Luke Chapter 11
1) Sometime later, this lesson took place... While Yahushua was praying somewhere during His journey to Yerushalem, he finished; and one of His disciples said this to Him: Master! Teach us how to pray just like Yochanan taught his disciples.
2) Yahushua said this to them in answer: When... whenever... you pray, say... 3004 lego {leg'-o} - point out your awareness of these things with the words you speak...: Our Father, Who is in the Heavenly Realm, Hallowed is Your name... 37 hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo} - to acknowledge that something is holy... to honor as holy... we recognize and acknowledge that your name and all that it covers as a part of Who and What You are... is holy... 40 Hagios {hag-ee'-os} - is a Most Holy thing... Your kingdom... 932 basileia {bas-il-i'-ah} - We want your royal power and right to rule over Your domain... come... 2064 erchomai {er'-khom-ahee} - to show itself and become plainly known and recognized for what it is... Your will be done... We want Your will... We want Your intentions and purposes... to be done... to be carried out... to be accomplished... Just as Your will is accomplished in Your Heavenly Realm, so let it be done here on/in the earth.
3) Please give to us, according to each day as it takes place in our lives, the necessary amount of bread for our food.
4) Also, forgive us of our sins... 266 hamartia {ham-ar-tee'-ah} - our mistakes... our wanderings from the path of honor and uprightness that is Your Way...
NOTE: this is inferring that an awareness of the Father's Way is known and recognized by those praying to Him; and that mistakes and wanderings off of His True Path for Life are not intentional rebellions...
because we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us...
NOTE: This is an indication of an awareness that these mistakes and wanderings from the Way of the Father incorporate an indebtedness to Him for having done so; and that errors of behavior that are not according to His Way which take place between individuals of mankind carry this pattern of indebtedness among and between His People...
Also, do not lead us into temptation... 3986 peirasmos {pi-ras-mos'} - We also ask you to not lead us into trials and testings of our integrity, fidelity, virtue, and consistency...; but that You would, instead, deliver us from... 4506 rhoumai {rhoo'-om-ahee} - draw us toward Yourself so that You can rescue us from... evil... 4190 poneros {pon-ay-ros} - anything that is part of a bad nature and/or condition... Anything that is not a part of Your Nature and the condition of True Life that existing according to Your Order is!...
For Clarity: Yahushua taught, at the request of His disciples, how to ask for things from the Father, by saying this to them:
Whenever you ask the Father for anything, point out your awareness of the Truth of these things and the intentions of your heart with the words that you speak in this manner:
Our Father, Who is in the Heavenly Realm, we recognize and acknowledge that your name and all that it covers as a part of Who and What You are is a Most Holy thing. We want your royal power and right to rule over Your domain to show itself and become plainly known and recognized for what it is. We want Your will... We want Your intentions and purposes... to be carried out... to be accomplished. Just as Your will is accomplished in Your Heavenly Realm, and just as Your Order is plainly recognized as normal there, so let it be done here on/in the earth.
Note: In this context it is plain to see that Yahushua was teaching that self centered prayer for self centered purposes is not what is indicated as a normal behavior and heart condition for Yahuah's chosen beloved people
5) Yahushua continued to teach them what they had asked for, as He said this to them: Which one of you will have a friend, whom you would go to at midnight; and say to him: Friend, lend me three loaves of bread... H3899 lechem {lekh'em} - Bread... Here spoken of in Greek as 740 artos {ar'-tos} - bread, made by the Israelites, in the form of an oblong or round cake. About as thick as someone's thumb; and as large as a plate, or platter. It, for this reason, was not meant to be cut into slices; but was, instead, broken apart as it was consumed instead...
6) I need you to give the loaves to me because a friend of mine, who is traveling through here on a journey and has come to me; and I do not have anything to put in front of him as he sits in my house at my table... I am not able to be hospitable to him...
7) Your friend will answer you from within his house, and he will say this to you: Don't bother me now. The door is shut and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything right now.
8) I say this to you... I point this out to you with the words I am saying to you... Although the man in the house with the shut up door says he will not get up and give anything to the man outside, because of the fact that the one asking for something from him is his friend; and truly because of his friend's importunity... 335 anaideia {an-ah'-die-ah} - his shamelessness... his disregard of any consideration of his friends circumstances while making his request... his friend will get up and give him as many loaves as he needs.
9) Why am I pointing this out to you? To teach you, that if you ask for something,... from the Father..., it will be given to you. That if you seek for something,... from the Father..., then you will find it. That if you knock,... at the Father's door..., it will be opened for you.
10) For every one of you who asks for something,... from the Father..., with full knowledge and awareness of Who and What the Father is; and what your relationship to Him is... receives it. If one of you seeks for something... from the Father, with full knowledge and awareness of Who and What the Father is; and what your relationship to Him is... whether you are seeking in order to find something, or to find out about something by thinking, meditating, reasoning it out, or by making inquiries about it, you will find it. If any one of you knocks... at the Father's door, with full knowledge and awareness of Who and What the Father is; and what your relationship to Him is... it will be opened for you.
Note: Yahushua is teaching something here that was not and could not be known by any of mankind existing in that day and time except for those to whom He revealed it. None of mankind knew the True Truth of Who and What the Father is, as Yahushua knew Him, so only Yahushua could reveal this to those chosen and selected to hear it and understand. Which includes any and all who hear the words of those whom Yahushua taught these things to; and who are able to listen to and obey the inspiration of His Spirit after His resurrection, which is the Spirit of Prophecy. This means us. If we have this light within us, then, the darkness of not knowing True Truth is able to be overcome. For we are new creatures, patterned after Yahushua, belonging to Yahuah's Order, with His Nature within us to be obedient to. Which gives us the power to overcome the dark overpowering blindness of not being able to know His Nature and Order, and anything else belonging to the nature of the one completely opposed to Yahuah... We simply have to be willfully obedient to the Light that is revealing these things to us...
11) Yahushua continues teaching His revelation to His disciples by asking some rhetorical questions: If a son would ask for bread from any one of you who is a father to him, will the father of that son give him a stone? If he asks for a fish, would his father give him a serpent... 3789 ophis {of'-is} - a snake... instead?
12) If he asks for an egg, will his father offer to give him a scorpion?
13) ...These questions are obviously answered with a resounding NO! For what father in his right mind would treat his son this way? So, having pointed this out with His words to them, Yahushua goes still further to complete their understanding, by saying this:... If you, then, who are evil... If you, who are not a part of the Heavenly Father's Order and Nature; and do not comprehend it... know and understand how to give good gifts to your children, then, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit... Hagios Pneuma... the Ruach HaQodesh... the Most Holy, Rational Spirit. Which, when it is within someone, generates and inspires the thoughts, feelings, and decisions that belong to the Heavenly Father's Order and Nature... to those that ask for it from Him?
*** Note: If the ones Yahushua was teaching these things to are not a part of Yahuah's Nature and Order at the time this is taking place, then this indicates that Yahuah's Spirit was not within anyone on the earth at the time except for Him. In Acts chapter 1 & 2 we see that the first instillment of this Spirit was given to those who initially received it on the fiftieth day, or Shavuot - the Feast of Weeks after Yahushua's death; and that it was not outright requested by any of them. Although their willing acquiescence to Yahushua's authority is clearly understood. This indicates that through the ensuing and ongoing acquiescence and willing obedience of those who have been called to do so, the Ruach HaQodesh that is asked for by anyone who willingly surrenders to the authority of the Father; and knowingly and willingly asks for His Salvation from the darkness and destruction that is on them, is given. The mark of Yahuah's Spirit on/in the life of that individual is seen through what their lives produce through the actions taken by them in response and obedience to His indwelling Spirit. Which will not prompt anyone to act selfishly in any way. The fruits of their lives, however small or great, always promote the intents and purposes of the Heavenly Father from that point in time onward for the remainder of their life. SELAH!
14) Another time during His journey to Yerushalem, Yahushua was casting out... 1544 ekballo {ek-bal'-lo} - driving out, sending out with force and authority... a devil... 1140 daimonion {dahee-mon'-ee-on} - a demon, a spirit that serves the intents and purposes of the adversary, false accuser, and slanderer of Yahuah...; and it was dumb... 2974 kophos {kof'os} - dull, blunted... blunted or lame in the tongue... unable to speak or speak coherently... When He did this, and after the demon had departed, the one who had been unable to speak, spoke coherently; and the people around this person, who witnessed when this was done, were moved with astonishment; and wondered at what had taken place.
15) Moreover, some of them gave voice to an opinion that said: He drives demons out of people through the power of Beelzebub... 954 Beelzeboul {beh-el-zeb-ool'} - the "Master of the house" - a name of the adversary of Yahuah..., who is the chief leader of the demons.
16) Others, who wanted to really know the source of power that He had exhibited, thought to test Yahushua by asking Him to show them a sign... 4592 semeion {say-mi'-on} - a token or marked occasion that He had power which could only come... from the Heavenly Realm...
17) But Yahushua, because He knew what they were thinking, and why, said this to them: Every kingdom... every ruling power or authority... that is divided from within itself, into two or more opposing factions or parties, is brought to a condition of desolation... a condition of ruin... a state of anarchy in which no one authority is truly dominant because of the constant workings of both plainly recognized, and hidden, secretly covert operations of the oppositions taking place within itself...; and a house against a house... a collective household in opposition to itself... quickly falls... will quickly lose authority and no longer have force that it can apply to the power once claimed as absolute by that house. Outside forces can quickly come against the kingdom, or household, and take dominant control because of the apparent disorientation and confusion of where real command authority originates from...
18) So, if Satan... 4567 Satanas {sat-an-as'} - the adversary - in this case the adversary is in opposition to Father Yahuah, His Order and Nature and has been thrown out of the Heavenly Realm of Yahuah. Along with all of those that used to be within the host of the Heavenly Realm that had given the adversary their allegiance... So, If it is true, as you have claimed, that the adversary of Yahuah is in opposition to himself and all that makes up who and what he is, then how is it possible that his domain and realm will continue to stand?... How can he continue to uphold and sustain the force and authority of his claimed power?... I ask you this because you have assumed and stated that I throw demons out of people by invoking the force and authority of Beelzebub... 954 Beelzeboul {beh-el-zeb-ool'} - the chief leader... the master and owner... of the house, or domain of the adversary of Yahuah...
19) So, if it is true that I throw demons out of people through the exercise of the force and authority of Beelzebub... 954 Beelzeboul {beh-el-zeb-ool'} - the chief leader of all demons... then ask yourself by whose authority and through the exercise of whose force and power do your own sons throw demons out of people? They will be the judges of your thoughts and actions, regarding this matter, because of this reasoning that you have just exhibited for all to see.
20) However, there is more to this argument. Because if I, through the use of a finger of Yahuah, the Elohim of all, force demons who serve the adversary of Yahuah to leave people, then there is no doubt that the kingdom of... the power, authority, and force of the dominion that could only belong to... Yahuah, the Elohim of all, is now upon you... has now arrrived to where you are able to witness the effects of the exercise of that dominion...
21) Consider this! When a strong, well armed man keeps... 5442 phulasso {foo-las'-so} - guards and protects... his palace... 1438 heatou {heh-ow-too'} - himself and all that is his... then his goods... 5224 huparconta {hoop-ar'-khon-ta} - his wealth, property, and possessions... are in peace... 1515 eirene {i-ray'-nay} - are in a state of rest and tranquility... are in a condition of shalom...
22) But! When someone stronger than he is comes along and overpowers him, then the stronger man takes away all the armor and weaponry that the weaker man had put his trust in; and then the possessions that used to belong to the one who was overpowered are divided up and dealt with, as spoils of war, in whatever way the conqueror may decide.
23) So here is a warning!... A prophecy!... Whoever is not with me is against me! He who gathers not with me... 4863 sunago {soon-ag'-o} - Whoever decides that he will not join together with me and be a part of my assembly... scatters... 4650 skorpizo {skor-pid'-zo} - Then he is among those who are devastatingly defeated, or are driven by some other impulses of self preservation; and are in a state or condition of terrorized, hasty, disorganized retreat. Together they are scattered in all directions with no recognized authority to answer to except self preservation. Which, ultimately, will not be possible...
24) There is more! When an unclean spirit... a demon... has left a man/woman/child... because of some force and power that has forced it to leave..., then, that spirit walks... 1330 dierchomai {dee-er'-khom-ahee} - journeys... through dry places... through places where no force or effective exercise of the power of the adversary of Yahuah can be utilized by that spirit or demon... and that spirit is seeking a position of rest,... for now it is restless because it cannot do what it is supposed to in the manner that it is supposed to carry on the business of Beelzeboul - the chief leader of its house...; and, if it finds no other place... if it finds no other man/woman/child where its force or influence can be utilized,... then it will reach a decision; and say, within the confines of its own mind and intellect: I will return to the place from where I left... I will go back to my house, where I held a position of power, authority, and influence before I left it...
25) So, when the spirit returns to the man/woman/child that it had left; and it discovers the mind of that person has been swept clean and garnished... 2885 kosmeo {kos-meh'-o} - put in order and prepared to recieve an authoritative spirit, but not yet occupied...
26) Upon this discovery, that demonic spirit will go out and find seven other spirits, serving the adversary of Yahuah, that are more wicked... 4191 poneroteros {pon-ay-rot'-er-os} - more evil... than itself; and they will all enter into that person; and dwell there as they prompt, influence, and govern the thoughts, feelings, and decision making capabilities of that person. Because of this, the state or condition of that man/woman/child is worse than it was at first, when only one demonic spirit was doing the influencing.
*** NOTE: Even though there are many people that are listening to Yahushua speak these words, it is quite conceivable that His descriptive words of warning and prophecy are not able to be comprehended. For the warning is to not leave the mind of anyone who has been relieved of the influence of a demon unguarded; but to take every precaution to instill the Spirit of Yahuah's Nature and Order into that person if at all possible. Care must be taken to teach and speak of the truths of Yahuah's Order and Salvation; and the ensuing New Life that is available for all who choose to gather together, willingly,knowingly, and intentionally, into Yahushua's Assembly. Greater care must be taken, by those capable, to guard against the influence of the adversary of Yahuah; and the possibility of those who do not know how to defend themselves being retaken and controlled again by our enemy...
27) As Yahushua spoke of these things to the multitudes gathered around Him, a woman in the crowd lifted up her voice and gave out a statement of praise, by saying: Blessed is the womb that carried you to term; and the breasts that you nursed from.
28) But Yahushua said this to her and all who may have agreed with what she said in her attempt at praise: Yes, I agree with you; but now, those who are more blessed are they who hear and understand the sense of what the word of Yahuah, Elohim of all, is saying to them; and who guard themselves so they won't be lost or destroyed... Don't dwell on what was, that is earthy and evil; but on what is being said to you. Which is from the Spirit, Nature, and Order of Yahuah, the Elohim of all. Who is warning you!...
29) Then, when more and more people began to join those already crowded around Yahushua to hear him speak, He began to say: This generation... 1074 genea {ghen-eh-ah'} - This present generation... of Israelites ... is an evil one... 4190 poneros {pon-ay-ros'} - is evil in nature - vicious, sick or ill, wicked, mischevious - it is a generation in which every one wishes evil to happen to one another. It is a generation that puts a great effort and vigorous action into producing an evil influence, as Yahuah views evil, on the thinking and behavior of all within it... They who are in this generation seek for a sign... they who live in the time of this generation of Israelites, are asking for and looking for a significant, unusual occurrence that is beyond what is considered to be common and normal in nature on the earth, which proves to those who witness it that somehow they have a cause that has received approval from Yahuah... ; but no sign will be given to it except for the sign of Yonah the prophet.
30) For just like what had happened in the life of Yonah was a sign to the Ninevites... who listened to what he had been instructed, by Yahuah for the second time, to tell them; and repented of their evil... so will the Son of mankind also be a sign to this generation.
A reference to:..
Jonah 2:1 Then Yonah prayed unto Yahuah, his Elohim, from where he was, in the fish's belly, 2 And he said: I cried out because of mine affliction unto Yahuah; and He listened me. From where I was, in the belly of sheol, did I cry out; and You heard my voice. 3 For You had thrown me into the deep, into the midst of the seas; and the floods surrounded me. All Your huge surges of water fell on top of me and Your waves flowed over me as they passed me by. 4 Then, I said: I have been thrown out of thy sight; but even though this is true, I will still look, with increased effort, toward thy holy temple. 5 The waters then completely surrounded me, reaching in to the soul. The under current of the depths turned me around and around, the weeds were wrapped all around my head. 6 I went down to the where the bottoms of the mountains begin. The prison bars of the rising mountains of the earth were all around me for ever. Yet, even though I was dead, You have brought up my life from the pit of sheol, O Yahuah my Elohim. 7 Just when the breath of my life fainted away from within me I remembered Yahuah; and my prayer came in to You, in Your holy temple. 8 Those who pay attention to and treasure up lying, empty, false vapors of vanity, in their memories, neglect and leave behind their own means for obtaining mercy. 9 But I will not do those things. I will, instead, sacrifice to You with the sound of thanksgiving. I will pay whatever is is that I have vowed to You. Yahuah is Salvation and Deliverance. 10 And Yahuah spoke to the fish; and it vomited out Yonah onto dry land.
Jonah 3:1 And then, the word of Yahuah came unto Yonah the second time, by saying: 2 Rise up! Go to Nineveh, that city which is large in magnitude and distinguished in the esteem of men; and proclaim out loud to it the proclamation that I told you to say. 3 So, Yonah got himself up and went to Nineveh; and did according to the word that he had received from Yahuah. Now Nineveh was an huge city that covered an area of land that took three days' journey to cross. 4 Yonah began to enter the city and went a day's journey; and then he cried out with a loud voice, and said: My Elohim, Yahuah, has told me to tell all of you within this city that In forty days Nineveh will be overthrown. 5 So the people of Nineveh believed Elohim. They proclaimed a time of fasting to be kept; and put on sackcloth. All of the inhabitants of Nineveh did so. From the greatest of them to the least of them. 6 Because word of this message, from Yahuah through Yonah, came to the king of Nineveh; and he arose from his throne and he laid his royal robes away from him. He covered himself with sackcloth; and sat in ashes. 7 He also he caused this to be proclaimed and published throughout all of Nineveh by decree of the king and his nobles. In which was said: Let neither man nor animal, herd nor flock, taste any thing. No one and none of the animals are not to eat anything, nor drink water 8 Instead, all men and animals are to be covered with sackcloth; and they are to cry out mightily unto Elohim. Yes! Every one is to turn from his evil manner of living life; and away from the violence and cruelty that the power and force of their hands have done. 9 Do these things! For who can know whether or not Elohim will turn back from what He has warned us about; and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, so that we do not perish? 10 And Yahuah saw their works. He saw that they turned aside and departed from their evil way of living; and Yahuah repented of the evil that he had said that he would do to them; and He did not do it...
31) Yahushua continued His message and prophecy to the multitude that was gathering together to hear Him speak, and He said: The queen of the south will rise up, in the time of judgment, together with the men of this generation; and she will condemn them. Because she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and right now you can look, see with the eyes of your minds, and understand that someone greater than Solomon is here.
*** The time of judgment:
This is the second resurrection, in which all of those of mankind who had ever lived who are not a part of the first resurrection will stand before the great white throne to be judged according to the works of their lives...
Revelation 20:4-6 4 And I saw thrones, and they who sat upon them; and judgment was given unto them. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness and testimony of Yahushua, and for the word of Yahuah. I also saw the souls of those who had not worshiped the beast, nor his image, and had neither received the mark of his power on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned together with the Anointed One of/from Yahuah for a thousand years. 5 The rest of the dead did not live again... were not resurrected... until the thousand years were finished. ...This, which I have just described,... is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is anyone who has a part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power on any of these souls; but instead, they will be priests of Yahuah and of the Anointed One of/from Yahuah, and shall rule together with him for a thousand years.
Revelation 20:7 - 21:1 7 When the thousand years are finished, Satan - the adversary of Yahuah and mankind, shall be set free from his prison; 8 And he shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to do battle. The number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 I watched as they went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the Most Holy People of Yahuah, and the beloved city; and fire came down. It was sent by Yahuah, from out of heaven, and it consumed them. 10 Then the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are and will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. 11 I then saw a great white throne, and He Who sat on it. From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them to escape to. 12 I then saw the dead, small and great, stand before Yahuah; and the books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of the living; and the dead were judged from the testimony of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 The sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and Sheol gave up their power over to hold the dead which were in them; and they, all of the dead, were judged every one according to their works. 14 Then, I watched as death and hell were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 Whoever was not found to have been written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
Queen of the south:...
1 Kings 10:1-10 When the queen of Sheba... 7614 Shaba' {sheb-aw'} - "seven" or "an oath" - a queen of a nation somewhere in southern Arabia... heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of Yahuah, she came to test him with hard questions. 2 She came to Yerushalem with a very large army of soldiers and servants. With camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones; and when she had arrived at the place where Solomon was, she spoke with him about all that was in her heart. 3 Solomon told her the answers to all of her questions. There was nothing hidden from the awareness of the king that he did not tell her about. 4 When the queen of Sheba had seen the evidence of all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built, 5 And the quantity and quality of the food of his table, and the quality of the dwelling places of his servants, and the manner in which his ministers attended to their duties, and the quality of their apparel, and how his cup bearers attended to their responsibilities, and his stairway by which he went up to the house of Yahuah. There was no more spirit... breath... in her... All of what she had seen and heard took her breath away... 6 And she said to the king: It was a true report that I heard in my own land about your actions and about your wisdom. 7 However, I did not believe the words I had heard until I came, and my own eyes had seen; and as I have looked, and seen, and understood, I find that the half of what is true was not told to me. Your wisdom and prosperity exceeds the fame which I heard. 8 Your men are happy. These servants of yours, who stand continually before thee and hear thy wisdom are blessed. 9 Praise to Yahuah, your Elohim, Who delighted in you enough to set thee on the throne of Israel. Because Yahuah loved Israel for ever. He, for this reason, made you to be king, for you to do works of judgment and justice. 10 She then gave the king an hundred and twenty talents... round discs... of gold, and a very great store of spices, and precious stones. There came no more such an abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.
1 Kings 10:13 13 And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire. Whatever she asked for, beside any of that which Solomon already had given to her from out of his royal hand. So she turned and went to her own country. She and her servants.
Repeated almost verbatim in...
2 Chronicles 9:1-12 And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to test Solomon with hard questions at Yerushalem. She came with a very great company, and camels that carried spices and gold in abundance, and precious stones: and when she had come to where Solomon was, she spoke with him about all that was in her heart. 2 Solomon told her the answer to all her questions; and there was nothing hidden from Solomon which he did not tell her about. 3 When the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the house that he had built, 4 And the quality and abundance of the food of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel; his cup bearers also, and their apparel; and his stairway by which he went up into the house of Yahuah; there was no more spirit in her. 5 And she said to the king, It was a true report, which I heard in my own land, of your deeds, and of your wisdom: 6 Howbeit I believed not their words until I came, and my own eyes had seen it; and, behold, the one half of the greatness of your wisdom was not told to me! For you exceed the fame that I had heard of. 7 Your men are happy, and happy are these servants of yours, who stand continually before you and hear your wisdom. 8 Blessed be Yahuah your Elohim. Who delighted in you enough to set you on His throne, so that you could be king for Yahuah your Elohim. Because your Elohim loved Israel, and because he purposed to establish them forever. For this reason did He make you king over them. So you could be able to do judgment and justice. 9 She then gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and a great abundance of spices, and precious stones. Neither was there any such spice as the kind and manner which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon. 10 Now, the servants of Huram, and the servants of Solomon, who had brought gold from Ophir, also brought algum trees and precious stones; 11 And the king made terraces to the house of Yahuah out of the algum trees; and he also made terraces to the king's palace, and harps and psalteries for singers were made from the same type of wood; and there were none such seen before in the land of Judah. 12 King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all of her desires. Whatsoever she asked for, besides that which she had brought to the king. So she turned, and went away to her own land, she and her servants.
32) The men of Nineve... 3535 Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'} - "offspring of ease" or "offspring abiding" - The men who lived in the old capitol of the ancient kingdom of Assyria... will rise up, in the time of judgment, together with this generation; and they will condemn it. For they repented at the proclamation of Yonah; and right now you can look, see with your minds eye, and comprehend that someone greater than Yonah is here.
33) No man... 3762 oudeis {oo'-dice} - no one..., who has lit a candle... 3088 luchnos {lookh'-nos} - an oil lamp, or a candle... puts it in a secret place... 2926 krupte {kroop-tay'} - places it within a crypt, a hallway, a vault, a cellar... nor is it placed under a bushel... modios {mod'-ee-os} - latin for a term of dry measurement holding about 16 sextarii, or about a peck, which is a dry measure of about 8 quarts, or a quarter of a bushel... a basket used for measuring dry grains or fruit...; but instead, the lamp, or candle is, put on a lampstand or candlestick so that all who come into the room can see because of the light that is provided.
For clarity: No one, who has lit a candle or a lamp, places it in a closed, covered crypt or walkway, in a vault, or a cellar where it is unlikely that anyone can or will move about, nor is it place under a basket used for measuring and carrying or storing dry grains or fruits; but instead, that candle or lamp is placed on a candlestick or lampstand; and in an unobstructed place within a room so that all who enter that room can see where to move and turn because of the light that has been provided...
*** Yahushua is making a statement by tying Himself, His actions, His teachings, His prophecies and wisdom, which, in His own words are greater than the condemning testimonies of the men of Nineve during the time of the prophet Yonah, and the testimonies of the praises that the queen of Sheba made about the wisdom of Solomon, which will be brought forth against the generation of Israelites which Yahushua is speaking out against in the time of judgment to come, to the lamp, or candle that has just been described as an invaluable source of light; and now begins to use metaphor...
34) Yahushua continues His teaching and prophecies, by saying: The light... 3088 luchnos {lookh'-nos} - the lamp, or candle... of the body is the eye... 3788 opthalmos {of-thal-mos'} - the eye... when used metaphorically, this word indicates the eyes of the mind, which is the faculty of knowing; and is the figurative place from where our thoughts, feelings, and decisions are generated... therefore, when your eye... your minds eye... is single... is fully focused on the light that comes from the nature of Yahuah; and is not double minded... then your whole body is full of light; but, when the mind... the minds eye... is influenced by what comes from the nature that is evil in the sight of Yahuah, then your body is also full of darkness... blindness... foolishness, evil, wickedness according to the judgment of Yahuah...
35) Take heed... Pay attention... therefore, to what is taking place within your mind, so that the power of understanding and perception that is within you is not that of darkness.
36) If your whole body, therefore,... because you have paid attention and guarded yourself... is full of the actions and thought processes which come from True Light, having no part of them dark, then the whole of who and what you are will be full of light. Just like whenever the bright shining light of a candle or lamp gives light to you.
*** The eyes of the mind - the ability to perceive, or "see" things with the mind when looking, with the physical eye, at someone or something, or, when contemplating about someone or something...
*** "The light of the body is the eye"... the minds eye... The body will do according as the mind exerts the force of will... If the mind does not control the body, the body acts/reacts according to its own instinctive, base, natural tendencies. For the fleshly body, according to Bro. Shaul, is of the earth; and therefore earthy, because all of mankind has carried on the image of the first man...
1 Corinthians Chapter 15:
44) It... the resurrected body... is sown a natural body; and it is raised up a spiritual body. There is a natural body; and there is a spiritual body.
45) And it is because of this that it has been written: The first man, Adam, was made a living soul (Genesis 2:7); the last Adam... the Son of Man... Yahushua... is a living spirit... after His Resurrection.
(*** 1 John 3:1-2 Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, so that we would be called the sons of Yahuah: It is for this reason the world... all of those who are a part of the order that governs the mankind does not know... does not comprehend us, because it... the world... the order of all mankind which cannot truly recognize Yahuah... did not know... did not comprehend him.
Dearly beloved ones, we are now the sons of Yahuah, and at this time, what we will become is not plainly recognized or comprehended; but we know that when He... when the time comes for Yahushua... the face of Yahuah... to return; and to become known and recognized by all..., it is then that we will be like him. For it is then that we will be able to comprehend and understand Him as He truly is... in all of His majestic power, ability, authority, and magnificent splendor)
continuing 1 Cor. 15:
46) Nevertheless, that which is spiritual is not first... the spiritual body... the resurrected body... is not first...; but instead, that which is natural exists first; and afterwards that body which is spiritual exists.
47) The first man, originating out of the earth, is earthly... the second man is the Master. Whom Yahuah has sent from heaven.
48) Just as the earth is, so also are they that are earthly; and just as the heavenly realm is, so also are they who are heavenly.
49) And just as we have carried... worn constantly... the image of the earthly, so will we also carry... wear constantly... the image of the heavenly realm.
50) Having made those distinctions to be clearly understood which are a part of the Order of things that are made by Yahweh, I now have this to say: Flesh and blood... that which is earthly and which has the inherent nature of the earth within... cannot inherit ... cannot receive, obtain, or partake of together with others, by right of an inherent nature that originated with a parent... the kingdom... the royal power, or dominion... the right, or authority to rule over the domain of the kingdom... of Yahweh; and, neither can corruption... neither can that which is perishable... that which dies... which is destined for destruction due to its inherent nature... inherit... partake of, obtain, receive... incorruption... immortality, the ability to live forever...
*** Continuing "The light of the body is the eye"...
The body is, therefore, evil in comparison with True light of Yahuah's Order and Nature. The mind exerts the force of its will, however strong or weak, on the body. The disciplines of the body are according to whatever the perception, or vision of the mind, or, "minds eye" is.
The mind receives input from a spiritual source and a perspective is formed. Whether that spirit is from Yahuah or His adversary, it communicates with the base, instinctive nature of the fleshly body through the force exerted by the will of the mind.
*** The thinking, feeling, and decision making process, within a man/ woman/ or child, is generated from the influence of a spiritual nature on the natural, rational spirit of the order that is within anyone who is a part of mankind.
The inspiration of the adversary of Yahuah and mankind will cause destruction, in any immediate future, of the man/woman/child as well as cause destructive influential characteristics of behavior with long term effects on the individual and others.
The inspiration of the Most Holy, rational Spirit of Yahuah's Nature and Order also has immediate effects on the life, character, and manner of living.
Titus 1:15-16 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. 16 They profess that they know Yahuah, our Elohim; but in works they deny Him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
*** To The Pure... All things are pure... But to the defiled, unbelieving ones... Who turn themselves and others away from the truth of Who and What Yahuah and Yahushua Really Are... nothing is pure!
*** Even their conscience and mind... the very core and essence of their ability to think, and feel, and make decisions about anything... is defiled! Because the spirit that inspires their minds is not of Yahuah! It is either just the rational spirit of man, which in itself carries the burden of Adam's fall, or that rational spirit is further inspired by the influences of the original adversary of Yahuah and mankind.
In either case, the immediate and eternal outcome is not good for the defiled, unbelieving individual...
*** They cannot comprehend or say anything right in the eyes of Yahuah, no matter how diligent they may force themselves to be. No matter how much influence, authority, and power that may be theirs to wield. There is no power for anyone, unless it was given by Father Yahuah. If the one who wields power is an unbeliever, and defiled in Yah's sight, then, how that one governs according to the power of the position and status that he/she has been allowed to have, is reflective of his/her heart. The position, or status has not changed. No matter how apparently sincere they may be in their efforts at peace and justice, or how well thought out their ethical and moral standards for living may be according to their perception... They are defiled! They are not and cannot be a part of Yahuah's Order and Nature; but are instead, used for Yahuah's purpose(s).
Eventually to be destroyed, if the judgment of the deeds done in their lifetime(s) is one of condemnation, at the second resurrection...
The end result is chaos, confusion, and ultimately, eternal destruction for all who place their confidence and trust for well being and life in any other conviction of truth other than the True Truth... the Reality... of Yahuah; and all the concepts and ideas that are a part of His True Order... Which they cannot become a part of... for the defiled unbelievers cannot see Yahuah's Order and Nature in such a way that will cause them to believe and take action to save themselves. Only Yahuah can cause them to see Himself and His Salvation Way for them... But they must still take action within their minds and exert their will to conform in actions of obedience and worship...
For they cannot, by any part of their own strength, even recognize, understand, or grasp the concept that such Order even exists. Not even those who live, think, speak, and teach only of beliefs, religion, and doctrines are able to "see True Reality" if they have rejected Yahushua...
*** In light of such horrific circumstances - Able to be "seen" by the minds eye because of the Spirit of Yahuah now dwelling within - The heart of the Believer of the Way of Yahushua is compelled to hurt for these people - and the will of the Believer of Yahuah is, in answer to the compelling, causing whatever efforts to be carried out to extend the mercy of Yahuah to all others in hopes that someone else will be able to "see" and "hear", and answer the call and become one of the Beloved Ones of Yahuah - of whom Yahushua is the Head... the chief leader... the principal beginning... Pre eminent in all things...
We Must See Beyond Our Personal Politics... SELAH
Summary of what Yahushua is speaking of in verses 33-36...
If a source of light is used by anyone, it's ilumination is never naturally hidden by the user; but is instead utilized, to the greatest possible extent, so that the recipient of the benefits of that source of light, whether it be the physical eye, or the eyes of the mind of the body of a man/woman/child, can affect the actions of the mind and/or body to provide safety and a sense of security that the beneficiary would not otherwise have had.
Yahushua has appeared, within the history of mankind, as the singlemost source of illumination for mankind since the casting out of Adam and Chavah from the garden of Eden.
He was promised and sent, at the proper moment in the unfolding of time, by His Father, Yahuah, for the purpose and business of Revealing the True Truth and Reality of His Father's Nature and Order to mankind. Also, for the purpose of the restoration of many to their rightful place according to the purpose of their creation; and of forever completing the end of the rift in His Father's dominion that was caused by the original adversary and false accuser of Yahuah.
*** Yahushua is explaining His purpose as this singlemost source of Light; and the necessity of those who are being called to comprehend Who and What He IS!!!
The mind, or "mind's eye" of any believer of the Way of Yahushua, because of the new creation that he/she now is, must constantly choose to exert the force of its will to think, feel and make decisions for the body to carry out.
The choices that must now be made are between what the mind now recognizes as the True Truth of the Light of Yahuah's Nature and Order; and the darker, more earthy, sensual, instinctive nature of man. This sensual nature, existing within any man,woman, or child, is most assuredly darkened further by the influence of the spiritual nature of the chief spiritual adversary of Yahuah. Who is so self centered in his purpose that he hates both Yahuah and mankind; and this spiritual nature causes destructive influences on both the mind and body of any man/woman/child, with both immediate and long term results that are in play simultaneously at all times...
These choices are never ending as long as the body and mind of the believer of the Way of Yahushua lives. For the encroachment of darkness, however slight, or deep, is never ending...
When your minds eye is evil; and perceives all things according to a nature that is evil in the sight of Yahuah, then your whole body is full of blindness to Yahuah's Truth, Order, and Nature; and the disciplines of the body, its thoughts, feelings, decisions made, and actions taken, will reflect the nature that truly drives it from within... at any given moment...
The good news is that, for those who have had True Truth revealed to them by Yahuah's Most Holy, Rational Spirit, there is a choice; and since the Spirit of Yahushua can now dwell within those who are Truly His, there is also strength to rely on, which is not our own, that can overcome and conquer the perceptions and powers of the inspirations of the adversary of all of Who and What Yahuah is, which includes Yahuah's Nature and Order, and His Beloved Ones. The force of our will, strengthened by Yahushua Himself, enables the Beloved Ones who have True Truth to guard themselves. Serving the Master and His Order as His Assembly of new creatures within His Father's Creation. Revealing the manifold wisdom of Yahuah to the rejoicing principalities and powers in heavenly places throughout His Creation.
Ephesians 3:8-12 8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all of the Most Holy Ones of Yahuah, is this grace given. That I should declare and make known, among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of the Anointed One of Yahuah; 9 And that I am used to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which has been hidden since the beginning of the world, inYahuah Himself, who created all things because of and for Yahushua the Anointed One. 10 To the intent that now the manifold wisdom of Yahuah might be known to the principalities and powers that exist in heavenly places, through and because of the Assembly of which Yahushua is the Head. 11 According to the eternal purpose which Yahuah purposed in the Anointed One, Yahushua, our Master. 12 In whom we have boldness, and access to Yahuah with confidence, because of His faith.. His conviction of what True Truth Really IS!!!.
... Return to Luke chapter 11...
37) As Yahushua spoke of these things to the multitude that had gathered to hear Him, a Pharisee interrupted Him to ask Him to eat with him. Yahushua accepted his invitation and went in to where the meal was being served. He immediately sat down at the table to eat the meal.
38) The Pharisee was amazed when he observed Yahushua not ceremonially washing HIs hands before the meal.
39) The Master Teacher, Yahushua, said to him: In this present day it is a common practice for you Pharisees to cleanse the outside of the cup and platter; ... It is clear that Yahushua is speaking metaphorically concerning the ceremonial implications of washing the outside of the bodies as containers for physical food and drink. A directing of the mind's eye toward an outward indicator of a level of purity of the thought and purpose that is within...; but the inward parts... those thoughts, feelings, motives, and decision making abilities which cause you to be who and what you are on the inside... are full of ravening... 724 harpage {har-pag-ay'} - the act of plundering and robbery... and wickedness... 4189 poneria {pon-ay-ree'-ah} - depravity, malice, evil purposes and desires... You Pharisees are decievers...
40) Fools!... 878 aphron {af'-rone} - Senseless, foolish ones... You have no reasoning ability within you... You are stupid, unable to learn anything of any real value; and you take action without contemplating what you think and do... You are without any Real Wisdom... You have, instead, the common, rational wisdom of mankind... and you, collectively, don't ask yourselves:... Didn't the One Who made whatever is outside also make that which is inside?... Aren't they both part of the whole? ...Why would you think to separate one from another; and pretend otherwise?...
41) You should, instead, give alms... 1654 eleemosune {el-eh-ay-mos-oo'-nay} - give mercy... You should be exhibiting the mercy and good will that you should be thinking, feeling and making decisions to do, in the forms of charity that you should be extending to those who are needful of it... Both in teaching and in your examples of living life... and you should be doing this from the abundance of whatever things you have available to you now, with undivided hearts and minds; and all things would be clean according to your perceptions.
42) But instead, woe... 3759 ouai {oo-ah'-ee} - Alas! or Woe! - an exclamation of grief... to you Pharisees. Because you make sure to give a tenth of your possessions of mint and rue... 4076 peganon {pay'-gan-on} - a shrubby plant, about 2 feet tall, of medicinal value..., and all manner of herbs; and you pass by your responsibilities of forming righteous opinions in the proper separation between what is right and wrong in matters of controversy and the reflection of the love of Yahuah. You should have always done these things and not left the other things undone.
43) Woe!... 3759 ouai {oo-ah'-ee} - Alas! or Woe! - an exclamation of grief... to you Pharisees. Because you love to take the chief seats... the first seats, which indicate greater positions of leadership and authoritative worth... in the synagogues... 4864 sunagoge {soo-ag-o-gay} - the assemblies of Israel...; and you love to be greeted, and recognised for the important, honorable places you hold in society, when you are in the marketplaces where the common people go every day.
44) Woe... 3759 ouai {oo-ah'-ee} - Alas! or Woe! - an exclamation of grief... to you who are scribes... 1122 grammateus {gram-mat-yooce'} - men learned in the Mosaic law and the sacred writings who serve the public as interpreters and teachers... and Pharisees... 5330 Pharisaios {far-is-ah'-yos} - the sect within Jewish society that began to appear after the Babylonian captivity had ended. Who spoke and taught, in addition to the sacred writings, an oral tradition and standard of belief and life toward Yahuah. Which included many things such as the observation of ceremonial cleansings and other external religious rituals, outward forms of reverence toward Yahuah such as alms giving, fastings, prayers, with a comparative neglect of any true actions of genuine reverence for Yahuah!... You are hypocrites! Because you are like graves that do not appear to be what they are; and men and women who walk on them are not aware that they are doing so... Men and women who listen to you and follow your examples are unaware they are wrong in their own thinking and purposes because of what and how you teach...
45) Then, one of the lawyers... 3544 nomikos {nom-ik-os'} - pertaining to the law... someone learned in the law... an interpreter and teacher of the Mosaic Law... answered Yahushua's accusations of the scribes and Pharisees, by saying: Master! In saying these things, you speak shamefully and behave in an insolent, rude manner towards us also!
46) Yahushua answered him back, by saying: Woe... 3759 ouai {oo-ah'-ee} - Alas! or Woe! - an exclamation of grief... to you who are strictly interpreters and teachers of the Law of Moses also. Because you load men down with the burdens of precepts and religious ceremonies that are not justified or authorized by Yahuah. These are burdens which are hard to carry around for anyone; and you do not lift a finger to even touch one of those burdens yourselves.
47) Woe to you! Because you build the memorial markers of the graves of the prophets who warned your people; and it is your forefathers who killed them.
48) Truly! You bear witness and give testimony that you approved of the deeds of your forefathers. For they... your forefathers... did kill them... the prophets sent by Yahuah to warn them of their wrongs and ways...; and you build memorial markers for their... for your forefather's... graves.... to give them honor for who and what they were in their lifetimes.
49) For this reason did the wisdom of Yahuah also say: I will send prophets and delegated messengers; and they... the people... will kill and persecute some of them.
50) So that the bloodguiltiness, of the blood from all of the prophets, that has been shed since the laying down of the foundation of the world... the world order of mankind... can be required from this generation.
51) From the blood of Abel to the blood of Zecharias. Who died between the altar and the temple. Truly, I tell you, that penalty for bloodguiltiness will be required from this generation.
52) Woe... 3759 ouai {oo-ah'-ee} - Alas! or Woe! - an exclamation of grief... to you lawyers... to you who are strictly interpreters and teachers of the Law of Moses!... For you have taken away the key of/to knowledge. You did not enter in... into that knowledge..., yourselves; and those who were entering into this knowledge, you prevented from doing so... through the burdens you loaded them down with...
*** Note: "you have taken away the key of/to knowledge"...
Read Proverbs 1:5-7 5 A wise man will hear... will listen closely, with diligence applied, to be able to comprehend the sense of what has been spoken properly..., and he will increase his learning by doing so; and a man of understanding shall attain unto... will strive to acquire... wise counsels: 6 He will do so to be able to understand a proverb, and the interpretation... of what the proverbial saying is referring to when applied toward everyday life...; and so that he can discern the sense of what... the words of those who are truly wise... mean; and to be able to understand what is hidden within... their dark sayings... their difficult, perplexing riddles and statements in which ideas and concepts of True Truth are hidden... 7 The fear of Yahuah is the beginning of... the chief part of... the choicest part of... the first part of... the key to... knowledge: but fools... but those who senselessly do not reverence Yahuah because they have no ability to learn in the first place... despise wisdom and instruction.
Psalm 53:1 It is the fool who says, in his heart, that Yahuah does not exist; and because of this I have no one, supreme, soveriegn, authority to give answer to for my thoughts, feelings, decisions made, and actions taken during my lifetime... ;
and Psalm 111:10 The fear of Yahuah is the beginning of... the choicest part of... the first and foremost part of... the key to... wisdom. A good understanding... the right and proper insight... the right and proper perspective of Truth... have all they that do... have all they who act with effect and accomplish every thing they do according to this reverential respect for Yahuah's authority, ability, and power...: His praise endures forever...
Return to Luke Chapter 11...
53) As Yahushua was saying these things to them, the scribes, and the Pharisees began to engage themselves in a vehement public outcry against what He was saying about them; and they strove to provoke Him to speak of a great many things... They began to stand up throughout the crowd. Speaking loudly while gesturing with their hands and bodies and drawing attention to themselves. Attempting to sway and change the course and direction of what Yahushua was saying by causing Him to give answer to a great many questions on all types of topics...
54) Laying in wait, as they did these things; and seeking to catch something coming from His mouth that was against Yahuah, so that they could bring formal accusations against Him for having said it.
*** STUDY NOTE: Comparative Text with Luke 11:51
Matthew 23:27- 35 Woe unto you who are scribes and Pharisees. You are hypocrites! For you are like tombs that have been meticulously scrubbed and painted pure white. Those memorial markers of the dead truly do appear to be beautiful on the outside; but they are full of dead bones and uncleanness on the inside. 28 Just like they are, you also outwardly appear to be righteous and clean, to other men; but within yourselves you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. 29 Woe to you scribes and Pharisees. You are hypocrites! Because you rebuild and repair the tombs of the prophets; and then adorn with ornamentation the well marked burial places of those whom you deem to have been righteous in keeping the commandments of Yahuah; 30 And you say: If we had been living in the days of our forefathers, we would not have been partakers together with them in the shedding of the blood of the prophets. 31 So it is, then, that you are witnesses to yourselves, of the fact that you are the children of those who killed the prophets. 32 Continue to carry your witness through, now, until the standard that you have for measuring the difference between what is right and what is wrong, which is according to the perception of justice that your fathers began, is completely fulfilled. 33 You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the sentence of condemnation and the punishment of the burning fires of Gehenna? 34 This is the reason that I do what I am telling you about! So look! See, and understand that I send prophets to you, and wise men, and scribes; and some of them you shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall you scourge in your assemblies, and you will persecute them... you will chase them and track them down, from city to city, with hatred and the intent of harming them in your hearts...
*** Yahushua is prophesying here to those scribes, Pharisees, and lawyers whom He is speaking out against at this very moment. For He is speaking of the actions that He will take in sending these prophets, wise men, and scribes to them from out of the called and chosen ones who will become Believers of the Way of Yahushua. It they that Yahushua is prophesying will be punished by the judges of the assemblies of the Jews. Hunted down, taken captive, killed outright by stoning or other means, or, in perceived actions of mercy that are held by those "wise judges" of the Jews, beaten with whips designed for the purpose. According to what is understood of the Law of Moses by those of the circumcision who have rejected Yahushua and are defiled in the sight of Yahuah, in an attempt to rid Israel of perceived evil and publicly punish these "believers" and get them to straighten out their "faulty" behavior. Which has been perceived as such by the lawyers, scribes, and Pharisees of the circumcision... The very law they strive to obey is applied wrongfully by an uncomprehending ruling class... because they have a wrong perception of Yahuah and His Salvation...
Deuteronomy 25:1-3 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. 2 And it shall be, if the wicked man is found, by the judges, worthy to be beaten, that the judge shall cause the condemned one to lie down, and to be beaten in his presence, according to the condemned ones' fault, by a certain number. 3 Forty stripes the judge may give to him, and the judge is not exceed that number. This is to prevent the possiblility that, if he should exceed the prescribed punishment and beat the condemned one above this number with many more stripes, then your brother... the judge... or the condemned one... should seem vile unto you.
*** Yahushua continues and explains the reason why He has just prophecied in the manner that He has done...
Matthew 23:35 So that upon you...This will take place so that upon you who are a part of this evil, wicked, perverse generation; and especially on those of you who are supposedly teachers of the Torah... the Way of Yahuah... to Israel and the known world... may come the bloodguiltiness of all the righteous blood that has been shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, son of Barachias, whom you killed between the temple and the altar.
Zacharias, the son of Berachaias, whom you killed between the temple and the altar...?
*** There is a descrepancy here, between the two accounts found in Matthew 23 and Luke 11. The understanding must be made clear of just which Zachariah Yahushua was referring to, in the history of Israel, that He as a Master Teacher of Israel was pointing to in His accusations against "this evil generation"...
*** Clarification ***
2 Chronicles 24:17-22 17 Now after the death of Jehoiada, the high priest, came the princes of Judah; and they made obeisance to the king. Then the king hearkened unto them. 18 And they, with the kings consent, left the house of Yahuah, Elohim of their fathers, and served groves and idols; and wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem for this. Which was their trespass. 19 Yet He... Yahuah... sent prophets to them, to cause them to return to Yahuah; and the prophets testified against them: but they would not give ear. 20 And the Spirit of Elohim came upon Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the high priest, who stood on a high place above the people, and said unto them: Thus says Elohim: Why transgress ye the commandments of Yahuah so that ye cannot prosper? Because you have forsaken... rejected... Yahuah, He has also forsaken... rejected... you. 21 And they conspired against him... against Zechariah..., and stoned him with stones, at the commandment of the king, in the court of the house of Yahuah... in the courtyard of the temple... 22 So it was that Joash the king remembered not the kindness which Jehoiada his father had done to him; but killed his son instead. And when he... Zechariah... died, he said: Yahuah look upon it, and require it... Yahuah! I know You see what they do! I know You will require the penalty of their bloodguiltiness from them!...
*** The Zechariah that Yahushua spoke of in Luke 11:51 was a son of Jehoiada, a high priest who had died and been replaced by his son at the time of Joash, 9th king of Yahudah. Zachariah, the high priest, rebuked the people publicly for their apostasy, and was stoned by them, king Joash giving the command to do so and consenting to their act.
*** Compare with...
Zechariah 1:1-6 In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of Yahuah unto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying: 2 Yahuah has been sore displeased with your fathers. 3 Therefore say you to them: Thus says the Elohim of hosts: Turn yourselves toward me, says the Elohim of hosts, and I will turn toward you, says the Elohim of hosts. 4 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, by saying: Thus says the Elohim of hosts: Turn yourselves now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, says Yahuah. 5 Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live for ever? 6 But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants, the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? and they returned and said, Like as the Elohim of hosts thought to do to us, according to our ways, and according to our doings, so hath He dealt with us.
*** This Zechariah, confusingly mentioned as having been killed by the people in the account of Matthew 23:35 by Yahushua, was the son of Berechiah. He also was a prophet, contemporary with Haggai, during the reign of the Persian ruler known as Darius Hystapses at around 520 BC. This was also at the time of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the temple at Yerushalem. In which this Zechariah was instrumental in seeing to its completeion. This Zechariah was not stoned by the people at the kings command and consent...
*** It was understood by teachers of Torah in Yahushua's day, that what is now known as 2 Chronicles (for the first and second Chronicles were originally read and understood to be one writing) is the last book in what is called "the Hebrew Old Testament". Zechariah was regarded as the last of the Old Testament righteous martyrs, and because of this, he is coupled with Abel (the first righteous martyr) by the Master Teacher of Israel, Yahushua, as the measurement and accumulation for bloodguiltiness attached to "this generation".
*** The words "son of Barachiah" in Matthew are due to someone, possibly in the position of scribe, or similar. While copying the text at some point in time after Matthew had originally written it, the copyist may have confused his own understanding of Zechariah, the son of the high priest Yehoiada and himself in the position of high priest after his father's death during the reign of Joash, 9th king of Yahudah, with Zachariah, the prophet son of Berechiah while Yahudah was still a conquered people under the Persian ruler Darius; and instilled his own confusion into the text with a clearly clerical error...
"This evil, wicked, perverse generation"
For some, the question remains of whether or not "this evil generation", spoken to prophetically by Yahushua, is over. Ending with a "new generation" that began with the resurrection of Yahushua and will end with His return. For others, the evil generation still exists; and the continued, parallel existences of the two generations, righteous and unrighteous, are apparent. The importance of discerning the validity of this question points to where anyone stands on the issue. For the recognition of ongoing persecutions and/or killings of the righteous... beginning with Yahushua's death, and then the stoning of Stephen, persecutions and slanders of those belonging to the sect that became known as "The Way", indicates that those considered righteous include those who are Believers of the Way of Yahushua..., by those who suppose themselves to be righteous..., those who are believers of some other way which will never be approved of by Yahuah..., has not stopped; and prophetically will continue until Yahushua's return... Selah!
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