Sunday, August 28, 2011

Luke Chapter 10 (Expounded)

Luke Chapter 10

1) After having said and done these things... after having appointed and sent out His twelve delegated disciples to go out and heal the sick in Israel, and throw demons out from those of Israel who had been taken over by them; and to truly do what they had been sent out to do by declaring the imminent arrival of the ruling power and dominion of Yahuah upon the earth. The kingdom that had been prophesied about in the writings of the prophets; but which was truly comprehended, in its scope and magnitude, by no one on earth at the time of its introduction by the Anointed One of Yahuah..., the Master Yahushua appointed another seventy also... another seventy to do just as He had originally delegated His closest twelve to do in Luke 9:1- 6...; and He sent them by twos, before His face into every city and place to where He Himself would arrive... He sent them to go out, in pairs, and make the people, who inhabited the cities and towns and villages along the route to Yerushalem, ready and aware of His coming before He got there..., as He traveled through on His way to Yerushalem.

2) Because Yahushua was sending these seventy of His disciples to do these things, He said this to them before they left to carry out His instructions: The harvest certainly is great... large... There are many ready to be harvested... 2326 therismos {ther-is-mos'} - when used as a figure of speech, this is an indication of the produce that has been cultivated and is now ready to be harvested... Contextually, for those who have been given the ability to comprehend, the "harvest" is referring to the numbers of those who are chosen ones. Those who are pre selected living souls that are now ready to be taken into the soon arriving domain of what will be the reigning dominion on the earth, which belongs to Yahuah, to be a part of that kingly domain. The concepts and ideas of this kingdom, which is soon to arrive, is what Yahushua is ushering in with His teachings and actions at this time. Yahushua has instructed both groups of His disciples that He has sent out to proclaim the arrival of this domain and demonstrate the majestic power that is a commonplace part of existence within that kingdom. In order for them to be a part of this kingdom as its subjects, with the power to rule within it, those who are to be a part of that harvest must receive the final thing necessary for them to be who they have been called to be since before they were born as children of the earthy, sensual world order of mankind. This calling has been on them since before the world order of mankind began. Now they must be reborn. They must be transformed into children of the Most High Elohim who are able to worship Him in the Light of unblindness and the Nature of His Truth, which enables them to truly see and live; and the majestic power and harmony that can only come from His Spirit. Yahuah has made them ready. Using the tools of time and circumstances throughout the history of mankind and Israel, together with the inspiration of the Qodesh Ruach of Yahuah's Order and Nature, to bring their hearts to a place of being ready and able to understand the redemption they have needed which has been provided for them by Yahuah through Yahushua... For Yahuah IS Salvation and Rescue!... This declaration of the soon arriving dominion and ruling authority of Yahuah on earth is a part of the preparation of those chosen ones, living in the flesh at this time, who are waiting for Yahuah's Salvation and redemption... Which Yahushua is proclaiming is about to happen!... but the laborers... the workmen who will achieve the harvest... are few in number. Pray, for this reason, to the Master... to the OWNER... of the harvest; and ask Him to send workmen into... ask Him to send workers out to be among those who are... His harvest...

A Note*** According to the prophecy in Daniel, Chapters 2 & 7, the kingdom that was spoken of then is only now beginning to be set up by Yahushua at this point in the history of mankind which is recorded in Luke. For He is the stone, cut out of the mountain without hands, which will destroy all of the kingdoms in the vision of Daniel. The power to rule and reign on this earth, within the dominion that is Yahuah's alone, is to be given, by Yahuah, to the Most Holy People of Yahuah. Today it is clear that neither of these things has yet to be accomplished in the unfolding of time. The clay and iron kingdom that we think of as prophetic and historical Rome still lingers on. The Most Holy People of Yahuah do not yet possess the dominion and majestic authority of the kingdom that is to come on this earth. Which will supersede all other kingdoms and destroy those, which are prophesied of in Daniel, that are depicted as gold, silver, bronze and iron. Within the time frame of the dominion of the iron kingdom, at a particular point in time, clay appears as part of the iron kingdom. The clay nature and the iron nature are both within the dominion of this iron kingdom, as its subjects, according to the earthly, sensual realm of all of the kingdoms of the earth; but they cannot and will not stick to one another in unity because the two natures are opposites. Both natures are housed within the flesh of mankind. Both natures are still existing as children of mankind continue to be born into this world order; and those who are reborn into the new creations created by Yahuah through Yahushua, are still being made. As those new creations continue to be made, they are answering to the nature of Yahuah's Order. Even though the fleshly body still lives, and will experience destruction, the nature that it is part of is able to be controlled by the will and purpose of those who answer to and are learning from the Spirit and Nature of Yahuah's Order as their transformation continues through the renewing of their minds...


NOTICE, in the context of scripture and the Spirit of Yahuah's Nature and Order, that the workmen who actually do the work THAT IS NECESSARY for this harvesting to be accomplished and complete, are MEN who have themselves been reborn into new creatures that have never before existed within mankind! Or anywhere else in the knowledge and awareness that has been revealed to Yahuah's creation! Still seen and comprehended by mankind to be men; but viewed by Yahuah as new creations. Not simply men. A very small number exist at the time that the harvest actually begins. At this time, when Yahushua is sending these disciples out, the harvest is not yet taking place. These seventy are told to ask the Father, who is the owner of the harvest about to take place, to send out workers... meaning those who have already been transformed... themselves harvested... into the midst of those who are ready to be harvested...

3) Yahushua continues to instruct the seventy; and He tells them: Go on your different ways... Go to the places I have instructed you to go...; but understand that I am sending you out like lambs amongst wolves.

4) Do not carry a bag for money. Do not carry a leather sack to hold provisions for your journey. Don't carry an extra pair of sandals; and don't take the time to stop and give anyone that you might meet along the road greetings and wishes of well being while you are traveling .

5) Whatever house it is that you enter into, the first thing you are to do is to say: Peace to this house... 1515 eirene {i-ray'-nay} - peace... tranquility... security, safety, prosperity, harmony... 5129 touto {to'-tpo} - to this one... 3624 oikos {oy'-kos} - house, or household... in Hebrew - Shalom bayith, or Shalom beit...

6) If a son... 5207 huios {hwee-os'} - a child... of peace... of shalom - of all that comprises the state or condition of tranquility and harmony... is there within that household, then your peace... your shalom - that shalom of tranquility - that awareness of safety, security, and harmony that can only come from Yahuah, the Father and originator of such a state of well being, which is within you because it has been given to you who are His beloved children and and who are now delegated by me... will rest upon that household. If a child of shalom is not there within that house, then your shalom, which comes from the Father, will return to you.

7) You are to remain within that same house... Whatever house it is that you have entered into... whatever house it is that you have been invited to cross over the threshold and go into... you are to remain there for the duration of your stay in whatever town, village, or city that your travels have brought you to as you carry out my instructions of proclaiming the arrival of the kingdom and its power... You are to eat and drink whatever it is that they give to you while you are a part of that household. For the laborer... 2040 ergates {er-gat'ace} - the worker... this usually refers to an agricultural worker; but in this case is inferring the worker who is striving to bring those who are ready to receive what it takes for them to enter into the kingdom when it does arrive in the unfolding of time... is worthy of his hire... 3408 misthos {mis-thos'} - his wages... the worker is worth whatever he is paid for his toils and efforts... the worker is worthy of his reward - indicating the fruit that naturally is the result of whatever endeavors and labors the worker has expended his energies in achieving... Do not go from house to house seeking lodging and sustenance while you are in whatever city, town, or village accomplishing what I have instructed you to do.

8) What ever city you enter into, if they receive you... if they welcome you and treat you hospitably..., then eat whatever things that are set in front of you by the people of that place.

9) Heal the sick that are in that place; and say this to them as you are doing so: The time for the arrival of the kingdom of Elohim... of Yahuah... is approaching a point of being almost on top of you.

10) If, however, you enter into a city; and they do not perceive who and what you are and welcome you and treat you hospitably, then go on your different ways out into the streets of that city or town, and say this to the people of that place:

11) Truly, even the dust that is within your city that has stuck to us we do wipe off of ourselves against you; and although we are doing this in answer to your attitude toward us, understand that the time for the arrival of the kingdom of Yahuah is approaching to the point of being nearly on top of you. You have been warned!

12) Yahushua goes on to say to His seventy delegates that He has chosen for this task: I will tell you this: It will be more tolerable in that day... in the time frame of the history of mankind, when the authority and power of the reigning dominion that belongs to Yahuah takes place on the earth, it will be more tolerable... for Sodom... which was destroyed by Yahuah's use of burning brimstone... than it will be for that city.

13) Woe... 3759 ouai {oo-ah'-ee} - a primary exclamation of grief... to you... 4671 soi {soy} - to you... ouai soi... Chorazin... 5523 {khor-ad-zin'} - "a furnace of smoke" a small town in the region of Galilee... Woe to you... ouai soi... Bethsaida... 966 {Bayth-sahee-dah'} - an Aramaic word which means "house of fish" a small fishing village on the west shore of Lake Gennesaret, the home town of Kepha, Andrew, Philip, and Yochanan!... for if the mighty works that have been done in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they who lived in those places would have repented a long time ago... for their lawlessness by sitting in sackcloth and ashes while mourning and grieving and wanting forgiveness from the Father they had sinned against...

14) Instead, at the time of judgment for all, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon then it will be for you.

15) And you, Capernaum... 2584 {cap-er-nah-oom'} - a combination of two Hebrew words - 03723 and 05151 which have the meaning "village of comfort" - a flourishing city within the region of Galilee near where the Yarden River flows into Lake Genneserat on its western shore..., who are exalted to heaven! You will be thrust down. To Hell... 86 hades {hah-dace} - the depths of the earth... the place of complete, eternal darkness... the grave...

16) Yahushua concludes His speaking to the seventy, by saying this: Whoever it is that hears you... whoever is able to listen to you and perceive the sense of what you are telling them... is listening to me. Whoever it is that despises... 114 atheteo {ath-et-eh'-o} - does away with... disregards... you... as you bring this message to them... is rejecting me... The thirty five pairs of delegated messengers sent by Yahushua went their separate ways into the towns, villages, and cities ahead of Yahushua to announce His arrival before He got there as He traveled at a slower pace with all of the others in the multitude that accompanied Him on His way to Yerushalem...

17) The seventy then returned from their journeys, to wherever Yahushua was, with rejoicing in their hearts and in their voices as they told Him: Master! Even the demons make themselves obedient to us because your name is on us! They recognize your authority and power in us!

18) Yahushua said this in answer to their profession of amazement at how these things took place: I was there; and I watched while Satan... 4567 Satanas {sat-an-as'} - an Aramaic originated transliteration of H7854 {saw-tawn'} - meaning "the adversary" - used in various ways 34 different times in N.T. -

In this case, this term is used by Yahushua to name "the one who is opposed to my Father and resists the purposes and actions that are a part of His Order"

In Mt. 12:26; Mark 3:23; and Rev. 12:9 this same Aramaic term is given to name the prince, or chief leader of the fallen angels - those supernatural beings who formerly were of service to Yahuah in His heavenly realm that now serve their leader - "the original adversary and original false accusing slanderer of Yahuah" - here on earth, with purposes and actions that are in direct and complete opposition to Yahuah and all mankind, believers and unbelievers alike...

Yahushua told them: I was there; and I watched as the original adversary of My Father, whose actions and purposes caused war in the heavenly realm of My Father... fell... 4098 pipto {pip'-to} - was thrown down from his former place of power and authority in the heavenly realm of my Father..., like lightning...796 astrape {as-trap-ay'} - like the burning, blinding, quick, sharp light of a bolt of lightning...

***Where was the adversary thrown down to???

Revelation 12:7-10 7 And there was war in the heavenly realm. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought back; 8 And did not prevail. Neither was their rightful place found any more to be in the heavenly realm. 9 And the great dragon was cast out... thrown out... That old serpent, called the Devil... 1228 diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os} - the false accuser and slanderer of Yahuah..., and Satan... 4567 Satanas {sat-an-as'} - Aramaic transliteration of H7854 {saw-tawn'} - the one who opposes Yahuah and all of mankind in his purposes and actions..., the one who deceives the whole world... 3625 oikumene {oy-kou-men'-ay} - the whole world order of mankind which inhabits the earth... He was cast out... 906 ballo {bal'-lo} - He was thrown out and let go to fall with out any care taken of where he would land as he was thrown... into the earth... into the confines of earth. Confined within all of its earthy characteristics, not able to inhabit the heavenly realm or exert his power, ability and influence in that place ever again..., and his angels... those beings that originally existed within the heavenly realm to serve Yahuah as He commanded, who made a conscious choice to now stand on the side of the Adversary of Yahuah, to serve him and his cause... were cast out... were thrown out... with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our Elohim, and the power of his Anointed One. For the accuser of our brethren is thrown down, who accused them before our Elohim day and night.

*** Important Note: Yahushua, by this statement, is giving personal, first hand knowledge of this having taken place; and of His having been there to watch it happen! Before He became Yahushua, the Son of Man, who is now speaking to these seventy disciples He has chosen and sent to proclaim the imminent arrival of His Father's ruling power and dominion on the earth, which will overthrow all previous kingdoms and spiritual forces that had ruled the earth previously...

19) Now understand this! I give power to you. The ability to crush serpents and scorpions with your feet; and authority that is more than all of the inherent power of the enemy. Nothing will hurt you in any way.

20) Even though this is true, the fact that the spirits are obedient to you is not a cause for rejoicing. You do have a greater cause for this kind of joy and you need to realize the reality of that truth. Rejoice, instead, because your names are written... recorded... in the heavenly realm.

21) In that very hour, Yahushua Himself rejoiced in spirit... rejoiced within Himself, where all of His thoughts and feelings are generated from...; and He said this out loud: I thank You, Father, to Whom both the heavenly realm and the earth belong. I thank You because You have hidden these things from those who consider themselves to be wise and prudent; and because You have, instead, revealed them to those who realize that they are infants in their abilities to understand Your Ways. I know that You have done this because it seemed to be a good thing for You to do in your sight... 1715 emprosthen {em'-pros-then} - in Your presence...

22) I also know that... All things are delivered... 3860 paradidomi {par-ad-id'-o-mee} - All things have been given to me to use, manage, and take care of... by My Father; and no one knows who the Son is except for the Father. No one knows who the Father is except for the Son; and whomever the Son decides to reveal this knowledge and awareness to.

23) Then, Yahushua turned Himself toward His disciples, and said this to them: The eyes that are seeing the things that you are seeing are blessed.

24) Because I tell you that many prophets and kings have intensely desired to see... to both physically see; and discern, with the eyes of their minds, the meaning and significance of... the things that you are witnessing take place; and they have not been able to see them. They have longed to hear... to both physically hear; and perceive the sense of... what your ears have heard; and they have not been able to hear them.

25) Then, perhaps while Yahushua was still speaking about these things to His disciples, this next teaching also took place. It started because a certain lawyer... 3544 nomikos {nom-ik-os} - someone who professed himself to be, and was recognized by others as, an interpreter and teacher of the Mosaic laws... History, and Yahushua's own words, have proven that recognition does not necessarily indicate that this same man was a teacher of torah... the instructions that pertain to maintaining the people of Israel in a right relationship to Yahuah and His Order. Selah... stood up... an indication that this man was among the many who sat, listening while Yahushua taught and spoke... and tempted... 1598 akpeirazo {ek-pi-rad'-zo} - made an attempt to prove... to test thoroughly... This man made an attempt to thoroughly test Yahushua's character in His capacity as a Master Teacher of torah, and His abilities of making clear the almost imperceptible, fine, delicate meanings and mysteries of the teachings and traditions particular to Israel that began with Moses and were passed on from generation to generation... ; and he said this: Master! What shall I do... 4160 poieo {poy-eh'-o} - make, produce, fashion, construct... What are the things that I am supposed to do... to inherit... 2816 kleronomeo {klay-ron-om-eh'-o} - that will enable me to recieve, for myself, an allotment of what is to be given to those who are given... eternal life... the ability to live eternally...

The Concept of Eternal Life for anyone of mankind...

*** A Note: This man asked a question about a topic that is mysterious at best, in the scriptural context of what is called the Old Testament, when he asked about getting the ability to live forever... He was, perhaps, asking this because of what he heard Yahushua teaching... He indicated that he was also asking this question according to his perception of the allotment, or portioning out, of attributes and abilities that he must have assumed was to take place because of the teaching of Yahushua; and that this was to be done in the same manner that Moses was instructed to divide out land for an inheritance to the several tribes of Israel in Numbers 26:52-56; through 27:11; 33:54; Joshua 14:1-4... This may be indicating that he was listening to the concepts and ideas that Yahushua was portraying to the multitudes as He spoke and taught them; and that this testing of Yahushua may have stemmed from the man's unbelief...

Numbers 26:52-56 52 And Yahuah spake unto Moses, by saying: 53 To these the land shall be divided, for an inheritance, according to the number of names. 54 To many you shall give the more inheritance, and to few you shall give the less inheritance: to every one shall his inheritance be given according to those that were numbered of him. 55 Notwithstanding the land shall be divided by lot: according to the names of the tribes of their fathers they shall inherit. 56 According to the lot shall the possession thereof be divided between many and few.

... The account continues through Numbers 27:11 of how the division of lands were allotted to what families, according to numbers and their tribes... ; and is reiterated in

Numbers 33:50-54 50 And Yahuah spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, by saying: 51 Speak to the children of Israel; and say this to them: When you have passed over Jordan and gone into the land of Canaan; 52 Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places: 53 And you shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land; and dwell in it yourselves. For I have given the land to you for a possession. 54 And you shall divide the land by lot for an inheritance among your families: and to the larger families you shall give the more inheritance, and to the families fewer in number you shall give the less inheritance: every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot falls; according to the tribes of your fathers you shall inherit.

and Joshua 14:1-5 And these are the countries which the children of Israel inherited in the land of Canaan, which Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel, distributed for inheritance to them. 2 By lot was their inheritance divided out and given, as Yahuah commanded by His use of the hand of Moses, for the nine tribes, and for the half tribe. 3 For Moses had given the inheritance of two tribes and an half tribe on the other side Jordan. However, in regard to the Levites, he gave no one any inheritance among them. 4 For the children of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim: therefore they gave no part to the Levites in the land, except fo cities to dwell in, with their suburbs for their cattle and for their substance. 5 As Yahuah commanded Moses, so the children of Israel did, and they divided the land...

The important thing to note, for the purpose of understanding the man's question, is that the land, or portions of the entirety of the land that was divided, was done by lot... 1486 gowral {go-rawl'} - small stones or pebbles that were used for systematically making decisions... the practice of the casting of lots was still used in Yahushua's day as is seen in Acts chapter 2 when Matthias was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot... so, it can be seen that the reasoning of this man was not out of place...

26) Yahushua answered the man by asking him a question. He said: What is written in the law? In what way do you understand the reading of it?... What is your perception of what is written in torah?... How would you answer this question according to your perception of what is written in the instructions given to Israel by Yahuah through Moses?...

27) The man answered Yahushua; and said: You will love Yahuah your Elohim with all your heart; and with all of your soul; and with all of your mind; and you will love your neighbor as yourself.

... love your neighbor as you love yourself... A quote from Leviticus 19:18... Taken in context, verses one through 18 need careful consideration ...

And Yahuah spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say this to them: You shall be holy! Because I, Yahuah, your Elohim, am holy. 3 Every man of you will fear his mother, and his father, and keep my sabbaths! I am Yahuah, your Elohim! 4 Do not turn toward idols, or make for yourselves molten elohim! I,Yahuah, am your Elohim! 5 If you offer a sacrifice of peace offerings unto Yahuah, then you shall offer it according to your own will. 6 It shall be eaten the same day that you offer it, and on the day after. If anything remains of it until the third day, then it shall be burnt in the fire. 7 If it is eaten at all on the third day, it is abominable; and it shall not be accepted. 8 Therefore every one that eats of it shall bear the burden of his own iniquity. Because he has profaned the hallowed thing of Yahuah: and that soul shall be cut off from among his people. 9 When ye reap the harvest of your land, you shalt not totally reap the corners of your field; and neither shalt you gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10 Also, you shalt not glean your vineyard; and neither shalt you gather every grape from your vineyard. You shalt leave them for the poor and stranger! I, Yahuah, am your Elohim. 11 You shall not steal! Neither shall you deal falsely! Neither shall you lie to one another. 12 Ye shall not swear an oath to anyone, by using my name, falsely; and neither shalt you profane the name of your Elohim! I am Yahuah! 13 You shalt not defraud your neighbor... 7453 rea` {ray'-ah} - friend, companion, fellow, another person...; and neither are you to rob him! The wages that belong to him that is hired by you shall not remain with you all night until the morning. 14 You shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind; but you will, instead, fear your Elohim! I am Yahuah! 15 You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment... There will be no injustice or unrighteousness in your making of opinions and decisions concerning others... You shalt not respect the person... 6440 paniym {paw-neem'} - the presence... the face... the appearance... of the poor, nor honor the person... 6440 paniym {paw-neem'} - the presence... the face... the appearance... of the mighty; but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.. 5997 `amiyth {aw-meeth'} - relation, associate, fellow man, another person... 16 You shal' not go up and down as a talebearer... an informer... a slanderer... a gossip desiring to injure the reputation of another person... among your people; and neither shall you stand against the blood... 1818 dam {dawm} - blood... the bloodguiltiness... of your neighbor... 7453 rea` {ray-ah'} - friend, companion, fellow, another person... I am Yahuah! 17 You shall not hate your brother in your heart; but you shall, in any way possible, rebuke your neighbor... your fellow man... another person...; and by doing so, you will not suffer... you will not support... sin... lawlessness... being upon him. 18 You shall not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor... 7453 rea` {ray-ah'} - friend, companion, fellow, fellow man, another person... as yourself! I am Yahuah!

28) Yahushua said this to the man: In saying this,... you have answered rightly;... and you have also answered your own question... Do this; and you will live... If you do these things, in the manner that you have just spoken them to me, then you will live eternally...

29) ... But the man was not satisfied with how Yahushua had handled his cryptic question with such ease; and so, with the purpose of justifying himself,... with the intention of exhibiting that he, himself was not being viewed by Yahushua in the manner that he thought he should be considered... that he should be taken more seriously, as a learned scholar and teacher of Moses traditions and laws... he spoke again; and said this to Yahushua: And just who is my neighbor?... 4139 plesion {play-see'-on} - neighbor... friend... fellow...

30) Yahushua, in answer, said this: A certain man went down from the city of Yerushalem, was going toward Yericho... 2410 Hiericho {hee-er-ee-kho'} - "place of fragrance" - a well known city, located between Yerushalem and the Yardane River - 5 miles (8km) west of the Yardane River and 7 miles (11.5km) north of the Dead Sea, which at the time of Yahushua abounded in the production of balsam, honey, cyprus, roses, and other fragrant products... Originally, many centuries before, the name of this city was H3405 Yeriychow {yer-ee-kho'} - "its moon" - It was the first city to be taken by the Israelites after crossing the Yardane River while coming out of the wilderness and entering into the promised land of Canaan...


A traveler would have descended from Jerusalem’s height, which is approximately twenty-five hundred feet above sea level, to Jericho’s depth, some eight hundred twenty-five feet below sea level. This steep descent of some 3300 feet took place in approximately six-tenths of a mile. Travelers, merchants, pilgrims, and soldiers have for centuries gone down to go up (by traveling north to Jericho) and gone up to go down (by traveling south to Jerusalem).

Such a dramatic change in height brought with it a startlingly rapid shift in environmental conditions that must have proven exhausting for anyone making the journey. The steep and confined slope encouraged the formation of a “rain-shadow.” Jerusalem, at that time, received about twenty inches of rainfall a year and experienced a Mediterranean climate, Jericho, during the same time reference, received only eight inches of rain a year and was more African climatically. In fact, Jericho was (and remains today) an oasis in the midst of a desert. This is so because of the water source commonly referred to as “Elisha’s Spring.”

... and fell among... 4045 peripipto {per-ee-pip'-to} - fell into a position of being powerless because of being surrounded by... thieves... 3027 lestes {lace-tace'} - robbers who openly and violently deprived others of their rightful property... who stripped this man of his clothing, wounded him; and then left him lying on the road half dead as they went on their way elsewhere.


The distance from Jerusalem to Jericho was about eighteen miles, by the shorter route which was known as "The Way of Blood." It was so known because of the highwaymen who abounded in the area...

31) It so happened that a certain priest... A direct descendant of Aaron in the tribe of Levi, who served in the temple as a priest and a chief leader of Israel who was to instruct the people of Israel in the Ways of Torah and behave according to the manner that Moses taught to Aaron and his sons... came down that same road after this man had been attacked and robbed. When this priest saw that man laying there, he went to the other side of the road in order to pass by.

32) A Levite... 3019 Leuites {lyoo-ee'-tace} - A man who was a part of the tribe of Levi; but not a descendant of Aaron. Levites who are not priests served in the temple, took orders from the priests, and kept the temple itself clean, provided the sacred loaves of the "bread of the presence", or shewbread to the priests, opened and shut the gates of the temple at the proper times, sang the psalms and sacred songs, played the musical instruments in the gatherings of people in the temple for holy occasions; and performed many, many other tasks specific to their duties as assistants to the priesthood... did the exact same thing as the priest when he came to the place in the road where the man was laying. He came to where the man was, looked... 1492 eido {i-do'} - He looked at him as he lay there... and then passed by on the other side of the road.

*** Some things to consider -

Both of these men of the "elite" tribe of Levi that was set apart by Yahuah from all the other tribes for service to Him and His People, were supposed to know, understand, and even teach the meaning of "love your neighbor... your fellow man... another person... just as you love yourself"...; and they knew or should have known that this saying was never meant to indicate a behavior that was antagonistic toward a foreigner just because he/she was not a natural born true Israelite

However, it seems that a distortion of the concept was taught at this time, for it is well known that gentiles were deemed as defiled. Unclean for purposes of personal association, so much so that it was considered, by the Jews, a profanity to eat a meal with a gentile. Kepha was spoken to by Yahuah about this very concept in Acts chapter 10 just before Cornelius and his house was given an allotment of Yahushua's Spirit prior to their immersion in the name of Yahushua; and again when Kepha was publicly rebuked by the apostle Shaul because he presented a double mind regarding gentile association in the presence of Jews who had become believers of the Way of Yahushua that had come from Yerushalem. As is found in Galatians 2:11-21.

In this case, however, the man who lay wounded in the roadway was not depicted to be of any particular race or origin, so he could have been either a Jew, an Israelite, a Samaritan, or someone from a purely gentile background of descendancy. That he was traveling to Yericho from Yerushalem gives us no indication of his race or ethnic background, because others were also on the same road from a multitude of genealogical origins... In any of these cases, the compassion that should have been shown by Yahuah's "elite" was missing entirely regardless of their reasoning...

33) Then, a certain Samaritan man came down the road as he traveled; and when he came to the place where the wounded man was, he saw him lying there and had compassion on him.

34) This Samaritan went to where the man lay in the road and bandaged up his wounds. He poured soothing oil and disinfecting wine on the open, bloody places of the man's body. Then he picked up the half dead man and placed him on his own beast of burden. He then continued on down the road and eventually came to an inn... 3829 pandocheion {pan-dokk-i'-on} - a public house that was kept open for the reception of strangers who would stop there for rest, something to drink, or a meal while on a journey... where he stopped for the night and took care of the man.

35) The next day, when the Samaritan man left the inn to complete his journey, he took two denarion out of his bag... two Roman silver coins of the day that represented the equivalent of two days wages... and gave them to the host... 3830 pandocheus {pan-dokh-yoos'} - to the innkeeper... and said this to him: Take care of this man; and whatever it is that you spend while looking after him and providing care for him that is above the amount I am now giving to you, I will repay it to you on my return trip.

36) Then, after having spoken this narrative to the lawyer... 3544 nomikos {nom-ik-os} - to the man who professed himself to be, and was recognized by others as, an interpreter and teacher of the Mosaic laws... that had asked Him the question of "Just who is my neighbor?", Yahushua then asked him a question, and said: Which of these three men do you think was a neighbor... 4139 plesion {play-see'-on} - was a fellow man... was a friend... was friendly toward and not an enemy... to the man who was surrounded, robbed, and wounded half to death by thieves and robbers?

37) The man answered Yahushua and said: The man who did actions of mercy on him. Yahushua said to the lawyer who had thought to test him: Then, since you see this with the eye of your mind; and you perceive correctly what the torah says in regard to your original question of me. You go and do the same actions of mercy to others you meet in this life, regardless of their heritage, religion, or ethnic background; and you will receive the ability to live eternally.

Important Note:

Yahushua caused this man, who stood up to be recognized as someone that could test this teacher of the laws and traditions of Moses, to see himself as he really was.

This story of a Samaritan man, who would not have been looked upon by the Jews as being of any account in their estimation; and was certainly not someone who would have been taught the ways of Israel by the Levites, revealed him to have been better acquainted with the concepts of mercy and compassion that are not restricted by any man made and enforced boundaries than those who should have been taking those actions and possessing those characteristics in their hearts as a normal behavior in the course of their everyday lives... The Master Yahushua used this man's own behavior to reveal, to himself, the truth of how his nature and character prevented him from acquiring the ability to live forever...

38) Then, later, this happened as they continued to travel toward Yerushalem. They entered into a certain village; and a woman named Martha... 3136 {mar'-thah} - Probably an Aramaic originated word for "she was rebellious"... received Him into her house/household... invited Him to cross the threshold of her house and become a part of her household...

39) Martha had a sister named Mary... 3137 Maria [mar-ee'-ah} or Mariam {mar-ee-am'} - "their rebellion" - in this case the sister of Lazarus in the village of Bethany... who sat at Yahushua's feet while He was there; and heard His word... 191 akouo {ak-oo'-o} - she paid particular attention to what He taught and spoke of because she perceived the sense of what He was saying...

40) Martha, however, was distracted away from listening to the Master Yahushua with her perception of responsibility, because she was loaded down with the importance of accomplishing the many tasks of serving her guests; and she came to Yahushua, and said: Master! Don't you care that my sister has left me to do all of the work that has to be done so that all of you can be served? Won't You tell her to come and help me because I have too much to do all by myself?

41) Yahushua answered her, and said this: Martha... Martha... You are careful... you are anxious... you are troubled with cares... and troubled... and you are disquieted in your mind... about a great many things;

42) But only one thing is really necessary. Mariam has chosen that good part out of all the things that could be considered a necessity; and it is this portion, that she has chosen out of all that can be considered, that will not be taken away from her.

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