Sunday, August 28, 2011

Luke Chapter 9 (Expounded)

Luke Chapter 09

1) Then Yahushua called His twelve delegate disciples together. He then gave them power and authority over all demons; and the ability to exercise that same power in curing diseases.

2) He then sent them out to proclaim, openly and publicly, the kingdom of Elohim; and to heal the sick...

Somewhere between 604 and 561 BC one of the most prominent rulers mentioned by name in scripture, Nebuchadnezzar, reigned in Babylon. Sometime during this 43 years of the recorded history of mankind, the scriptural account of Daniel shows that prophecy of a kingdom to come which supersedes all other kingdoms on earth. A kingdom and dominion which will never end once it is brought to fruition on this earth; and, in the era to come of new heavens and a new earth, will continue to exist forever... eternally...

Daniel 2:31-45 31 You, O king, watched; and you saw a great... that huge... image. This great image, whose brightness... the brightness of of the splendor of which... was excellent... was extremely brilliant..., stood before you; and the form... the appearance... of it was terrible... was a reason to be terrified... 32 The head of this image was made of fine gold. Its chest area and its arms were of silver. Its abdomen and thighs were made of brass. 33 Its legs were made of iron. Its feet were made partly of iron and partly of clay. 34 You watched this image until you saw that a stone was cut out without hands. You watched as this stone struck the image on its feet of iron and clay; and broke them to pieces. 35 Then you watched as the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, were broken into pieces by this stone. Then you watched as that huge image became like the dusty chaff that is found on the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried all the pieces of the huge image away, so that no place was found for them. Then you saw how the stone that had struck down the image became a great mountain; and it filled the whole earth. 36 This is the dream that you saw; and we will tell the interpretation of it before the king. 37 You, O king, are a king of kings. For the El of heaven has given you a kingdom, and power, and strength, and glory. 38 Wherever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven has he put into your hand, and the El of Heaven has made you ruler over them all. You are this head of gold. 39 After you shall rise up another kingdom which will be inferior to you; and then another will rise. A third kingdom, of brass, which shall have the power to rule over all the earth. 40 Then, the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron. For it is well known that iron, in its strength and hardness, breaks in pieces and subdues everything; and like the iron that breaks all these things, this kingdom shall break things into pieces and bruise them. 41 Then, where it was that you saw the feet and toes, made partly of potters' clay, and partly of iron, the kingdom shall become divided; but there shall exist within it some of the strength of the iron. For you know that you saw the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 Just like the toes of the feet, made partly of iron, and partly of clay, the entire kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 Then, just as you saw the iron mixed with miry clay, so it will be that they which are made partly of iron and of clay shall mingle themselves with the descendants of men; but they shall not cling to one to another....

NOTE: "they who are made of iron" - The innate nature of iron, as it is depicted in this kingdom, is forceful, destructive, unchanging, and domineering. It is willfully rebellious against all other authority. Intense heat must be used to soften it so it can be shaped; and can destroy it if used to do so. This nature can be found in those of mankind whose concept of "survival of the fittest" is what constitutes their own perceived ability to rule over others by force and domination... they possess a comprehension of mercy that is self serving in some way if it is exercised at all... The characteristics of this nature originate from the inherent nature that belongs to the adversary of Yahuah...

"and those who are made of clay"... the innate, inherent nature of clay is one that is malleable. It is able to be formed into whatever shape that is desired by the potter; and, when the forming is finally done, heat is used to harden the shaped clay permanently. In this kingdom, this could be speaking of the clay like nature of those who had become a part of Yahuah's Order through Yahushua. Those, who have this nature are, they who are believers of the Way of Yahushua, whose names are written in the Book of the Living... This nature can be found in those of mankind who have been transformed, in their hearts, into new creatures. It is this type of individual that has experienced and understands true mercy; and extends it freely from themselves as a characteristic of their new nature. Those, having this nature, perceive the concept of "survival of the fittest" as one which conforms to Yahuah's Order and Will... For they understand that their eternal existence is dependent upon the approval and acceptance of Yahuah... The characteristics of this nature are found to be in Yahushua, the only Son who has been born into mankind, whose Father is Yahuah...

This may well be the era that began with the appearing of Yahushua on earth as both a Son of Man and Son of Yahuah before all. Yahushua Brought words of comfort and actions of healing; and taught the concept of the kingdom of Yahuah as one that actually was imminent, instead of a prophetical happening that would take place "some time in the future". The kingdom and reigning dominion of Yahuah on earth, seen as a spiritual kingdom, began to be alive in the hearts and hopes of those taught to expect physical, material manifestations of the nature and order of Yahuah's Spirit at this time. This faith has never ended for those who are His... This faith has been reflected, since it began to bear fruit, in the politics of kingdoms of the earth... All of which will be overthrown and overtaken by the kingdom of the People of the Most High...

We, who are a part of Yahushua; and therefore a part of Yahuah's Order, await the return of Yahushua from the heavenly realm to earth. We occupy until He comes. We are in this world order but not truly a part of it; and the influence we have on this world order is one that brings praise and honor to Yahuah. The kingdom of iron, the nature of the order of this world, is made disunited as a result. The effects of the two spiritual natures, existing side by side and never truly blending, on this world order can be seen throughout history. We, collectively, have been waiting since His resurrection in accordance with His promise and prophecy of return as the earth has continued on; and as the offspring of mankind have continued to be born into this world... Some to be exhibiting the natural characteristics of iron and unchanging; and some, being reborn, exhibiting that of clay, which "shall mingle themselves among the descendants of men; but they shall not cling to one to another"...

Continuing on with verse 43...
... Just as iron is not able to be mixed with clay. 44 In the days of these kings shall the Elohim of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to be ruled by other people... people who are strangers and foreigners to Yahuah's Order and Nature will never overcome the kingdom of the Most Holy People of the Most High... Instead, this kingdom shall break in pieces and consume all of these kingdoms; and it shall stand for ever. 45 You now know this in view of the fact that you saw the stone, which was cut out of the mountain without hands; and you watched as it broke into pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold kingdoms. The Sovereign El has made known to the king what shall come to pass in the future The dream is certain... reliable... true..., and the interpretation of it is to be trusted and believed.

Daniel 7:13-28 13 I saw visions in the night. I saw a Son of man arrive with the clouds of heaven. He came to the Ancient of days; and I watched and saw that he was summoned to be before him. 14 There was given to him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom. So that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting sovereignty which shall not pass away... an everlasting sovereignty which will never be deposed, replaced, or overthrown...; and his reign over that kingdom is one which shall not be destroyed. 15 I, Daniel, was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me. 16 I came near to one of those that stood nearby; and asked him to show me the truth of all this. So he told me; and made me know the interpretation of the things. 17 He said: These four huge beasts are four kings, and their kingdoms, which shall arise out of the earth. 18 But the Holy Ones of the most High shall take the kingly authority to rule and reign; and they will possess the authority to rule within their kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. 19 Then I asked so that I would know and understand the truth of the fourth beast. Which was different from all the others. For it was exceedingly dreadful. Its teeth were made of iron; and its nails were made of brass. It devoured. It broke things into pieces and stomped on what remained with its feet. 20 Then I asked about the ten horns that were in its head, and about the other horn that came up. Before which three of the other horns fell. I even asked about the horn that had eyes, and a mouth, that spoke very great things. Whose appearance was more powerful than its fellows. 21 I watched while that same horn made war with the Most Holy Ones of the Most High; and prevailed against them; 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the Most Holy Ones of the Most High; and the time came that the Most Holy Ones possessed the kingdom. 23 It will come to pass in this manner, he said: The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,... the kingdom of iron, which shall be different from all kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 24 The ten horns out of this kingdom will be ten kings who shall arise; and another shall rise after them. He shall be different from the first... the first ten kings...; and he shall subdue three kings. 25 He shall speak words against the Most High; and shall wear out the Most Holy People of the Most High. He will think to change times and laws; and they... the Most Holy People and/or the times and laws that they would normally be obedient to... shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26 Then, those who are to pass the judgment shall sit; and they shall take away his dominion. To consume and to destroy his dominion until the end. 27 Then, the ruling power, authority, and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole vast expanse of heaven, shall be given to the people who are the Holy Ones of the Most High. The royal power and dominion of the Holy Ones... who are a part... of the Most High El of Heaven, is an everlasting reign of authority; and all dominions shall serve and obey Him. 28 For now, this is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart...

Back to Luke 9:
3) As Yahushua sent them out, He said this to them: Take nothing for your journey... Don't pack for your trip... Don't take a walking stick or staff to lean on. Don't take a wallet or bag to carry provisions in. Don't take bread. Don't take money; and don't any of you take any extra clothing.

4) Whatever house you enter into, remain there for the time you are in that city, town, or village; and then leave.

5) Whoever will not receive you... In whatever city, town, or village it is that you go to, whoever it is that will not listen to you and treat you with the hospitality that is customary for any messenger while heralding the good news that you are being sent out to proclaim,... then, when you leave that city, shake the dust off from your feet as a testimony against them.

6) Then, when Yahushua had finished instructing the twelve, they left. They went through the towns in the region they were in. Preaching the gospel;... proclaiming the glad tidings of the imminent arrival of the kingdom and dominion of Yahuah on the earth, which had been prophesied by Daniel and other prophets; and the salvation that had been sent by Yahuah in the form of His Son, Yahushua;... and healing people everywhere.

7) Now, Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was being done by Yahushua; and he was perplexed. Because some of those he had heard the news of these things from said that Yochanan the Immerser had risen from the dead;

8) And some others had the opinion that Eliyah had appeared; and that it was he who was exhibiting the power to perform the miracles that were being reported. Still others of those who brought news of these things to Herod thought that one of the prophets of old had risen again from the dead.

9) Herod listened to all of these opinions and accounts of what was being done by this man, and said: I beheaded Yochanan; and I know that this news can't be about him because he is dead. So, who can this be that has been doing all of these things I am hearing about?

10) When the apostles returned, they told Yahushua about all that they had done; and He withdrew from the multitude that was always around Him and took them to a deserted place belonging to the city named Bethsaida... 966 {bayth-sahee-dah'} - Aramaic for "house of fish" - a small fishing village on the western shore of Lake Gennesaret. The home town of Kepha, Andrew, Philip, and Yochanan...

11) The multitude of people, when they found out that Yahushua and His disciples had withdrawn themselves, searched for and followed Yahushua to where he had gone; and Yahushua accepted the fact that they had found Him. He spoke to them about the kingdom of Yahuah; and healed those who had need of being healed.

12) Then, when the daylight hours began to become less and less bright as the day wore on, the twelve came and said to Yahushua: You've got to send away the multitude so they can go into the nearby towns and farms around here and find food and lodging for the night. Because we are here in this deserted place.

13) Yahushua gave them this answer instead: You give them something to eat. They then said: What? How can we? We don't have enough. We only have five loaves of bread and two fish. Unless you are telling us that we should go out to search for and buy food for all these people.

14) They said this because there were about five thousand men in the multitude that had followed Yahushua to this place earlier in the day; and Yahushua said to them: Make them all sit down in groups of fifty.

15) The disciples went out amongst all the people that were gathered there and made them all sit down in groups.

16) Then, Yahushua took the five loaves of bread, and the two fish; and while looking up toward heaven, He blessed the food and broke it apart, and gave it to the disciples to set out before the multitude.

17) The multitude ate from what was distributed to them; and they were all filled to satisfaction. Then, there was a collection made of all the fragments of bread and fish that were left over. Twelve baskets full of scraps were collected.

18) Then, at another time, this happened. While Yahushua was alone, somehow set apart and away from the usual hubbub and confusion of the crowds that were always around Him, He was praying. His disciples were with Him where He was at the time; and He asked them a question, by saying: Who do the people say that I am?

19) They all gave their part of the answer; and collectively said: Well, some say Yochanan the Immerser. Some say that You are Eliyah. Some others say that you are one of the old prophets that has risen again from the dead.

20) Yahushua then said to them: They are all saying these different things concerning who they think I might be; but who is it that you say that I am? Kepha, in answer, said: You are the Anointed One sent from our Elohim, Yahuah... You are the one whom Yahuah told Moses about; and whom Moses spoke to Israel about... Deuteronomy Chapter 18...; and You are the One Whom Yahuah's Messengers spoke to Daniel about...

Deuteronomy 18:15-19 15 Yahuah, your Elohim, will raise up to you... will establish and set in place for you to hear..., a prophet from the midst of you, people of Israel, from out of your brethren, like me. You will listen to him; and be obedient to him. 16 This will be according to all that you desired from Yahuah your Elohim when you were gathered together in Horeb... at the base of Mount Sinai... in the day of the assembly. The desires which you, collectively, made known through the words you spoke, by saying: Don't let me hear the voice of Yahuah my Elohim again; and don't let me see this great fire any more either, so that I do not die. 17 Yahuah said to me at that time: They have done well to say what they have said. 18 I will raise them up a Prophet... 5030 nabiy' {naw-bee} - a spokesman... in this case, a spokesman inspired by the Spirit or Voice of Yahuah Himself... from among their brethren. Someone like you. I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them, the people of Israel, all that I shall command him to say. 19 Then, this will come to pass. Whoever it is that will not... whoever refuses to... pay attention to him and be obedient to my words, which he will speak in the agency of my name, I will require an explanation of this behavior and attitude from him...

A NOTE: Those who consider themselves Jews have long argued who this anointed one might have been, or even if he has appeared yet in the history of mankind. However, this description of the chosen, anointed one, sent from and spoken to by Yahuah Himself, could fit the profile of all of the prophets who literally spoke, not just wrote, and repeated the inspired words that Yahuah spoke to them to the people of Israel... A careful search of scripture might reveal a very small number of those who literally spoke, in a status of leadership and authority, to all of the people of Israel. This could also be a reference to Yahoshua, the son of Nun. Who was to lead the chosen people into and through the promised land after Moses was no longer leader of Israel... But more likely, this is a direct reference to the Anointed One, Yahushua, who was to appear at the appropriate time in the history of mankind and Israel. To speak to all Israel of the salvation and kingly domain and dominion of Yahuah, which had never before been truly understood on earth; and of the manifestation of His Spirit and Order reflected in those who would then think, feel, and decide all things with a comprehension based on the Spirit and Nature that is not of this world order and dominion... It is willful disobedience to this Anointed One that will bring about a demand for explanation from Yahuah Himself as He passes judgment on all who are not a part of His Order...

*** Kepha, through the words he spoke in answer to the question Yahushua asked of them all, revealed that, in the core of who and what he was becoming, he understood these things. Even though he may not have known how or why. Yahushua's reaction to that revelation, which quite possibly was shared by all or most of His chosen twelve by that time, also revealed a need for control of such information...

21) After hearing this, Yahushua immediately charged them... 2008 epitamao {ep-ee-tee-mah'-o} - admonished them strongly, with urgency, to be quiet;... and He commanded them to tell no one that particular thing... Hush!.. Don't speak so loud... "Be quiet about that; and don't speak to anyone else about it!"...

22) Yahushua then explained His reaction to their awareness, as He spoke to them in sharp, urgent tones of admonishment, by saying: ...You've got to be quiet about what you are aware of... The time is not yet right for this to be known... There are a lot of things that still have to take place... The Son of man has to experience many things; and be rejected by the elders and chief priests, and scribes. He has to be killed; and be raised from death on the third day afterward.

23) He then said to all of them: If any... 1536 ei tis {i tis} - whoever... will... 2309 thelo { thel'-o} - whoever intends to... whoever has it in their mind to... whoever it is that is determined in their purpose to... come after me... 2064 erchomai {er'khom-ahee} - to follow me after I have done what I will do..., then he/she must deny himself/herself... 533 aparneomai {ap-ar-neh'-om-ahee} - he /she must affirm within themselves that they have lost sight of their own self interests and purposes... such as the interests of self preservation and the worldly, earthy, "survival of the fittest" mentality...; and take up his cross daily... and pick up his/her stake... and pick up in order to carry on themselves whatever it is that is not a part of his/her own self oriented interests and purposes... this would incorporate, as a matter of functional purpose that is not self oriented in any way, the ideas and concepts of an Order and Nature which does not belong to the order and nature of the world as we know it to be around us... This would include picking up and carrying upon ourselves the covering that makes us "as we ought to be" in the sight of Yahuah. The covering that is hated and not comprehended by anyone who is under the dominion of that other order and nature... which is completely rebellious, destructive, and foolish in the eyes of Yahuah... and follow me... 190 akoloutheo {ak-ol-oo-theh'-o} - accompany me... become a part of Who and What I am in a sense of fellowship and unity... follow my lead and example, not only in all that I do and say; but in the why and how of what makes me Who and What I am... just as I follow and am a part of my Father, His Nature, and His Order...

24) Whoever seeks to save his own life... through the methods and means of survival that are a part of this earth and its nature... will lose his life; but, whoever will... whoever deliberately intends to... lose... 622 apollumi {ap-ol-loo-mee} - put an end to... abolish... put out of the way entirely... his/her life... 5590 psuche {psoo-khay'} - his natural, rational abilities for survival in this world... which is earthy in its nature... for my sake... 1752 heneka {hen'ek-ah} - for this cause... on account of me... Because of their awareness of Who and What I am, as Kepha has declared... the one who has this purpose within their self... will save his/her life...

25) Ask yourself what advantage a man has... what profit does a man have... if he is able to gain... if he is able to acquire control of... the whole world; and lose himself... and destroy himself in the process... or be cast away... or sustain damage to himself and be found unfit to maintain what he has acquired; and thereby suffer loss?...

26) For I tell you this: Whoever it is that will be ashamed of their association with me... as selfless ones not seeking a gain or profit of some kind by using others... and whoever is ashamed of my words... of whatever it is that I have spoken about and taught according to the nature of Who and What I am... The Son of Man will be ashamed of him/her when He will return in the honor and majesty that is His, and the Father's; and is also the honor and splendor which belongs to the Most Holy messengers who have been sent by Yahuah.

27) More than this, I speak this truth to you. There are some, who are standing here now, that will not experience the death of their bodies until they see... 1492 eido {i-do'} or oida {oy'-da} - comprehend... perceive with the eyes of the mind... discern, pay attention to and observe... experience the nature and order of... the kingdom... 932 basileia {bas-il-i'-ah} - the royal power... the dominion... of Yahuah... The royal power and dominion of the Order and Nature of Yahuah will be understood and experienced, personally and individually by some, who are standing here today, before they experience the death of their bodies...

28) Then, about eight days after Yahushua had said these things to them, it happened that Yahushua took Kepha, and Yochanan, and Yacob with Him; and went up onto a mountain to pray.

29) As He was praying, the outward appearance of His face and body began to be different; and His clothing became brilliant white and radiant like the blinding brightness of lightning.

30) Suddenly there were two men talking with Him. They were Moses and Eliyah.

31) They made their appearance in a brilliant, majestic splendor; and spoke with Yahushua about His death. Which He was to cause to take place in Yerushalem.

32) This took place while Kepha and those who were with him became weighed down with sleep; and when they had awakened from that slumber, they then saw Yahushua's brilliant splendor and the two men who stood talking with Him.

33) It happened, as the two were leaving Him, that Kepha said to Yahushua: Master! It is a good thing that we are here to witness what is taking place here. Shouldn't we make three tabernacles... 4633 skene {skay-nay'} - tent, hut, or shady area comprised of branches and leaves, or animal skins over a framework, or some other materials... to stand as a witness marking this event?... One for You, one for Moses; and one for Eliyah. He said this, not fully understanding what he was saying when he made the suggestion.

34) While Kepha was still speaking to Yahushua about his idea, a bright, shining cloud began to form; and it surrounded them with its brightness. They were seized with fear as they entered the cloud.

35) Then, the sound of spoken words came from out of the cloud, which said: This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.

36) Then, when the sound of spoken words was over, they recognized the fact that Yahushua was alone. They kept silent about what had taken place there on the mountain; and they told no one, in those days, about any of the things they had witnessed.

37) Then, on the next day, as they were coming down from the mountain, this happened. Many people met them as they came down from where they had been.

38) A man within the group that met with them cried out: Master! I beg You! Look at my son! Because he's my only child!

39) There is a spirit that takes control of him; and he cries out suddenly when this happens! It causes him to go into convulsions so bad that he foams at the mouth afterward; and it causes him to break down into quivering. This thing never really leaves him.

40) I begged your disciples to cast this spirit out; and they couldn't do it!

41) Yahushua, answering the pleading cries of the man, said this: Faithless... Unbelieving... and perverse... distorted, corrupted, turned aside from the right path of life... generation... race of men... How much longer am I to be with you and experience you? Bring your son here to me.

42) As the man's son was being brought to Yahushua, the demon threw the boy down; and caused him to go into convulsions again. Yahushua rebuked... spoke sharply to and gave orders to... the unclean spirit; and then He healed the child and gave him back to the control of his father.

43) All who were there, witnessing the event take place, were amazed at the mighty power of Yahuah. Also, while each of them all wondered at all the things Yahushua did, He said to His disciples:

44) Make sure that what was said here sinks deeply into your ears. Because the Son of man is going to be given over into custody of the power that belongs to men.

45) His disciples did not understand what was said to them at the time; and its meaning was hidden from them so that they were not able to perceive the sense of what Yahushua was talking about. They were also afraid to ask Yahushua to explain these things to them.

46) Then, at some other time, within the small number of Yahushua's apostles a deliberation arose between them about which of them was greatest... 3187 meizon {mide'-zone} - greater, larger, elder, stronger... among them... greater in stature... aptitude... ability...

47) Yahushua, having discerned the thoughts that were in their hearts, called a child to his side out of the multitudes that were always surrounding them.

48) He then spoke to His little group of delegates that He had chosen from out of all those who followed His teachings and accompanied Him wherever He traveled; and He said: Whoever it is that will receive... 1209 dechomai {dekh'-om-ahee} - accept... approve of and be hospitable to... this child in my name... Whoever will welcome someone such as this child, who has no real stature or greatness of his own yet because of being a child, with friendship and goodwill; and whoever will make someone such as this child feel at home in a manner that provides sustenance, safety, and relational security because of his/her association with me and everything that the mention of my name brings to remembrance... is receiving me... is being hospitable, and friendly, and kind to me... More than this, whoever will receive me... whoever will welcome me... all of Who and What I am... and will, with true friendship, goodwill and kindness, make me a part of themselves... is also receiving the One Who has sent me. I say these things to teach you that whoever is least in stature... whoever amongst all of you is perceived to be the least in greatness..., because of your intimate association with me and the One Who has sent me, will be great... will be highly esteemed... will be perceived as great... By Whom? By the One Who has sent Me. So take your eyes off of yourselves because your perceptions of what makes greatness in someone are not the same as my Father's...

49) Then, Yochanan spoke up and answered what Yahushua had just said with this: Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name... with the authority of the agency of your name... as though he was one of us; and we stopped him from doing so... We did this with our own authority. The authority that we see ourselves as possessing because of our association with you. We did this because we did not recognize him as someone who accompanies us as we follow you. We didn't think he knew what you have been teaching us about yourself, the kingdom of Yahuah, the Father, and His Order; and we didn't think he had the authority to do what he was doing. So we stopped him. We thought we were greater than he is...

50) Yahushua said this to Yochanan: Do not forbid him... do not hinder him... do not prevent him from doing these things... Because he who is not against us... whoever is not our enemy... Whoever is not holding a position of opposition to Who and What we are and what we are doing... is for us... is holding to a position of support and fellowship together with us in whatever we do... Even though it may be true that whoever is taking this position might not be aware of everything that makes us Who and What we are...

51) Then, it came to pass, when the time came for Yahushua to be lifted up... raised up... on the stake... and away from the earth..., that He stedfastly set His face... He became resolutely, immovably determined... to go to Yerushalem.

52) To this end, Yahushua sent messengers before His face... He sent messengers on ahead... and they went; and they entered a Samaritan village to make the necessary preparations to get everything and everyone ready for His arrival as He passed through on His way to Yerushalem... They let everyone in the village know that Yahushua was passing through; and that He would be stopping there for a short amount of time. They did this in order to cause the villagers to prepare their minds and whatever else in expectation of His visit...

53) The people of the village did not welcome Yahushua in a friendly, hospitable manner because His intentions were to not stay there; but to go on, instead, to Yerushalem.

54) When His disciples, Yacob and Yochanan perceived that this was the case, they said: Master, do you intend that we command fire to come down from heaven and destroy these people and their village just as Eliyah did?

They were referring to what we now find in 2 Kings 1:1 - 2:1...

Then Moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab. 2 And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and said unto them: Go, enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron to see whether I shall recover of this disease. 3 But the angel of Yahuah said to Eliyah the Tishbite: Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say unto them: Is it not because there is no Elohim in Israel that you are to go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron? 4 Now, therefore, thus says Yahuah: You shall not come down from that bed on which you are laying in your sickness; but you shall surely die. And Eliyah departed. 5 And when the messengers turned back to Ahaziah, he said unto them: Why have you now turned back? 6 And they said unto him: There came a man up to meet us, and he said to us: Go, turn again toward the king that sent you, and say to him: Thus says Yahuah! Is it not because there is no Elohim in Israel that you send messengers to seek for answers from Baalzebub the god of Ekron? Therefore you shall not come down from that bed on which you are laying in your sickness; but instead, you shall surely die. 7 And Ahaziah said to them: What manner of man was he who came up to meet you; and speak these words to you? 8 And they answered him: He was a hairy man; and clothed with a girdle of leather around his loins. And Ahaziah said: It is Eliyah the Tishbite. 9 Then the king sent toward him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And the captain went up toward Eliyah: and saw where he sat on the top of an hill. And the captain spake to him: You! Man of Elohim! The king has said: Come down! 10 And Eliyah answered and said to the captain of fifty: If I am a man of Elohim, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume you and your fifty. And there came down fire from heaven; and it consumed him and his fifty. 11 Again, Ahaziah also sent toward Eliyah another captain of fifty with his fifty. And the captain answered the call of Ahaziah and said to Eliyah: Man of Elohim! The king has given you orders and has said: Come down quickly. 12 And Eliyah answered and said unto them: If I am a man of Elohim, then let fire come down from heaven; and consume you and your fifty. And the fire of Elohim came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty. 13 And Ahaziah, again, sent a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty went up toward where Eliyah was sitting at the top of a hill; and he came to where he was and fell on his knees before Eliyah, and begged him; and said unto him: Man of Elohim! I ask you! Let my life, and the life of these fifty, your servants, be precious in your sight. 14 I know that there came fire down from heaven, and that it burnt up the two captains of the former fifties that had been sent before me, together with their fifties! Therefore I am asking you to let my life now be precious in your sight. 15 And the messenger from the heavenly realm, that had been sent by Yahuah, said unto Eliyah: Go down with him. Do not fear him. And Eliyah arose and went down, with the captain and his men, to the king. 16 And Eliyah said unto Ahaziah: Thus says Yahuah: Forasmuch as you have sent messengers to seek for answers from Baalzebub, the god of Ekron, isn't it because there is no Elohim in Israel to seek for answers from His word? Because of this you shall not come down off from that bed on which you are laid up; but you will surely die. 17 So he, Ahaziah the king, died according to the word of Yahuah which Eliyah had spoken. And Yahoram reigned in his place in the second year of Yahoram, the son of Yehoshaphat, king of Yahudah; because he had no son. 18 Now the rest of the acts of Ahaziah which he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?

55) Instead of answering Yacob and Yochanan in a manner that was expected, Yahushua turned to them, spoke sharply to them; and rebuked them by saying this: Be Quiet! Don't talk that way! You do not know... You don't realize... You aren't able to recognize... the type of spirit you are being obedient to and speaking your words from... This spirit, which caused you to speak of destroying those who do not know Who and What I am or Who and What My Father is, is not in synch with what the Spirit that I listen to is saying to me... You don't realize that the spirit you are listening to is not the same Spirit that belongs to my Father's Order and Nature...

56) That this is true is obvious... because... you don't yet understand; and the spirit that has spoken to you has not revealed to you, that... the Son of man has not come to destroy men's lives; but to save them... 4982 sozo {sode'-zo} - to rescue them from destruction... instead... I am not here to prove I am a man of Elohim to the king of Israel, and those who serve him, in a place where there is no Elohim in Israel because of the king. For there is no king of Israel at this time; and My Father, the Elohim of all, is not known or comprehended by any. None are a part of His Order. This is the reason I am here. To rescue those, who are called, from the destruction that is to come. Which will happen when My Father destroys all that is not a part of His True Order... Having set that matter straight, Yahushua then led them down the road going to Yerushalem toward another village.

57) Then, this happened, as they were traveling along the road toward Yerushalem. While they were walking, a man made this declaration to Yahushua: Master! I will follow you, as my leader, to wherever you are going.

58) Yahushua gave him this answer: Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has no place to lay His head... The creatures that belong to this earthy order have homes on this earth. The Son of man has nowhere, on this earth, that he can call home... If you are following me, as your leader and Master Teacher; and you are learning to do as I am doing so that you will become as I am, then you must be aware of the conditions of living this life that you will be taking on as my companion... and you will learn why...

59) Yahushua said to someone else, while making this trek: Follow me... Accompany me... Join me... Be one of my disciples... be one of my students... and accompany me wherever I go as I teach you...; but that man said, in answer: Master, before I take on what you have called me to do,.. which is change the direction and purpose of my life; and because I know that this will take years to accomplish as my life changes slowly in response to your teachings,... first allow me to go and bury my father... Let me go to where my father is and wait for him to die so that I can honor him with a proper burial...

60) Yahushua said this to him: Let the dead bury their dead: but you go and declare the arrival of the kingdom of Yahuah... Let those who are dead... Let those who have no life in them because they are not a part of my Father's Nature and Order; and who are blind because they have no light of True Truth in them... bury their own dead... Honor their own dead with whatever form of burial they deem is proper. Your father is one of these... But you, because you have been called to hear and understand the True Truth of Who and What my Father is, and of Who and What I am, are called to live; and you are to go out and declare the Reality of the kingdom and dominion of Yahuah on this earth where there has been no light and life for so long... So that the dead can have life!...

Carefully listen and make your choice!...

61) There was also another man whom Yahushua had spoken to and called on to accompany Him as a disciple and companion; and he said this: Master, I will... I intend to... I want to... follow you as my leader and Master Teacher; but first, allow me to go home to my household and say farewell... 657 apotassamai {ap-ot-as'-som-ahee} - set things in order to prepare for separation... Allow me to go home set things in proper order so that my household will be provided for in my absence...

62) Yahushua answered him by saying this: No man, after having put his hand to the plow, looking back, is fit for the kingdom of Yahuah... No one, after having grabbed hold of the tools... after having taken the steps of action necessary for obtaining the instructions, the thought processes, the ideas... the ways of thinking, feeling, and taking action... that he needs in order to do the work he intends to do, who turns his thoughts and intentions back toward whatever he was doing and whoever he was before taking this task on,... no one who does that is well placed and useful for the task of ruling in the dominion and kingdom of Yahuah...

Note: If you are called by the Spirit of Yahuah to become a part of His Order and Nature through the salvation that Yahuah has provided in Yahushua, do not be double minded! No matter how good the intentions may be! For the end result, if the process is not stopped by you, is a released trap spring shutting the trap door to the snare of no light and no life... Trapping you inside forever! Being a part of those who are able to rule... Truly Live!... within the domain of Yah's Kingdom is not a viable possibility for the double minded and faithless who waver between two faiths... two different convictions of what Truth Really IS... and two different forms of wisdom... Only one of which is True!... Selah!

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