Monday, January 4, 2010

John Chapter 14 (Expounded)

John Chapter 14

Preface: The Passover meal has been consumed for the third year by Yahushua and His disciples. A lesson has been taught by the Master through the act of foot washing. The betrayer has been given leave to do his task. Yahushua has given a new commandment to His disciples. A commandment to dearly love one another just as Yahushua has loved them these last three and a half years so that all would know whose disciples they are in the future when He is gone. Peter gets all worked up at being told that they cannot follow their Master and Teacher to wherever He is going in the immediate future, and makes a declaration of personal faithfulness to his Teacher and Master, no matter the outcome or cost. Yahushua makes it clear that Peter does not know his own heart by means of prophecy.

From John Chapter 13:
37) Peter said to Him: Teacher... you who are able to teach me all things pertaining to Yahweh and mankind..., why can't I follow you now? I will lay my life down... 5087 tithemi {tith'-ay-mee} - set it aside... ordain it... leave it... for you.

38) Yahushua answered him: Will you set your life aside... will you leave your life?... will you set your own life aside in its comparative importance because of Who and What I am?... Will you give up your right to yourself... for me? I speak Truth as I tell you that the rooster will not crow until you have denied me three times.

1) Don't let your heart be agitated, Peter, you believe... you place confidence and trust... in Yahweh, be confident in Me as well.

2) For there are, in my Father's house... in the property... in the holdings of my Father... many mansions... many places to permanently dwell in... if this were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you... I am going there to mark off a portion or space from the rest where you are to dwell and make your abode...I am going there to create a position for you, or, station of purpose for you to fill...

3) And, if I am going there to prepare a place... a portion... a position, or station of purpose... for you, then I will come back again and take you with me, so that where I am... so that wherever I am present..., you will be present there as well.

4) And, you know where I am going, and you know the path... you know the manner of thinking , feeling, and decision making that this life pathway consists of that I must take in order to get to where I am going...

5) Thomas said to Him: Teacher, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the path?

6) Yahushua said to him: I am the way... I am the path... I am the traveled road which indicates the proper course of conduct for life..., I am the truth... I am the reality... Who and What I am is really what is true in any matter under consideration..., and, I am the life... I am who or what makes life what it is supposed to be... I am the true way that life is to be lived according to my Father's Order. Any circumstances that may appear otherwise, which are based in the wisdom of the flesh and its nature, are contrary to my nature...; no man comes... no one appears... no one finds a place, status or position of influence... no one is truly of value... to the Father unless he comes... unless he/she appears... becomes known... through... because of... me.

7) If you had known... if you had grasped, with your mind, the force and effect of what is really the truth regarding... me, then, you would have known... you would have grasped, with your mind, the force and meaning of what is really the truth regarding... my Father as well; and, from now on, you know... you perceive... you understand... you grasp the implications of the true truth regarding... Him, and you have seen Him.

8) Philip said to Him: Teacher, show us the Father... Teacher, unfold the teaching; and explain to us who the Father is... Teacher, give us evidence, or, proof of who the Father is... and it will satisfy us... Such a teaching will cause us to be content...

9) Yahushua said to him: Have I been with you for such a long amount of time; and you still do not know... you still do not perceive... you still do not comprehend... me, Philip? He... Anyone... who has seen me ... anyone who has perceived Who and What I am with the eyes of their mind... has seen... has grasped, with their mind, the understanding of... the Father; so, how is it that you are able to say: Teach us about the Father?

10) Don't you believe that I am in the Father...Don't you believe that I am in a place of intimate union with the Father?... Don't you believe that I am in a position of rest, with no strife and no contention within my self, and that I am with one purpose, with one mind and one heart, together with the Father..., and that the Father is in me?... Don't you believe that the Father is in a position of rest, with one purpose, with one mind and one heart, together with me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak of myself... I do not speak these words to you, as I teach, as though they originated from within myself and my own sense of self will and purpose...; but I speak to you and take actions according to the Father, who lives within me. For He does the works... He produces the product of His Plan and Business... He is the author and originator of the cause of the work or deed done through me...

11) So, believe me when I say that I am in the Father... believe me when I tell you that I am in a condition or state of intimate trust and rest, with no strife, contention, or rebellion, with all that the Father and His Order is ...; and believe me when I say to you that the Father is in... is abiding... is remaining constantly... in the same position in me; or, if you cannot trust my words when I speak them to you, then believe me because of the works that have been produced through me by the Father.

12) Truly, I tell you: Anyone who believes on me; the works that I do will be done by him/her as well; and greater than these will he/she do because I am going to my Father... to the place of spiritual order and existence, where my Father is...

13) And whatever you ask for, in my name... whatever you ask for while you are in the state or condition of being a part of me... that is what I will do, so that the Father will be magnified in the actions of the Son...

14) If you will ask... if you call for... if you make the desire of your heart known by asking for... any thing in my name... while in the state or condition of being a part of me..., I will do... I will produce... I will form it... I will fashion it... I will be the author of it... I will be the provider of whatever it is...

15) If you love me, then attend carefully to my commandments... guard yourselves so that you will remain in the state or condition of being a part of me; and remain true to what I have taught you through my words and actions...

16) And I will ask my hearts desire from the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, and I will ask that He will remain with you forever;

*** Pause for reflection: The Most Holy, Rational Spirit... The generator of the thoughts, feelings, and actions within Yahweh's Chosen that are according to Yahweh's Order... the Comforter for all of Yahweh's chosen ones who had been... who are... and who will be caused to be drawn toward Yahushua by His Father, that Yahushua asked for from His Father, will always remain with those chosen ones for ever...

Many are called... drawn toward Yahushua and Yahweh's True Order... not all respond to that call in a manner that is reverent and respectful of that calling... that drawing... and few are chosen... Matthew 22:1-14

17) I speak of the Spirit of truth... The Spirit of True Truth... The Spirit of True Reality... whom the world...; all that makes up man/mankind, and all within the spiritual realm that are opposed to Yahweh and His Order... cannot receive... cannot take hold of or possess as a part of itself..., because it... because the world... because that order of things within the physical and spiritual realms... does not perceive Him nor understand Him: But you do understand Him because He lives with you and will be in you.

18) I will not leave you comfortless... I will not leave you... and I will not leave those who follow behind you... deprived of a Teacher or guide or guardian... I will not cause you to be orphaned... I will come to you.

19) A small amount of time more and the world... the order of things that makes up mankind... does not see me any longer... does not experience my presence any longer as I now am...; but you see me... but you will still experience my presence...; and because I live... and because I will still exist alive and animate..., you will live as well.

20) At that day you will know (get a knowledge of, feel, perceive, understand) that I exist in (I am with, am of) my Father, and you exist in (you are with, are of) me, and that I exist in (am with, am a part of) you.

21) Anyone who has my commandments and attends to them carefully... anyone who maintains himself/herself in the position or place of being a part of Yahshua; and diligently attends to the commandments that have been taught by Him..., it is he/she who loves me: and he/she who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him/her and make myself known to him/her.

22) Judas... 2455 Ioudas {ee-oo-das'} -not Iscariot... but the apostle, who was surnamed Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus; and, according to opinion, wrote the Epistle of Jude... said to Him: Teacher, how is it that you will show yourself to us and not to the world?

23) Yahushua answered him and said: If anyone loves me, he/she will attend carefully to what I have taught; and my Father will love him/her, and we will appear to him/her and will stay with him/her.

24) Anyone who does not love me does not attend carefully to what I have taught... does not maintain himself/herself so as to be a part of me..., and the word... the concepts and ideas that Ispeak which point out through the use of words which you now hear and understand... the teachings that you perceive the sense of... the teachings that you comprehend... are not mine... they are not from me..., but that word... those teachings... are the Father's who has sent me... They originated from the Father who has appointed me to do this...

25) These things I have spoken to you while I have been here with you;

26) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit... 40 Hagios 4151 Pneuma - the Most Holy, Rationale Spirit..., whom the Father will send in my name... whom the Father will delegate as an agent of my status as Teacher of all things which pertain to the Reality of Yahweh... Whom the Father will send in the agency of my position or authority..., He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all the things that I have spoken to you... all the things that I have taught you...

27) I leave with you with the tranquility of peace within you. I give my peace to you. I do not give you what the world gives to you.

***I do not give you the peace of the order of things that does not know the true Truth of Yahweh; but has, instead, a form or version of peace that is a parallel or counterfeit of the true peace that ony can come from Yahweh...

Do not let... do not allow... your heart be agitated nor let it be afraid.

28) You have heard how I have said to you that I go away and return to you again. If you loved me you would rejoice because I said that I am going to the Father because my Father is greater... is stronger... is much more... than I am;

29) And, now, I have told you before it happens. So that when it does happen you will believe... you will have confidence, and trust in what I have told you...

30) From now on, I will no longer speak with you very much, because the prince of this world... because the ruler... because the chief leader... because the commander of the order of things within mankind as it is now, that does not recognize, respect, or place the Creator of all things in high esteem... is coming; and He has nothing in... within... me... He has no hold on, or influence on, or control of any part of me... He is not within any part of me...

31) But, so that the world... so that the order of things which does not recognize the truth of Yawheh and His Creation and Order... can know that I love the Father. I do what the Father has commanded me. Get up, let us leave this place. ...or... Wake up, let's all leave this order of things...

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