Sunday, August 28, 2011

Luke Chapter 8 (Expounded)

Luke Chapter 8

1) After having demonstrated His very different manner of viewing things regarding how His comprehension of Yahuah applies to every day life and people while at Simon the Pharisee's house, Yahushua then continued His travels throughout every city and village in the region surrounding Galilee. Preaching and making known the good news of the impending arrival of the kingdom of the Elohim Yahuah; and the ability to become a part of that kingly domain that those who understood the nature of His words would have. The twelve disciples whom Yahushua had named as His apostles... His delegates... were accompanying Him.

*** Interesting side notes...

"Galilee" H1551 Galyl {gaw-leel'} - "circuit", or "district" - was a territory in Naphtali largely occupied by heathen - it was a circuit of towns around Kedesh-Naphtali in which were situated the 20 towns given by Solomon to Hiram, king of Tyre, as payment for his work in moving timber from Lebanon to Yerushalem...

G1056 Galilee {gal-il-ah'-yah} - transliterated from Hebrew H1551 - still means "circuit"; but it is known as the name of a region of what is now known as "Palestine", a short version of "Syria Palaestina", the name given to the some of the lands of original Israel by Rome to facilitate Jewish disassociation with those lands after putting down the Bar Kochba rebellion against Rome around 132-136 A.D. sixty plus years after Titus took Yerushalem in 70 A.D.... In Arabic, Palaestina is pronounced Filistina - Rome took the hated name of Philistine and placed it on lands of Israel... This makes one wonder if Rome really knew what they had done beyond their intent of displacement and disassociation of Jews?...

2) Certain women who had been healed from the influence of evil spirits and infirmities on their bodies and minds were also with them. There was Mariam, who was surnamed... nicknamed... Magdalene, out of whom had gone seven devils... 1140 daimonion {dahee-mon'ee-on} - demons... spirits that are servants of the adversary of Yahuah and His Order...

3) There was Yoanna,... 2489 {ee-o-an'nah} - "Yahuah is a gracious giver"... the wife of Chuza,... 5583 {khood-zas'} - "the seer"... who was Herod's steward; and there were many others with them. They all attended to the provision of necessities for living every day, that Yahushua and His disciples had need of, from out of their own possessions, goods, and money.

4) When a multitude of people had gathered together because of the fame of His teachings and deeds, from out of every city and town in the surrounding regions, Yahushua then spoke to them through a parable... a fictitional story used as a means of portraying an example, or, comparison of one thing with another, so that a concept, perception, or doctrine can be presented...

5) He said this: A sower went out to scatter his seeds. As he scattered seeds around, some fell beside a road. Those seeds were trampled on and kicked around by those walking the road; and the birds flew down and ate them.

6) Then Yahushua said: Some seeds fell on a rock... 4073 petra {pet'-ra} - a cliff edge, a ledge of projecting rock, or rocky ground...; and as soon as some of those seeds began to open up and take root, they dried up because of the lack of moisture on the surface of the rocky area they had landed on.

7) He continued: Some of those seeds which had been scattered around fell among thorns,... 173 akantha {ak'-an-thah} - a thorny patch of plants... patch of briers... those thorny, bushy plants grew up while those seeds took root and began to grow; and the bushes of thorns choked out the seedlings. Preventing them from growing.

8) Then He said: Other seeds which had been scattered fell on good land. They took root and grew up to produce fruits that were a hundred times more in number than themselves. Then, after Yahushua had said these things, He spoke out with a loud voice: Whoever has ears to hear with... 3775 ous {ooce} - metaphorically: whoever has the ability to percieve the sense of what I am saying... let them hear... 191 akou {ak-oo'-o} - let them understand... comprehend... they should listen and learn from what they are hearing...

9) Yahushua's disciples then asked Him, by saying: What is this parable supposed to mean?

*** NOTE ***

There is a separation indicated here!!!

Yahushua's disciples indicated that they themselves did not comprehend what had just been illustrated to them by the story they had just heard... So, there must have been others within that great multitude to whom Yahushua spoke out loudly on that day. Possibly as a warning, or fulfillment of prophecy against those who could not understand. Quite possibly Yahushua spoke loudly to those who would comprehend His words at a later time. For it was to His disciples that Yahushua revealed the meaning of this and many other parables... and not to others... But Luke, a gentile, claims full understanding... Stephen, a Hebrew, clearly showed his complete comprehension. Both of these men heard from the disciples what Yahushua had taught to them... The selection of Yahuah is demonstrated by what Yahushua is doing and saying this day... Otherwise, Yahushua could simply have drawn His disciples aside, away from the multitude, to speak this parable and it's meaning to them alone...

10) Yahushua answered them: It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Elohim Yahuah; but to others, these mysteries are given in parables. So that even though they see these things take place they will be blind to their meaning; and so that even though they hear the words being spoken they will not comprehend what has been said.

11) The meaning of the parable I spoke of to all of you is this: The seed that has been scattered is the word... 3056 logos {log'-os} - the words, spoken by the Truly Living Voice of Yahuah, that give definite form to the concepts and ideas of the True Truth... of Elohim Yahuah.

12) Those seeds that have fallen by the side of the road are those who hear and understand the concepts and ideas of Truth from Yahuah; but have that understanding of True Truth taken from their hearts by the influence of the devil... 1228 diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os} - the false accuser and slanderer of the name and memory of Yahuah and His Order... For the effect of the influence of the devil on their hearts prevents them from believing and being rescued from the destruction that is coming for all that are not a part of Yahuah's Order and Truth.

13) Those seeds that fell on the rocky place represent those who hear Yahuah's voice, understand the concepts and ideas of Real Truth; and receive that comprehension of Truth with joy. These are they that have no root to be strengthened from,... they are branches or shoots not attached to the vine, which is Yahushua, and they do not have the Comforter, the Spirit of Yahushua, within them... who believe for a measure of time; and in a time of temptation... a time when their own cravings and deep desires for what is not allowed in Yahuah's Order are given into and they cause themselves to... fall away... 868 aphistemi {af-is'-tay-mee} - be removed... they withdraw themselves from their rescue and salvation...

14) Those seeds that fell among the thorny bush plants are those who, when they had heard and comprehended the voice of Yahuah speaking Real Truth to them, go out to continue the life journey they were on when the comprehension took place; and their minds eye becomes choked with the cares, and riches, and pleasures of life; and they bring no fruit to perfection... maturity... they produce no mature fruit...

15) On the other hand, those seeds that fell on the good land are they who hear and comprehend Yahuah's voice, His Truth, and the True Reality of His Order and Creation in an honest and good heart; and produce fruit with patience.

16) Listen to me as I speak this parable to you: No one, when a candle has been lit, covers it with a vessel of some kind or puts it under a bed; but instead, the one who lit the candle sets it on top of a lamp stand so that those who enter the room can see the light... In other words: If the light of Yahuah's Truth, Order and Reality is truly living within you, then, you will not hide the light from shining out of yourselves; but will instead make every effort to cause the light to be seen by all who come into whatever place or area you are in...

17) I tell you this in this manner to point out to you that nothing is secret... hidden... concealed in some manner... which will not be made plainly recognized or known. Nothing is hidden that will not be known about and made to be apparent to all.

18) So take heed to yourselves... pay close attention to yourselves... regarding how you listen to and consider what has been said to you. Because whoever has... whoever has the ability to perceive the sense of what is really being said by the voice of Yahuah... which includes Yahushua and the Spirit of Yahushua. Whether the Spirit is speaking directly, or through someone, or some set of circumstances... to him/her will be given... 1325 didomi {did'-o-mee} - to him/her will necessary things be furnished... to him/her will things be intrusted...; and whoever does not have the ability to hear Yahuah's voice and perceive the sense of Truth that is being spoken, from that one will be forcibly removed whatever ability to perceive truth that he/she seems to possess.

19) Then, Yahushua's mother and brothers arrived at wherever this huge multitude had gathered; and they could not get through to be where Yahushua was in the middle of the crowd.

20) Word of the arrival of Yahushua's mother and brothers was passed through the multitude; and finally, Yahushua was told: Your mother and your brothers are standing outside; and they desire to see you.

21) He answered those who spoke this message to Him, by saying: My mother, and my brothers, are these who hear the word of Elohim Yahuah and do it...

*** Compare with...

Matthew 12:46-50 While he yet talked to the people, his mother and his brethren stood outside, desiring to speak with him. 47 Then someone said unto him: Look, thy mother and thy brethren... your family... is standing without... outside..., desiring to speak with you. 48 But he answered and said to the one that told this to him: Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? 49 Then he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold... Look! Here is... my mother and my brethren!... Look! Here is my family... 50 For whoever shall do the will of my Father. Who is in heaven. They are my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:31-35 31 There came then his brethren and his mother; and standing outside, they sent word to him, calling him to come to them. 32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him: Behold, thy mother and thy brethren... members of your family... are outside seeking for you. 33 And he answered them, by saying: Who is my mother, or my brethren?... Who is my family?... 34 And he looked round about on them who sat around him, and said: Look! Here are my mother and my brethren! 35 For whoever shall do the will of Elohim Yahuah is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

22) Then, one day, this happened. Yahushua went onto a ship with His disciples... those 12 disciples he now called apostles...; and He said this to them: Let's go over to the other side of the lake. So they set sail for the other side of the lake...

23) As they sailed on, Yahushua fell asleep. Then, a storm of wind came up... 2978 lailaps {lah'-ee-laps} - a violent attack of wind... a squall... a suddenly occurring storm on an expanse of water that comes out from black thunder clouds in furious, violent gusts of wind and sometimes flooding rain, with rough, pounding waves that throw everything on the surface of the water topsy-turvy and flood a ship... and they were filled... the ship they were in became heavy with the amount of water the breaking waves had deposited in it;... and they were in danger of sinking.

24) They came to Yahushua and woke Him up, by saying: Master! Master! We are going to die. Then, Yahushua got up and rebuked... spoke sharply in admonishment and command to... the howling winds and the raging of the water; and they ceased. There was a calm.

25) Then, Yahushua turned to them and said: Where is your faith? They, being terrified, wondered at... tried to get a grasp of... what had just taken place, and make sense out of what Yahushua said to them; and they began saying to one another: What kind of a man is this? He also gives orders to the winds and the waters; and they obey Him?

*** "Where is your faith?" - Just what was Yahushua saying here to His disciples?

26) They continued on their journey and arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is over against Galilee... on the opposite side of Lake Gennesaret from where the region of Galilee is located...

1046 Gadarenos {gad-ar-ay-nos'} - "reward at the end" - also called Gergesenes, this was the capital of Peraea, located on the banks of the river named Hieromax which flowed some distance southeast of the southern extremity of Lake Gennesaret

3612 Gadara {gad'-a-ra} - inferenced as " Country of the Gadarenes": This city is not named in Scripture, but the territory belonging to it is spoken of as Grk: chora ton Gadarenon, "country of the Gadarenes" . In the parallel passages we read: Grk: chora ton Gerasenon "country of the Gerasenes." There is no good reason, however, to question the accuracy of the text in either case. The city of Gadara is represented today by the ruins of Umm Qeis on the heights south of el-Chummeh--the hot springs in the Yarmuk valley--about 6 miles Southeast of the Sea of Galilee. It maybe taken as certain that the jurisdiction of Gadara, as the chief city in these regions, extended over the country East of the Sea, including the lands of the subordinate town, GERASA (look it up). The figure of a ship frequently appears on its coins. which is conclusive proof that its territory reached the sea. The place might therefore be called, with propriety, either "land of the Gerasenes," with reference to the local center, or "land of the Gadarenes," with reference to the superior city...

27) When Yahushua went off of the ship onto land, outside of the city, a man met Him who had been under the influence of devils... 1140 daimonion {dahee-mon'ee-on} - demons... spirits that are servants of the adversary of Yahuah and His Order... for a long time. He wore no clothes. He did not live in a house of any kind. Instead, he lived in the tombs... 3418 mnema {mnay'-mah} - what we call today a graveyard... this man lived in and among structures and memorials built in designated places outside of the city, where the dead are buried, to preserve their memory...

28) When this man saw Yahushua, he cried out with a loud voice and fell down in front of Him; and then spoke out loudly and said: What do I have to do with you, Yahushua, Son of Yahuah the Most High Elohim? I beg you not to torment me!

29) The man had said this because Yahushua had ordered the unclean spirit to come out of the man. Because that spirit often seized mental control of the man to the point of him not being in physical control of himself; and he was kept chained, or tied up because of this happening to him frequently; but the man, under the influence of the demon, would break whatever he was bound with, and he would be driven by the influence of the demon into the wilderness outside of the city.

30) Yahushua asked the demon that was in control of this man: What is your name? He answered and said: Legion... 3003 {leg-i-ohn'} - a word of Latin origin which is used, in this case, to indicate an indefinitely large number... because many demons had entered into him and had control of him.

31) Those demons begged Yahushua not to send them out into the deep... 12 abussos {ab'-us-sos} - the pit... the abyss... the bottomless pit... a place that these demons and Yahushua knew of which is referenced twice outside of the book of Revelation... in Romans 10:7 and here in Luke 8:31. Otherwise, in Revelation, it is referenced in 9:1&2; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1&3. It is not the lake of fire found in Rev. 20:2 & 10. Satan is thrown into this place for a thousand years in Rev. 20:1&2...

32) There was a herd of many swine feeding on the mountain; and those demons asked Yahushua to allow them to enter into that herd. Yahushua allowed them to do so.

33) Then, the demons came out of the man and entered into the swine. The whole herd ran violently down a steep place and into the lake... Lake Gennesaret... where they all drowned.

34) When those who were tending the herd of swine watched and understood what had happened, the ran away from that place and told about what had happened in the city and the country around it.

35) Then, after they had told the news, many came back to where Yahushua was. They found the man from out of whom all these demons had left of their own accord, sitting at the feet of Yahushua, fully clothed and in his right mind; and they were seized with fear.

36) They who saw all this take place also told them how the man who had been taken over by demons was healed.

37) Then, the whole multitude of all who were in the country of the Gadarenes surrounding them asked Yahushua to leave them and take Himself away from there. For they were all seized with terror and dread; and Yahushua went back onto the ship, cast off, and returned back to Galilee from where He had come.

38) The man who had the demons leave him asked Yahushua if he could leave there and go with Him; but Yahushua sent him away, by saying:

39) Return to your own house... your own household...; and show to them all of the great things that Yahuah has done to you. The man went his way and proclaimed the great things that Yahushua had done to him throughout the whole city.

40) When Yahushua returned to Galilee, the people of that region received Him... 588 apodechomai {ap-od-ekh'-om-ahee} - they welcomed Him back and treated Him with warm and generous hospitality... for they all were waiting for Him to return.

41) A man named Jairus... 2383 Iaeiros {ee-ah'-i-ros} - (Yahiros) - "whom Yah enlightens" - from H02971 Ya'iyr {yaw-ere'} - "He enlightens"..., who was a ruler of the synagogue in that area, came looking for Yahushua; and when he had found Him, he fell down prostrate at His feet. Jairus... Yahiros {yah-ee-ros'} then spoke to Yahushua and begged Him to come to his house.

42) Yahiros had only one daughter, who was about twelve years of age; and she was dying. As Yahushua went with the man toward his house to see about his daughter, the crowd surrounded them and pressed in on them so tightly that they could hardly breathe, let alone move.

43) It was then that a woman was in the tightly packed together crowd around Yahushua. She was behind Him. This woman had been suffering from a constant flow of blood from her body for twelve years. During all of those years she spent all that she had earned, day to day, going from one physician to another trying to find a remedy for her condition. None of the physicians that she went to; and none of the remedies they suggested she try for those twelve years could help her stem the flow of blood from her body.

44) This woman, caught in the throng of people pressing in on Yahushua, somehow made her way to Him from behind and touched the border... 2899 kraspedon {kras'-ped-on} - the edge of the tassel... the edge of the Tzit Tzit which hung from the hem of the mantle or cloak that He wore over His clothes...; and immediately the blood stopped flowing from her body.

45) Yahushua said: Who touched me? Everyone near Him denied doing so. Kepha, and those who were with him, said: Master, the crowd surrounds you and presses in on you. Many have touched you. Why are you asking who it is that has touched you?

46) Yahushua answered them, and said: Someone has touched me. For I perceive... 1097 ginosko {ghin-oce'-ko} - I know this because I feel that... virtue... 1411 dunamis {doo'-nam-is} - strength... power... inherent power... in this case the inherent power and ability to use that power that is residing within Yahushua because of its nature and His nature, which He exerts or puts out when He does what is in His nature to do... has gone out from me.

47) When the woman, who was watching and listening, discerned that her secret was not hidden from Yahushua, she came to Him, trembling; and fell down in front of Him. She then told Yahushua, in front of all the people who were there, of the reason she had touched Him, even though she knew that she risked her life in doing so; and of how she had immediately been healed when she had done so.

48) Yahushua then said to her: Daughter, calm yourself. Cheer up and be comforted. Your faith has healed you. Go on your way in peace.

49) While Yahushua was saying this to her, someone approached Yahiros through the crowd. He had come from the ruler of the synagogue's house with a message that said: Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Master.

50) Yahushua heard the news that Yahiros had been given; and said: Do not fear. Just believe; and she will be healed.

51) When Yahushua arrived at the house, He did not allow anyone to go in except for Kepha, Yacob, and Yochanan; and the father and mother of the young girl.

52) Everyone who was already in the house was weeping and wailing loudly because of her death; but Yahushua said: Don't cry. She's not dead. She is just asleep.

53) They all responded to what Yahushua said with scornful, mocking laughter. Because they knew the girl was dead.

54) Yahushua then spoke with an authority that could not be refused; and sent them all out of that place. He then picked up and held the girl's hand, and said: Little Girl... Wake up...

55) Her spirit came back into her. She opened her eyes. She recognized her surroundings; and she got up immediately. Yahushua then gave orders that she should be given some food.

56) Her parents were astonished; but Yahushua commanded them that they were not to tell anyone about what had just been done.

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