John Chapter 11
Preface: Yahushua is now staying in the area where Yochannan the Immerser had done his work. Across the Jordan and away from Yerushalem in a place called Aenon... 137 Ainon {ahee-nohn'} - 'springs' which is near Salim... 4530 saleim {sal-ime'} - a well known town about 8 miles south of Scythopolis. (see John 3:22-23) Yahushua is staying there because of the animosity of those of the ruling religious order of the Jews in Yerushalem who are constantly on the lookout to capture Him and stone Him to death for His teachings and practices that they perceive are against the Torah.
1) Now, a man had been sick for a time who was named Lazarus. This man was from Bethany, which was the town of Mary and her sister, Martha.
2) (It was Mary who had anointed Yahushua with costly ointment and wiped His feet with her hair. It was her brother who had been sick.) ... at this time this incident had not yet happened... see Mark 14:3 and John 12:3...
3) For this reason..., because Lazarus had been sick for a time... his sisters sent word to him... to Yahushua... saying: Master, the one whom you love is sick... is weak, he is without strength... he is feeble...
4) When Yahushua heard, He said: This sickness is not to... to the advantage of... to further the cause... for the purpose of his... death, but instead, it is for the glorification of Yahweh; and it is, so that the Son of Yahweh can be glorified because of it... So that the dignity and worth of Who and What the Son of Yahweh is can be made known and acknowledged...
5) Now, Yahushua loved Martha and her sister, and Lazarus.
6) For this reason, when He had heard that Lazarus was sick, He still stayed where He was for two more days.
7) Then after that time had passed, He said to His disciples: Let's go to Judaea again... 2449 Ioudaia {ee-oo-dah'-yah} -"he shall be praised" region of land that is at this time under Roman rule that throughout history belonged to the tribe of Yahuda; and was populated by all who had become known as Yahudim... Ioudaios... Jews...
8) The disciples said to Him: Master, those of the ruling religious order of the Jews who are there, recently tried to kill you, and you want to go there again?
9) Yahushua answered: Are there not twelve hours in a day? If any man walk... 4043 peripateo {per-ee-pat-eh'-o} - live... make one's way... conduct one's self... regulate one's life... make due use of opportunities... during the light of day, then he does not stumble... 4350 proskopto {pros-kop'-to} - then he does not meet up with some harm because of tripping over something... metaphorically: he is not persuaded to sin... because he sees the light of this world... because he comprehends Yahweh's Way... He perceives and recognizes Yahweh's Order... and in this case, he sees Yahushua, who is the light... the life force... of the world... of mankind...
10) Yet, if a man walks 4043 peripateo {per-ee-pat-eh'-o} - live... makes his way... conducts himself... regulates his life... makes due use of opportunities as he progresses... in the night... 3571 nux {noox} - night - metaphorically: the time of death... the time of blindness... the time of moral stupidity and darkness due to spiritual blindness... then he stumbles... then he is persuaded to sin... because there is no light... no life force from Yahweh's Order... within him.
11) Yahushua spoke these things..., made a point of teaching them these things...; and afterward said to them: Our friend Lazarus sleeps... 2837 koimao {koy-mah'-o} - to cause to sleep... to put to sleep... metaphorically: has fallen asleep... has died..., but I go to awaken him out of sleep... 1852 exupnizo {ex-oop-nid'-zo} - to wake him up... to awaken him from his condition of being asleep...
12) Then His disciples said: Master, if he is sleeping... if he has fallen asleep..., he will get better.
***Notice that Yahushua's disciples did not think it strange for Yahushua to know that Lazarus had fallen asleep even though he was miles away at that time... this speaks of the trust and confidence that they placed on what He taught them and told them; and the responsibility that a teacher of Yahweh's Way had to be accountable for because of that kind of trust...
13) But Yahushua had spoken of his death; and His disciples thought that He had spoken of resting in sleep.
14) Then Yahushua said to them plainly: Lazarus is dead... 599 apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko}...;
15) And, I am glad for your sakes that I was not there when he died, so that you can believe. Now, for this reason, let us go to him.
*** Note here that, although His disciples trusted Yahushua as their teacher and guide of the Way of Yahweh and His Order, they still did not comprehend Who and What He actually is. For they perceived Him as one of the many Master Teachers of Israel who were in that area; and recognised that He exhibited powers, both in reason and ability, that are beyond the norm for a Master Teacher; and thought, perhaps correctly, that this was why the others sought to kill Him...
16) Than Thomas, who is surnamed Didymus... 1324 Didumos {did'-oo-mos} - "two-fold", or, "two"..., said to his fellow disciples: Let's all go, also, so that we can die with him.
17) Then, when Yahushua arrived, He found... He discovered... that Lazarus had already lain in the grave for four days.
18) Now Bethany was near Yerushalem, about 15 furlongs... 1.7 miles... away.
*** Aenon, where Yahushua was staying, is on the other side of the Jordan River, away from Yerushalem, so Bethany could conceivably have been at least a two day journey by travelling on foot...?
19) And many of the religious order of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother.
20) Then Martha, as soon as she had heard that Yahushua was coming, went out and met Him, but Mary stayed sitting in the house.
21) Then Martha said to Yahushua: Master, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
22) But I know, even now... even though my brother is dead and you were not here to prevent it..., that whatever you will ask of Yahweh, Yahweh will give it to you.
23) Yahushua said to her: Your brother will rise again.
24) Martha said to Him: I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
25) Yahshua said to her: I am the resurrection and the life;... Word = life = light of men... illumination... life force from Yahweh's Order... he/she who believes in me... who places confidence in me for his life and eternal existence... even though he may be dead, he will live.
26) And, whoever lives, and believes in me, will never die. Do you believe this?
27) She said to Him: Yes Master; I believe that you are the anointed one, the Son of Yahweh, who is to become known to the world.
28) And when she had spoken in this manner, she went her way and summoned her sister Mary secretly, saying: The Master has come, and is asking for you.
29) As soon as she heard, she quickly stood up and went to Him.
30) Now Yahushua had not yet reached the town, but was at the place where Martha had met Him.
31) Those who were of the order of the Jews who were with Mary in the house, comforting her, when they saw her get up and leave in haste, they followed her, saying: She is going to her brother's grave; to grieve there.
32) Then when Mary got to where Yahushua was, and saw Him, she fell down at His feet, saying to Him: Master, if you had been here my brother would not have died.
33) For this reason, when Yahushua saw her weeping, and the weeping of those who were of the order of the Jews who had followed her, He groaned in the Spirit and was troubled.
34) And said: Where have you put him? They said: Master, come and see.
35) Yahushua wept.
36) Then those who were of the order of the Jews said: Look how He loved him.
37) And some of them said: Couldn't this man, who opened the eyes of the blind, have been able to prevent this man from dying?
38) For this reason Yahushua, again groaning within Himself, came to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay on the opening of it.
39) Yahushua said: Take away the stone. Martha, the sister of the man who was dead, said: Master, by this time he stinks, for he has been four days.
40) Yahushua said to her: Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the majesty of Yahweh?
41) Then they took away the stone from where the dead had been placed. And Yahushua looked up and said: Father, I thank you for hearing me.
42) And I knew that you always hear me; but I say this because of the people standing near, so that they can believe that you have sent me.
43) And when He had spoken in this manner, He spoke out with a loud, strong voice: Lazarus, come out.
44) And he who had been dead came out, bound hand and foot with grave clothes; and his face had a cloth tied over it. Yahushua said to them: Untie him and let him go.
45) Then, many who belonged to the ruling religious order of the Jews, who had come to comfort Mary; and who had seen the things that Yahushua had done, believed on Him.
46) Moreover, some of them left and went back to the Pharisees and told them of the things that Yahshua had done.
47) Then the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together to deliberate, and they said: What do we do? For this man does many miracles!
48) If we continue in this manner to leave Him alone, all will believe on Him; and the Romans will come and take away both our place... 5117 topos {top'-os} - our power... our opportunity... our station and status within the Roman empire... and our nation 1484 ethnos {eth'-nos} - our ethnic individuality as a people... our nationality...
49) And one of them, Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said to them: You know nothing at all,
50) Neither do you consider the concept of it being expedient... profitable... for us that one man should die for the people so that the whole nation... 1484 ethnos {eth'-nos} - so that our ethnic individuality as a people... so that our nationality as Yahudim... does not become destroyed.
51) Moreover, he did not speak of himself as being the one to die in place of the entire nation; but, being high priest that year, he prophesied that Yahushua would die for the nationality of all Yahudim... that ethnic individuality of the order of the Jews which sets them apart from all others in the world...
52) And not just for that nation only; but so that He would also bring together in unity the children of Yahweh that were dispersed abroad... scattered into all nations in what is known as the diaspora...
*** Note: This is logic that is a justification of a rationale that is not Yahweh's... but are survival instincts for progeny that are sensual and earth based... with no real trust in Yahweh Himself. There is no trust in Yahweh's Strength and Power to perform His promises to the forefathers of Israel in the face of such a prospect of the assimilation of a nation by a conquering people...
53) Then, from that day onward, they all deliberated together for the purpose of killing Him.
54) For this reason, Yahushua conducted his life openly no longer among those of the order of the Jews; but left from there to a country near the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and lived there with His disciples. ...A type or shadow of where we are now?...
55) And the time for the observance of Passover was near; and many went out of the country to go up to Yerushalem, to purify themselves.
56) Then they looked for Yahushua, and spoke amongst themselves as they stood in the temple: What do you think? Will He come to the feast or not?
57) Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had issued an order that if any man knew where Yahushua was, the location of His whereabouts was to be revealed so that He could be captured.
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