17) Then Yahushua carried His stake to a place called Golgotha, which has the meaning of "skull" in the Hebrew language,

18) They crucified Him there... They fastened Him to a stake so that He would suffer extreme physical distress until He died..., and two others as well, one on either side of Him, Yahushua being in the middle.

19) Pilate wrote an inscription on a placard and caused it to be fastened onto the torture stake of Yahushua. The writing on this placard was: Yahushua of Nazareth - The King of the Jews.

20) This inscription was read by many of those who were of the religious ruling order of the Jews, because the place where Yahushua was lifted up on the stake was near the city; and it was written in the languages of Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

21) Then, the chief priests of the ruling religious order of the jews said to Pilate: do not write "The King of the Jews", but write this instead: He said "I Am the King of the Jews".

22) Pilate answered: What I have written, I have written.

23) Then the soldiers, when they had lifted Yahushua up, took His outer garments and divide them up into four parts, to every soldier a part; and they also took the undergarment that He was wearing. Now, the undergarment was seamless. It was woven. The weave started at its top and continued throughout its entire length.

24) For this reason they said: Let's not tear it in pieces and divide it amongst ourselves; but let's gamble for it instead, to see who it will belong to. They did this, in this manner, so that they would unwittingly fulfil the written word of scripture which said: They parted my raiment amongst themselves; and they gambled for my vesture.

***Psalm 22:18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

25) At this time, the mother of Yahushua stood near the stake on which Yahushua had been lifted up. His mother's sister was there also, whose name was Mary, the wife of Cleophas; and Mary of Magdala, who was called Magdalene.

*** An interesting note: "Mary" is 3137 Maria {mar-ee'-ah} or Mariam {mar-ee-am'} - "their rebellion"... There were three women, named Mariam... "their rebellion"..., who were all very close to Yahushua, here... of what significance this may be is not known at this time... Selah

26) When Yahushua saw His mother and the disciple standing nearby, whom He loved, He said to His mother: Woman. See... Look at this man and understand that you are to view him as... your son!

27) Then, he said to the disciple: See... Look at this woman and treat her as your mother...; and from that point in time that disciple took her to himself as his own.

28) After this, with Yahushua knowing that all things had now been accomplished that He was to do. He continued on so that the written word could be fulfilled; and said: I am thirsty.

29) At this time there was a vessel of full of vinegar... 3690 oxos {oz-os} - the mixture of sour wine or vinegar and water that the Roman soldiers were accustomed to drinking... set nearby; and a sponge was filled with vinegar... 3690 oxos {oz-os} - the mixture of sour wine or vinegar and water that the Roman soldiers were accustomed to drinking... and put on a branch of hyssop and put to His mouth

A reference to:

Psalm 69:15-28 16 Hear me, O Yahweh; for your lovingkindness is good: turn toward me according to the multitude of your tender mercies. 17 Do not hide your face from your servant. For I am in trouble, Hear me quickly. 18 Draw near to my soul; and redeem it. Rescue me because of my enemies. 19 You have known my disgrace, and my shame, and my dishonor. My adversaries are all in front of You. 20 The reproach of the shame and disgrace that I carry has broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness; and I looked for someone to take pity, but there was no one; and I looked for comforters; but, I found none. 21 They also gave me gall... 7219 ro'sh {roshe} - See Deuteronomy 32:32 - poison... bitterness... venom... for my food; and, in my thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink. 22 Let their table become a snare before them; and let that which should have been for their welfare become a trap. 23 Let their eyes be darkened so that they do not see; and make their loins continually to shake. 24 Pour out your indignation upon them; and let your wrathful anger take hold of them. 25 Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents. 26 For they persecute whom you have killed; and they talk to the grief of those whom you have wounded. 27 Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into your righteousness. 28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous...

30) When Yahushua had taken of the vinegar, He said: It is finished; and He bowed His head and gave up the breath of life.

31) The order of the Jews, because it was the preparation day; and, so that the bodies would not remain on the stakes on the sabbath day, (because that sabbath was a High Day), requested of Pilate that the legs of those who had been lifted up on the torture stakes would be broken, in order that they would be able to be removed from the stakes in time for the setting of the sun.

32) Then, the soldiers came and broke the legs of the two who were on stakes on either side of Yahushua;

33) But, when they came to Yahushua; and perceived that He was already dead, they did not break His legs.

34) Instead, one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear; and water and blood came out of the hole made by the spear.

35) And he who saw this take place bears witness... 3140 martureo {mar-too-reh'-o} - gives honorable testimony... to affirm that what he has seen, heard, and experienced is genuine and his witness is true... is the truth... is genuine... is not a result of an active imagination...; and he knows that he speaks the truth about what had taken place so that you can believe.

36) He takes great care to speak truthfully, because he understands that these things were done so that the word which was written in history past because of the compelling inspiration of the Most Holy Spirit of Yahweh, could be fulfilled. Which said: a bone of Him will not be broken.

A Quote from:

Psalm 34:19-20 Many are the afflictions of the righteous man: but Yahweh delivers him out of them all. 20 He keeps... preserves... protects... all his bones. Not one of them is broken.

37) Again, another scripture says: They will look on Him whom they have pierced.

Zechariah 12:10 I will pour upon the house of David; and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications; and they shall look upon... they will show regard to... they will pay attention to... they will consider... whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, just like an only child... 3173 yachiyd {yaw-kheed'} - just as someone mourns for his only begotten son... , and they will be in bitterness for him. Just like someone who is in bitterness for the loss of a firstborn... 1060 bekowr {be-kore'}

38) After this... after it became clearly understood that Yahushua was dead..., Yoseph of Arimathaea, a disciple of Yahushua who kept his opinions and beliefs a secret because of his fear of those of the ruling religious order of the jews, made a request of Pilate for permission so that he could take the body of Yahushua; and Pilate gave permission. He came, for this reason, and took possession of the body of Yahushua.

39) Nicodemus, who had at first met and conversed Yahushua at night and in secret, also came with Yoseph of Arimathaea and brought a mixture of myrrh... 4666 smurna {smoor'-nah} - a bitter gum and costly perfume which exudes from a certain tree of shrub in Arabia and Ethiopia, or is obtained by making incisions in the bark: and was used as an antiseptic and for embalming... and aloes... 250 aloe {al-o-ay'} - the name of an aromatic tree which grows in eastern India and Cochin China. The soft, bitter wood of this tree, which grows to a height of 120 feet and a diameter of 6 feet, is used in fumigation; and in the embalming of the dead..., nearly a hundred pounds... (3046 nearly a hundred litra {lee'-trah} - a Latin word which refers to a weight of 12 ounces, or 340 grams... a hundred of these litra is equivalent to about 75 pounds in 16 oz measurements...

40) They then took the body of Yahushua and wound it in linen clothes... (3608 othonion {oth-on'-ee-on} - they wound around the entire body of Yahushua with small strips of linen cloth used for wrapping the dead... together with the spices that they had brought. In the customary manner of the burial of the dead for the jews.

41) At this time, there was in the place where He was lifted up on the torture stake and killed, a garden; and, in the garden was a new tomb where a body had never yet been laid.

42) They laid the body of Yahushua there because of it being the Jews preparation day before the High Day sabbath of the First Day of Unleavened Bread; and because the tomb was near at hand.

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