Sunday, January 3, 2010

John Chapter 7 (Expounded)

John Chapter 7

1) After these things... After the declaration by Yahushua that He has come from heaven, the place where Yahweh Himself dwells; and where the Truth, Reality, and timelessness of Yahwehs' Order is; and that He, being the true Bread from heaven, is able to nourish anyone toward the life that is normal within the place that He was sent from. He makes it very clear that the place of True, Real life that is unending is where He was sent to this order of things on earth from; and only those who have been caused by Yahweh, His Father, are able to be partake of this life; and only those will be caused, by Him, to rise up again from the condition of being dead at the last day. He further states that what He is doing is the will of His Father; and that He is not working from His own driven will for His own purpose to perform the works He was becoming known for... Yahushua lived in Galilee, because he would not live in Judea {ee-oo-dah'-yah} because the Jews... those living according to the order... the logic structure, or, rationale... which was inherent in and integral to the governance or dominion of all who considered themselves to be of the nationality which had become known as Jews... sought to kill Him.

2) Now, the time was at hand for those living according to the order of the Jews to observe the Feast of Tabernacles.

*** Yahushua had half brothers who were fathered by Yoseph; and birthed from His mother, Miriam. He grew up within this family structure; and was the eldest of the children in this household... at this point in time, it is clear that they considered Yahushua to be one of their brothers, with no apparent separate distinction of being fathered by Yahweh; and they spoke as brothers to Him, admonishing and exhorting Him as only brothers within a given family could. They also clearly distinguished themselves at this time as not being a part of His disciples; and may have thought Him to be a little loopy, even though they may have recognized that Yahushua was able to cause things to happen that were outside of what was perceived to be ordinary for a rabbi {rhabb-ee'} - a master teacher of Israel and the historically recognised traditions of Moses... ***

3) His brethren, for this reason, said to Him: Leave here... leave Galilee...; and go to Iudea {ee-oo-dah'-yah} so that your disciples may also see the works that you do... If you are going to be a rabbi, then go out to where the rabbis' are taught in Iudea, so that any students that you may be teaching can see and compare what you speak and teach of; and the actions that you take, with the other master teachers who are there... In other words... Put up or shut up brother!...

4) Because no one does anything in secret if he seeks to be publically recognized. If you seek to be known, then show yourself to the world.

5) His brethren said this to Him because they did not believe... they did not place confidence and trust for their lives and eternal existence in... Him... in Who and What He is... either.

6) Then Yahushua said to them: My appointed time... My appointed time to be made manifest to the world... has not yet arrived: but your time... your appointed time to be recognized for who and what you are... your opportunity... is always... at all times... ready to take place.

7) The world... the order of things that you are a part of... cannot... is not able to... does not have the power to... hate you... any of you who are a part of this order...; but it does hate me, because I bear witness... I give credible, irrefutable testimony... that the works of it are evil... are from an inherently evil nature....

8) You go up to this feast, brothers; but I am not going to this feast just now. Because my appointed time has not yet completely arrived.

9) When He had said these words to them, He remained in Galilee.

*** Yahushuas' brothers must have thought He had made a decision to keep the Feast of Tabernacles there at home; and that He would construct the sukkot He would live in for the seven days of the Feast there, while His family went to Iudea...

10) Nonetheless, when His brethren had gone to Iudea, He also went to the feast in Iudea. Not so all could see Him go there; but secretively.

11) Then, those who were of the ruling order of the Jews looked for Him at the feast, and said: Where is He?

12) And there was much murmuring concerning Him among all the people there: Because some said: He is a good man... he has good intentions...; others said: No! He is a deceiver of the people.

13) However no one spoke openly of Him because they feared those who had authority within the order of the Jews.

14) Now, at about midway through the feast time, Yahushua went to the temple... 2411 hieron {hee-er-on} - the temple in Yerushalem... and taught.

15) And, those who were of the order... of the thought life, logic and rationale... of the Jews wondered... they marvelled when they heard this apparently common man, who was not recognised as having had any formal schooling in the deeper things of their order, read and ..., saying: How does this man know the sacred writings, having never been schooled?... having never had any formal training; and who does not have a recognized Honored One... rabbi {rhabb-ee'} as His teacher?...

16) Yahushua answered them: The doctrine of which I teach is not my own, but belongs to He who has sent me.

17) If any man will do HIS will, he will recognize wether the teaching is of Yahweh, or if I speak from myself... from my own will and purpose...

18) He who speaks from His own will and purpose seeks to magnify himself; but, if he who seeks to magnify the one who sent him, the same rationale is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

19) Did not Moses give you the Law; and not one of you... obeys, performs, does... diligently seeks to understand and become conformable and obedient to... the Law? Why do you seek to kill ME?

20) The people answered and said: You are possessed by an evil spirit! Who is trying to kill you?

21) Yahushua answered and said to them: I have performed one deed and you all marvel... you are all amazed that it has been done...

22) Because of Moses you have been entrusted with the observance of circumcision; (not because it... the practice of circumcision... came from Moses, butinstead, this practice... custom... tradition... came from... began with... the forefathers... from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...); and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath Day.

23) If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath Day so that what was established as the Law of Moses would not be broken, then, why are you angry with me for making a man totally healthy on the Sabbath Day?

24) Do not judge... do not form opinions of what is right and what is wrong... according to the outward appearance of something, but make an opinion concerning right and wrong righteously... as it should be done...

Deuteronomy 16:18-20 18 Judges and officers shalt you make for yourselves in all your gates, which Yahweh your Elohim gives to you, throughout your tribes: and they shall judge... decide controversies that rise up between... the people with just... with ethically right... judgment... justice... 19 You shill not wrest... twist... turn... bend... stretch... turn aside... judgment; you shall not respect persons, neither take a gift. For a gift does blind the eyes of the wise; and perverts the words of the righteous. 20 That which is altogether just... ethically right... shall you follow,so that you can live; and inherit the land which Yahweh your Elohim gives to you.

25) Than said some of them from Yerushalem: Isn't this the man whom they are seeking to put to death?

26) He is not running away and trying to escape from them; but instead, He is speaking boldly and they are saying nothing to Him. What is going on here? Do the leaders really know whether or not this is the Anointed One?

27) No, we know from where this man comes from; but when the Anointed appears, no man will know from where He comes.

28) Then Yahushua spoke out in a loud, strong voice as He taught, saying: You... all of you... collectively... know who I am, and you know where I came from. I am not appearing before the public due to a cause or purpose that has originated from within myself; but rather, He who sent me is true. Whom none of you know... The One Who sent me to be here, Whom you do not know, is genuine in all aspects...,

28 alethinos {al-ay-thee-nos'} - that which has not only the name and resemblance, but the real nature corresponding to the name, in every respect corresponding to the idea signified by the name... real, true, genuine... opposite to what is fictitious, counterfeit, imaginary, simulated or pretended...

29) But I do know Him: because I exist from Him, and He has sent me... has ordered me to an appointed place...

30) Then they desired to capture Him: But no man laid hands on Him because His appointed time had not yet come.

31) And many of the people believed... placed confidence in... Him, and said: When the Anointed One appears, will He do more miracles than these which this man has done?

32) The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning Him; and the Pharisees and the leading priests sent officials to capture Him.

33) Then Yahshua said: A little while longer am I with you, and then I go to Him that sent me.

34) You will look for me and not find me, and you cannot go where I go.

35) Then, those who were of the religiously scholastic ruling and governing order of the Jews said amongst themselves: Where will He go that we cannot find Him?... What is He thinking? ...He professes to be a rabbi... a master teacher of the traditions and laws of Moses... Will He go to the dispersed... the scattered ones of Israel... the dispersed of Israel... who are among the Gentiles... the greeks... the
Hellenists... and teach the Gentiles... the Hellenists... the hellanes...?

... "gentiles"
1672 Hellen {hel'-lane} - a Greek... because of ethnic nationality. Referred to as such by the Jews because of being a native of the main land or of the Greek islands or colonies, or, in a wider sense, because the name embraces all nations which are not Jews that made the language, customs, and learning of the Greeks their own, including descendants of Abraham...

***Note: The religious rulers here are speaking of the forced dispersion of Israelites, throughout the surrounding nations who did not know nor acknowledge Yahweh, which had begun taking place with Assyria many centuries before. The descendants of which are now living in places like Galilee and are a part of the Greek culture that had conquered all within that area only a few hundred years before. This makes clear the mindset of those who are under the influence of the ruling class of the religious order of the Jews regarding the perceived differences between those who were considered, by the rulers within Yerushalem, to be the accursed, dispersed ones of Israel; and those who were the favored, chosen ones of Yahudah...

36) They continued talking amongst themselves, saying: What did He mean when He said: you will look for me and not find me, and where I go you cannot follow?... These discussions and commentaries must have continued on for quite some time... Yahushua really had them thinking that He was some sort of strange fellow; and of what they were to do about His strange doctrine and actions that had gotten the attention of so many. For much of what Yahushua said was scripture based; and they could not readily refute what they considered to be twisted, heretical logic because to do so would be to refute the very premise their own faith was based upon... that of the knowledge of what was written in the scriptures...

37) In the last day, on that holy... on that set apart... on that high... day of the feast, Yahushua stood up and spoke out with a loud strong voice, saying: If any man is thirsty, then, let Him come to me and drink.

38) He that believes me, as the scriptures have said, out of his belly... out of his innermost part... out of his soul... out of the heart... out of the seat of thought, feeling, or choices that a man might make... will flow rivers of living water.

*** Note:
Although the Master Yahushua said, "He that believes on me, as the scripture has said: out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." Where do the inspired writings of Scripture say this? There is no passage that specifically reads this way. There are inferences, however; and a deeper comprehension of what Our Master has said can be gained by searching out the figurative, metaphorical context in the scriptures.

For instance:
Prov. 18: 4 "The words of a man's mouth are like deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom is like a flowing brook" (Out of his belly... out of the seat of thought, feeling, or choices that a man might make...)

Jeremiah 2:9-13 9 I will still contend with you, says Yahweh; and with your children's children will I strive. 10 Cross over the islands of Chittim... 3794 Kittiy {kit-tee'} - "bruisers" - a general term for all islanders of the Mediterranean Sea..., and inspect what you find; and consider it well. Send... stretch out to the Ishmaelite tribes of Kedar... 6938 Quedar {kay-dawr'} - "dark" - the descendants of Kedar, the second in order of the sons of Ishmael..., and consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing.

11 Has any nation exchanged gods which really were not gods at all? But my people have changed their glory... 3519 kabowd {kaw-bode'} - their honor... their abundance... their riches... for what is profit... for what is profitable...
12 Be astonished at this, O heavens; and be horribly afraid. Be very desolate, says Yahweh. 13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken ME..., Yahweh..., the fountain of living waters; and they have hewed... they have cut out... for themselves... they have made themselves to be... cisterns... wells... storage tanks..., broken... crippled... maimed... wrecked... cisterns... tanks..., that can hold no water.

*** Regardless of where they may be in history, when people who have heard the Truth of Yahweh have behaved in this manner, they are..." Wells without water"... because they are incapable of fully, truly understanding Yahweh or His Order; and we are, still today, warned to avoid their influence in our lives...

From 2 Peter Chapter One:
1) Yet, it is true that there were also false prophets amongst the people then, just as there will be false teachers amongst you who are now believers obedient to the Way of Yahushua. It is these false teachers who will secretly bring in utter destruction amongst you. Capturing you by means of presenting choices for you to make. Damnable Heresies... 684 apoleia - utter destruction... and... 139 hairesis - dissensions... choices... destructive choices that are diversions... rabbit trails... away from Yahwehs' Order, which cause strong disagreements between you, that rise up because of diverse opinions and goals which come from various schools of thought... These false teachers will even deny the master... the One to whom they should belong... who bought... who redeemed... them; and bring swift destruction upon themselves.

2) Many will follow... will imitate... their destruction... 684 apoleia - their deadly, fatal manner of thinking, feeling, and decision making...; and it is because of these false teachers that the way of truth... the way of thinking, feeling, and decision making that is according to what is really true... will be evil spoken of.

and Brother Kepha continues his descriptive examples on through verse...

15) They are children... They are childlike in their thinking and comprehensions... who have forsaken the right way... the straight, true, sincere course of thinking, feeling, and decision making that is the travelled path of life conduct...; and they are caused to wander astray... they are led astray into error... They are following the way that Balaam of Bosor thought, felt and decided things as he lived. Balaam of Bosor loved the rewards and payments, which fulfilled the desires of his fleshly nature, that came from unrighteousness.

16) But Balaam was rebuked for his wickedness... his transgression of Yahwehs' Order that had touched his life... as the ass... the beast of burden... that had no way of making speech of any kind, began speaking with a mans' voice and prevented the insanity of the prophet.

17) These people...people of this kind, or sort... are wells without any water in them. They are clouds... 3507 nephale {nef-el'-ay} - they are pillars of cloud... that are driven violently with whirlwinds in all directions constantly. The mist... 2217 zophos {dzof'-os} - the blackness... of darkness... 4655 skotos {skot'-os} - the black darkness of night that envelops the comprehension and understanding... is reserved for them forever.

*** A side note...:

From the International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia:

Kedar (Heb: qedhar; Grk: Kedar): Second in order of the sons of Ishmael . The name occurs as typical of a distant eastern country instead of inferencing the lands of the Mediterranean. The author of Isaiah introduces this tribe in company with Nebaioth, the firstborn of Ishmael; and both are represented as owners of flocks. Evidence of their nomadic habits appears in ,, where they are classed among the Heb: Bene-Qedhem... "the men of the east", or," the men from the beginnings of ancient history"...; and mention is made of their flocks, camels, tents, curtains and furniture. They are spoken of as dwelling in ... "villages" ... Heb: chatserim ..., from which it would appear that they were a somewhat settled tribe, corresponding to the Arabic chadariya or "town-dwellers," as distinct from wabariya or "nomads". Ezekiel (27:21) gives another hint of their pastoral nature where, in his detailed picture of the wealth of Tyre, Kedar and Arabia provide the Tyrians with lambs, rams and goats. The fame of the tribe is further reflected in , the only allusion to their might in war; and in the figurative references to their tents. In this last passage where the tents are made symbolic of dark beauty, the word Heb: qadhar ("to be black") may have been in the writer's mind.

The settlements of Kedar were probably in the Northwest of Arabia, not far from the borders of Palestine. Assyrian inscriptions have thrown light upon the history of the tribe. There Kedar is mentioned along with the Arabs and Nebaioth, which decides its identity with Kedar of the Old Testament, and there is found also an account of the conflicts between the tribe and King Assurbanipal

Of the Ishmaelite tribes, Kedar must have been one of the most important; and because of this, in later times, the name came to be applied to all the wild tribes of the desert. It is through Kedar (Arabic, keidar) that Muslim genealogists trace the descent of Mohammed from Ishmael.

39) (But He spoke this of the Spirit, which those who believe Him would receive: because the Holy Spirit had not yet appeared, because the dignity and worth of Yahushua had not yet been made known)

40) Many of the people, for this reason, when they heard this saying, said: Truly this IS that Great Prophet.

Deuteronomy 18:15-19 15 Yahweh your Elohim will raise up unto you, a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like me; to him you will listen and be obedient; 16 According to all that thou desired from Yawheh your Elohim when you were in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying: Let me not hear again the voice of Yawheh my Elohim; and neither let me see this great fire any more so that I do not die. 17 And Yahweh said unto me: They have well spoken that which they have spoken. 18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like you; and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him. 19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not listen and be obedient to my words which he will speak in the authority of my name, I will require it of him.

*** Note: Now, this title of "The Prophet" may be applied to Joshua, son of Nun; and many others throughout the history of Israel, as many today teach in defense of an orally traditional, Judaistic perspective of the Mosaic Law; and yet, it is clear that the people questioning themselves about Yahushua, at the very time that He walked the earth before His death and resurrection, were still expecting "The Prophet" to appear in history. So much so that they very clearly considered the possibility that Yahushua, because of His teachings and actions, could be... "That Prophet". Also, let us not forget mentioning that the Pharisees who had been sent to Yochanan the Immerser had this very same question plied to him..."'Are you THAT Prophet?"

As we look back in history, within the confines of our limited knowledge and lack of technical accuracy regarding the texts we look to for our inspiration, the question must be asked:

How much more can this title of "The Prophet" possibly have applied to Yahushua? The ultimate Salvation and Deliverer from danger and destruction, that Yahweh has provided, in the form of someone who declares openly that He came from an Ordered Place where the concept of time and death have vastly different meanings; and, that He was sent from there by His Father; and, that He has no will and purpose of His own in being obedient to the One who sent Him; and, that He is clearly pointing out the fallacies of assumptive beliefs regarding Who and What Yahweh IS; and, that He is making it painfully obvious that those who are attempting to be righteous must live their life in error while they are in accordance with those assumptions that have no real foundation; and, that He is further pointing to Himself as the answer to their confusion and terminal danger?

41) Others said: Will the Anointed One come out of Galilee?

42) And: Doesn't the scripture say that the Anointed One comes from the seed of David, and out of Bethlehem where David was?

***John 7:42 "Doesn't the scripture say...?"
Reference to what has been written in:
Psalm 89:3-4 I have made a covenant with my chosen one. I have sworn... I have taken an oath... to David my servant, 4
your seed... your seed line... your genealogical bloodline descendants... will I establish for ever, and build up... and establish... and cause to continue... your throne... your seat of honor... for all generations. Selah.


Micah 5:2 But you, Bethlehem... 1035 Beyth Lechem {bayth leh'-khem} - "house of bread, or, figuratively "house of food"...
0672 'Ephraath {ef-rawth'} or 'Ephrathah {ef-raw'-thaw} Meaning: Ephrath or Ephratah = "ash-heap: place of fruitfulness" - a place near Bethel where Rachel died and was buried; and another name for Bethlehem...
, though you are little amongst the thousands of Yahudah, yet out of you will he come to me who is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth... whose origins... have been since the ancient times of antiquity; and from an everlasting, continuous existence.

43) So there was a division among the people because of Him;

44) And, some of them would have captured Him if they were able; but, no one laid their hands on Him.

45) Then the official who had been sent to take Him captive went back to the leading priests and Pharisees; and they said: Why have you not brought Him?

46) The official answered: No man has ever spoken like this man... Wait a minute... I have some knowledge of the sacred writings; or else I would not be in this position of authority representing you who have sent me... and what this man had to say made sense to me and caused me to make a closer investigation into the claims about him...

47) Then the Pharisees answered them: Are you deceived also?

48) Have any of the rulers or any of the Pharisees believed Him?

49) Moreover, these people who do not know the law are cursed...

In other words...
More than the fact that none of the rulers of Yahudim, or, that none of the most rigid adherents to the traditions of Moses, the Pharisees, have believed Him.
As the better educated and more affluent of all of Yahudim; and as the ruling class over all the commoners in this society because of our knowledge of the sacred writings, and our standing in the perception of all who are of our order, and our status in the eyes of the Romans... we perceive this group of heretics, made up of Yahshua and His disciples, to be unschooled in the teachings of the recognized Master Teachers of Israel; and therefore, they are a part of the accursed ones of Israel, who have been cursed by HaShem... they dared not utter the name of Yahweh for fear of retribution by others of their own order... because they do not have a true knowledge or comprehension of the traditions of Moses...

Whew! Were they ever off of the proper pathway of life in accordance with Yahweh and His True Order for all things for His chosen, set apart people... They were definitely not "as they ought to be"...

50) Nicodemus... 3530 Nikodemos {Nik-od'-ay-mos} - 'conqueror' a member of the Sanhedrin who came to ask questions of Yahshua; and did this secretly during the night because he was one of the rulers... said to them:

51) Does our law judge... make a definitive determination of the right or wrong in... a man before it hears him out and knows his intent?

52) They answered and said to him: Are you also from Galilee?... are you also one of the dispersed of Israel who are under the curse and cannot know the law?... Search the scriptures! Look for yourself! because you will find no mention in them of a prophet 4396 prophetes {prof-ay'-tace} who rises up out of Galilee... No prophet... no spokesman for HaShem... (they dared not speak Yawhehs' name) who interprets His utterances, can possibly rise up, according to the scriptures, out from among the ones who are cursed by HaShem... Yahweh...; and who are a part of the dispersion of the descendants of accursed Israel in Galilee... A figurative slap in the face directed at Nicodemus, for this is an accusation that he may not be as knowledgable of the writings of scripture as his class and status depicts.

53) And every man went to his own house.

*** After this heated exchange of emotional words, there can no more be said at this time without violence taking place. There is definite disquiet within the ranks of the ruling elite of Yahudim because of the behavior of Yahushua; and the multitudes of people being stirred up by His words and actions. Each man goes to his own home to meditate on the things which have transpired during this Feast of Tabernacles...

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