Saturday, January 30, 2010

John Chapter 18 (Expounded)

John Chapter 18
Preface: Yahushua, Son of man, has lifted up His face toward heaven and spoken aloud His requests to His Father and has given voice to the reasoning which has caused His requests to be made on behalf of those whom He has been given charge over; and for those who will follow after them. He has clarified once and for all time the will of the Father as it pertains to His own life and existence; as well as His Father's purpose for those whom He has been intrusted with as He now asks for the continued maintaining and preservation of their state and condition of being a part of Him as they remain in obedience to what He has taught them. So that they, and those who follow, can be perfectly and completely one with each other and with Him, and; being in that state or condition of existence enabling them to be one with the Father.
1) When Yahushua had spoken these things, He left from where He was and travelled to where He crossed over the brook... 5493 cheimarrhos {khi'-mar-hros - a rapidly rushing stream that flows in the wintertime in this area... called Cedron... 2748 {ked-rone'} - a word of Hebrew origin 6939 Kidron {kid-rone'} - dark... turbid... this flow is stirred up and murky because of sediment..., to where there was a certain garden; and He entered into that place along with His disciples.
2) And Iudeas... Judas... Judah... Yahuda - "he shall be praised"..., the man who betrayed Him, also knew of the garden to which He went; because Yahushua met there often with His disciples.

3) Then Judas, after having obtained a band...4686 speira {spi'-rah - a word of Latin origin meaning a cord, rope, or band - indicating a method of binding something together, in this case the word is indicating a band of men, the number of which is not clearly known, taken from among the guards of the temple in Yerushalem... all were Levites who filled the many minor offices of the temple; and kept watch at night... and officers 5257 huperetes {hoop-ay-ret'-ace} - servants... these were subordinate officials who served those of the more official status as members of the Sanhedrin... these were all sent by the command of the chief priests of the temple and those in Yerushalem who were Pharisees; and they all came to the garden as well, with torches and oil lamps and weapons.
4) For this reason, Yahushua, who was aware of everything that was to happen to Him, came out from among the disciples and addressed the band, saying: Who are you looking for?
5) They answered Him: Yahushua, of Nazareth. Yahushua replied to them: I am... 1510 eimi {i-mee'} - I exist... I am here...; and Judas, who had betrayed His whereabouts to the band who had been sent to capture Him, stood on the side of those who were gathered against Him also.

6) As soon as Yahushua said to them: I am...1510 eimi {i-mee'} - I exist... I am here... They began to back up, and fell to the ground.
7) Then, He asked them again: Well... Who are you looking for? And they said: Yahushua of Nazareth.
8) Yahushua answered: I have told you that I am here, so if you are seeking me, then let these others who are here with me go their way.
9) Yahushua said this so that what He had said earlier, as He prayed out loud to His Father in the presence of His disciples, would continue to be fulfilled, for He had said: I have lost none of them that you have intrusted to me.

***Quoted from John 17:12... While I was with them in the world, I kept them... I guarded them and preserved their state or condition of existence... in your name... in that state, or, status of existence that is in one accord with the Order that is a part of Who and What you are that Your name implies... Those whom you have intrusted to me I have kept... I have guarded and maintained their state, or condition...; and none of them is lost... none of them has perished... none of them has been rendered useless... none of them is under the sentence of Your condemnation... except for the son of perdition; and this is so that the scripture... so that the prophetic things which were written of by those who were moved by the Spirit of Yahweh to do so... can be fulfilled.
10) Then, Simon Peter, who was carrying a sword... 3162 machaira {makh'-ahee-rah} - this is either a large knife which is normally used for killing animals and cutting up meat, or, a small sword..., drew it and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut his right ear off. The servant's name was Malchus... 3124 Malchos {mal'-khos} - a word of hebrew origin 4429 Melek {meh'-lek} - which means "king", or, "kingdom"...
11) Then, Yahushua said to Peter: Put your sword... your blade... back in its sheath... 2336 theke {thay'-kay}... The cup... 4221 poterion {pot-ay'-ree-on} - metaphorically - the portion of life experience that has been allotted to me... that my Father has given to me. Will I not drink it?

12) Then, the band, and the leader, and the officials sent by the leaders of the religious of the order of the Jews, took Yahushua captive; and put chains on him;

13) And led Him away to Annas first...;
452 Annas {an'-nas} - "humble" a high priest of the Jews who was elevated to the priesthood by Quirinius, the governor of Syria circa 6 or 7 A.D., but was afterwards deposed by Valerius Gratus, the procurator of Judaea, who replaced him first with Ismael, who was the son of Phabi; and then, shortly afterward, he filled that office with Eleazar, who was the son of Annas. From there, the office passed to Simon; and from Simon, circa 18 A.D. the office was assigned to Caiaphas. However, Annas, even after he had been put out of office, continued to have great influence...
and, Yahushua was taken before Annas because he was father in law to Caiaphas, who was the high priest that same year.
14) Now, Caiaphas was the one who had given counsel to those who were of the ruling religious order of the Jews, when he said that it was expedient... 4851 sumphero {soom-fer'-o} - helpful... profitable... that one man should die for the sake of preserving the ethnic nationality of the people...
***Quote from John 11:49-50***************
49) And one of them, Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said to them: You know nothing at all,

50) Neither do you consider the concept of it being expedient... ... helpful... profitable... for us that one man should die for the sake of the people, so that the whole nation... 1484 ethnos {eth'-nos} - so that our ethnic individuality as a people... so that our nationality as Yahudim... does not become destroyed.
15) And Simon Peter followed Yahushua, and another disciple. That disciple was known to the high priest, and he went in, with Yahushua, into the palace... 833 aule {ow-lay'} - the open, exterior courtyard that is inside the exterior wall, or boundary that surrounds the mansion, or, palace that is used as a place of reception before admission into the buildings and inner courtyards that make up the whole of the palace or mansion grounds... that is lived in by the high priest and his family.
16) But, Peter stood outside, at the entranceway of the courtyard. Then, that other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came out and spoke to the servant girl who was in charge of allowing anyone through the entranceway; and he caused her to allow Peter through the doorway.

17) Then the servant girl who was in charge of the entranceway, said to Peter, as he passed through: Aren't you one of the disciples of this man also? He said: I am not.

18) Inside the courtyard, the servants and lower status officials had made a fire because it was cold; and they stood there and warmed themselves. Peter stood there with them and warmed himself.

19) The high priest then questioned Yahushua regarding His disciples; and asked Him about His teachings.

20) Yahushua answered him: I spoke openly to the world... to all of mankind who were able to physically hear me speak; and I always taught in the assemblies and in the temple where those of the order of the jews always met; and I have never declared my mind or disclosed my thoughts in a hidden manner.

21) Why do you question me concerning these things? Ask those who heard me speaking about what I said to them. They know what I said.
22) When He had spoken in this manner, one of the lower status officials who stood nearby, struck Yahushua with the palm of his hand... slapped Yahushua in the face..., and said: Do you dare to speak to the high priest in such a manner?
23) Yahushua answered him: If I have spoken improperly or wrongly... if I have spoken abusively to the high priest..., then bear witness of the evil... give testimony, as my accuser, of the wrong that I have done...; but, if I have spoken rightly, with no error to accuse me of in the content of what I said, then why did you hit me?
24) At this time, Yahushua was in chains, for Annas had sent Him to Caiaphas the high priest while He was still bound.
25) While this was happening, Simon Peter stood and warmed himself at the fire; and it was for this reason that they, who were around the fire with him, said to him: Aren't you one of His disciples also? He denied, and said: I am not.

26) One of the servants of the high priest was there, who was related to the one whose ear Peter had cut off; and he said: Didn't I see you in the garden with Him?

27) Peter then denied association with Yahushua again; and immediately, the cock... 220 alektor {al-ek'-tore} - a male of any species of bird... a rooster... crowed... 5455 phoneo {fo-neh'-o} - sounded off...

28) Then, they led Yahushua away from the presence of Caiaphas toward the hall of judgment...; 4232 praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on} Latin - toward the outer court of the palace in which the Roman governor or procurator of a province resided after it had been appropriated by the conquering armies of Rome... In Yerushalem, this was a magnificent palace which Herod the Great had built for himself; and it was this palace that the Roman governors occupied whenever they came from Caesarea to Yerushalem to transact public business... and it was early; and they themselves did not go into the hall... the courtyard of the palace of the Roman gevernor... so as to prevent themselves from becoming defiled by being in what they considered to be an unclean place, and by not associating in any way with the uncleanness of the Romans because of their gentile heritage; and so that, by remaining undefiled, they could eat the passover.
29) Then, Pilate went out to them, and he said: What is the charge... what is the accusation... that you bring against this man?
30) They answered and said to him: If He were not an evildoer, then obviously, we would not have delivered him into your custody.
31) Then Pilate said to them: If all you can say about Him is that he is an evildoer, then you take Him and judge Him according to your own law. The jews, for this reason, protested to him: We would do so; but according to your own rules, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death.

32) They spoke in this manner so that the saying of Yahushua would be fulfilled, when He spoke and signified what type of death He would die.

Quote From John 12:
32) And I, if I am lifted up on high... exalted... elevated... away from the earth... away from the world... away from the order that now exists which does not recognize Yahweh as it ought to... away from the ground..., I will draw all... I will lead all... I will cause a pulling and attracting force to move all, through the inherent power of the nature that is within me.... to... toward me... I will enable them to be elevated, in their status and standing, along with... me.

33) He said this, indicating what of sort, or nature of death He intended to die.
33) Then, Pilate entered the praetorion... the judgment hall... the courtyard outside of His palace... again. He then called Yahushua to come to where he was; and he asked Him this question while in private conversation with Him: Are you the King of the Jews?
34) Yahushua answered him by saying: Do you ask me this because of the reasoning of your own mind, or did others tell you this about me?
35) Pilate answered Him by saying: Am I a Jew? How would I come to such a conclusion in order to ask you to answer this question? Your own nation and the chief priests have put you in my custody. What have you done?

36) Yahushua gave this answer: My Kingdom is not a part of order of things that has dominion on this earth now. If my Kingdom was in dominion on the earth now, then my servants would fight in order to prevent me from being turned over into the custody of the order of the jews; but my dominion, at this time, is not the same as that from this place.
37) For this reason Pilate said to Him: Then is it true that you are a king? Yahushua answered: You say that I am a king. I was born so that I would be able to bear witness to the truth... to what is truly is real; and as it should be, and should have been all along... I came into this world... this order of things... because of this. Every one that is a part of the truth... all who are a part of what the Truth of Yahweh Really is... hears and comprehends the sense of my words... It is they who understand what I say in all of the depth and meaning that is implicated by what I teach...
38) Then, Pilate said to Him: What is Truth?... Just what really IS the Truth?... Then, after having said this, he went out again to those waiting outside who were of the order of the jews, and said to them: I find no fault in Him;
39) However, you Jews have a custom... a tradition... that I would release a prisoner from my custody to you at the time of your passover. Do you for this reason intend that I release to you the King of the Jews?
40) They all spoke out loudly then, saying: NO! Do not release this man to us! Give us Barabbas instead! Moreover... More than this... they all knew that Barabbas was a robber... 3027 lestes {laces-tace'} - a plunderer... someone who was clearly known to deprive others of their property with the use of violence...

Friday, January 22, 2010

John Chapter 17 (Expounded)

John Chapter 17

Preface: Yahushua and His disciples are still in the room where the Passover meal had been eaten; and, where the teaching had begun that would prepare them for what is to take place. Yahushua, in the actions that are necessary to love His disciples and continue His obedient, trusting, intimate relationship with His Father, is continuing on with the teachings and eye opening clarifications of what is to be expected after He has gone. The disciples are repeatedly told of the Comforter, who is to come and continue to be as He, Himself has been, as their teacher and mentor in all things that pertain to His Father and the Reality of His True Order. They are told that this Spirit will never leave those who are truly His. He tells them, in preparation beforehand, that this same Spirit of what Truth Really is will also expose the violations of the unalterable Law of Yahweh's True Order by the currently existing order that is in the world. That this Spirit will make known to this world the order which should be and should have always been that is pleasing to Yahweh, who is the Creator of all things; and that this Spirit will make the entire world know and understand the line of separation between what is truly right and what is truly wrong according to the True Reality of Yahweh's Order because the chief leader and ruler of the current dominion that is in the world is under a sentence of condemnation and punishment.
Yahushua warns the disciples of the oppression and affliction which will come to them from the world due to their being a part of Him as they are obedient to His teachings, and comforts them with the assurance that He, who they all profess now to recognize with certainty as having come from Yahweh, has conquered the dominion of this order.

1) After Yahushua had spoken all these words to His disciples, He then looked up toward heaven and said: Father, the appointed time has now arrived. Glorify your Son... Cause the nobility and worth of Who and What Your Son is to be known... so that Your Son can Glorify you... so that Your Son can make the nobility of Who and What you Truly are to be recognized... as well.

2) Your Son Has done this in accordance with the authority and power which You have given Him over all flesh... over all who are of a carnal nature and are prone to violations of the law of Yahweh's True Order; and are opposed to Yahweh because of the inherent nature that governs them from within themselves..., so that He could give eternal life... so that He could give the absolute fulness of life that is without beginning or end... to as many as You have given Him.

3) This is eternal life... this gift from your Son, to those whom you have given to Him, is the absolute fulness of life that is without beginning or end... in order that they would come to know... so that they, whom you have given to your Son, would be able to perceive... understand... get a knowledge of... You, as the only true Sovereign Who exists; and Yahushua... the Salvation from Yahweh..., Who is the Anointed One whom You have sent.

4) I have magnified You... I have caused the nobility, the elevated status, and the worth of Who and What You are to be known... on the earth. I have completed the work... the business... the undertaking... which you had given to me to do.

5) Now, Father, glorify me with... make me shine with the splendor and majesty of... Your Self. With the esteem of excellence that I possessed from you before the world was... With the honor and majesty of the approval that you bestowed upon me, according to the Blueprint of your plan, before the order of things that now is on the earth, which is opposed to you, came into existence...

6) I have made your name... I have caused the knowledge and understanding of the true meaning of all that the mention and remembrance of your name implies and refers to... I have made the true awareness of your power, your majestic authority, your purpose and will... known to the men that you gave to me out of the world... the men that you gave to me from out of the order of things that is comprised of all of the thoughts, ideas, will and purpose that is found within the inherent nature of mankind... They were yours. You intrusted them to me; and they have attended... they have diligently and carefully sought to be obedient to what I have taught them according... to your word... according to the true order that is comprised of your own spoken concepts or ideas... your instructions... your teachings... carefully in order to preserve them.

7) Now they understand that everything, whatever those things have been that you have furnished to me to give to them, are from what is a part of Yourself... they now understand that I am more than just a master teacher of Israel for the sake of being a master teacher because I have been sent from You... They now truly know that whatever makes Who and What You are has been taught to me; and that I have given these truths to them...

8) They understand this because I have given to them... I have made known to them... the words... the spoken concepts or ideas, the instructions and teachings, the orders and mandates... that you had given to me; and they have taken these teachings, instructions, and concepts to themselves. They have made them a part of themselves; and they have truly come to the point of knowing the reality that I came out... that Who and What I am has became publically known because of my having been sent... from you; and they have believed... they have placed their confidence and trust in the idea... the concept... the perception... that you have sent me.

9) I make this request from you for them. I do not ask this for the world... I do not ask you to do this thing that I am requesting from you for all of mankind as it is now..., but I ask this from you for those whom you have intrusted to me. I ask this from You because they are yours.

10) All who belong to me are Yours; and all who belong to You are mine; and I am caused to be honored or magnified within them and through them.

11) Even now I do not exist in the world any longer... Right now, at this very moment, I no longer exist within the present order of things... I am no longer governed, in any way, by the purposes and structured order of thinking, feeling and decision making that is natural as a part of the inherent nature within all mankind that is opposed to You...; but these, whom You have given to me, they do exist within the present order, and I come to you with this request. Holy... 40 Hagios {hag'-ee-os} - Most Holy... Father... You Who are, in truth, totally set apart from this order of things... You, Who are completely separate, above and beyond this order of things which exists according to this inherent nature..., keep these... 5083 tereo {tay-reh'-o} - guard and preserve these, whom you have given to me; and who are now a part of me, in the state or condition that they are now in... through your own name... through the application of all of the power and authority that Your name implies... which is the name and reputation that you have intrusted to me; and do this so that they can be one... so they can be an intimate part of each other and us... so that they can be echad with us and each other... just like we are.

12) While I was with them in the world, I kept them... I guarded them and preserved their state or condition of existence... in your name... in that state, or, status of existence that is in one accord with the Order that is a part of Who and What you are that Your name implies... Those whom you have intrusted to me I have kept... I have guarded and maintained their state, or condition...; and none of them is lost... none of them has perished... none of them has been rendered useless... none of them is under the sentence of Your condemnation... except for the son of perdition... 684 apoleia {ap-o'-li-a} - metaphorically - Judas Iscariot is the son whose spiritual father is the originator of utter destruction, waste, and ruin... Just as those are to whom Yahushua spoke in regard to their father, or, originator of the manner of thinking, feeling and decision making that governed them from within themselves. He is a physical manifestation of the deceit, the rationale of getting gain at the expense of others, the ruthless selfishness, and every other characteristic of the inherent nature that is opposed to Father Yahweh and His Order...; so that the scripture... so that the prophetic things which were written of by those who were moved by the Spirit of Yahweh to do so... can be fulfilled.

13) Those things were written about in past history; but now, I come to you with this request; and, I speak of these things in the presence of those who are a physical part of this present order so that they, whom You have intrusted to me, can have my cause or occasion of joy fulfilled within themselves.

14) I have given Your words, spoken from within the depths of Who and What You are, which contain the concepts, ideas, and instructions that You have given to me to give to them; and, all who are a part of the nature that dominates this world have pursued them with hatred, because they are not a part of the order that exists within the world now. Just as I am not a part of this present order.

15) I do not ask of You that You would take them out of the world which is now being dominated by this present order; but I ask instead, that You would guard them... that You would preserve their state or condition of being a part of me; and therefore a part of You... while they are in hardships and perils.

16) They are not part of the order of things that is in a position of dominion on the earth now. In the same way that I am not of this present order.

17) I ask You to sanctify... 37 hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo} - I ask you to set them apart and acknowledge them to be pure and undefiled... through your truth. Your word is... the concepts... the ideas... the instructions... the teachings... that you have spoken into existence with Your own voice... are... truth... *** THE ONLY TRUTH!!!...all other perspectives, concepts, ideas of what is, and what ought to be, are NOT Truly Truth...they do not have any force, meaning, or effect within Your Reality... This is the plumbline... SELAH...

18) Just as you have appointed me to become known to this world. In the same manner have I also appointed them to become known to all who are now under the dominion of the inherent nature of the order of this world.

19) It is for the sake of all of them that I have sanctified myself... I have set my self apart ... separated myself... from any influence that the dominion of the inherent nature that is within mankind; and within ***all those who are not men that have rebelled against Yahweh and His True Order could possibly have over me... So that they also can be separated from all profane things through the knowledge of what is really the truth.

***We must not discount the origin... the original cause... for the Blueprint of Creation that we are now a part of, with Yahushua... Yah's Salvation... at the Epicenter. Iniquity was discovered to be within the false accuser and originator of all lies and deceit. For it is the Blueprint... the Plan... of Yahweh's Creation that is being formed even now, which is causing the restoration of all things within the heavenly realm to the state of existence that is as it should have always been. Through Yahushua, Satan is conquered, along with all the dominion that was his; and through Yahushua's Assembly this manifold wisdom of Yahweh is clearly seen by the principle, foundational beginnings that make up all forces of jurisdiction and power within Yahweh's Order... Selah

20) Neither do I ask this of you only for these who are now here with me; but I also ask this for those who will believe in me; and who will know that I am the Salvation that You have sent to rescue and preserve them from the danger of the destruction that you will bring on all that are not a part of your truth and order, through their testimony.

21) I ask this from You so that they all... I ask this from You, Father, so that my disciples who are here, and who are now a part of me; and all who will become a part of this new order on the earth throughout the remainder of the time of man..., can be one; just as you, Father, are now in me and just as I am now a part of You. So that they also can be one in us. So that the present order can believe that you have sent me.

*** Note: Right here is where the door is opened by the Master Yahushua for all who will become followers of the Way of Yahushua throughout historical time beyond this point. THIS IS WHERE WE COME IN!!! This is the point, in this intimate and powerful prayer, where all who have been, and will be, drawn toward Yahushua by the Father; and who have answered that call with willing, trusting obedience, have been included for the duration of whatever future remains within the time of man within the oneness... the ability to be intimately united... echad... within both... the Father and the Son.

22) The honor, the esteem, and the approval that you have given to me, I have given to them. I have done this so that they can be one. Just as we are one.

23) I in them; and You in me. So that they can be caused to be complete, with nothing lacking, in one perception of Reality; and, so that the present order can understand that you have sent me and have loved them just as you have loved me.

24) Father, I desire that they, whom you have intrusted to me, can be with me where I am... I want them... all of them, throughout the remainder of time, to be able to be in the state of existence that is not able to be dominated ever again by the inherent nature of the order of things that is opposed to you and your order... ; so that they can perceive my absolute perfection with their own eyes. The absolute perfection which you have given to me because You loved me... because You loved Who and What I now am... before the formation of the order that is now present in this world began.

*** Think about this!!! We are not truly able to be dominated ever again by the inherent nature that is opposed to Yahweh. If we, who have been included, are being guarded; and if steps are being taken by those assigned to do so in order to preserve us in this state, this status, or this condition of existence, then how much of our own selfish, perverted, rebellious will must have to be exercised in order to lose our rightful place as His Beloved... and... The Spirit of Yahushua warns us, through inspired writings and prophecies, that there are those who taste of this wonderful status; and are drawn away from it by the exercise of their own will to be obedient to the desires of a heart that is guided by the inherent nature of rebellion, to the point of becoming ultimately destroyed because there is no more payment that is able to cover the debt that they, themselves, have incurred again against Yahweh and His True Order...

***Hebrews 10:26-27 For, if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, then, no more sacrifice remains for sins; But instead, there is a certain fearful looking for of the judgment and fiery indignation, that will devour the adversaries of Yahweh and His Order... SELAH...

25) Righteous Father, the world... the entirety of all mankind... has not gotten a knowledge... a true perception... an accurate understanding... of you; but, I have come to know... to understand... to comprehend... all that is truly a part... of you; and these, whom you have intrusted to me, have understood that you have sent me;

26) And I have made your name... I have made your true wisdom, authority, majestic power, and ability... to be understood by them, and I will continue to make it known, so that the love that you have loved me with can be in them, and with them... manifesting Your Power and authority on their behalf.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

John Chapter 16 (Expounded)

John Chapter 16

Preface - from Chapter 15:
Yahushua is preparing His disciples while in the room where the Passover meal has been eaten, and teaching has taken place, and from where the betrayer has been sent to complete his mission, to be able to continue in the capacity or position for which they have been chosen to fulfill. The Comforter has been promised to appear and take the place of the one who now protects them and teaches them when Yahushua goes where they cannot follow until later in time. The disciples are told the inescapable, stone hard fact that all who have been violently hating Him while He has been amongst them will continue to do so to them after He has gone. He also assures them that whoever is of the kind that has listened to Him and sought for the truth of what He has taught, will also listen to and be taught by them; and that they, because of this, will be producing the fruit, through their thoughts and actions of obedience to Him, that will not perish with the passage of time. This obedience to who and what they now are, like vine runners that have been cleansed of all defilement by the pruning action of what He has taught them in obedience to His Father, will magnify the majesty of the Father through the works that the Son of man has set in motion by His obedience. They are assured of this regardless of the perils that they are now warned of which will be sure to happen to them because of the testimony which they will bear record of after He has gone.

Yahushua continues...

1) I have told you about these things so that you would not be tempted to distrust me, and stumble, and fall off of the pathway of life that is pleasing to the Father whom you have come to know and trust because of my teachings.

2) They... those who violently hate me now, and will hate you in the same manner after I am gone to be with the Father..., will cause you to be thrown out of the synagogues... 656 aposunagogos {ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos} - excommunicated... they will forcibly cut you off from the sacred assemblies together that all Israel takes part in throughout every year... More than this, the time will exist in which it will be common that whoever causes your death; and the destruction of the logic and rationale that is now normal for you, in any way that it can be done, will think that he/she does Yahweh service... 2999 latriea {lat-ri'-ah} - will think that he/she has performed a sacred service to Yahweh, as a part of worship, that He will approve of...;

3) And they will do these things to you because they have not known... 1097 ginosko {ghin-oce'-ko} - they have not learned to know so that they can understand and discern the character of... the Father, nor me.

4) In spite of all of these things being as they are and will continue to be, I have told you of these things so that when they happen, you will remember that I told you about them. More than this, I did not tell you of these things at the beginning of my becoming recognized and plainly known by all mankind for Who and What I am, because I was with you then.

5) However things are different now. I go my way to return to the One who has sent me to accomplish what I am now doing; and none of you asks me where I am going... Instead, you are all accepting that I will leave...

6) And instead of being fearful, curious and demanding to know what is going on, because I have told you about these things before they have taken place, sorrow has filled your heart that I am leaving.

7) But... 235 alla {al-lah'} - in spite of your sorrow at the knowledge that I am leaving... I speak truth to you and do not shield you from the heaviness that you feel in your heart. It is better for you that I go. For if I do not leave, then the Comforter... the Spirit of Yahweh... the Most Holy, rational Spirit, who will show you and cause you to remember all things that pertain to the Father and His Order... will not come to you; but if I depart... 4198 poreuomai {por-yoo'-om-ahee} - if I continue on to pursue the journey that I began when I was sent by my Father..., then, I will send Him to you;

8) And, when He has made His public appearance, then He will reprove... 1651 elegcho {el-eng'-kho} - He will expose the violation of the Order of Yahweh that is in the nature of the entire world... in the order of things, now existing, that makes up all of mankind...; and He will cause the shame of that order of things to be felt by those who are convicted within themselves by His reproof; and He will reveal what righteousness truly is to all of the world... He will cause the character traits of an existence that should be, which is pleasing to the Father, and part of His True Order... known to this world, and He will make known the plumbline of separation between what is acceptable, and, He will make known that which brings the sentence of condemnation and punishment from Yahweh.

9) He will expose the conviction of the world because of the violation of the law... the True Order... of Yahweh, because they, that have the inherent nature of the order of things that is in error within them governing their thoughts, feelings, and decisions, do not believe in me.

10) He will convince the world of what righteousness is supposed to be; and should have always been, because I go to my Father and you will not have my presence with you any longer.

11) He will reveal the separation between what is truly right and what is truly wrong, according to the True Reality of Yahwehs' Order, to be known by the world. Because the ruler of this order is under a sentence of condemnation and punishment.

12) I still have many things to speak to you about; but you are unable to carry the weight of them just now.

13) But when He, Who is the Spirit of what Truth Really is, reveals Himself; and becomes established in His place. He will guide you toward what is really the truth in any matter under consideration because He will not speak of Himself. Instead, whatever He understands because of what He has heard from the Father, He will speak of, and He will reveal to you things that are yet to happen.

14) He will glorify me... He will make my worth, because of Who and What I am, to be known and acknowledged...; because He will take to Himself from whatever is a part of the characteristics of Who and What I am, make that a part of Himself; and make that known to you.

15) All that the Father has, as a part of Who and What He is, are mine. It is for this reason that I said that the Comforter will take to Himself, and make that to be a part of Himself out of whatever is a part of me; and make that known to you.

16) A short time from now, you will not be able to see me; and know my presence. Yet again, in a short amount of time from now, you will be able to see me... you will be able to discern my presence with you..., because I am going to the Father.

17) Then, His disciples spoke among themselves: What is this that He is telling us? A short time from now and you will not be able to see me; and again, in a short amount of time from now, you will be able to see me, because I am going to the Father?

18) They said, for this reason: What is this that He is saying, a short time from now? We do not understand what He is talking about.

19) Now, Yahushua knew that they wanted to ask Him; and He said to them: Do you ask each other what I meant when I said that a short time from now and you will not be able to see me; and that again, in a short amount of time from now, that you will be able to see me?

20) I speak the truth to you when I tell you that you will weep and mourn, but the world... but the order of things that exists now, which is not spiritual; but earthy, sensual, and rebellious... will rejoice; and you will be full of heaviness and affliction; but, your sorrow will become joy.

21) A woman, when she is in the pains of childbirth, has affliction because her appointed time for delivery has come to pass; but, as soon as the child is born, she does not remember the pain because of the joy that is in her that a human being has been birthed into the world.

22) You have heaviness in your spirit; and you are afflicted now for this reason; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and no man will be able to take your joy away from you.

23) In that day, no one will ask for anything from me. Truly I tell you, that, whatever you ask for from the Father, as a part of me, will be given to you.

24) At this very moment in time you have not asked for anything as a part of me. Ask, then, and you will take whatever you have asked for to yourself, as your own, so that that your joy will be realized as being complete in every particular.

25) I have told you of these things using figurative speech. The time is coming, though, when I will no longer speak to you using metaphors or parables; and instead, I will show you plainly whatever comes from the Father.

26) When that day comes you will ask for whatever you intend, within your heart, as a part of me; and, I am not telling you that I will ask for these things from the Father on your behalf.

27) For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved me, and have believed that I was sent from Yahweh.

28) I came from where the Father sent me from; and I have come into the world; and again, I leave the world that I was sent to and return to the Father.

29) His disciples said to Him: Now you speak plainly and not in parables.

30) Now we are sure that you know all things; and that we do not need to question you. By this awareness we are convinced that you came from Yahweh.

31) Yahushua answered them: Do you believe now?

32) Understand that the time is coming, yes, is now here, when all of you that are here with me now will be scattered, every one towards whatever pertains to himself and his own perceived well being; and you will leave me alone. Yet, even though this will take place, I am not alone because the Father is with me.

33) I have spoken to you of these things so that you can have peace. In the world... in the order of things, that exists now, within all mankind... you will have oppression and affliction; but be encouraged comforted... I have overcome the world... 3528 nikao {nik-ah'-o} - I have conquered this order... this dominion...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

John Chapter 6 (Expounded)

John Chapter Six

1) After these things... after refuting the rationale and logic of accusers who wanted to kill Him for their perceptions of what violating the Sabbath are; and making it known that He acted not of His own free will, but that what He is doing in emulating His Father, Yahweh, are really actions of obedience to His Father, who had sent Him and who has taught Him what He must do and why ... it is not known how much time had passed from then until this next set of events... Yahshua went across the sea of Galilee, then known as the sea of Tiberias... named so by Herod, the tetrarch of Galilee, in honor of Tiberias Caesar...

2) And a huge crowd accompanied and followed Him, because they witnessed the miracles which He did on those that had been sick and feeble until He had caused them to be healed.

3) And Yahshua went up on a hill and sat there with His disciples.

4) And the time of Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near.

5) When Yahushua looked and saw the huge multitude coming to Him, He said to Philip: Where will we buy food so that all of these people can eat?

6) And Yahushua said this to test him: Because He Himself knew what He would do.

7) Philip answered Him: Two Hundred pennyworth... a denarion... a days wage worth... of bread is not enough for all of them to have only a small amount.

***a denarion - denarius = "containing ten" The denarius was a Roman silver coin in NT time. It took its name from being considered equal to the worth of ten "asses", a number that increased to 16 after 217 B.C. ... the denarius was equivalent at that time to about 3.898 grams or .1375 oz. of silver. It was the principal silver coin of the Roman empire. From the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, it would seem that a denarius was then the ordinary pay for a day's wages. Mt. 20:2-13...

8) One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to Him:

9) There is a small boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two small fish: But what are they among so many?

10) And Yahushua said make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down. About five thousand in number.

11) And Yahushua took the loaves; and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples distributed them out to those sitting down on the grass; and in the same manner was the fish given out.

12) When they all were full, He said to His disciples: Gather up the scraps that are left so that nothing is wasted.

13) Consequently the scraps were gathered up, and twelve baskets were filled with the scraps of the five barley loaves which remained after all had eaten their fill.

14) Then those men who had just been fed, when they perceived the miracle that had been done by Yahushua, they spoke amongst themselves and said: Truly this is that prophet which we have been told about who is to come to the world... the messiah foretold of was also to be a teacher of all things...

15) For this reason, when Yahushua perceived that they would come and take him by force and compel Him to be their leader, He left them and went to another hill by himself, alone.

16) And when evening came, His disciples went down to the sea,

17) And entered into a boat, and went out on the water toward Capernaum. It was dark by this time, and Yahushua had not come back to them;

18) And the water got very rough because of a strong wind that started to blow.

19) So, when they had rowed about twenty five or thirty furlongs... furlong = 600 feet, so about 2.8 - 3.4 miles..., they saw Yahushua walking on the sea and getting closer to the boat, and they were afraid.

20) But He said to them: , It's me. Don't be afraid.

21) Then they willingly took Him into the boat; and immediately the boat was at the place that they were headed for when they started rowing... Capernaum

22) The following day, when the people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was no other boat there except for the one into which the disciples had gone in, and that Yahushua had not gone with them, but that his disciples had gone on alone.

23) (Although there were other boats that had come from Tiberias near to the place where they had eaten of the bread that Yahushua had given for)

24) Consequently, when the people saw that Yahushua was not there, nor His disciples, they also took boats and came to Capernaum, looking for Yahushua.

25) And when they had found Him on the other side of the sea, they asked Him: Master... Sir... when did you come here?

26) Yahushua answered them and said: I speak the truth when I tell you that you do not look for me because you saw the miracles, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.

27) Do not work for the food which is destroyed... which perishes..., but work for that food which continues to exist within you toward the abundant fullness of life which has always been and will always exist, which the Son of Man will give to you: Because He is the One that Yahweh the Father has set His seal upon... that He has authenticated...

28) Then they said to Him: What should we do so that we can work the business of Yahweh?

29) Yahshua answered and said to them: This is the business of Yahweh, that you... each of you... individually and collectively... believe... place your trust and confidence for your lives and eternal existences... on the One whom He has sent.

30) Then, because of what He had just told them, they said to Him: If it is true that Yahweh has sent you, then, what sign do you show to us that sets you apart from everyone else and proves your claim so that we can see and believe you? What kind of work do you do?... What business are you engaged in, what do you produce?...

31) We know the sign that He gave to our forefathers in regard to Moses, because our forefathers ate manna in the desert. Just as it has been written of in the scriptures that tell us: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

Exodus 16:4 4 Then said Yahweh to Moses: Look! I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, so that I may test them and see whether they will walk in my law or not.

Nehemiah 9:7-15 7 You, Yahweh, the Elohim who did choose Abram, and who brought him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, and gave him the name of Abraham; 8 And who found his heart was faithful before you, and who made a covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, to give to his descendants, and who has performed your words. For you art righteous; 9 And you did see the affliction of our forefathers in Egypt, and you heard their cry by the Red sea; 10 And you showed signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, and on all his servants, and on all the people of his land. For you knew that they dealt arrogantly against them. In this manner did you get a name... a reputation... for yourself, which is just the same this day. 11 And you did divide the sea in front of them so that they went through the midst of the sea on the dry land; and you threw their persecutors into the depths like a stone thrown into the mighty waters. 12 More than this, you led them during the day by the means of a cloudy pillar; and in the night, you led them with a pillar of fire to give them light in the way in which they should go. 13 You came down also upon mount Sinai; and spoke with them from heaven; and gave them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments; 14 And you made your holy sabbath known; and commanded them precepts, statutes, and laws, thgrough the hand of Moses, your servant; 15 And you gave them bread from heaven for their hunger; and brought forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst; and promised them that they would go in to possess the land which you had sworn to give them.

32) Then Yahushua said to them: I speak the truth when I tell you that Moses did not give you that bread from heaven; but instead, it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.

33) Because the bread of Yahweh is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.

34) Then they said to Him: Master, always give us this bread.

35) And Yahushua said to them: I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never hunger; and he who believes me... the one who places his confidence and trust for life and eternity in me... will never thirst.

36) But I say this to you because you also have seen me and do not believe.

37) All who the Father gives to me will come to me; and he/she who comes to me I will certainly not drive out.... I will not, for any selfish, personal reason, chase any of them away with hostility...

38) For I came down from heaven..., *** What a stunning declaration!!! Consider... the meaning of what Yahushua has said:
I was outside of the order of things that you know of in this Creation; and I was in the place where Yahweh dwells. The place in which the concepts of time and life have much different meanings. I came from that place... that order of existence... to this order of things. Which is finite. For this is an order where time, which is able to be measured, constricts all things. All things within this order have an end; and life the type of life that is within this order will end as well...; and I came, because I was sent. Not to do my own will, but to do the will of The One who sent me;

39) And this is the will... this is the intent...this is the purpose... of the Father who has sent me. His purpose and intention is that I would lose none of all of those that He has given to me... while I am here...; but He intends instead that I would raise them up again... that I would cause them to rise again from the condition of being dead; and cause them to be able to know life that is the norm within the Order that I was sent from by my Father... at the last day.

40) And this also is the will... the intent... the purpose... of the One who sent me: His purpose and intent is that every one who sees... who understands... who comprehends... who perceives the force and effect of... the Son... whom He has sent..., and believes Him, may have... can possess within themselves the capacity for... life... the fullness of life that is true... that is real... and everlasting... eternal... perpetual... without beginning or end... just as it is within Yahwehs' Order from which I was sent...; and I will raise them up at the last day.

41) Then the Jews murmured at Him because He had said: I am the bread which came down from heaven.

*** They seem to have completely missed what He spoke of concerning the resurrection, for no arguing or muttereing is about THAT!...***

42) And they said: Is not this Yahushua, the son of Yoseph, whose father and mother we know? How can it be possible for him to say: I came down from heaven?

43) Yahushua, for this reason, said to them: Do not murmur among yourselves.

44) No man can come to me unless the Father, who has sent me, draw him to me; and I will raise him up at the last day.

45) It is written in the prophets: And they shall be all taught Yahweh. Accordingly, every one who has heard... who has diligently considered what has been said..., and has learned of... and has become informed about... and has had his/her knowledge increased regarding... the Father, comes to me.

*** Yahushua is quoting from: Isaiah 54:1-13
...Yahushua understood that this was a prophecy to the lost sheep of the House of Israel... All of the tribes of Israel..; and He knew that He was the instrument through which this promise would be caused to happen; and this prophecy is still being fulfilled!!!

7442 ranan {raw-nan'} - give out a ringing cry of distress..., O barren... 6135 'aqar {aw-kawr'} - sterile woman... Level 2 understanding - You who are cursed... deserted... by Yahweh; and cannot properly teach Yahweh to children because of your blindness to the Truth of Who and What He IS... Even though you did not labor in childbirth. Break forth into singing... 7440 rinnah {rin-naw'} - a ringing cry of entreaty or of supplication..., and cry aloud... 6670 tsahal {tsaw-hal'} - Cry out in distress; and in a shrill voice... Even though you did not travail with child. For more are the children of the desolate... Do this because there are more children that have been born of the deserted... the barren... woman who is awestruck with horror and dismay because of being unable to give birth... than there are children that have been born of the married wife, says Yahweh.
2 Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them... let all of these children... stretch out the curtains of your habitations. Spare not. Lengthen your tent cords; and strengthen your tent stakes.
3 For you will break out... 6555 parats {paw-rats'} - burst out from the womb... on the right hand and on the left; and your seed... 3372 yare' {yaw-ray'} - your offspring... the offspring of the sterile woman who is unable to give birth... shall inherit... 3423 yarash {yaw-rash'} - will take possession of... the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities... the cities that have become deserted by reason of not being inhabited by Israel due to all Israel having become overthrown by those who have conquered them?... to be inhabited.
4 Fear not; for you will not be ashamed. Neither be humiliated; for you will not be put to shame. For you will forget the shame of your youth, and you will not remember the reproach of your widowhood any more.
5 For your Maker is your husband; Yahweh of hosts is his name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One... 6918 qadowsh {kaw-doshe'} - the Set Apart One... the Sacred One... the Most Holy One... of Israel; The Elohim... the Ruler and Judge... of the whole earth shall He be called.
6 For Yahweh has called you like a woman who has been forsaken and who is grieved... 6087 'atsab {aw-tsab'} - Like a woman who is hurting... who is feeling pain... in her spirit... within the seat of her emotions... , and like a wife of youth... and like a young wife..., when you were refused... 3988 ma'ac {maw-as'} - when you had been rejected..., says your Elohim.
7 For a small moment have I forsaken you; but with great mercies will I gather you.
8 In a little wrath I hid my face from you for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on you, says Yahweh, your Redeemer.
9 For this is like the waters of Noah unto me. For I have sworn that the waters of Noah would no more go over the earth; in the same manner have I sworn that I would not be wroth... 7107 qatsaph [kaw-tsaf'} - that I would not be displeased... with you, nor rebuke you.
10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills will be removed; but my kindness will not depart from you, neither will the covenant of my peace be removed, says Yahweh, who has mercy on you.
11 O you afflicted ones, who are stormy within yourselves and not comforted, behold, I will lay glistening sparkles within your common stones with which you build things, and begin your foundations with sapphires.

12 And I will make your sunrises of the sparkling fire like that found within precious stones, and your entry gates of hewn stones, and all of your territorial boundaries out of stones of delight.
13 And all your children shall be taught Yahweh; and great shall be the peace of your children.


46) They do not come to me because any one of them has seen the Father with their own eyes. For no one has seen the Father with their own eyes except He who is from Yahweh. He who has been sent by Yahweh, from where Yahweh is, has seen the Father.

47) I speak truth to you when I say that he/she that places confidence in me has everlasting life.

48) I am THAT bread of life.

49) Your forefathers DID eat manna in the wilderness and are dead.

50) THIS is the bread which comes down from heaven that a man may eat of and not die.

51) I am the living bread which came down from heaven: If any man eat of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world... the order of things that does not recognize its Creator...

52) The Jews, for this reason, strove amongst themselves, saying: How can this man give us flesh to eat?

53) Then Yahushua said to them: Truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you have no life... no Illumination, no life force from Yahweh... within you.

54) Whoever it is that eats my flesh, and drinks my blood..., whoever it is that becomes intimately a part of me; and makes me to become an intimate part of themself... has true life without beginning or end; and I will raise him up at the last day.

1 Corinthians 11:23-25 23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Master Yahushua, the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: 24 And when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said:Take this and eat it: this is... this is representative of... this is metaphorically... figuratively... my body, which is broken for you: do this... eat this bread... in remembrance of me.. and cause yourselves to remember Who and What I am, and What and Why I have done what I have done... 25 After the same manner... in the same way... also he took the cup, when he had eaten, by saying: This cup is the new testament... 1242 diatheke {dee-ath-ayt'-kay} - the last disposition, that I make before my death, of all of my possessions... all of those that my Father has given to me... the new arrangement that I have set in order... that I have established... in... with... my blood... with the shedding of my lifeblood... You do this... you reaffirm this testament... as often as you drink in this manner for this purpose... as often as you affirm this new arrangement that I have made; and take it to yourselves as part of yourselves; and refresh and strengthen yourselves in this manner, you do this... in remembrance of me.

55) Because my flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly drink.

56) He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood... he/she who makes Who and What I truly am to be an integral, intimate part of themselves..., continues to be present in me, and I in him.

57) As the Living Father has sent Me, and I live because of the Father; so it is that he that eats me, even he will live because of me.

58) THIS is that bread which came down from heaven: not like the manna which your forefathers did eat; and are now dead: He who eats of THIS bread shall live forever.

59) These things He said in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum... 4864 sunagoge {soon-ag-o-gay'} - Greek terminology indicating the gathering... the assembling together of men... in this case for the purpose of listening to the reading and exposition of the scriptures, and for the offering of prayers... the term was transferred to indicate the buildings that were specifically designated for such religious practices to take place in... gathering places such as these are dated as originating in history from the Babylonian exile...

60) For this reason many of His disciples, when they had heard, said: This is a hard saying; Who can hear it?... This is a harsh, stern, hard teaching. Who is able to understand, or comprehend it?...

61) When Yahshua knew in Himself that His disciples murmured at it, He said to them: Does this offend you?... Does this teaching that I have given you cause you to stumble?...

62) And what if you should see the Son of man ascend up to where He was before?

63) It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has no profit... the fleshly body is useless in the place where Yahweh dwells; and in His Order of life and timelessness...; the words that I speak to you, are spirit and are life.

64) But there are some of you that do not believe. Because Yahushua knew from the beginning who they were that did not believe, and who would betray Him.

65) And He said: For this reason I said to you that no man can come to me unless it was given to him from my Father.

66) From then on many of His disciples went back and accompanied Him no longer.

67) Than said Yahushua to the twelve: Will you also leave?

68) Then Simon Peter answered Him: Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life.

69) And we believe and are sure that you are that Anointed One, the Son of the Living El.

70 Yahushua answered them: Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a slanderer, a false accuser?

**1228 diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os}
Meaning: prone to slander, slanderous, accusing falsely; a calumniator, false accuser, slanderer; metaphorically applied to a man, who by opposing the cause of Yahweh, may be said to act the part of the devil or to side with him.

71) He spoke of Yahudah... which means: "he shall be praised" Iscariotes - "men of kerioth"... who was of Simon: Because it was he who would betray Him... betray Yahushua..., being one of the twelve.