Saturday, December 10, 2011

Luke Chapter 12 (Expounded)

Luke Chapter 12

1) In the mean time... While Yahushua was speaking about all of the hypocrisy that was being lived out by the chief political leaders. Who were also the most educated and example setting teachers of all of Israel, a huge, mixed crowd of common people, leaders of the community, teachers of torah, and recognized experts in the laws and traditions of Moses had initially been gathering to hear and see what Yahushua was teaching. It then was joined by onlookers who wanted to see and hear what was causing all of the commotion, and what had gotten the well recognized Pharisees, scribes and lawyers in such a state of yelling and finger pointing; and now... when an innumerable multitude had gathered and were so densely packed together that they were trampling one another while they strove to get closer to the action that was taking place in the center where Yahushua had spoken the words that got the chief religious leaders so riled, Yahushua began to speak to His disciples as they clustered around Him in the middle of the throng. First, He said this: You had better beware of the leaven of the Pharisees! Because it is hypocrisy!

2) There is nothing that is covered... 4780 sugkalupto {soong-kal-oop'-to} - there is nothing... especially as it pertains to the True Truth of Yahuah, His Order, and His Salvation which He has provided for... that has been carefully and completely covered up, so as to conceal the truth of whatever it is from all who should know about it... that will not be revealed... 601 apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to} - disclosed, made known, unveiled, uncovered... Neither is there anything that is hidden... 2927 kruptos {kroop-tos'} or kruphaios {kroof-ay'-os} - there are no secrets... no mysteries... especially regarding the character, behavior, and Nature of Yahuah that all who are His are supposed to possess... that the truth will not be known about.

3) Therefore, be aware of the fact that whatever you have spoken in darkness... 4653 skotia {skot-ee'ah} - metaphorically - whatever you have spoken about and taught in your ignorance of things that pertain to the truth and knowledge of Yahuah, with all of the wickedness and perversity that is associated with such wickedness because of not being a part of Yahuah's True Nature and Order, however intentionally or unintentionally you may have spoken of those things, they ... will be heard in the light... 5457 phos {foce} - those things that you have spoken about in your ignorance will be exposed to the view of all... All who become a part of the Nature and Order of Yahuah will know what you have spoken and taught others about; and they will comprehend the difference because of the Spirit of truth now dwelling within them. Even though those who choose to willfully rebel against Yahuah when the True Truth is revealed to them will recognize what has been said, by them and others in the darkness and ignorance of Yahuah's Nature, Will, and Order; and realize their own destruction as a result... and whatever secret, hidden things that you have whispered in someone's ear in rooms that are used for meetings in order to separate all other ears from listening to what is being said in them because you don't want others to hear and understand the truth of what is being said or planned, those secrets and hidden things will be proclaimed loudly on the housetops for all to hear... All hypocrisy will be revealed!!!

4) Yahushua continues talking to His disciples while the crowd around them is making racket and confusion, and He says: There is more, my friends: Because I am telling you not to be afraid of those who can kill the body; and have no more power to do anything to anyone after they have died.

5) Instead, I warn you before it happens and tell you about whom you should be terrified of: Fear the One, Who, after He has killed someone, has further power to throw them into hell... 1067 geenna {gheh'en-nah} - into "Gehenna of Fire" - the place of destruction. This was recognized by all who heard Yahushua's words as originally being outside the city of Yerushalem and called the valley of Hinnom. Yahushua is now speaking prophetically of the place outside of Yahuah's Order and Heavenly realm where all that is deemed by Yahuah to be filth, wickedness, and vanity is thrown out of the place that such things cannot be allowed to exist in. Where they are permanently destroyed by being burnt with fire... Yes! I tell you! says Yahushua: Fear Him!

6) Isn't it true that five sparrows are sold for a two tenths of a drachma... 787 assarion {as-sar'-ee-on} - Latin name of a coin equal to a tenth of a drachma... and yet not one of those sparrows is forgotten before Yahuah?

7) Even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear anyone more than Yahuah because of this. Because you... you who accompany me wherever I go and are disciples of mine are beloved of Yahuah; and you... are worth more to Him than many sparrows.

8) I tell you also that whoever confesses me... 3670 homologeo {hom-ol-og-eh'-o} - whoever does not deny; but declares openly, speaks out freely, and admits association and agreement with me... before men. It is he who the Son of man will also declare, openly and freely, before the messengers of Yahuah that are within and sent from His heavenly realm...

9) But! Whoever denies me... whoever denies 720 arneomai {ar-neh'-om-ahee} - whoever rejects, denies any association or agreement with... me before men, will be rejected and denied before the messengers sent by Yahuah from His heavenly realm and Order.

10) More than this, whoever will speak a word... whoever gives voice to an idea or makes a declaration of their thoughts that they may have that is... against the Son of man, will be forgiven for having done so; but whoever blasphemes... 987 blasphemeo {blas-fay-meh'-o} - whoever uses words to speak of thoughts that are reproachful of and abusive toward... the Holy Ghost... 40 hagios - Most Holy, 4151 Pneuma - Spirit... the power by which the very essence of Yahuahs Nature and Order exists and operates, thinks, feels, and makes decisions... The Most Holy, Rational Spirit of Yahuah, His Nature, and Order... Whoever speaks in a reproachful and abusive manner about the Most Holy Rational Spirit of Yahuah... will NOT be forgiven...

11) Yahushua continues teaching His disciples, by saying this to them: So, when they... when those whom I've warned you about. Who practice hyprocrisy and hold positions of power and authority... bring you... 4374 prosphero {pros-fer'-o} - deal with you and cause you to be brought to... the synagogues... to the assemblies of Israel... and you are made to stand before magistrates... 746 arche {ar-khay'} - made to stand before the leaders... of the assemblies... of societies..., and before powers... 1849 exousia {ex-oo-see'-ah} - and before the various jurisdictional authorities of governments found in the world..., then take no thought... 3309 marimnao {mar-im-nah'-o} - do not be anxious... do not worry... do not seek to promote or care for your own interests with the words that you speak and the actions you might decide to take... Do not seek to protect yourself... Do not rely on survival instincts to protect you when these things happen... Don't worry about how you will give answer to these authorities, or be concerned with what you are going to say beforehand...

12) Because the Most Holy Rational Spirit of Yahuah will teach you, in the same hour that you are to speak to these authorities, what you should say to them.

13) One of those who were listening to Yahushua speak to His disciples spoke up and said to Him: Master Teacher! Will you speak to my brother; and instruct him to divide the inheritance, that he will get from our father, with me?

14) Yahushua answered him, by saying: Man??? Who made me a judge, or a divider of inheritances over you and your affairs???

15) Then, Yahushua spoke to all of them again, by using this man's request in His teaching and saying: Pay attention to what has just been said between this man and me; and beware of covetousness! Because a man's life does not consist of... does not exist because of... the things that he possesses!

16) He then told them a parable, by saying: The ground of a certain rich man produced abundantly;

17) And the man thought about this abundance, and spoke within himself, and said: What am I going to do with all of this produce? I don't have any room to store it all!

18) Then the thought occurred to him; and he spoke within himself and said: I know! This is what I'll do! I'll pull down all of my barns and build bigger ones; and I will be able to store all of my fruits and goods that have come from this harvest!

19) Then, because of this great wealth I will say to myself: You have so much that you have laid up in store that it will last you for many, many years. So take it easy; and eat to your satisfaction, and drink all you want to. It is time to be merry and celebrate your success and wealth!

20) But Yahuah said this to him: Fool! Tonight your soul is to be taken from your body... Tonight you are going to die!... Now what will you do with all those things you have provided for yourself?

21) So it is for anyone who stores up treasure for himself/herself; and is not rich in his thoughts toward Yahuah.

22) He then said this to His disciples about the story He had just told them: So! Because of this that I have just told you! Take no thought for... Do not worry about... your life. Don't worry about what you will eat, nor about what your body or what you will wear on it.

23) The living of True Life is more than the obtaining and eating of food; and the body that you have is more than what you wear on it!...

*** Note: What you wear, and of what quality the clothing is that you wear, is not a true and accurate measurement of who and what you are! What is housed within the body, and what comes out of it as a result, bears testimony to the truth of who and what you are called to be; and of the transformation that will be when you become a redeemed one who is obedient to his/her redeemer and owner... and if you are now a believer of the Way of Yahuhsua, since Acts chapter 2 it can be stated that the transformation now taking place within you because of the Spirit of Yahuah's Order and Nature dwelling within you... either scenario is the result of the redemption and salvation of Yahuah that you will have, or now have received... So look beyond the values for measuring status and standing before Yahuah, the Master Yahushua, and others of mankind, that simply belong to the nature and order of earthy, sensual mankind that is enhanced by the spirit and nature of the adversary of Yahuah; and concentrate on learning what the Spirit of the Nature and Order of Yahuah is revealing to you now that you have been redeemed back into His Order...

24) Consider the ravens... Think about the large, black, loudly cawing birds of the crow family... Those birds do not sow seeds or reap a harvest of any kind. They don't have storehouses or barns; and our Elohim feeds them. How much better are you... in your own estimation; and, more importantly, in the esteem of Yahuah... than the birds?

25) More than that, consider this! Which one of you, by thinking and concentrating very hard, can add one cubit... 4083 pechus {pay'-khoos} - a measure of lenghth equal to the distance from the joint of the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, usually about 18 inches... to your stature?... An obvious rhetorical question with an answer of: None of you!...

26) If you are not capable of doing the least of things, then why are you so concerned about all the other things, which are greater, that you cannot do anything about or have control of either?

27) Consider the flowers... the lilies!... 2918 krinon {kree'-non} - a word which generally implies a flower, or specifically, the lily... Think of how they grow. They do not toil... 2872 kopiao {kop-ee-ah'-o} - they do not grow weary and exhausted with the wearisome efforts of doing work... They do not spin... 3514 netho {nay'-tho} - they do not make any kind of thread or yarn from themselves so that cloth can be made...; and yet, I tell you that Solomon, in all his glory and splendor, was not arrayed... 4016 periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo} - clothed... like one of these flowers!

28) If it is true that our Elohim puts the brilliant, vibrant colors on the places where grass and crops grow, and where animals graze. Which is in the fields today and tomorrow is thrown into an oven somewhere, then, how much more... to what greater degree is He willing to supply... you? You of little faith... 3640 oligopistos {ol-ig-op'-is-tos} - You who trust too little in Him, His intentions, and His abilities to accomplish His purposes!...

29) Don't seek... 2212 zeteo {dzay-teh-o} - don't seek in order to find... don't seek in order to find out about... don't seek by meditation, concentration, reasoning, or enquiring diligently into... don't struggle vigorously and make such strong efforts to acquire... what you will eat or what you will drink. Nor be of doubtful mind... 3349 meteorizo {met-eh-o-rid'-zo} - don't be elevated and brought back down like a ship that is tossed around by winds and waves... don't fluctuate and wave within your mind... don't be agitated, anxious, and harassed with worries about these kinds of things...

30) For all of these kinds of things do all of the nations of the whole world seek and strive after; and your Father already knows that you have need for these things.

31) Instead of being concerned about these things, you ought to be seeking to find, and you ought to striving and enquiring into how you can find out about and live within the kingdom of Yahuah. Do this and all of the other things, the things that all of the nations of the world within mankind are striving to constantly obtain and have control over, will be naturally added to you because of who and what you are and will become.

32) Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give the power to rule, within the domain of His kingdom, to you.

33) Sell... 4453 poleo {po-leh'-o} - to barter, to sell... metaphorically - trade off the importance that you used to place on whatever you now have... Benefit others and give mercy. Provide bags... 905 ballantion {bal-lan'-tee-on} - money bags... leather sack or purse in which money is carried on a person... for yourselves which do not grow old. Provide for yourselves a treasure in the heavens that does not fail to have value, stored where no thief or robber can get near it or use violence to take it away from you; and where a moth or a worm... 4597 ses {sace} - the clothes moth... does not corrupt it either... 1311 diaptheiro {dee-af-thi'-ro} - cannot change it to a worse condition... cannot eat it or defile it in any manner...

34) For wherever your treasure is will also be where your heart is...

*** For Clarity: If whatever you treasure is earthy and sensual, your heart... the basis for your thinking, feeling, and deciding things... will also be earthy and sensual; and tainted by the spiritual inspiration of the adversary of Yah. If whatever you treasure is of the Nature, Order, Will, and Purpose of the Father and His Salvation, then whatever you think, feel, and decide will be able to hold the sensual part of you in subjection to the spirit of Yah that dwells within you... This does not mean to put yourselves in a poorhouse; but to do that which is actually harder to do for those in the world. Which is to not trust in the accumulation of wealth and status that may be yours to control; and benefit others by being merciful and extending Yah's mercy, by revealing His Salvation and Name to others while declaring the Soveriegnty and domain of the kingdom of Yahuah that is very near to being a reality on this planet... This ties right in to Yahushua's teaching about the eye of the mind being single, or tainted by darkness to some degree; and the body reflecting the light or darkness that is in the mind's eye...!

35) Let your loins be girded about... Gird your loins!...

"loins"... 3751 osphus {os-foos'} - the hips and and all the area between... metaphorically - the will, which, when triggered by the mind, becomes the seat of exerted power, force, or influence which is manifested in the physical by the generated words and/or actions of the individual... ...

Loins - Heb: chalats, Aramaic Heb: charats, Heb: mothen, Heb: kecel, Heb: yarekh; Grk: osphus): This variety of synonyms is used to represent various modes of expressing the loins as the seat of strength and vigor

As an example, we can see a part of the description given for an animal known as behemoth in Yob's time:

Yob 40:15 Look now at the behemoth which I made with you... 0930 {be-hay-mohth'} - exact animal, or animal likeness, is unknown to us; but by the description given in scripture it was a huge grass and/or plant eater that was alive at the time of Yob, and which became extinct since then... He eats grass like an ox. 16 Look now and see the strength in his loins... 4975 mothen {mo'-then} - hips...; and see that his force is in the navel... 8306 sharyr {shaw-reer'} - in the muscle, in the sinews... of his belly... 0990 beten {beh'-ten} - belly, womb, body, abdomen...

Note: The hebrew word used here and transliterated into the english word "loins" is H4975 mothen - meaning hips, or the area of the body, including the hips, that is between the two hips.

For the ancient Hebrew, and possibly for many other nations of the world order of mankind, the area spoken of as the loins was the perceived center of procreative power. It is the portion of the body which is girded about, and is an area of the human body considered as specially needful of covering, even under the most primitive conditions of life; and it also an area of the body where a painful disease most effectually unfits a man for work and warfare.

As the seat of strength the loins are, throughout history, girded with belts of leather (2 Kings 1:8; Mt 3:4), or cloth, often beautifully embroidered (Ex 28:39), or made of costly material (Ex 39:29;Jer 13:1). Girded loins are a sign of readiness for service or endeavor (Ex 12:11;1 Ki 18:46;2 Ki 4:29;Yob 38:3;Prov 31:17;Lk 12:35;1 Pet 1:13).

On the loins the sword is worn (2 Sam 20:8).

It is a sign of mourning to gird the loins with sackcloth (1 Ki 20:32;Isa 32:11;Jer 48:37;Amos 8:10.

A man whose strength is in his attachment to truth, or, in other words, a man who is faithful, is spoken of as having his loins girt about with truth (Eph 6:14).

It is in this manner that the Anointed One is described in Isaiah 11:5 "Righteousness shall be the girdle of his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of his loins".

The condition of being physically unfit for service is described in scripture. In that the loins (Heb: kecel) are filled with a burning (Ps 38:7). The King James Version transliterates the meaning of this verse by using the descriptive term "loathsome disease". In Ps 66:11, "a sore burden" is laid upon the "loins" (Hebrew word used here is H4975 mothen {mo'-then}.

It is very likely that a disabling lumbago, or the painful symptoms of gallstones, kidneystones, infections of the bladder, or some other incapacitating physical manifestations are meant by such descriptions of unfitness in these passages of scripture.

* In these next passages we see a figurative application for "loins". Indicating a helplessness within the soul, or self of individuals that has come upon them because of something that they themselves cannot control which Yahuah has caused. Which is manifested physically...

In (Ps 69:23) David writes of a desire for the enemies loins to be made "continually to shake".

In Daniel 5:6, after the disembodied hand wrote on the plaster covered wall, the king saw the part of the hand that did the writing; and his thoughts troubled him so that "the joints of his loins"... H2783 Aramaic word charats {Khar-ats'}... are loosed. So much so that his knees knocked together in his attempts to force the muscles in his legs to keep him standing upright...

and in Isaiah 21:3 because of a grievous vision that had been given to him, the prophets "loins... H4975 Mothen {mo'-then}... are filled with pain... H2479 chalchalah {khal-khaw-law'} - trembling, terror, writhing, anguish"... distress like that of a woman in travail during birth have taken hold of him...

*** "gird your loins" or "gird yourself"...

Practical applications of the phrase...

Exodus 12:11-12 11 And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is Yahuah's passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will kill all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and animal; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am Yahuah.

I Kings 18:41-46 - Elijah girded up his loins and outran Ahab s chariot from Carmel to Jezreel.

II Kings 4:29 - Elisha told Gehazi to gird up his loins, take his staff and go quickly and heal the Shunammite's son.

Figurative or metaphorical application...

Proverbs 31:17 - The virtuous woman girds her loins with strength.

Jeremiah 1:17 - Yahuah told Jeremiah to gird up his loins, arise and speak unto Judah all His words.

Job 38:3, 40:7 - Yahuah told Job: "Gird up your loins like a strong man... like a warrior... metaphorically - be prepared to defend yourself and your actions...; for I will demand an explanation from you, and you will answer me".

So... practically speaking, girding up your loins meant to tie up long, loose clothes so that they would not hinder your progress when you were working, traveling fast, or fighting; but metaphorically, the meaning that Yahushua has attached to the phrase "Let your loins be girded about", is tied to all of the words and examples used in the teachings that Yahushua has just spoken to His disciples. In the middle of all the hubbub around them, He taught them the clear and true perception of Yahuah's provision for His beloved ones while they are in the midst of an entire world order that worries, and searches diligently, always, for the same provision. Which comes to His beloved ones as a matter of course while they conduct their lives "as they ought to".

Yahushua is telling them: There are major differences between what you are familiar with regarding life in general in its relation to Yahuah, and the True Truth I am revealing to you. Which you should already have been aware of; but have been prevented from realizing until now. Make your self certain of the differences regarding who and what you are now and who and what you are called to be; and, as a result of that comprehension, prepare yourself mentally to do something very difficult. For you are called to become truly dependant on Yahuah based upon the understanding I am teaching you. This will be very difficult to accomplish because this perception of what Truth and Reality is, is so very different from the perspective of the world order that you were born into, which now controls you. You are now being called away from it to an Order and Nature that the World does not/cannot comprehend, while you are still living in it; and the work that you are to do, which will produce the fruit that Yahuah approves of, will not be in accordance with the same order and understanding you now are a part of...

continuing with verse 35 ...Gird your loins; and make sure your lights are burning...

*** "make sure your lights are burning" - this idiomatic expression extends back to what Yahushua was teaching to His Followers and Disciples, in Luke chapter 11:33 No man... 3762 oudeis {oo'-dice} - no one..., who has lit a candle... 3088 luchnos {lookh'-nos} - an oil lamp, or a candle... puts it in a secret place... 2926 krupte {kroop-tay'} - places it within a crypt, a hallway, a vault, a cellar... nor is it placed under a bushel... modios {mod'-ee-os} - latin for a term of dry measurement holding about 16 sextarii, or about a peck, which is a dry measure of about 8 quarts, or a quarter of a bushel... a basket used for measuring dry grains or fruit...; but instead, the lamp, or candle is put on a lampstand or candlestick so that all who come into the room can see because of the light that is provided.

For clarity:
No one, who has lit a candle or a lamp, places it in a closed, covered crypt or walkway, in a vault, or a cellar where it is unlikely that anyone can or will move about, nor is it place under a basket used for measuring and carrying or storing dry grains or fruits; but instead, that candle or lamp is placed on a candlestick or lampstand; and in an unobstructed place within a room so that all who enter that room can see where to move and turn because of the light that has been provided...

34) Yahushua continues His teaching and prophecies, by saying: The light... 3088 luchnos {lookh'-nos} - the lamp, or candle... of the body is the eye... 3788 opthalmos {of-thal-mos'} - the eye... when used metaphorically, this word indicates the eyes of the mind, which is the faculty of knowing; and is the figurative place from where our thoughts, feelings, and decisions are generated... therefore, when your eye... your minds eye... is single... is fully focused on the light that comes from the nature of Yahuah; and is not double minded... then your whole body is full of light; but, when the mind... the minds eye... is influenced by what comes from the nature that is evil in the sight of Yahuah, then your body is also full of darkness... blindness... foolishness, evil, wickedness according to the judgment of Yahuah...

35) Take heed... Pay attention... therefore, to what is taking place within your mind, so that the power of understanding and perception that is within you is not that which comes from darkness.

36) If your whole body, therefore,... because you have paid attention and guarded yourself... is full of the actions and thought processes which come from True Light, having no part of them dark, then the whole of who and what you are will be full of light. Just like whenever the bright shining light of a candle or lamp gives light to you.

*** The idiom "The eyes of the mind " - refers to the ability of someone to perceive, or "see" things with the mind when looking, with the physical eye, at someone or something, or, when contemplating about someone or something...

Back to Luke 12:...

36) Make sure that you, yourselves, are like men who wait for their lord... for the master of the household to which they belong... They who wait for when the one who owns them and to whom they must give answer to returns from the wedding celebration he has gone to take part in. So that when he comes and knocks, on the door of the house, they can open up the door to him immediately.

37) Those servants, whom the master will find watching over the household and guarding the integrity of the house when he returns, will be blessed. Truly, I tell you, that he will gird himself... the Master of the household will put an apron on..., cause them to sit down at the table; and he will come out... the master of the entire household will come out from the place where food is prepared in the house...; and he will serve them.

38) More than this, if he comes back to his house in the second watch, or during the time of the third watch,... at night time, during a normal time of rest and sleep for the household... and he finds... discovers... that his servants are watching over and guarding the house and household just as they would have been during daylight hours when all the household is active, then those servants are blessed.

39) There is more! Know this! If the goodman... 3617 oikodespotes {oy-kod-es-pot'-ace} - If the master of the house... the householder... had known beforehand at what hour the thief would come, then he, himself, would have watched... he would have, personally, stood guard during the expected time...; and he, himself, would have taken command authority responsibility; and not allowed his house to have been broken through... 1358 diorusso {dee-or-oos'-so} - dug through... he would not have allowed the walls of his house to have been breached...

Because the householder does not know when an attack would occur, he has set up the management of his household in such a way that his servants are entrusted with the care and guarding of the household, the property, and all who are living within the walls...

40) So be ready for this reason as well. Because the Son of man returns at an hour when you do not think He will.

41) Then Kepha asked Him this: Master, do you speak this parable to us only... to those of us who are here now, who are following you and are in front of you as you speak... to those of us who are your disciples... , or to everybody else as well?

42) The Master, Yahushua, answered Kepha by saying: Who, then, IS that faithful and wise steward whom the master, to which he belongs, will make ruler over his household and place trust and responsibility on him for feeding those within the household their allotted portion of food in its proper time?

43) That servant, whom his lord will find doing so when he returns, is blessed.

44) I speak the truth when I tell you that he will make him ruler over all that he has.

45) However, if that servant speaks reason, with this logic, to himself within his heart and says: "My master delays his return"; and then, because of this logic and perception, will begin to beat... 5180 tupto {toop'-to} - will begin to strike, or, to beat the other male and female servants of the house with a staff, a whip, the fist, or the hand... , and begin to eat and drink, and become intoxicated,

46) Then, the Master of the household... the One to Whom that servant belongs... will return on a day when the arrogant and rebellious servant is not watching for Him, and at a time when he is not aware... 1097 ginosko {ghin-oce'-ko} - at such a time, within the course of the servants ongoing and increasing arrogant behavior, that he has gotten to a point where he has no understanding or comprehension of what the nature and order of His Masters House is supposed to be...; and the Master will cut him in sunder... 1371 dichotomeo {dee-khot-om-eh'-o} - will cut him down... in the figurative sense, which in context is the most probable, this is a scourging. A punishment of the rebellious one, using a whip with the utmost severity, or, in the most literal sense, cutting him in half while he is still alive. A method of executing criminals that is known to have been practiced... and is spoken of in Hebrews 11:37 - where, it says, that some of the faithful to the Word and Way of Yahuah during history were, among other things, "sawn asunder", or literally cut in half with a saw...; and the Master will then appoint that servant to his allotment, which he has earned, with the unbelievers... 571 apistos {ap'-is-tos} - with the unfaithful... with the faithless ones who are not to be trusted in the household belonging to the master...

47) The servant who knew the will of the master of the household and did not prepare... 2090 hetomaizo - het-oy-mad'-zo} - did not make the necessary preparations and get everything ready, or keep the house in a continuous state of readiness for the master's return... nor did what should have been done in accordance with his master's choices that had already been made known to him, will be beaten... 1194 dero {der'-o} - to flay or skin... to be scourged... to have the skin flayed from the body... with the application of many strokes of the whip...

48) The servant who did not know the will of the master; and did things wrongly and worthy of being whipped, will be beaten with few... 1194 dero {der'-o} - will be lightly scourged... will have the skin flayed from his body from the application of a few strokes of the whip... For to whomever much trust is given, from him much diligence and responsible behavior is required; and to whomever it is that men have intrusted much, their trust in him will not stop there, for they will ask him to take on more and more responsibility.

49) I have come... I have arrived, at this particular place and time in the history of mankind on earth,... to send... 906 ballo {bal'-lo} - to throw, or let go of something without a care of where it may fall... fire... G4442 pur - fire, H0784 'eysh {aysh} - fire, flames... on the earth... 1093 ge {ghay} - on the land, on the territory, on the whole earth... H0776 'erets {eh'-rets} - on the land, earth, the whole earth, on the inhabitants of the whole earth, land, or territory...

From Amos 9:8-15 (emphasis mine)

8 Behold, the eyes of Yahuah Elohim are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it... I will destroy the entire sinful kingdom with the stone that is cut out of the mountain without hands... from off the face of the earth; saving... with the exception... that I will not utterly destroy the house of Yacob, says Yahuah. 9 For, I will command; and I will sift the house of Israel amongst all the nations of the earth, like grain is sifted through a sieve, yet not the least grain... Not even the one who is the least in stature, before Me, who is truly a part of the house of Israel, spiritually and physically... will fall upon the earth... Will be a part of the earthly kingdom; but will belong to my dominion... 10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, who say: The evil... the destruction and captivity that is happening... shall not overtake nor stop us. 11 In that day will I raise up the tabernacle... the temple... of David that is fallen; and I will close up the breaches of the walls of that temple; and I will raise up its ruins, and I will rebuild it. It will be like it was in the days of old 12 I will do this so that they, who are called by my name, can possess the remnant of Edom, and the remnant of all the heathen, says Yahuah, Who does this. 13 Behold, the days come, says Yahuah, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes will overtake he that sows the seed of the grape; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. 14 And I will turn away from causing the captivity of my people, who are truly of Israel; and they shall rebuild the wasted, destroyed cities and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine from them. They shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit from them. 15 I will plant them upon their land; and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, says Yahuah, your Elohim.

From Luke Chapter 3...

15) Now, because the people were in a state of expectancy, and because of the fact that all men were musing within their hearts regarding Yochanan and trying to decide within themselves about whether he was the Anointed One or not,

16) Yochanan gave them all an answer to their musings by saying this: It is true that I immerse you... Because each of you realizes that acts of repentance are necessary, it is true that I immerse you and metaphorically cleanse you, ... with water; but you need to know that someone else is coming that is mightier... 2478 ischuros {is-khoo-ros'} - who is stronger... in the resolve of his mind, or spirit... than I am. I am not worthy... 2425 hikanos {hik-an-os'} - I am not qualified or competent enough... to untie his sandal strap. He is the one who will immerse you... and cleanse you... with the Holy Ghost... 40 hagios {hag'-ee-os} - most holy... 4151 pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} - spirit... rational spirit... The Ruach HaQodesh - the Set Apart Spirit of Yahuah... the Most Holy, Rational Spirit which generates the thoughts, feelings, and decisions by which all who are a part of Yahuah's Order govern their lives... and He will also immerse you... cleanse you... in fire.

17) It is He who has a fan in His hand. With that fan, He is going to thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor and then gather the grain that has been harvested into his granary or storehouse; but the chaff, that He has cleansed from His threshing floor, where it was intermixed with His grain, He will burn with an unquenchable fire.

*** Yahushua will separate those who are His; and, by extension, His Father's, from those who are not and never will be!!! No matter how they may view themselves, He will know them for who and what they are!!!!

Isaiah 50:10-11
 Who is among you that fears Yahuah? Who among you obeys the voice of his servant, who walks in darkness, and has no light? Let him trust in the name of Yahuah, and stay upon his Elohim. 11 Behold, all of you that kindle a fire. All of you that encircle yourselves with sparks in order to see in the darkness. Walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This is what you shall have from My Hand! You shall lie down in sorrow.

For Clarity -All of the scriptures that have been brought out thus far are to show that in Luke 12:49 Yahushua is saying: I am here now, in this place and time within the history of mankind, to throw the fire, that only I can bring, indiscriminantly on the inhabitants of the whole earth...

Continuing verse 49 ... and what will I throw on the inhabitants of the whole earth if the fire has already been kindled that I am supposed to have brung?

Note: This is a rhetorical question. It is part of the answer that is being given to Kepha's question regarding "just who is it that you are talking to with what you are telling us, Master?". Eventually, the unfolding of scripture reveals to us that Kepha will understand the answer in it's entirety. Yahushua knows that the consuming, burning, purging destruction, of the metaphorically spoken of and very real spiritual fire that He is bringing to throw out so that it lands on whomever, which comes from His Father's Nature and Order, has not ever been on the inhabitants of the earth before. He also knows that everyone who is hearing Him is spiritually blind to the Reality only He truly knows. Some will be purged from their uncleanness by this fire, and some will be consumed completely by it's destructive power when comes into contact with what is not ever supposed to be within Yahuah's Order as it is established on the earth. Within the pre selected, chosen, set apart inhabitants of the earth, in a way that has never been done before, Yahushua is fulfilling the prophecies of Daniel by establishing the beginnings of the kingdom of Yahuah. Which will become fully established when He returns at His appointed time; and He is prophetically pointing this out to those who are hearing Him speak of these things. So that those who might think that they are righteous and holy, because of whatever comprehension of Yahuah's Order that they may possess, can know, when the fire touches them, that there is a greater scope and magnitude and depth to Yahuah then was ever thought possible within the minds of mankind throughout history. This True Truth of Yahuah's Nature, Order, and Essence will be reflected by the people who are enabled to rule within His domain on the earth, by what He is doing now, when He returns... Redemption back into Yahuah's Nature and Order, provided by Yahuah through His Salvation, Yahushua, is the key...

50) Yahushua continues... So it is that I have a baptism... 908 baptisma {bap'-tis-mah} - So it is that I have an immersion or submersion made up of calamities and difficulties that are overwhelming... to be baptized with... 907 baptizo {bap-tid'-zo} - that I must be immersed with... that I must be submerged in... that I am being overwhelmed by...; and how straightened... 4912 sunecho {soon-ekh'-o} - how completely constrained am I... how completely occupied with the Father's business am I... how much pressure is on me from all sides... until it has been accomplished!... until these calamities and difficulties are carried out to the full completion of what they are supposed to produce!...

51) Do you suppose... you who think you know Who and What I am and am supposed to be doing, do you think... that I am supposed to give peace... 1515 eirene {i-ray'-nay} - shalom... a state of national tranquility... to the inhabitants of the earth, land, territory, nation, etc.? I tell you that I am not here to bring peace. Instead, I am here to bring division.

52) For an example of what I am telling you will take place from now on, let's just say that there will be five members in a given household; and that household will be divided into opposing parts or factions. Three against two and two against three.

53) The father will be divided against... 1266 diamerizo {dee-am-er-id'-zo} - will be at variance with... will be in disagreement with... will be in opposition to the views, thoughts, and priorities of... the son; and the son will oppose the teachings and viewpoints of the father. The mother of the house will be in opposition to the views, thoughts, and priorities of the daughter, and the daughter will oppose the teachings and viewpoints of the mother. The mother-in-law will be against her daughter-in-law; and the daughter-in-law will be against her mother-in-law.

54) Yahushua also said this to all the people who were gathered around Him and listening to Him speak: When you see a cloud rise out of the west, immediately you say: A rain shower is coming; and so it is.

55) When the south wind blows, you say: It's going to be hot; and it comes to pass.

56) Hypocrites! You can discern the meanings of the different appearance of the sky and the earth at any given time. So how can it be that you cannot recognize the meaning of this time that is upon you now?

57) Yes! And why is it that you cannot form correct opinions and judgments among yourselves concerning what is righteous and what is not?

Note: Yahushua knows well the reasons why these things are so in these peoples lives. It is because of the darkness and ignorance of Truth and Reality that they are permeated with; and the resulting life path they follow according to the world order of mankind they have been born into and which governs their thinking, feeling, and decision making. Even though His Father calls them back to His Order, not all will heed the call. So it is that He now gives them, and all who are like them, warning...

58) I am warning you now! When you go with your adversary... 476 antidikos {an-tid'-ee-kos} - an opponent in a law dispute who is your accuser... to the magistrate... 758 archon {ar'-khone} - to the ruler, the commander, the chief leader... While you are on the way to see the judge, give diligence... 1325 didomi {did'-o-mee} - "give" - give something to him... give him a gift... 2039 ergasia {er-gas-ee'-ah} - "diligence" - from whatever profits you have gained by the diligence you have applied to whatever you do for work... so that you can be delivered from him... so that he will no longer want to accuse you before the judge you are going to see... Do this! Bribe him so that he will not cause you to be dragged, forcibly, in front of the judge; and, so that the judge will not turn you over to the officials; and, so that the officials will not throw you into prison.

59) I tell you this: You will not leave that place until you have paid the very last bit of whatever the judge has said that you owe... Whether you are truly guilty of the accusation or not...

Note: Yahushua is warning the blind, who stumble in spiritual darkness, of what they can expect and what they might be able to do to save themselves from greater calamity if they continue to stumble in their blindness of the True Truth regarding Who and What Yahuah is, what He would be to them if they truly knew Him, and what they should be to Him that they are not because of their blindness to His Truth and Reality. This same admonition and tone of warning will be spoken by Yahushua in the very near future, (Luke Chapter 16) where He will tell them that they ought to "make friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, so that when they fail as children of light, those unrighteous friends can receive them to everlasting habitations"...

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